1,611 research outputs found

    Ergonomic Standards for Disabled People in Pedestrian Areas : Results from Leeds Observation Work 1988/89

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    This working paper is one of a series (WP 252, 253, 254, 255, 274, 275), describing work undertaken under contract to TRRL investigating design guidance for pedestrian areas and footways to satisfy the needs of disabled and elderly people. This working paper reports on fieldwork conducted with disabled people in Leeds to investigate movement distances; assessments of surface conditions including gaps, undulation, gradients, camber and friction; and assessments of bus shelter seating

    Ergonomic standards for pedestrian areas for disabled people: literature review and consultations

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    As part of the project for the Transport and Road Research Laboratory concerned with the development of design guidance for pedestrian areas and footways to satisfy the needs of disabled and elderly people, a thorough examination of the literature was required. In addition the literature search was to be complemented by a wide-ranging series of discussions with local authorities, organisations representing the interests of elderly and disabled people, and other interested agencies. This Working Paper sets out the findings of this exercise. The objective of the literature review and the consultations was to identify the key impediments for elderly and disabled people when using pedestrian areas and footways. The current guidelines and standards relating to footways, pedestrianised areas and access to buildings were to be identified and their adequacy commented upon, as were the conflicts such recommendations raise between various groups of disabled people and with able-bodied people. The consultations were intended to provide greater insights into what the literature highlighted, and to suggest possible solutions. The literature review produced over 400 key references and a list of 35 impediments. A more detailed examination of the literature and the consultations reduced this list to six key impediments namely: parking; public transport waiting areas; movement distances; surface conditions; ramps, and information provision. The type and scale of problem created by the above impediments for various groups of disabled and elderly people are discussed, together with their measurement and assessment. The type and adequacy of existing design standards and guidance relating to these impediments are also outlined

    Ergonomic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People: Methodology and Sample Identification

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    This project is a TRRL research contract, the aim of which is to produce guidance on the design of pedestrian areas and footways for elderly and disabled people. The first part of the project was a literature review and consultation exercise, the objective of which was to identify key impediments for investigation. The second part of the project involved the detailed survey work on the key impediments. This Working Paper reports upon the development of the second part of the project and, in particular, upon the identification of the sample of disabled people to be used in the detailed interview and observation work. The sample identification involved contacting some 3000 disabled people listed in official disability registers, and 250 ablebodied people via on-street interviews. From the disabled sample approximately 500 people were interviewed in order to find out more about their disability and to assess the usefulness of a preliminary disability categorisation system; their activity rate; problems they experience in using pedestrian areas and footways; and their willingness to take part in further stages of the study. From the interviews, a sample of people in each of the revised categories, together with samples of the elderly and the ablebodied, were selected for an observation phase in which those involved were observed completing a movement distance exercise, and using different types of pedestrian facility, in central Leeds

    Ergonomic Standards for Disabled People in Pedestrian Areas : Results from Leeds Observation Work 1988/89

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    This working paper is one of a series (WP 252, 253, 254, 255, 274, 275), describing work undertaken under contract to TRRL investigating design guidance for pedestrian areas and footways to satisfy the needs of disabled and elderly people. This working paper reports on fieldwork conducted with disabled people in Leeds to investigate movement distances; assessments of surface conditions including gaps, undulation, gradients, camber and friction; and assessments of bus shelter seating

    Identifying Traffic Problems in a Heavily Trafficked Urban Environment– Reference to Sowerby Bridge

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    1.1 BACKGROUND This study was commissioned by the Civic Trust to identify new approaches to traffic management solutions for Sowerby Bridge. The objective of the overall study was to identify low cost, innovative solutions to problems created by high volumes of traffic using the A58. This road is the main shopping street in Sowerby Bridge. In our brief it was stressed that any new road construction such as a by-pass was not a feasible or acceptable solution due to the severe vertical gradients surrounding Sowerby Bridge. Further, the town is on the brink of a major programme of regeneration. A nationally important canoe slalom has been created; the riverside mill area fronting onto the River Calder is being developed for commercial and leisure use and there is a proposal to reopen the Rochdale Canal. In view of this it is essential to ensure that traffic on the A58 is managed so as to minimise its effect on the environment and trade, without adversely affecting local access. In writing our report we have separated the problem and solution identification stages. The solution identification stage is reported in a companion report (Hopkinson et all 1988b). A further stage of our study which involves presenting our final solutions back to the users of Sowerby Bridge for comment is to be reported in a forthcoming report, WP 265 (Hopkinson et al, 1988c). 1.2 INTRODUCTION This Working Paper describes the methods used and findings from the first stage of our study carried out during October and November 1987 to identify the problems experienced by the users of Sowerby Bridge. Here it is intended to draw conclusions about the approach adopted to elicit people's impressions about problems, the way in which this information was interpreted and the applicability of the method to other situations

    New Approaches to Traffic Management Solution – With Reference to Sowerby Bridge

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    BACKGROUND This study was commissioned by the Civic Trust to identify new approaches to traffic management solutions for Sowerby Bridge. The objective of the overall study was to identify low cost, innovative solutions to problems created by high volumes of traffic using the A58. This road is the main shopping street in Sowerby Bridge. In our brief it was stressed that any new road construction, such as a by-pass, was not a feasible or acceptable solution due to the severe vertical gradients surrounding Sowerby Bridge. The town is on the brink of a major programme of regeneration. A nationally important canoe slalom course has been created, the riverside mill area fronting onto the River Calder is being developed for commercial and leisure use, and there is a proposal to reopen the Rochdale Canal. In view of this it is essential to ensure that traffic on the A58 is managed so as to minimise its effect on the environment and trade, without adversely affecting local access. In writing our report we have separated the problem and solution identification stages. The solution identification stage is reported in Working Paper 263 (Hopkinson et al 1988b). The final stage of our study, which involves presenting our final solutions back to the users of Sowerby Bridge for comment, is to be reported in a forthcoming report, WP 265 (Hopkinson et al, 1988c)

    Economic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People: Results from Observation Work

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    1.1.1 The Institute for Transport Studies was invited by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory to submit a research proposal, with costs, aimed at establishing suitable "Ergonomic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People". The project commenced on 1st July, 1986 and was split into two parts, with part one involving four months' work over the period to 31st December, 1986 and part two finishing on 30th April, 1988. 1.1.2 The -objectives of the study laid down in the design brief by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory were: a) To produce a guide to good practice for the design and maintenance of footways and pedestrianised areas; b) To provide, where possible, recommended standards for design and maintenance. The good practice guide and the recommended standards were to be primarily aimed at disabled people and the elderly, but the requirements of the able-bodied were also to be considered, as were conflicts between the needs of different groups of user. The economic implications of implementation and maintenance were also to be detailed. (Continues..

    Ergonomic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People: Results from Observation Work

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    1.1.1 The Institute for Transport Studies was invited by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory to submit a research proposal, with costs, aimed at establishing suitable "Ergonomic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People". The project commenced on 1st July, 1986 and was split into two parts, with part one involving four months' work over the period to 31st December, 1986 and part two finishing on 30th April, 1988. 1.1.2 The -objectives of the study laid down in the design brief by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory were: a) To produce a guide to good practice for the design and maintenance of footways and pedestrianised areas; b) To provide, where possible, recommended standards for design and maintenance. The good practice guide and the recommended standards were to be primarily aimed at disabled people and the elderly, but the requirements of the able-bodied were also to be considered, as were conflicts between the needs of different groups of user. The economic implications of implementation and maintenance were also to be detailed. (Continues..

    Economic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People: Results of the Initial and Main Interview

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    1.1.1 The Institute for Transport Studies was invited by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory to submit a research proposal, with costs, aimed at establishing suitable llErgonomic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People". The project commenced on 1st July, 1986 and was split into two parts, with part one involving four monthso work over the period to 31st December, 1986 and part two finishing on 30th April, 1988. 1.1.2 The main objectives of the Study laid down in the design brief by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory were: a) To produce a guide to good practice for the design and maintenance of footways and pedestrianised areas; b) To provide, where possible, recommended standards for design and maintenance. The good practice guide and the recommended standards were to be primarily aimed at disabled people and the elderly, but the requirements of the able-bodied were also to be considered, as were conflicts between the needs of different groups of user. The economic implications of implementation and maintenance were also to be detailed

    Case-Based Capture and Reuse of Aerospace Design Rationale

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    The goal of this project is to apply artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate capture and reuse of aerospace design rationale. The project applies case-based reasoning (CBR) and concept mapping (CMAP) tools to the task of capturing, organizing, and interactively accessing experiences or "cases" encapsulating the methods and rationale underlying expert aerospace design. As stipulated in the award, Indiana University and Ames personnel are collaborating on performance of research and determining the direction of research, to assure that the project focuses on high-value tasks. In the first five months of the project, we have made two visits to Ames Research Center to consult with our NASA collaborators, to learn about the advanced aerospace design tools being developed there, and to identify specific needs for intelligent design support. These meetings identified a number of task areas for applying CBR and concept mapping technology. We jointly selected a first task area to focus on: Acquiring the convergence criteria that experts use to guide the selection of useful data from a set of numerical simulations of high-lift systems. During the first funding period, we developed two software systems. First, we have adapted a CBR system developed at Indiana University into a prototype case-based reasoning shell to capture and retrieve information about design experiences, with the sample task of capturing and reusing experts' intuitive criteria for determining convergence (work conducted at Indiana University). Second, we have also adapted and refined existing concept mapping tools that will be used to clarify and capture the rationale underlying those experiences, to facilitate understanding of the expert's reasoning and guide future reuse of captured information (work conducted at the University of West Florida). The tools we have developed are designed to be the basis for a general framework for facilitating tasks within systems developed by the Advanced Design Technologies Testbed (ADTT) project at ARC. The tenets of our framework are (1) that the systems developed should leverage a designer's knowledge, rather than attempting to replace it; (2) that learning and user feedback must play a central role, so that the system can adapt to how it is used, and (3) that the learning and feedback processes must be as natural and as unobtrusive as possible. In the second funding period we will extend our current work, applying the tools to capturing higher-level design rationale
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