4,578 research outputs found

    ‘We kind of try to merge our own experience with the objectivity of the criteria’: The role of connoisseurship and tacit practice in undergraduate fine art assessment

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    This article explores connoisseurship in the context of fine art undergraduate assessment practice. I interviewed twelve fine art lecturers in order to explore and unpack the concept of connoisseurship in relation to subjectivity, objectivity and tacit practice. Building on the work of Bourdieu (1973, 1977, 1986) and Shay (2003, 2005), both of whom problematize the view that subjectivity and objectivity are binary opposites, my research illustrates the ways that connoisseurship is underpinned by informed professional judgements located in communities of practice. Within this particular conception of connoisseurship, the lecturers’ expertise is co-constituted in communities of assessors through participation and engagement. Standards reside in communities of practice

    Direct Measurement of a 27-Dimensional Orbital-Angular-Momentum State Vector

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    The measurement of a quantum state poses a unique challenge for experimentalists. Recently, the technique of "direct measurement" was proposed for characterizing a quantum state in-situ through sequential weak and strong measurements. While this method has been used for measuring polarization states, its real potential lies in the measurement of states with a large dimensionality. Here we show the practical direct measurement of a high-dimensional state vector in the discrete basis of orbital-angular momentum. Through weak measurements of orbital-angular momentum and strong measurements of angular position, we measure the complex probability amplitudes of a pure state with a dimensionality, d=27. Further, we use our method to directly observe the relationship between rotations of a state vector and the relative phase between its orbital-angular-momentum components. Our technique has important applications in high-dimensional classical and quantum information systems, and can be extended to characterize other types of large quantum states.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Investigating Biological Matter with Theoretical Nuclear Physics Methods

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    The internal dynamics of strongly interacting systems and that of biomolecules such as proteins display several important analogies, despite the huge difference in their characteristic energy and length scales. For example, in all such systems, collective excitations, cooperative transitions and phase transitions emerge as the result of the interplay of strong correlations with quantum or thermal fluctuations. In view of such an observation, some theoretical methods initially developed in the context of theoretical nuclear physics have been adapted to investigate the dynamics of biomolecules. In this talk, we review some of our recent studies performed along this direction. In particular, we discuss how the path integral formulation of the molecular dynamics allows to overcome some of the long-standing problems and limitations which emerge when simulating the protein folding dynamics at the atomistic level of detail.Comment: Prepared for the proceedings of the "XII Meeting on the Problems of Theoretical Nuclear Physics" (Cortona11

    Lie symmetries for two-dimensional charged particle motion

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    We find the Lie point symmetries for non-relativistic two-dimensional charged particle motion. These symmetries comprise a quasi-invariance transformation, a time-dependent rotation, a time-dependent spatial translation and a dilation. The associated electromagnetic fields satisfy a system of first-order linear partial differential equations. This system is solved exactly, yielding four classes of electromagnetic fields compatible with Lie point symmetries

    Book Reviews

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    Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence on Optical Communications using Orbital Angular Momentum for Encoding

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    We describe an experimental implementation of a free-space 11-dimensional communication system using orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes. This system has a maximum measured OAM channel capacity of 2.12 bits/photon. The effects of Kolmogorov thin-phase turbulence on the OAM channel capacity are quantified. We find that increasing the turbulence leads to a degradation of the channel capacity. We are able to mitigate the effects of turbulence by increasing the spacing between detected OAM modes. This study has implications for high-dimensional quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. We describe the sort of QKD system that could be built using our current technology.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Fourier transforming a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate by waiting a quarter of the trap period: simulation and applications

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    We investigate the property of isotropic harmonic traps to Fourier transform a weakly interacting Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) every quarter of a trap period. We solve the Gross–Pitaevskii equation numerically to investigate the time evolution of interacting BECs in the context of the Fourier transform, and we suggest potential applications

    Three-dimensional resonating metamaterials for low-frequency vibration attenuation

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    Recent advances in additive manufacturing have enabled fabrication of phononic crystals and metamaterials which exhibit spectral gaps, or stopbands, in which the propagation of elastic waves is prohibited by Bragg scattering or local resonance effects. Due to the high level of design freedom available to additive manufacturing, the propagation properties of the elastic waves in metamaterials are tunable through design of the periodic cell. In this paper, we outline a new design approach for metamaterials incorporating internal resonators, and provide numerical and experimental evidence that the stopband exists over the irreducible Brillouin zone of the unit cell of the metamaterial (i.e. is a three-dimensional stopband). The targeted stopband covers a much lower frequency range than what can be realised through Bragg scattering alone. Metamaterials have the ability to provide (a) lower frequency stopbands than Bragg-type phononic crystals within the same design volume, and/or (b) comparable stopband frequencies with reduced unit cell dimensions. We also demonstrate that the stopband frequency range of the metamaterial can be tuned through modification of the metamaterial design. Applications for such metamaterials include aerospace and transport components, as well as precision engineering components such as vibration-suppressing platforms, supports for rotary components, machine tool mounts and metrology frames

    Unitary relations in time-dependent harmonic oscillators

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    For a harmonic oscillator with time-dependent (positive) mass and frequency, an unitary operator is shown to transform the quantum states of the system to those of a harmonic oscillator system of unit mass and time-dependent frequency, as well as operators. For a driven harmonic oscillator, it is also shown that, there are unitary transformations which give the driven system from the system of same mass and frequency without driving force. The transformation for a driven oscillator depends on the solution of classical equation of motion of the driven system. These transformations, thus, give a simple way of finding exact wave functions of a driven harmonic oscillator system, provided the quantum states of the corresponding system of unit mass are given.Comment: Submitted to J. Phys.

    Symmetry, singularities and integrability in complex dynamics III: approximate symmetries and invariants

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    The different natures of approximate symmetries and their corresponding first integrals/invariants are delineated in the contexts of both Lie symmetries of ordinary differential equations and Noether symmetries of the Action Integral. Particular note is taken of the effect of taking higher orders of the perturbation parameter. Approximate symmetries of approximate first integrals/invariants and the problems of calculating them using the Lie method are considered
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