3 research outputs found

    Exploratory behaviour of captive Balkan Snow Vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi Martino, 1922) in novel environment

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    Dinarski voluhar je glodavac iz potporodice Arvicolinae, osjetljiva vrsta prema kriterijima IUCN-ovog Crvenog popisa. Tercijarni je relikt i endem Balkana, specifičan za krÅ”ko područje Dinarida. StaniÅ”te dinarskog voluhara je kompleksno i različite strukture, od otvorenih livada i kamenih zaravni, do rascjepkanih kamenih grebena i dubokih Å”krapa pod Å”umskom vegetacijom. Kompleksnost staniÅ”ta ima značajan utjecaj na koriÅ”tenje tog staniÅ”ta, migraciju i osvajanje novog teritorija, a mogla bi utjecati i na povezanost malih, fragmentiranih populacija dinarskog voluhara. Na 16 jedinki dinarskog voluhara u zatočeniÅ”tvu provedena su dva oblika istraživanja, za proučavanje njihova ponaÅ”anja u novom prostoru različite kompleksnosti, te u prostoru prividno zauzetom različitim olfaktornim signalima. Sva istraživanja snimana su u istom, prethodno određenom razdoblju dana, u trajanju od jednog sata. Računalnim programom za kodiranje ponaÅ”anja analizirano je 25 ponaÅ”anja, a statistički je ispitan utjecaj prezentiranog postava, spola i sezone. Dinarski voluhar viÅ”e istražuje kompleksniji prostor, ranije pristupa novom prostoru obilježenom olfaktornim signalom, ali ne pokazuje velike razlike u ponaÅ”anju ovisno o tipu prezentiranog signala. PonaÅ”anje se razlikuje ovisno o sezoni, a manje ovisno o spolu. Rezultati ovog rada mogli bi doprinijeti procjeni mobilnosti dinarskog voluhara u prirodnom staniÅ”tu, procjeni ugroženosti izoliranih populacija te izradi plana monitoringa i zaÅ”tite ove vrste.Balkan Snow Vole is a subfamily Arvicoline rodent, vulnerable species according to the IUCN Red List criteria. It is a tertiary relict and Balkan endemic, specific to karst areas of Dinaric Alps. Habitat of Balkan Snow Vole is complex and differently structured, varying from open meadows and rocky plains, to fragmented ridges and deep fissures under forest vegetation. Habitat complexity can significantly affect habitat use, migration and new territory invasion, and could also affect the connectivity of small, fragmented populations of Balkan Snow Vole. Sixteen specimens of captive Balkan Snow Voles were studied through two types of setups, to research behaviour in a new environment of varying complexity, and in a seemingly occupied environment with different olfactory marks. All trials were recorded at the same, previously determined time of day, during one hour. Twenty-five behaviours were analyzed using a computer program designed for animal behaviour coding, and the results were statisticaly analyzed to study the effect of presented setup, sex and season. Balkan Snow Vole explores the more complex environment longer, enters the scent-marked environment earlier, but shows no great differences in behaviour depending on the type of presented scent. Behaviour varies more depending on season than sex. Results could be used to assess the mobility of Balkan Snow Vole in natural habitat, to estimate the endangerment of its isolated populations, and to create a monitoring and protection plan for the species

    Overlapping Neuroimmune Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets in Neurodegenerative Disorders

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    Many potential immune therapeutic targets are similarly affected in adult-onset neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimerā€™s (AD) disease, Parkinsonā€™s disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), as well as in a seemingly distinct Niemannā€“Pick type C disease with primarily juvenile onset. This strongly argues for an overlap in pathogenic mechanisms. The commonly researched immune targets include various immune cell subsets, such as microglia, peripheral macrophages, and regulatory T cells (Tregs); the complement system; and other soluble factors. In this review, we compare these neurodegenerative diseases from a clinical point of view and highlight common pathways and mechanisms of protein aggregation, neurodegeneration, and/or neuroinflammation that could potentially lead to shared treatment strategies for overlapping immune dysfunctions in these diseases. These approaches include but are not limited to immunisation, complement cascade blockade, microbiome regulation, inhibition of signal transduction, Treg boosting, and stem cell transplantation