1,225 research outputs found

    Analysis of DTK 5 data development and a proposal of the database modernization

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    The DTK 5 (Digital topographic map 1 : 5000) data present important topographic\ud information about the Earth’s surface, which meet the accuracy and detail criterion for the\ud 1 : 5000 scale. The DTK 5 data are assured by The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the\ud Republic of Slovenia within the project »Acquisition of DTK 5 data« and maintained in the\ud DTK 5 database. The presented work describes the development of topographic data and\ud projects at the analog to digital transformation period. The key advantages of derived DTK 5\ud data structure are compared to analog version. The detailed description of contents and\ud structure of digital DTK 5 data is overviewed as well as the analysis of the existent data. The\ud acquisiton is described according to its development. The last part of my diploma thesis\ud presents my conceptual proposals for renovation of database structure that would improve\ud data management, ensure qualitative, up-to-date and accessible information. This kind of\ud approach is important since we live in the information era


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    The aim of this article is to highlight the situation of the migrant children from former Yugoslavia in primary school in Slovenia.Contemporary school presents teachers with new and relatively high demands which should contribute towards democratisation of relationships and social justice in school. From the aspect of learning outcomes, teachers are required to offer differentiated and individualised lessons which should enable students to acquire as high levels of knowledge as possible.From the developmental aspect, they are required to include all students who should with maximum assistance achieve at least minimal levels of knowledge. Thus, the teacher is expected to be willing to build a class community of individuals who show solidarity and responsibility towards each other, who are able to show respect for and acceptance of difference, and are thus developing their skill to constructively participate in a society of different human beings.We asked ourselves to what extent teachers felt responsible for the migrant children school results and their social inclusion in the class. In regards to the first question, we asked a representative sample of primary school teachers whether factors such as the child’s traits, the situation in the class and the situation at home affect the migrant child’s level of school achievement, and if so, to what extent. In regards to the second question, we tried to establish the role of the child’s parents, the child himself, the other children and their parents, and the teacher in the migrant child’s social inclusion in the class.Results of our study show that Slovenian teachers feel considerably less responsible for achievements of migrant children than for the achievements of other children, and, furthermore, do not feel responsible for migrant children’s successful inclusion in the class. The question therefore is where this feeling of irresponsibility towards migrant children felt by teachers comes from.For this reason, it is necessary to pay utmost attention to making teachers aware of their key role in implementing moral and educational goals of education as well as teaching them to be more sensitive to the real problems of migrant children and to be better prepared for intercultural education.Namen pričujočega članka je osvetliti položaj otrok priseljencev iz bivše Jugoslavije v slovenski osnovni šoli.Sodobna šola pred učitelje postavlja nove in relativno visoke zahteve, ki naj bi prispevale k demokratizaciji odnosov in pravičnosti šole. Z vidika doseganja kvalitetnih izobraževalnih učinkov se pred učitelje postavlja zahteva po učni diferenciaciji in individualizaciji, ki naj bi učencem omogočala doseganje čim višjih nivojev znanj. Z vzgojnega vidika pa je pred učitelje postavljena zahteva po inkluziji vseh učencev, ki zmorejo ob maksimalni pomoči dosegati vsaj minimalne standarde znanja. Ta med drugim predpostavlja učiteljevo pripravljenost oblikovanja razredne skupnosti med seboj solidarnih in odgovornih posameznikov, ki zmorejo spoštovati in sprejemati različnost in na ta način razvijati zmožnost konstruktivnega sodelovanja v družbi različnih.Zastavili smo si vprašanji, koliko se slovenski osnovnošolski učitelji čutijo odgovorni za učni uspeh in socialno vključenost otrok priseljencev. V zvezi s prvim vprašanjem smo reprezentativni vzorec osnovnošolskih učiteljev povprašali, ali dejavniki, vezani na značilnosti učenca, dogajanje v razredu in razmere doma, vplivajo na učno uspešnost učenca priseljencev in če da, v kolikšni meri. V zvezi z drugim vprašanjem pa smo preverjali, kakšno vlogo igrajo pri socialni vključitvi priseljenskega učenca v razred njegovi starši, otrok sam, starši ostalih otrok, ostali otroci in učitelj.Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se slovenski učitelji čutijo manj odgovorni za učni uspeh priseljenskega učenca kot za uspeh ostalih učencev, kot tudi, da se ne čutijo odgovorni za uspešno socialno inkluzijo otroka priseljencev v razred. Vprašanje torej je, čemu lahko pripišemo v raziskavi prepoznani občutek neodgovornosti učiteljev za otroke priseljencev?Ugotavljamo, da bi bilo potrebno največjo pozornost namenjati tako ozaveščanju učiteljev o njihovi ključni vlogi pri doseganju vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev šolanja kot tudi senzibilizaciji učiteljev za realne težave učencev priseljencev in še zlasti ozaveščanju učiteljeve lastne pripravljenosti za interkulturno izobraževanje

    Tribute: Professor William Edward Wallace

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    Divisibility of Covenants in Oil and Gas Leases

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    Leases and Federal Taxation

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    Sport physical education and fitness in Yugoslavia

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    Service life prediction of wood treated with wax emulsions and copper amine based solutions exposed in third use class

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    V raziskavi smo preučevali življenjsko dobo lesa, izpostavljenega na prostem, v tretjem razredu izpostavitve, z dvoslojnim testom. V prvem delu raziskave smo naravnim razmeram izpostavili vzorce smrekovine, impregnirane z vodnimi emulzijami montana in polietilenskih voskov v kombinaciji z borovimi spojinami. V drugem delu testa pa smo testirali vzorce, zaščitene z baker-etanolaminskim pripravkom na vodni osnovi (Silvanolin) in posameznimi sestavinami tega pripravka. Za primerjavo smo izpostavili tudi nezaščitene vzorce smrekovine, macesnovine, bukovine in hrastovine. Skozi celotno obdobje izpostavitve smo spremljali klimatske podatke pod vzorci in na vremenski postaji. Rezultati kažejo, da impregnacija z emulzijami voskov in pripravki na osnovi bakra podaljšuje življenjsko dobo lesa, a je zaščita s pripravki na osnovi bakrovih spojin boljša. Odpornost lesa, zaščitenega z emulzijami voskov in baker etanolaminskimi pripravki, je odvisna od koncentracije emulzije/ raztopine in kakovosti lesa. Na podlagi spremljanja vlažnosti in temperature lesa smo ugotovili, da se v lesu ustvarjajo ustreznejše vlažnostne razmere za razvoj gliv, kot bi sklepali iz meritev temperature in vlažnosti zraka.In our research, service life of wood exposed outdoor in the third use class, determined with double layer test, was investigated. In the first part of the investigation, Norway spruce wood specimens were impregnated with montan and polyethylene water based wax emulsion in combination with boron compounds. In the second part of the research, Norway spruce wood samples were impregnated with a copper-ethanolamine (Silvanolin) water based solution and aqueous solutions of individual components. For comparison, untreated Norway spruce, larch, beech and oak wood specimens were exposed as well. During exposition time, climate data under specimens and at weather station were recorded. The results showed that impregnation with wax emulsions and copper based solutions prolongs service life of wood, but protection with copper-ethanolamine solutions is considerably better. Resistance of wood, preserved with wax emulsions and copper-ethanolamine solutions, was influencedby concentration of emulsions/solutions and wood quality. The parallel measurements of wood moisture content and wood temperature clearly showed that there were more suitable conditions in wood for development and growth of fungi than indicated by air temperature and relative air humidity measurements

    The Use of Life Insurance in Estate Planning

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    The principal role of life insurance, the type of insurance with which estate planning is primarily concerned, is to provide liquid funds to pay the costs of dying. These include, in addition to debts, administration and funeral expenses, expenses of the last illness, taxes, and the care of dependents. When one reflects that insurance is an asset which is as liquid as cash and yet is an earning asset, that it is worth more at death when needed and that the increase in value above the amount of premiums paid is not subject to the income tax, its importance in meeting these expenses is apparent. In determining how best to utilize the assets of an estate, then, careful consideration must be given to the disposition of insurance. But beyond the problem with respect to the use of existing assets, one needs to be aware of the various specific uses to which insurance may be put. There is evidence that not enough estate owners and their advisers have been aware of the possibilities. These perhaps can best be presented by considering small estates first, and then larger estates. Before so discussing the subject, however, it seems advisable to describe briefly the kinds of insurance and the types of settlement options available under the policies

    Class Suits and the Federal Rules

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