1,689 research outputs found

    Sunnah dalam Perspektif Orientalis

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    The purpose of this article is to know movements and thoughts of Orientalist towards Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Orientalisme is a term for movements in which its focus is to do research and study about language, social, religion, culture, civilization, etc, of the East (oriental). According to some writer, at least there are three purposes of orientalisme in Islamic world. First is for spreading of Christianity. Second is for colonialisme. Third is for sciences (knowledge) only. Beside that purpose, no doubt that orientalist's studies also have many beneficial and contribution to knowledge in contemporary world. Sunnah as a second sourse of Islamic Law is not quiet from orientalist's studies. Their studies (in some case) is to put Islam in doubt and always try in search of weakness of Sunnah. They talk and critic personal of hadits's transmitter (rawi hadits) with dislike and tendentious in order to make sanction towards Sunnah Nabawiyyah. In this article, writer want to describe views of orientalist and some of Islamic thinkers towards hadits's figures like Abu Hurairah and Imam Az-Zuhri, also give some critic to their thoughts. In reality, the effort for destroying of sunnah's holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) starts from their figures. In spite of that, this article is not comprehensive cover of all their thought and movements

    Analisis Muatan Kekerasan pada Film Animasi “Oscar Oasis” Berdasarkan Prinsip Exaggeration

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    Many children like watching animation and gain knowledge from it. However, many animations contain violence in their scenes. Therefore, parents need to be aware that the scenes potentially give negative impact on children attitude and behaviour. This research focuses on the analysis of positive and negative side of “Oscar Oasis” animation movie based on exaggeration principle. Quantitative content analysis is employed as the method.  The result shows several types of violence in the movie such as beating, persecution, raiding, slaughtering, rough / sharp throwing, kicking, and fights. The duration of the violence is also counted

    Kenaikan harga makanan: Mengapa dan apa seterusnya

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    SERDANG, 25 Feb (UPM) - Turun naik harga makanan adalah norma pasaran. Rata-rata hakikat ini diterima oleh rakyat jelata. Malahan pasaran perlukan harga turun dan naik untuk membolehkan masalah lebihan atau kurangan produk di atasi. Iaitu bila berlaku lambakan, hanya melalui harga yang rendah, stok yang berlebih boleh dijual, dan sebaliknya. Ini adalah fungsi asas harga

    Hadis-hadis Ekologi Dalam Konteks Perindustrian Di Indonesia

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    As the religion of rahmatan lil ‘alamin, Islam does not only concern with how mankinds worship to Allah (ibadah), and establish relationship among mankinds (muamalah) but also protect and preserve ecological systems around them as main purposes of Islamic laws (maqashid al-syari\u27ah). As the best role model (uswah al-hasanah), Prophet Muhammad pbuh has shown especially how to deal with ecology in relation to industrial activities. As a predominantly Moslem country, hadeeth as a religious text is expected to a great influence on the way of life including industrial world in order to realize public welfare and prosperity by industrial practitioners in Indonesia in general. However, religious passion has not had a positive impact in industrial world. Welfare as the main goal can only be enjoyed by a small group of people. Dealing with the phenomena, this article, therefore, aims at discussing hadeeths in relation to ecology and presenting analysis the implementation of the hadeeths in industrial practices in Indonesi


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    Kemelut pengurusan harta keluarga yang melibatkan harta pusaka semakin merumitkan saban hari sehingga memberi kesan kepada kebajikan waris. Pensyariatan hukum faraid yang meletakkan matlamat akhir iaitu memberi hak kepada yang berhak seharusnya dilihat secara menyeluruh dalam menyelesaikan kemelut ini. Kaedah al-radd (pulangan semula) merupakan sebahagian hukum faraid yang menumpukan kepada strategi untuk menghabiskan lebihan pusaka dengan menyerahkan semula kepada waris si mati yang ada terutama waris ashāb al-furūd. Justeru itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan al-radd sebagai satu kaedah agihan dalam hukum faraid. Tumpuan akan diberikan kepada pandangan ilmuan faraid berkaitan kaedah ini dan bentuk pengiraannya untuk menjaga kebajikan waris. Selain daripada itu, perbincangan akan menghuraikan sejauhmana penerimaan kaedah ini untuk diterima pakai di Malaysia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulisan ini adalah berbentuk kualitatif iaitu berdasarkan pengumpulan data yang memfokuskan metode kepustakaan. Analisis data memfokuskan nas-nas syarak dan huraian ilmuan fiqh berkaitan kaedah al-radd. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat perselisihan pandangan mazhab fiqh dalam agihan faraid menggunakan kaedah al-radd. Keterikatan untuk menjadikan mazhab Syafie sebagai rujukan utama di Malaysia merupakan sebahagian kekangan untuk melaksanakan kaedah ini dan seterusnya menyebabkan kebajikan waris ashāb al-furūd tidak dapat dicapai.Kemelut pengurusan harta keluarga yang melibatkan harta pusaka semakin merumitkan saban hari sehingga memberi kesan kepada kebajikan waris. Pensyariatan hukum faraid yang meletakkan matlamat akhir iaitu memberi hak kepada yang berhak seharusnya dilihat secara menyeluruh dalam menyelesaikan kemelut ini. Kaedah al-radd (pulangan semula) merupakan sebahagian hukum faraid yang menumpukan kepada strategi untuk menghabiskan lebihan pusaka dengan menyerahkan semula kepada waris si mati yang ada terutama waris ashāb al-furūd. Justeru itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan al-radd sebagai satu kaedah agihan dalam hukum faraid. Tumpuan akan diberikan kepada pandangan ilmuan faraid berkaitan kaedah ini dan bentuk pengiraannya untuk menjaga kebajikan waris. Selain daripada itu, perbincangan akan menghuraikan sejauhmana penerimaan kaedah ini untuk diterima pakai di Malaysia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulisan ini adalah berbentuk kualitatif iaitu berdasarkan pengumpulan data yang memfokuskan metode kepustakaan. Analisis data memfokuskan nas-nas syarak dan huraian ilmuan fiqh berkaitan kaedah al-radd. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat perselisihan pandangan mazhab fiqh dalam agihan faraid menggunakan kaedah al-radd. Keterikatan untuk menjadikan mazhab Syafie sebagai rujukan utama di Malaysia merupakan sebahagian kekangan untuk melaksanakan kaedah ini dan seterusnya menyebabkan kebajikan waris ashāb al-furūd tidak dapat dicapai. &nbsp

    Cadangan model teoritikal bagi menilai kecekapan pelaburan dalam pembangunan Tanah Rizab Melayu

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    The Malay Reserve (land) accounts for 33.55% of productive land in Malaysia. Unfortunately, several studies have shown that the owners of such a massive source of productive resource are not able to develop its full economic potential. The solution to this inefficient utilisation of resource requires a theory capable of explaining the source of the problem. Even though several ideas have been put forward to explain this phenomenon, few if any, are based on rigorous economic theory. This paper proposes a simple (but rigorous) theory to explain why economically rational owners of the Malay Reserve land make suboptimal investment for the development of their land. In doing so, the theory explains the underdevelopment of the Malay Reserve land. It was found that transaction cost and opportunism arising from multiple ownership and small numbers bargaining are the major factors contributing to underdevelopment of Malay Reserve land

    Faktor Pesaing Di Dalam Penilaian Permintaan Rekreasi Luar

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    The reduction in the number of visits to a particular recreational site is influenced by the cost of travel and other socio-economic factors. For those who stay further from the particular site, the availability of alternative recreational sites along the journey will also have impacts on the visit rates. Without including the effect of the substitute sites the estimates of demand will be biased; the bias is related to misspecified errors. A demand function that does not take into account the effect of substitute sites will result in biased estimation of the benefits of outdoor recreation because the coefficient of demand will be inconsistent. A Clawson demand function is modified to include the effect of competition in the evaluation of benefits for outdoor recreation in Langkaw

    Trade Liberalization Impact on the Indonesian Palm Oil Industry

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    The palm oil industry has been an important sector in the Indonesian economy for the past three decades. The important role of this industry to the Indonesian economy is not only due to the fact that Indonesia today depends substantially on oil palm for its foreign exchange earnings, but also because Indonesia is the largest consumer of palm oil among developing countries. This study was conducted to analyze the implications of various trade liberalization policies (reduction of export duty and import tariff) on the Indonesian palm oil industry. An econometric approach, mainly the error correction model on a simultaneous equation model, was employed. The model incorporated specific equations for acreage, harvested area, yield, domestic demand, rest of the world excess supply, Indonesian excess demand to India, China, Europe, and rest of the world, rest of the world excess demand and export price. The model was estimated using error correction and simultaneous model technique. Then the model was estimated by the two stage least squared (2SLS) method. The structural equations were assessed based on the economic and statistical criteria. The economic criteria were evaluated based on the signs and magnitude of the hypotheses, while the statistical criteria used the coefficient of multiple determination (R~)t,h e F statistic, auto correlation (h statistic), and t ratios to assess the model. Validation of the model was undertaken using Theil's inequality coefficient and root mean percentage square error. The results show that the net social welfare effects of export duty reduction at 10% showed a net gain for 857.56thousand,whichcanbeexplainedbygainsinIndonesianproducersurplusasaresultofhigherpricesandbytransfemngtheproductionresourcesfrompalmoilproductiontomoreefficientsectors.Indonesianconsumerssurplusdecreasedby 857.56 thousand, which can be explained by gains in Indonesian producer surplus as a result of higher prices and by transfemng the production resources from palm oil production to more efficient sectors. Indonesian consumers' surplus decreased by 12.89 million, while Indonesian producers' surplus gained 17.38million.Ontheotherhand,whenimporttariffwasreducedbylo17.38 million. On the other hand, when import tariff was reduced by lo%, the estimation yielded a gain in Indonesian producers7 surplus of 5.42 million, a gain of 1.38millioninefficiencyattributabletothetransfersofproductionresourcestomoreefficientsectorsandalossinconsumersurplusof 1.38 million in efficiency attributable to the transfers of production resources to more efficient sectors and a loss in consumer surplus of 4.04 million due to increased production at higher prices. These numbers increased along with the increase in the percentage reduction of export duty. Reduction in both export duty and import tariff has the same implication as individually reducing export duty and import duty. Producer surplus increased by 22.83millionandefficiencygainroseby 22.83 million and efficiency gain rose by 1.51 million, meanwhile the loss in consumer surplus was $16.54 million. Then, the calculations of the welfare effects showed that the Indonesian palm oil industry will be better off without any intervention