24,261 research outputs found


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Smart Cities, Healthy Citizens: Integrating Urban Public Health in Urban Planning

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    Urban planning that incorporates public health considerations is crucial for the development of smart cities that prioritize the well-being and health of their citizens. This study presents key findings on integrating urban public health into urban planning to create environments that promote physical and mental well-being. The study identifies and explores several crucial considerations for achieving this integration.The first consideration is healthy urban design, which involves designing urban spaces and infrastructure that promote physical activity, accessibility, and safety. Walkable neighborhoods, well-connected sidewalks, bike lanes, and efficient public transit systems encourage active transportation. Incorporating parks, green spaces, and recreational facilities provide opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities, while inclusive and accessible public spaces reduce pollution and noise.Air quality and pollution control emerge as another vital consideration. The study highlights the importance of implementing policies to mitigate air pollution, reduce emissions, and promote clean energy sources. Designing urban areas to minimize exposure to pollution sources, increasing green spaces and urban forests, and utilizing smart technologies for monitoring air quality are key strategies for improving air quality and mitigating the heat island effect.Ensuring accessible healthcare and services is essential for equitable public health. The research emphasizes the need to strategically locate healthcare facilities to serve both urban and underserved areas. Attention should be given to the needs of vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, low-income communities, and individuals with disabilities. The integration of telemedicine and digital health solutions can enhance access to healthcare services.Promoting active transportation and safety is crucial in urban planning. The study highlights the importance of pedestrian and cyclist safety through well-designed crosswalks, traffic calming measures, and lighting systems. Dedicated cycling infrastructure, traffic management strategies, and smart traffic systems contribute to reducing accidents and improving road safety.Noise pollution management is an often overlooked aspect of urban planning. The research emphasizes the significance of designing buildings with sound insulation and implementing zoning regulations to separate noise-sensitive areas from noise-generating activities. Green buffers and sound barriers are effective in mitigating noise impacts, while monitoring noise levels and enforcing regulations minimize excessive noise.The study also underscores the importance of integrating elements that promote mental health and social well-being into urban planning. Creating inclusive and socially connected neighborhoods, designing public spaces that encourage socialization and relaxation, and prioritizing the provision of community centers and social services all contribute to mental health and well-being.Data and technology integration play a crucial role in informing urban planning decisions and improving public health outcomes. The study highlights the value of collecting and analyzing health-related data to identify health disparities, understand the impact of the built environment on health, and guide decision-making processes. Utilizing smart technologies, such as wearable devices and health monitoring systems, promotes individual health awareness and facilitates targeted interventions.Evaluation and monitoring are essential components of successful urban planning. Continuously monitoring and evaluating the impact of urban planning decisions on public health outcomes, collecting data on health indicators, and using this information to assess intervention effectiveness and inform future planning efforts are critical for sustainable development.Integrating urban public health considerations into urban planning enables the creation of smart and healthy environments that support the well-being of citizens. This holistic approach ensures that urban development fosters economic growth, technological advancement, and the health and happiness of the people who live and work in these cities

    Corporate Social Responsibility, Board of Directors’ Affect Financial Performance: Evidence in Vietnam

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: The study aims to explore corporate social responsibility and corporate governance issues such as the board of directors’ characteristics that affect the financial performance of the manufacturing listed companies on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange in Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: The study is based on the agency theory, stakeholder theory and the fundamental corporate social responsibility to clarify its role and the importance of information disclosure to interested parties when making economic decisions.   Methodology: Using pooled Ordinary least squares causes biased results because of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity, thus the authors conduct Feasible Generalized Least Squares to increase the reliability of findings.   Findings: The research results show that there are four statistically significant factors that affect financial performance: corporate social responsibility, board gender diversity, ownership concentration, and government ownership.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The obtained results highlight the direct relationship between corporate social responisibility and financial performance, implying that these listed companies can improve their firm value based on the mentioned factors.   Originality/value: by examing the significant relationship between CSR and performance, the author emphasizes the role of managers in disclosing information relevant to their responsibilies to the environment and community. The problem is still a limited concern by corporates in the emerging market as Vietnam


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Induced systemic resistance against rice grassy stunt virus – a promising field for ecological rice production: Research article

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    Most rice protection methods have currently used toxic chemicals to control pathogens and pests, which leads to environmental pollution. Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) taking advantage of natural defence reaction of plants could be proposed as an alternative, ecologically friendly approach for plant protection. Its application into rice production could minimize the chemicals quantity used and could contribute to the decrease of environmental pollution and the development of sustainable agriculture. The research was conducted to select the most effective chemical and suitable method to improve the health of rice plants infected by grassy stunt disease in net-house of Can Tho University. SAR chemicals were used at very low concentrations (in mM). Results showed that the height of rice plants treated with SAR chemicals was higher than that of plants untreated. Besides, the number of diseased plants was reduced and the ratio of firm grain and yield increased when plants were applied by SAR. Among the used substances, oxalic acid provided the best systemic acquired resistance. With oxalic acid, seed soaking was better than seed coating in systemic acquired resistance against rice grassy stunt disease.Hầu hết các phương pháp sản xuất lúa hiện nay đều sử dụng các hóa chất độc hại trong việc phòng trừ bệnh và côn trùng gây hại, nên dẫn đến ô nhiễm môi trường. Kích thích tính kháng lưu dẫn giúp kích hoạt cơ chế tự nhiên kháng bệnh của cây có thể là giải pháp bảo vệ thực vật thay thế an toàn với môi trường. Việc ứng dụng tiến bộ này vào trong sản xuất lúa có thể làm giảm lượng hóa chất sử dụng, đóng góp vào việc giảm thiểu ô nhiễm môi trường và sự phát triển của một nền nông nghiệp bền vững. Nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện tại nhà lưới trường Đại học Cần Thơ để tuyển chọn hóa chất và phương pháp sử dụng hóa chất để tăng cường sức khỏe giúp cây lúa vượt qua bệnh vàng lùn. Hóa chất kích kháng được sử dụng ở một nồng độ rất thấp (đơn vị là mM). Kết quả cho thấy chiều cao cây lúa khi xử lý chất kích kháng tốt hơn so đối chứng không xử lý. Bên cạnh đó, số cây lúa nhiễm bệnh giảm, tỉ lệ hạt chắc và năng suất tăng khi cây lúa được xử lý với chất kích kháng. Trong số các chất kích kháng đã sử dụng, acid oxalic cho hiệu quả vượt trội. Với chất acid oxalic, phương pháp ngâm hạt cho hiệu quả kích kháng tốt hơn phương pháp áo hạt

    Tropical Forest Fire Susceptibility Mapping at the Cat Ba National Park Area, the Hai Phong city (Vietnam) using GIS-Based Kernel Logistic Regression

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    -The Cat Ba National Park area (Vietnam) with the tropical forest is recognized to be part of the world biodiversity conservation by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Oranization (UNESCO) and is a well-known destination for tourist with around 500,000 travellers per year. This area has been the site for many research projects; however no project has been carried out for the forest fire susceptibility assessment. Thus, protection of the forest including fire prevention is one of the main concerns of the local authority. This work aims to produce a tropical forest fire susceptibility map for the Cat Ba National Park area, which may be helpful for the local authority in the forest fire protection management. To obtain this purpose, first, historical forest fires and related factors were collected from various sources to construct a GIS database. Then a forest fire susceptibility model was developed using Kernel logistic regression. The quality of the model was assessed using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, area under the ROC curve (AUC), and five statistical evaluation measures. The usability of the resulting model is further compared with a benchmark model, the Support vector machine. The results show that the Kernel logistic regression model has high performance on both the training and validation dataset with a prediction capability of 92.2%. Since the Kernel logistic regression model outperform the benchmark model, we conclude that the proposed model is a promising alternative tool that should be considered for forest fire susceptibility mapping also for other areas. The result in this study is useful for the local authority in forest planning and management

    Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using curcumin against the bovine mastitis bacteria

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    Bovine mastitis is the most common disease and has greatly affected economies around the world. This study aimed to determine the antibacterial ability of bovine mastitis by curcumin - silver nanoparticles (Cur-AgNPs). The study included experiments on presenting a new process for synthesizing silver nanoparticles using curcumin from fresh turmeric as a reducing agent and stabilizer. UV visible spectroscopy of the samples revealed the localized surface plasmon resonance absorbance of the dispersion of silver nanoparticles at 430 nm. The prepared Cur-AgNPs has a spherical shape with an average size of 30 nm and a size distribution of 15–47 nm. FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) measurements of the samples showed that silver nanopartilces has been encapsulated well by curcumin. Cur-AgNPs with a concentration of 50-200 μg/mL has very effect to Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa causing bovine mastitis in vitro. The maximum inhibition zone formed was 15 ± 0.85 mm for Staphylococcus aureus and 14 ± 0.56 mm for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Plant materials mediating for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles have relatively rapid, less expensive, and widespread applications for antimicrobial therapy in the livestock sector

    Polarization tomography of metallic nanohole arrays

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    We report polarization tomography experiments on metallic nanohole arrays with square and hexagonal symmetry. As a main result, we find that a fully polarized input beam is partly depolarized after transmission through a nanohole array. This loss of polarization coherence is found to be anisotropic, i.e. it depends on the polarization state of the input beam. The depolarization is ascribed to a combination of two factors: i) the nonlocal response of the array due to surface plasmon propagation, ii) the non-plane wave nature of a practical input beam.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, submitted to PR

    Organizational Commitment of Tour Guides

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    The commitment of employees to the organization receives special attention from managers. This is because when employees are closely attached to the organization, the efficiency of work is improved, enhancing the organization’s innovation and creativity, and aiming for sustainable development. This study was conducted to demonstrate the factors influencing the commitment to the organization of tour guides. Research data was collected from a survey of 305 tour guides working in travel companies in Vietnam. Using quantitative research methods, the study has shown that the organizational commitment of tour guides is influenced by 8 factors, including job nature, work environment, training and promotion, income and benefits, leadership style, relationships with colleagues, rewards and recognition, and empowerment. Among them, empowerment is identified as the most significant factor, with the strongest influence on the organizational commitment of tour guides. Finally, the study has proposed some managerial implications to enhance the commitment to the organization of tour guides

    Optimization of Logistics Services in Vietnam Through LOGIVAN Application

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    Logistics is a type of service that plays an important role in promoting the country's economic growth. In addition, it is also of great significance to the transport sector in Vietnam in dealing with the challenges of traffic congestion in large cities. In Vietnam today, logistics services are growing. However, there is one major limitation that still exists, that is freight costs are still high. This does not meet the best requirements of customers. There are many reasons for this problem, one of the reasons is that trucks only carry one-way cargo, but there are no goods to ship backwards. The paper studies the application of LOGIVAN smart transport model in developing Logistics services in Vietnam today. Research results show that LOGIVAN transport model is the optimal model in solving the problem of empty cars in the transport of goods when they go back to the place of departure. This helps minimize Logistics costs for businesses, increases income for drivers and leads towards sustainable transport development. LOGIVAN develops two platform solutions for goods owners and vehicle owners. Accordingly, the author of the article confirms the quality of this model in developing Logistics services in Vietnam and guide the operation for users via applications on personal mobile devices at the same time. Keywords: Logistics; LOGIVAN; Vietnam. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-14-01 Publication date:July 31st 202