471 research outputs found

    Empirical Analysis on Multiple Mergers of US Banks

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    We use logistic analysis to predict the probability of making non-programmed merger in a data sample of 45 US banks. Non-programmed merger is the merger that happens next to the subject merger but has at least three years apart from the subject merger. We apply logistic regression of the occurrence of the non-programmed merger on main characteristics of the subject merger. We first examine the effects of each of three explanatory variables, which are firstly abnormal return around the approved date, secondly hubris management hidden in the subject merger, and thirdly the value of asset acquired, on the dependent variable. We then try to find the best prediction model by controlling some variables both confounding and rescaling. Our final prediction model shows that the probability of making a next merger at least three year after the subject merger will significantly decrease if there is abnormal return realized in the subject merger. On the other hand, using event study methodology to search for the abnormal return of the acquirer's stock price around the approved date, we prove that the information of FDIC s' merger decision is not totally confidential to public and has significant impact on the stock price of the acquirerInstitute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Do Corporate Social Responsibilities Support Its Financial Performance? Evidence of the Listed Firms in Vietnam

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    In the latest decades, corporate social responsibilities (CSR) are incrementally noticed in emerging countries regarding to the surge of globalization and the advance of social concerns. However, there exist opposing arguments on how CSR practices influence a firm’s financial performance (CFP), either in theoretical or empirical perspectives, causing many managers’ hesitation in CSR engagement. This study, therefore, examines the impacts of CSR on CFP, considering the individual effect of each CSR endeavor by using the data from listed firms’ financial statements during the period 2015-2019 and panel regression analysis methods. The findings reveal inconstant effects of different CSR activities on CFP. Specifically, a firm’s fulfillment of shareholders’ and customers’ interests contributes to raise its profitability, while its engagement in the benefits of employees and creditors causes a reduction in financial returns. Interestingly, the correlations between firms’ responsibilies towards regulators and suppliers and CFP are statistically insignificant. Furthermore, we make pairwise marginal comparisons to identify the distinctions of CSR-CFP relations across industries. The results only indicate that listed firms in Utilities sector have the lower level of CSR intensity than those in Consumer Discretionary and Consumer Staples sectors. The implications and limitations are also discussed in this study


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    In this study, we isolated 46 strains of actinomycetes from 40 samples including: sediments, sponges, soft corals, echinoderms and starfish collected from three sea areas of Vietnam: Thanh Hoa – Quang Binh – Quang Tri. The strains were fermented in A+ medium and fermentation broths were extracted 5 times with ethyl acetate then the extracts were evaporated under reduced  pressure to yield crude extracts. Quantitative assay was used to determine MIC (Minimum inhibitory concentration) of extract against 7 reference strains. From the results of screening, we chose 5 strains of actinomycetes that have the highest biological activity (Code: G212, G222, G233, G227 and G241). In particular,  strains G222, G233, G227 and G241 were resistant 6/7 strains of microorganisms test, with values  MICs from 64µg/ml to 256µg/ml; Moreover, All of the five strains were highly resistant to yeast Candida albicans ATCC10231. These strains were then subjected to morphological and phylogenetic investigations based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. The results showed that strains G212, G222 and G227 belonged to Genus Streptomyces; strains G233 and G241 were identified as Genus Micromonospora

    Research on Urban Land Use Change in Ha Noi, Viet Nam Using Remote Sensing and GIS for Planning Oriented Work

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    Currently, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, this proportion is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. In the next 30 years, a large amount of the world's population is predictably concentrated in urban areas in the developing world. Ha Noi is the capital and largest city of Viet Nam which has the average growth rate of approximately 3% per year. Urban development management has become an important issue in Viet Nam since the negative impacts of the urban sprawl on the environmental sustainability, life quality has been increasing as well. Hence, urban planning and management would be pivotal for creating the effective framework conditions for a sustainable development. The objective of our study is to explore the urban growth of Ha Noi using the Landsat images from 1975 to 2020 compared to the city planning. The volatility analysis information from classified urban land maps is considered supportive for urban management and planning oriented work. In addition, the remote sensing data analysis is a useful tool to support planners, managers for urban management and decision. This study results showed the urban land area in study site city has been growing about 3 times and the largest rate (4-6 times) for the Dong Anh, Tu Liem, Gia Lam and smallest rate (10-25%) for Ba Dinh and Hai Ba Trung districts


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    In this paper, we study the quantum teleportation of an unknown atomic state based on the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model, consisting of an effective two-level atom with a two-mode field in the generalized photon-added pair coherent state (GPAPCS). By applying the detecting method, we use a scheme that includes two two-level atoms and a cavity field to teleport the unknown atomic state from a sender to a receiver. The results show that the number of photons added to the field and the intensity of the initial field influence the average fidelity and success probability of the teleportation process. The time-evolution dependence of the average fidelity is also considered and compared for the field in the pair coherent state and in the GPAPCS

    The Visible Light Activity of the TiO2 and TiO2:V4+ Photocatalyst

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    TiO2 and vanadium‐doped TiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by using the hydrothermal method. The V doping contents are 0.0; 0.1; 0.3; 0.5; 0.7 and 0.9% molar. The vanadium‐doped TiO2 nanoparticles have identical anatase phase with an average crystal size of 10‐20nm. The oleic acid and ethanol solvents with different molar concentrations can make spherical nanograins, or stick form grains, which influence the photo activity of the materials. The absorption spectra of doped samples exhibited long-tailed absorption in the visible light region above 380nm. The visible light photocatalytic activity was evaluated by the degradation of phenol aqueous solutions; after 360 min. under the visible irradiation, the normalized concentration of phenol decreased to 9%


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    In this paper, we studied the quantum dynamic properties via the two-mode Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model where an effective two-level atom interacts with a field in a photon-added trio coherent state (PATCS). The quantum dynamic properties of the atom and the field were investigated via the photon distribution function, the second-order correlation function of the same and different modes, and the probability of finding the atom in the excited state in the cavity. The results show the dynamic properties of the atom and the non-classical ones of the field in the PATCS. In addition to the factors that affect these dynamic properties, such as the original field strength, the role of adding photons to the modes of the field in the PATCS is important when compared with the field in the original state as the trio coherent state.Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi nghiên cứu các tính chất động lượng tử thông qua mô hình Jaynes-Cummings (JC) hai mode, trong đó một nguyên tử hai mức hiệu dụng tương tác với trường ở trạng thái kết hợp bộ ba thêm photon (PATCS). Các tính chất động lượng tử của nguyên tử và trường ở PATCS đã được khảo sát thông qua các hàm phân bố photon, các hàm tương quan bậc hai cùng mode và khác mode và hàm xác suất tìm nguyên tử ở trạng thái kích thích trong hốc cộng hưởng. Các kết quả khảo sát đã chỉ ra các tính chất động của nguyên tử và tính phi cổ điển của trường ở PATCS. Ngoài các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến các tính chất động trên như cường độ trường ban đầu thì vai trò của việc thêm photon vào các mode của trường ở PATCS là rất quan trọng khi so sánh với trường ở trạng thái gốc ban đầu là trạng thái kết hợp bộ ba

    Isolation, screening antimicrobial activity and identification of fungi from marine sediments of the area Thanh Lan, Co To, Vietnam

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    Marine environment is rich in natural product resources, including marine microorganisms, especially fungi which are not only seen as a potential source of highly applicable bioactive substances but also can provide for science new chemical structures. The objective of this study is to isolate and screen fungal strains with antibacterial activity from the marine environment. Twenty five strains of fungi were isolated from marine sediments of Thanh Lan, Co To island and assessed on antibiotic activity against 7 tested microbial strains, including three Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853, Salmonella enterica ATCC13076), three Gram-positive bacteria (Enterococcus faecalis ATCC29212, Stapphylococus aureus ATCC25923, Bacillus cereus ATCC 13245), and the yeast Candida albicans ATCC10231. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against the tested microorganisms was determined for the crude extracts obtained from the culture broths after ethyl acetate extraction and vacuum rotary evaporation. Three strains with the highest antimicrobial activity M26, M30 and M45 were capable of inhibiting 4 - 5 of the 7 tested microorganisms with MIC values from 64 to 256 μg/ml, depending on each tested strain. Morphological and phylogenetic investigations based on 18S rRNA gene sequences of the three selected strains showed that strains M26 and M30 belonged to the genus Penicillium, whereas strain M45 belonged to the genus Neurospora. The sequences of 18S rRNA gene of three strains M26, M30 and M45 were registered on GenBank database with accession numbers: MH673730, MH673731, MH673732, respectively. Research results showed that marine environment has a great potential in isolation of fungal strains for the search for antibacterial substances as well as other biologically active compounds

    Elements affecting primary school teachers' digital competency in Vietnam’s northern mountainous areas

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    This study aims to identify the elements that contribute to the digital competencies of primary school teachers working in the mountainous region of Northern Vietnam and assess the significance of these factors. The research sample consisted of 260 primary school teachers from this region. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and multivariate regression methods are used. The results of this research indicate that seven characteristics have a substantial impact on the digital abilities of teachers: ability to incorporate digital technology into teaching,  conditions for digital transformation in teaching and learning activities are found to be influential, ability to create digital resources is highlighted as an important factor,  ability to select teaching content with opportunities for technology usage,  professional development needs of teachers,  school policy  and ability to select digital resources. These results offer education administrators a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing primary teachers' digital competencies and  enable them to implement strategic changes and prioritize each element. Moreover, this study provides a valuable reference for future researchers seeking to explore new research directions in this field and analyze the correlation between factors to propose solutions to develop digital competencies of primary school teachers suitable to specific contexts and conditions