34 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Youtube Acceptance For Student Learning Needs

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    This study was conducted to demonstrate the factors that influence Vietnamese students’ acceptance of YouTube for educational purposes. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are combined to test the research hypotheses. Research data was collected using quota sampling, with a sample size of 306 students studying at universities in Vietnam. Structural equation modeling (SEM) helps demonstrate that five factors positively affect the intention to use YouTube for student learning needs. These factors include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, social influence, and flexibility. Furthermore, research has demonstrated the positive impact of intentional use on the behavioral usage of YouTube for the educational requirements of Vietnamese students. The study provides a valuable reference for educational administrators and researchers

    Website Innovation Affects Student Satisfaction

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    University websites are more and more essential in communicating, exchanging information, providing educational services, and implementing marketing programs. Innovating the website is an important solution to improve the quality of educational services and attract students. This study was conducted to demonstrate the role of website innovation on student satisfaction. Research data were collected using quota sampling with 280 students studying at universities in Vietnam. Qualitative and quantitative research are used to test the research hypotheses. Applying structural equation modeling (SEM), the study shows that website innovation positively affects students’ perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust. Besides, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust positively influence student satisfaction. This study has demonstrated that website innovation affects student satisfaction through the mediating role of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust

    Liver Involvement Associated with Dengue Infection in Adults in Vietnam

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    Globally, the number of adults hospitalized with dengue has increased markedly in recent years. It has been suggested that hepatic dysfunction is more significant in this group than among children. We describe the spectrum and evolution of disease manifestations among 644 adults with dengue who were prospectively recruited on admission to a major infectious disease hospital in southern Vietnam and compare them with a group of patients with similar illnesses not caused by dengue. Transaminase levels increased in virtually all dengue patients and correlated with other markers of disease severity. However, peak enzyme values usually occurred later than other complications. Clinically severe liver involvement was infrequent and idiosyncratic, but usually resulted in severe bleeding. Chronic co-infection with hepatitis B was associated with modestly but significantly increased levels of alanine aminotransferase, but did not otherwise impact the clinical picture

    A new species of mud snake (Squamata: Homalopsidae: Myrrophis) from southern Vietnam

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    Abstract Homalopsid snakes of the genus Myrrophis include only two species distributed in southern China and northern Vietnam. Here, we describe a third species from southern Vietnam based on morphological data and nucleotide sequences from the mitochondrial gene cyt b. Myrrophis dakkrongensis sp. nov. is diagnosed by the following morphological characters: Medium-sized mud snake (largest total length 452 mm); internasal single and distinctly separated from loreals; dorsal scales smooth, in 23 rows at midbody, reduced to 19 or 20 rows before vent; ventrals 133–138; subcaudals 34–42, paired; cloacal plate divided; supralabials 8, fourth entering orbit; second pair of chin-shields small and oblique; maxillary teeth 17 or 18; gland-like tubercles present in the cloacal region; hemipenis short, forked and spinose, reaching 7th subcaudal; dorsum dark brown to black; and a white or yellow to orange lateroventral stripe present. The new species differs from its congeners by an uncorrected p distance in cyt b sequences of at least 10.5%


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    The task of a spatial distribution of ion pairs in the active volume of the ionization fission chamber has been studied. The formula of a spatial distribution of ion pairs in cylindrical fission chambers, in which a fissile material layer is coated on the internal side of the external electrode, is derived. It is calculated in two ways: counting the number of ion pairs created in the infinitesimal volume inside the active volume of the chamber by all the trajectories, which emanate from a radiator. In the first case, the infinitesimal volume is a sphere. In the second case, it is arbitrary in shape. The formula has evaluated correctly the density of ion pairs at any point in the active volume of the fission chamber. The dependence of the initial density of ion pairs on a radial distance to a radiator created a typical fission fragment – ion Sr in the center of the chamber and the spatial distribution of the initial density of ion pairs along the chamber have been studied. Рассмотрен вопрос о пространственном распределении пар ионов в рабочем объеме цилиндрической ионизационной камеры деления. Предложена формула для пространственного распределения начальной ионизации в цилиндрической камере деления, в которой слой делящегося вещества нанесен на внутреннюю сторону внешнего электрода. Формула выведена двумя способами: путем подсчета числа пар ионов, генерированных в бесконечно малом объеме внутри рабочего объема камеры всеми треками, исходящими из радиатора. В первом случае бесконечно малый объем имеет форму сферы, во втором – произвольную форму. Формула, полученная без всяких ограничений на направление вылета осколков деления, дает правильное поведение пространственного распределения начальной ионизации как вблизи поверхности радиатора, так и вдали от него. Исследована зависимость начальной плотности ионизации от радиального расстояния до радиатора, создаваемой типичным фрагментом деления – ионом Sr в центре камеры. Исследовано также пространственное распределение начальной плотности ионизации вдоль камеры.


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    Charge transport in the active volume of the cylindrical ionization fission chamber (FC) in the current mode has been studied. The model is based on the continuity equations for ions and electrons, as well as on Poisson’s equation for the electric field. The source for the continuity equations is calculated taking into account a correct distribution of the initial ionization density in the active volume of the chamber and the charge, mass, and energy dependent distributions of the fission fragments. The distributions of the ion and electron density and electric fields inside the active volume are found for two types of chambers – miniature chambers and “large” chambers with the consideration of the space charge. The correct algorithm for calculation of the beginning of the plateau of the current-voltage characteristic – the minimum voltage on the FC to provide the stationary operation of the chamber is given. It is shown that the often used condition of the electric field absence at the anode E (ra ) = 0 to determine this value is incorrect, since it leads to complex values of the electric field inside the chamber active volume. Neglecting the processes of ion diffusion and recombination, the sensitivity and output current of the chamber in the stationary mode are calculated. Calculations have been carried out for miniature and “large” chambers. It has been shown that the use of the approximation for the generation density of ion pairs by the fission fragment along its track to be constant, often used in practice for “large” chambers, leads to significant errors when estimating the densities of ions, electrons and electric fields inside the FC; at that, the sensitivity may differ by an order of magnitude. Исследован перенос зарядов в активном объеме цилиндрической ионизационной камеры деления (ИКД), работающей в токовом режиме. В основу модели положены уравнения непрерывности для ионов и электронов и уравнение Пуассона для электрического поля. Источник для уравнений непрерывности рассчитан с учетом корректного распределения начальной плотности ионизации в активном объеме камеры и разброса фрагментов деления по их заряду, массе и энергии. Найдены распределения плотности ионов, электронов и электрического поля внутри активного объема для двух типов камер – миниатюрных и «больших» с учетом пространственного заряда. Дан правильный алгоритм для расчета начала плато вольтамперной характеристики – минимального напряжения на ИКД для обеспечения стационарной работы камеры. Показано, что часто используемое условие отсутствия электрического поля на аноде E(ra ) = 0 для определения этой величины является некорректным, поскольку приводит к комплексным значениям электрического поля внутри активного объема камеры. Пренебрегая процессами диффузии и рекомбинации ионов, рассчитаны чувствительность и выходной ток камеры при ее работе в стационарном режиме. Расчеты проведены для миниатюрных и «больших» камер. Показано, что часто применяемое на практике использование приближения постоянства плотности генерации пар ионов осколком деления вдоль его трека для «больших» камер приводит к существенным ошибкам в оценке плотностей ионов, электронов и электрических полей внутри ИКД, при этом чувствительности могут отличаться на порядок

    Studying Magnetic Fields and Dust in M17 Using Polarized Thermal Dust Emission Observed by SOFIA/HAWC

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    We report on the highest spatial resolution measurement to date of magnetic fields (B-fields) in M17 using thermal dust polarization measurements taken by SOFIA/HAWC+ centered at a wavelength of 154 μm. Using the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi method, in which the polarization angle dispersion calculated using the structure function technique is the quantity directly observed by SOFIA/HAWC+, we found the presence of strong B-fields of 980 ± 230 and 1665 ± 885 μG in the lower-density M17-N and higher-density M17-S regions, respectively. The B-field morphology in M17-N possibly mimics the fields in gravitationally collapsing molecular cores, while in M17-S the fields run perpendicular to the density structure. M17-S also displays a pillar feature and an asymmetric large-scale hourglass-shaped field. We use the mean B-field strengths to determine Alfvénic Mach numbers for both regions, finding that B-fields dominate over turbulence. We calculate the mass-to-flux ratio, λ, finding λ = 0.07 for M17-N and 0.28 for M17-S. These subcritical λ values are consistent with the lack of massive stars formed in M17. To study dust physics, we analyze the relationship between dust polarization fraction, p, emission intensity, I, gas column density, N(H2), polarization angle dispersion function, S, and dust temperature, T d. p decreases with intensity as I −α with α = 0.51. p tends to first increase with T d, but then decreases at higher T d. The latter feature, seen in M17-N at high T d when N(H2) and S decrease, is evidence of the radiative torque disruption effect

    Depression, anxiety and stress among healthcare workers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in a tertiary hospital in Northern Vietnam

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    IntroductionThe outbreak of coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) had significant effects on the mental well-being in general, particularly for healthcare professionals. This study examined the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress, and identified the associated risk factors amongst healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak in a tertiary hospital located in Vietnam.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study at a tertiary-level hospital, where the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 21 (DASS-21) web-based questionnaire was employed. We analyzed the determinant factors by employing multivariate logistic models.ResultsThe prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms were 19.2%, 24.7%, and 13.9%, respectively. Factors such as engaging in shift work during the pandemic, taking care of patients with COVID-19, and staff’s health status were associated with mental health issues among health professionals. In addition, having alternate rest periods was likely to reduce the risk of stress.ConclusionThe prevalence of mental health problems in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic was relatively high. Having resting periods could potentially mitigate the development of stress among health professionals. Our findings could be taken into account for improving mental health of the health professional population


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    BACKGROUND: Applying simulation for nursing education, especially in healthcare-associated infection prevention and control (HAI-PC) in developing countries has limited evidence. The study was conducted to explore educators’ perceptions of simulation as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI-PC in two Vietnamese and two Cambodian universities. METHODS: An exploratory qualitative design was applied. A focus group of 37 educators from four universities was conducted for data collection. Inductive and deductive qualitative content analysis was applied in analysing the data. RESULTS: The core category was constructed to reflect educators’ perception of scenario-based simulation (SBS) as a teaching method for nursing education in HAI prevention and control. This main category included three subcategories: (i) enhancing nursing competence; (ii) preparing students for simulation; and [1] promoting simulation pedagogy competence. CONCLUSIONS: The findings identified the importance and benefits of applying simulation as a teaching method in nursing education. Additionally, it emphasized the necessity of enhancing knowledge associated with HAIs and providing additional training on simulation for educators to improve the quality of conducting simulations