4,680 research outputs found

    Vonnisoplegging by roof met verswarende omstandighede

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    Uit teks: In ’n saak wat op 6 September 2002 voor die Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling gedien het, is die hof, by monde van Griesel R en Oosthuizen Wnr, met die interessante vraag gekonfronteer of daar verswarende omstandighede aanwesig is waar die klaer tydens ’n rooftog met ’n speelgoed vuurwapen gedreig is. Die klaer was nie ten tye van die rooftog bewus van die feit dat die beskuldigde nie met ’n ware vuurwapen gewapen was nie

    Vonnisoplegging by roof met verswarende omstandighede

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    Uit teks: In ’n saak wat op 6 September 2002 voor die Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling gedien het, is die hof, by monde van Griesel R en Oosthuizen WnR, met die interessante vraag gekonfronteer of daar verswarende omstandighede aanwesig is waar die klaer tydens ’n rooftog met ’n speelgoed vuurwapen gedreig is. Die klaer was nie ten tye van die rooftog bewus van die feit dat die beskuldigde nie met ’n ware vuurwapen gewapen was nie

    Historical understanding and rethinking the foundations

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    This article contributes to the fundamental rethinking of New Testament scholarship being undertaken by New Testament scholars attached to the University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa. The thrust of the article holds that the historical Jesus research is of the utmost importance and it puts the emphasis on the individuality of an event and the contribution of nineteenth century reflection on history. As point of departure and further elaboration it accentuates the notion that history writing must be a form of homecoming. HTS Theological Studies Vol. 63 (3) 2007: pp. 983-99

    Street children: “Running from” or “running to”?

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    The street child phenomenon presents a complex issue resulting from a diversity of integrated factors. The problem should therefore preferably be explained and addressed holistically. A search of available literature on street children clearly indicates that street children per se are not the primary problem. The phenomenon o f street children is merely a symptom of a problem underlying the intolerable situation of these children's family and community lives. In this article it is explained that the street child phenomenon is thus symptomatic of contemporary twentieth century conditions. "Running from " and “running to " are in fact intereffective tendencies or reactions to a complicated polarised society: two sides of a common coin

    La détention par les non-résidents des actions des sociétés françaises du CAC 40 à fin 2010.

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    En 2010, la part des non-résidents dans le capital des sociétés françaises du CAC 40 (42,4 %) a légèrement baissé (– 2,2 points).Marchés boursiers, investissements de portefeuille, taux de détention, non-résidents, CAC 40.

    Les portefeuilles-titres des résidents français entre 2007 et 2010 d’après les statistiques de détention « titre par titre » de la Banque de France.

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    À la fin 2010, les résidents français détenaient 5 440 milliards d’euros de titres, soit un encours en légère baisse depuis la fin 2007. De 2007 à 2010, les ménages ont été globalement vendeurs de titres, tandis que les sociétés d’assurance achetaient principalement des valeurs émises par des non-résidents.choix de portefeuille, détention de titres, position extérieure nette, titres de créance, actions, obligations, parts d’OPCVM, résidents, non-résidents, notation, mise en transparence des OPCVM, secteurs institutionnels, catégories socioprofessionnelles, ménages, institutions financières monétaires, sociétés d’assurance, administrations publiques.

    La détention par les non-résidents des actions des sociétés françaises du CAC 40 à fin 2009.

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    Après deux années consécutives de baisse, la part du capital des sociétés françaises du CAC 40 détenue par les non-résidents s’est inscrite en hausse en 2009 à 42,3 %, après 40,2 % en 2008, revenant à un niveau proche de celui de 2002 (42,5%).Marchés boursiers, investissements de portefeuille, taux de détention, non-résidents, CAC 40.

    Phylogeography and Molecular Ecology of Selected Invasive Species in the Hawaiian Islands

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    Most alien (non-native) species which become naturalized are not disruptive to natural ecosystems. However, the small fraction that do spread and become invasive can have severe environmental and economic impacts. These impacts are often irreversible as control efforts normally only start after species are widespread. Molecular ecology renders a new approach to better understand invasions and can help in their management by resolving taxonomic issues, elucidating geographical source(s), detecting hybridization and introgression, and tracking dispersal and spread. Using a molecular ecological approach, some of these phenomena were investigated in this dissertation research for three different plant invaders in Hawaii. Molecular markers were developed for Pennisetum setaceum (fountaingrass), Miconia calvescens (velvet tree) and Senecio madagascariensis (fireweed) to answer ecological and management related questions. Molecular and quantitative genetic variation indicated that fountaingrass is monoclonal throughout Hawaii and furthermore, that this clone or “super-genotype” is shared globally among invasive and native ranges. This indicates phenotypic plasticity as the sole mechanism behind fountaingrass’ invasive success. Fountaingrass is unlikely to evolve resistance against successful control mechanisms. Subsequent herbicide trails indicated that grass-selective herbicides are ineffective against fountaingrass. Phylogenetic and population genetic structure showed that fireweed introduced to Hawaii originated from eastern South Africa. Effective and host-specific biological control agents against fireweed are most likely to be found in this region. The high genetic diversity found in fireweed is indicative of multiple introductions. Genetic spatial autocorrelation revealed a diffusive dispersal pattern in the Hawaiian Islands. Genetic structure indicated that bottlenecked populations of velvet tree are highly inbred in Hawaii and southern Pacific Islands. The data further suggested that invasive populations throughout northern and southern Pacific islands are genetically similar despite differential invasive success. These results indicate that invasions in both hemispheres are potentially fi-om similar geographic origin and/or that Hawaiian infestations are the result of a secondary introduction directly from Tahiti. The introduction of genotypes pre-adapted for various morphological, physiological and life history traits facilitate invasion success of velvet tree. Climatological similarities between the Society and the Hawaiian Islands indicate that Hawaiian infestations of velvet tree have not yet reached an optimum. Biological control would be the only effective control method against velvet tree with most productive control agents likely to be found in Mexico

    Die kernbetekenis van die mens se etiese bestaanswyse

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    Ethicists differ widely in their views on the field of investigation of ethics as a science. These differences underpinning various theories regarding the true nature of ethics, seriously inhibit collaboration between adherents of different stances in this respect. Consequently meaningful progress in the development of ethical sciences can largely be attributed to divergent views on the essence (the meaning kernel or modal nucleus) of the ethical mode of human existence. In this article an attempt is made at identifying the true meaning nucleus of the ethical aspect of reality. To achieve this, the meaning of the concept meaning nucleus as well as the characteristics of meaning nuclei as such and the way in which they should be formulated, are investigated. Finally some prevailing ideas on the nature of the ethical mode of human existence are judged against the findings of this investigation