14,016 research outputs found

    1082 Free-breathing single-shot DENSE myocardial strain imaging using deformable registration

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    Free-breathing scans are often desirable in patients who find breath-holding difficult. We present a new approach for free-breathing myocardial strain imaging with displacement-encoding (DENSE) [1]. It acquires images with a single-shot sequence and removes respiratory motion using deformable registration

    Learning Interpretable Rules for Multi-label Classification

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    Multi-label classification (MLC) is a supervised learning problem in which, contrary to standard multiclass classification, an instance can be associated with several class labels simultaneously. In this chapter, we advocate a rule-based approach to multi-label classification. Rule learning algorithms are often employed when one is not only interested in accurate predictions, but also requires an interpretable theory that can be understood, analyzed, and qualitatively evaluated by domain experts. Ideally, by revealing patterns and regularities contained in the data, a rule-based theory yields new insights in the application domain. Recently, several authors have started to investigate how rule-based models can be used for modeling multi-label data. Discussing this task in detail, we highlight some of the problems that make rule learning considerably more challenging for MLC than for conventional classification. While mainly focusing on our own previous work, we also provide a short overview of related work in this area.Comment: Preprint version. To appear in: Explainable and Interpretable Models in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. The Springer Series on Challenges in Machine Learning. Springer (2018). See http://www.ke.tu-darmstadt.de/bibtex/publications/show/3077 for further informatio

    Role of dynamic Jahn-Teller distortions in Na2C60 and Na2CsC60 studied by NMR

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    Through 13C NMR spin lattice relaxation (T1) measurements in cubic Na2C60, we detect a gap in its electronic excitations, similar to that observed in tetragonal A4C60. This establishes that Jahn-Teller distortions (JTD) and strong electronic correlations must be considered to understand the behaviour of even electron systems, regardless of the structure. Furthermore, in metallic Na2CsC60, a similar contribution to T1 is also detected for 13C and 133Cs NMR, implying the occurence of excitations typical of JT distorted C60^{2-} (or equivalently C60^{4-}). This supports the idea that dynamic JTD can induce attractive electronic interactions in odd electron systems.Comment: 3 figure

    Light smoking at base-line predicts a higher mortality risk to women than to men; evidence from a cohort with long follow-up

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    BACKGROUND: There is conflicting evidence as to whether smoking is more harmful to women than to men. The UK Cotton Workers’ Cohort was recruited in the 1960s and contained a high proportion of men and women smokers who were well matched in terms of age, job and length of time in job. The cohort has been followed up for 42 years. METHODS: Mortality in the cohort was analysed using an individual relative survival method and Cox regression. Whether smoking, ascertained at baseline in the 1960s, was more hazardous to women than to men was examined by estimating the relative risk ratio women to men, smokers to never smoked, for light (1–14), medium (15–24), heavy (25+ cigarettes per day) and former smoking. RESULTS: For all-cause mortality relative risk ratios were 1.35 for light smoking at baseline (95% CI 1.07-1.70), 1.15 for medium smoking (95% CI 0.89-1.49) and 1.00 for heavy smoking (95% CI 0.63-1.61). Relative risk ratios for light smoking at baseline for circulatory system disease was 1.42 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.98) and for respiratory disease was 1.89 (95% CI 0.99 to 3.63). Heights of participants provided no explanation for the gender difference. CONCLUSIONS: Light smoking at baseline was shown to be significantly more hazardous to women than to men but the effect decreased as consumption increased indicating a dose response relationship. Heavy smoking was equally hazardous to both genders. This result may help explain the conflicting evidence seen elsewhere. However gender differences in smoking cessation may provide an alternative explanation

    Non-Equilibrium Edge Channel Spectroscopy in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime

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    Heat transport has large potentialities to unveil new physics in mesoscopic systems. A striking illustration is the integer quantum Hall regime, where the robustness of Hall currents limits information accessible from charge transport. Consequently, the gapless edge excitations are incompletely understood. The effective edge states theory describes them as prototypal one-dimensional chiral fermions - a simple picture that explains a large body of observations and calls for quantum information experiments with quantum point contacts in the role of beam splitters. However, it is in ostensible disagreement with the prevailing theoretical framework that predicts, in most situations, additional gapless edge modes. Here, we present a setup which gives access to the energy distribution, and consequently to the energy current, in an edge channel brought out-of-equilibrium. This provides a stringent test of whether the additional states capture part of the injected energy. Our results show it is not the case and thereby demonstrate regarding energy transport, the quantum optics analogy of quantum point contacts and beam splitters. Beyond the quantum Hall regime, this novel spectroscopy technique opens a new window for heat transport and out-of-equilibrium experiments.Comment: 13 pages including supplementary information, Nature Physics in prin

    Manin matrices and Talalaev's formula

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    We study special class of matrices with noncommutative entries and demonstrate their various applications in integrable systems theory. They appeared in Yu. Manin's works in 87-92 as linear homomorphisms between polynomial rings; more explicitly they read: 1) elements in the same column commute; 2) commutators of the cross terms are equal: [Mij,Mkl]=[Mkj,Mil][M_{ij}, M_{kl}]=[M_{kj}, M_{il}] (e.g. [M11,M22]=[M21,M12][M_{11}, M_{22}]=[M_{21}, M_{12}]). We claim that such matrices behave almost as well as matrices with commutative elements. Namely theorems of linear algebra (e.g., a natural definition of the determinant, the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, the Newton identities and so on and so forth) holds true for them. On the other hand, we remark that such matrices are somewhat ubiquitous in the theory of quantum integrability. For instance, Manin matrices (and their q-analogs) include matrices satisfying the Yang-Baxter relation "RTT=TTR" and the so--called Cartier-Foata matrices. Also, they enter Talalaev's hep-th/0404153 remarkable formulas: det(zLGaudin(z))det(\partial_z-L_{Gaudin}(z)), det(1-e^{-\p}T_{Yangian}(z)) for the "quantum spectral curve", etc. We show that theorems of linear algebra, after being established for such matrices, have various applications to quantum integrable systems and Lie algebras, e.g in the construction of new generators in Z(U(gln^))Z(U(\hat{gl_n})) (and, in general, in the construction of quantum conservation laws), in the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation, and in the problem of Wick ordering. We also discuss applications to the separation of variables problem, new Capelli identities and the Langlands correspondence.Comment: 40 pages, V2: exposition reorganized, some proofs added, misprints e.g. in Newton id-s fixed, normal ordering convention turned to standard one, refs. adde

    Measurement of the muon anti-neutrino double-differential cross section for quasi-elastic scattering on hydrocarbon at~Eν3.5E_\nu \sim 3.5 GeV

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    We present double-differential measurements of anti-neutrino quasi-elastic scattering in the MINERvA detector. This study improves on a previous single differential measurement by using updated reconstruction algorithms and interaction models, and provides a complete description of observed muon kinematics in the form of a double-differential cross section with respect to muon transverse and longitudinal momentum. We include in our signal definition zero-meson final states arising from multi-nucleon interactions and from resonant pion production followed by pion absorption in the primary nucleus. We find that model agreement is considerably improved by a model tuned to MINERvA inclusive neutrino scattering data that incorporates nuclear effects such as weak nuclear screening and two-particle, two-hole enhancements.Comment: 47 pages, 31 figure

    Interactive narration with a child: impact of prosody and facial expressions

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    International audienceIntelligent Virtual Agents are suitable means for interactive sto-rytelling for children. The engagement level of child interaction with virtual agents is a challenging issue in this area. However, the characteristics of child-agent interaction received moderate to little attention in scientific studies whereas such knowledge may be crucial to design specific applications. This article proposes a Wizard of Oz platform for interactive narration. An experimental study in the context of interactive story-telling exploiting this platform is presented to evaluate the impact of agent prosody and facial expressions on child participation during storytelling. The results show that the use of the virtual agent with prosody and facial expression modalities improves the engagement of children in interaction during the narrative sessions

    Neutrino Mass, Sneutrino Dark Matter and Signals of Lepton Flavor Violation in the MRSSM

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    We study the phenomenology of mixed-sneutrino dark matter in the Minimal R-Symmetric Supersymmetric Standard Model (MRSSM). Mixed sneutrinos fit naturally within the MRSSM, as the smallness (or absence) of neutrino Yukawa couplings singles out sneutrino A-terms as the only ones not automatically forbidden by R-symmetry. We perform a study of randomly generated sneutrino mass matrices and find that (i) the measured value of ΩDM\Omega_{DM} is well within the range of typical values obtained for the relic abundance of the lightest sneutrino, (ii) with small lepton-number-violating mass terms mnn2n~n~m_{nn}^{2} {\tilde n} {\tilde n} for the right-handed sneutrinos, random matrices satisfying the ΩDM\Omega_{DM} constraint have a decent probability of satisfying direct detection constraints, and much of the remaining parameter space will be probed by upcoming experiments, (iii) the mnn2n~n~m_{nn}^{2} {\tilde n} {\tilde n} terms radiatively generate appropriately small Majorana neutrino masses, with neutrino oscillation data favoring a mostly sterile lightest sneutrino with a dominantly mu/tau-flavored active component, and (iv) a sneutrino LSP with a significant mu component can lead to striking signals of e-mu flavor violation in dilepton invariant-mass distributions at the LHC.Comment: Revised collider analysis in Sec. 5 after fixing error in particle spectrum, References adde