440 research outputs found

    L'avenir des lois de Vichy

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    Ce chapitre traite du sort de la législation du régime de Vichy et des méthodes employées par les pouvoirs publics à la Libération pour le régler

    Le syndicalisme breton face Ă  la Charte du travail

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    Une analyse de la réception de la Charte du travail dans les 5 départements bretons (FinistÚre, CÎtes-du-Nord, Ille-et-Vilaine, Morbihan, Loire-Inférieure)

    Neutron-proton pairing in the N=Z radioactive fp-shell nuclei 56Ni and 52Fe probed by pair transfer

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    The isovector and isoscalar components of neutron-proton pairing are investigated in the N=Z unstable nuclei of the fp-shell through the two-nucleon transfer reaction (p,3He) in inverse kinematics. The combination of particle and gamma-ray detection with radioactive beams of 56Ni and 52Fe, produced by fragmentation at the GANIL/LISE facility, made it possible to carry out this study for the first time in a closed and an open-shell nucleus in the fp-shell. The transfer cross-sections for ground-state to ground-state (J=0+, T=1) and to the first (J=1+, T=0) state were extracted for both cases together with the transfer cross-section ratios σ(0+, T=1)/σ(1+, T=0). They are compared with second-order distorted-wave born approximation (DWBA) calculations. The enhancement of the ground-state to ground-state pair transfer cross-section close to mid-shell, in 52Fe, points towards a superfluid phase in the isovector channel. For the “deuteron-like” transfer, very low cross-sections to the first (J=1+, T=0) state were observed both for 56Ni(p,3He) and 52Fe(p,3He) and are related to a strong hindrance of this channel due to spin-orbit effect. No evidence for an isoscalar deuteron-like condensate is observed.The authors are very grateful to GANIL staff, particularly Vincent Morel for assistance with the set-up. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union under Seventh Framework Programme FP7 Infrastructures project ENSAR, grant agreement No. 262010. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 (LBNL). A.O. Macchiavelli thanks the UniversitĂ© Paris-Sud for support as an invited professor

    Alain Chatriot, Francis Hordern (†), Jeanne-Marie Tuffery-Andrieu (dir.), La codification du travail sous la IIIe RĂ©publique. Élaborations doctrinales, techniques juridiques, enjeux politiques et rĂ©alitĂ©s sociales

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    En France, le droit du travail a Ă©tĂ© codifiĂ© trois fois : une premiĂšre entre 1910 et 1927, une deuxiĂšme en 1973 et une troisiĂšme en 2008. Cet ouvrage, issu d’une journĂ©e d’études organisĂ©e par le ComitĂ© d’histoire des administrations chargĂ©es du travail, de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle Ă  l’occasion du centenaire de l’adoption du livre Ier du Code du travail par la loi du 28 dĂ©cembre 1910, porte uniquement sur la premiĂšre codification. Le sujet n’est pas nouveau ; il avait dĂ©jĂ  ..

    Goulphar: rapid access and expertise for standard two-color microarray normalization methods

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    BACKGROUND: Raw data normalization is a critical step in microarray data analysis because it directly affects data interpretation. Most of the normalization methods currently used are included in the R/BioConductor packages but it is often difficult to identify the most appropriate method. Furthermore, the use of R commands for functions and graphics can introduce mistakes that are difficult to trace. We present here a script written in R that provides a flexible means of access to and monitoring of data normalization for two-color microarrays. This script combines the power of BioConductor and R analysis functions and reduces the amount of R programming required. RESULTS: Goulphar was developed in and runs using the R language and environment. It combines and extends functions found in BioConductor packages (limma and marray) to correct for dye biases and spatial artifacts. Goulphar provides a wide range of optional and customizable filters for excluding incorrect signals during the pre-processing step. It displays informative output plots, enabling the user to monitor the normalization process, and helps adapt the normalization method appropriately to the data. All these analyses and graphical outputs are presented in a single PDF report. CONCLUSION: Goulphar provides simple, rapid access to the power of the R/BioConductor statistical analysis packages, with precise control and visualization of the results obtained. Complete documentation, examples and online forms for setting script parameters are available from

    Identification of Phox2b-regulated genes by expression profiling of cranial motoneuron precursors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Branchiomotor neurons comprise an important class of cranial motor neurons that innervate the branchial-arch-derived muscles of the face, jaw and neck. They arise in the ventralmost progenitor domain of the rhombencephalon characterized by expression of the homeodomain transcription factors Nkx2.2 and Phox2b. Phox2b in particular plays a key role in the specification of branchiomotor neurons. In its absence, generic neuronal differentiation is defective in the progenitor domain and no branchiomotor neurons are produced. Conversely, ectopic expression of Phox2b in spinal regions of the neural tube promotes cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation and, at the same time, induces genes and an axonal phenotype characteristic for branchiomotor neurons. How Phox2b exerts its pleiotropic functions, both as a proneural gene and a neuronal subtype determinant, has remained unknown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To gain further insights into the genetic program downstream of Phox2b, we searched for novel Phox2b-regulated genes by cDNA microarray analysis of facial branchiomotor neuron precursors from heterozygous and homozygous <it>Phox2b </it>mutant embryos. We selected for functional studies the genes encoding the axonal growth promoter Gap43, the Wnt antagonist Sfrp1 and the transcriptional regulator Sox13, which were not previously suspected to play roles downstream of <it>Phox2b </it>and whose expression was affected by <it>Phox2b </it>misexpression in the spinal cord. While <it>Gap43 </it>did not produce an obvious phenotype when overexpressed in the neural tube, <it>Sfrp1 </it>induced the interneuron marker Lhx1,5 and <it>Sox13 </it>inhibited neuronal differentiation. We then tested whether <it>Sfrp1 </it>and <it>Sox13</it>, which are down-regulated by Phox2b in the facial neuron precursors, would antagonize some aspects of <it>Phox2b </it>activity. Co-expression of <it>Sfrp1 </it>prevented <it>Phox2b </it>from repressing Lhx1,5 and alleviated the commissural axonal phenotype. When expressed together with <it>Sox13</it>, <it>Phox2b </it>was still able to promote cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation, but the cells failed to relocate to the mantle layer and to extinguish the neural stem cell marker Sox2.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest novel roles for <it>Sfrp1 </it>and <it>Sox13 </it>in neuronal subtype specification and generic neuronal differentiation, respectively, and indicate that down-regulation of <it>Sfrp1 </it>and <it>Sox13 </it>are essential aspects of the genetic program controlled by Phox2b in cranial motoneurons.</p

    Eoulsan : analyse du séquençage à haut débit dans le cloud et sur la grille

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    Eoulsan : analyse du séquençage à haut débit dans le cloud et sur la grill
