15 research outputs found

    Informal learning in the workplace: Approaches to learning and perceptions of the context

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    Questionnaires have been devised to investigate informal learning in the workplace based on an analogy with approaches to studying in higher education. This chapter focuses attention on issues of theory by critically evaluating different models of the relationship between employees’ approaches to workplace learning and their perceptions of the workplace context. In addition, this chapter focuses attention on issues of method by critically evaluating two particular instruments that have been devised in order to measure employees’ approaches to workplace learning and their perceptions of the workplace context. We use data from an online survey in which the Approaches to Work Questionnaire and the Workplace Climate Questionnaire were administered to employees who were taking courses by distance learning with the UK Open University. Factor analyses confirmed that both questionnaires measured three distinct scales. Canonical correlation analysis showed that the employees’ scores on the two instruments shared 43% of their variance. Path analysis found evidence that variations in approaches to learning lead to variations in perceptions of the workplace climate but not for the converse relationship

    A produção sobre aprendizagem informal nas organizações no Brasil: mapeando o terreno e rastreando possibilidades futuras

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    A aprendizagem informal é entendida como aquela baseada na experiência intencional, mas não formalmente estruturada; induzida por um processo de reflexão crítica, ação, pró-atividade e criatividade; incrustada no contexto organizacional e nas práticas cotidianas. Pode ser planejada ou não, embora envolva algum grau de consciência de quem aprende. Sua relevância para o ambiente de trabalho tem sido atestada por vários autores. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar, descrever e analisar a produção a respeito dessa temática no Brasil, no período de 2006 a 2012. O conjunto de 21 artigos selecionados para fazer parte desta revisão reúne estudos teóricos e empíricos publicados em periódicos nacionais da área de Administração e avaliados com conceito B2 ou superior pelo WebQualis da CAPES. O estudo envolveu duas etapas. Numa primeira etapa definiram-se as fontes de dados e amostra a ser trabalhada. Uma segunda etapa consistiu na análise dos artigos a partir das seguintes dimensões: foco dos estudos (origem, tema e objetivos), nível de aprendizagem, autores referenciados, perspectivas teóricas, posicionamentos epistemológicos, tipos de pesquisa, dados de contexto da produção e principais achados. Os resultados mostram uma produção dispersa que ainda precisa ser aprimorada em relação aos arcabouços teóricos tomados como referência para o aprofundamento do tema

    Affordances and constraints on informal learning in the workplace

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    The workplace is increasingly recognised as a legitimate environment for learning new skills and knowledge that enables workers to participate more effectively in ever-changing work environments. Within the workplace there is the potential for continuous learning to occur not only through formal learning initiatives that are associated with training, but also through informal learning opportunities that are embedded within everyday work activities. This paper reports the findings of an empirical study that examined workers’ personal experiences of informal learning, and how, when successful, these contributed to better participation in their regular workplace activities

    Small business owners: Too busy to train?

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    Purpose - The reason often cited for the poor relationship between small businesses and their uptake of vocational education and training is that small business owner-managers claim that they are too busy to engage in training or any type of learning activity and that most training is of little value to them. The aim of the research is to examine the relationship between these factors. Design/methodology/approach - Using qualitative research methods the study collected data of the knowledge, attitudes and needs of small business owner-managers, both before and after participation in a training program. Findings - This study has indicated that small business owners are interested in skills development and training opportunities, provided that they are directly applicable to the current situation in their business, and as long as the delivery process is carefully structured in terms of location, time of day, and length of session. Practical implications - The success of a human resource management training program offers both an incentive for other educators to continue to pursue small business participation and useful guidelines for the implementation and the development of new programs for the small business sector. Originality/value - The approach taken in this research has offered important insights into the value of training and how it is evaluated by small business owner-managers. This is important as owner managers are the primary decision makers about whether or not training takes place.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    A strategic approach for building partnerships to enhance graduate employability: Driving institutional engagement

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    The student experience is enhanced through authentic learning experiences in settings that reflect the workplace. Work Integrated Learning (WIL) supports the provision of authentic learning, in a variety of contexts, within curricular and co-curricular programs, thus facilitating the development of generic skills highly sought after by employers. With increasing accountability measures facing the higher education sector and societal demands that the higher education experience prepare graduates for the dynamic environment of a global workforce, curriculum development and focus requires a paradigm shift. Curtin University values authentic learning and is committed to developing graduate capabilities through embedding WIL in all courses through scaffolding skill development across curriculum. Established partnerships and flexible arrangements with business, industry and community enable the development of professional practice to be embedded within those contexts, promoting reciprocal and mutually beneficial outcomes. The three-year WIL Strategic Project aims to enhance the employability of Curtin graduates through industry and community relationships; an experiential curriculum; and co-curricular work experience opportunities. This paper will outline the strategies implemented by the project team to achieve the University’s ambitious strategic goals; introduce innovative approaches for establishing an institutional framework; and for enhancing the student experience through WIL