448 research outputs found

    Enterprise modelling : building a product lifecycle (PLM) model as a component of the integrated vision of the enterprise

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    Enterprise modelling has proved to be an efficient tool to study organisations structure and facilitate decision making. The enterprise is a complex system that is required to use its processes to generate value in a given environment (concurrent, market, suppliers and humanity). We focus on three management disciplines: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). These business processes are so intertwined that the enterprise has to concentrate on the three to attain its economic objectives. To enhance the development of PLM, SCM and CRM models, the enterprise needs to capitalise the knowledge necessary to adapt and apply modelling techniques. Knowledge Management (KM) is a key factor to give a unified enterprise vision. Firstly, we propose an integrated enterprise model depicting the interactions between PLM, SCM, CRM and KM models. But a state of the art showed that PLM models are scarce. Most of the PLM models found depends strongly on the particular case studied and can not be used with other enterprises. After defining the most important components of the PLM vision, we propose to organise these components into a formalised way. The study of SCM and CRM models proved to be helpful to structure these components. Finally the validation methodology that is to be established in our coming research works is not only to be used with the PLM model presented in this paper but with SCM and CRM models also.Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Enterprise modelling, Enterprise systems


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    International audienceDuring the last decades modelling and simulation technics has grown in importance in the product development context. For example, from an industrial point of view, simulation models seem to be an excellent alternative on vehicle construction and more specifically, in the decision making process. Nevertheless, the simulation activity becomes more difficult with the complexity of the product, highlighting more and more often a collaborative problem on the organization of the product development. But, how can this problem be defined? Several collaborative approaches have been proposed in this field. However, the majority of those approaches concern only one dimension of the problem. This paper introduces the Collaborative Modelling & Simulation System (CM&SS) from a systemic perspective in vehicle industry context. The systemic approach enables the definition of different dimensions of the system aiming at a successful performance of a collaborative simulation


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    Résumé Cet article voudrait approfondir, à partir des travaux de J-P Dupuy et de R.Girard, la compréhension des crises rencontrées aussi bien dans les relations interpersonnelles que dans le fonctionnement des sociétés. L"hypothèse de R. Girard sur l"origine mimétique des désirs, à la source de toute violence, explique la désignation d"un bouc émissaire à sacrifier, comme solution universelle pour rétablir, pour un temps, l"harmonie brisée. Telle serait l"origine de tout « sacré violent ». J-P Dupuy cherche d"abord dans l"économie libérale la solution à une vie sociétale pacifiée. Puis, comme le libéralisme en soi ne peut tenir compte du long terme ni de la finitude du monde et de ses ressources, la dynamique qu"elle engendre nous mène droit à la catastrophe. J-P Dupuy propose, pour inciter le monde à un changement indispensable, « un catastrophisme éclairé » qui consiste à jouer avec finesse et intelligence sur la peur par une annonce simultanée du drame à venir et des moyens de l"éviter. En guise de synthèse de ces deux postures, cet article propose d"introduire un triplet indissociable qui apparaît avec toute interaction : peur-attrait-tentation. Ainsi, la motivation aux changements indispensables devrait se faire, d"abord en motivant par les attraits, tout en rassurant par un management des risques que signalent les peurs, et en mettant en garde contre la tentation que constitue la désignation d"un bouc émissaire. Abstract Based on the writings of Jean-Pierre Dupuy and René Girard, this article attempts to understand the crises that occur in personal relationships as well as in the functioning of societies. Girard"s hypothesis, according to which the mimetic origin of desire is the source of all violence, explains the designation of a sacrificial scapegoat as a universal solution permitting the recovery, at least for a time, of lost social harmony: such is, according to this theory, the origin of all "sacred violence". Dupuy initially seeks the pacification of society through the dynamics of a free-market economy; but since a free-market economy is unable of itself to take account either of the longterm or of the limits of the world"s resources, its inner dynamic leads to catastrophe. In order to bring the world around to the changes that are essential to its survival, Dupuy argues for an "enlightened catastrophism" consisting of a subtle play on fears through a simultaneous announcement of coming disaster and the means of its avoidance. The article introduces, by way of a synthesis of these two positions, an inseparable triptych which appears in the course of all human interaction: fear/attraction/temptation. Thus the motivation to bring about the indispensable changes in our practices must initially be stimulated by attraction, while simultaneously reassuring and appeasing fear through risk-management and alerting to the temptation of scapegoating

    Early design decision support with system dynamics approaches - Example of telehealth integration in the healthcare system

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    International audienceThe purpose of this article is to use System Dynamics approaches for early design decision support. Telehealth is proposed in many articles as one of the possibilities to answer the challenges of keeping and reinforcing the goodness and fairness of the healthcare systems. But very few studies focus on predicting telehealth integration in the current healthcare system. The model proposed in this paper simulates several scenarios of telehealth integration in order to reduce healthcare cost and save valuable medical time. It also highlights the main factors that have the most influence on the results and provides help for healthcare managers to choose between different strategies and healthcare policies

    Collaborative Decision Making: Complementary Developments of a Model and an Architecture as a Tool Support

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    International audienceCardinal (2009). "Collaborative Decision Making: Complementary Developments of a Model and an Architecture as a Tool Support." International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST) 1(1): 35-45. ABSTRACT. Recent years we can hear a lot about cooperative decision-making, group or collaborative decision-making. These types of decisions are the consequences of developed working conditions: geographical dispersion, team working, and concurrent working. In the paper we present two research works concerning two different collective decision situations: face-to-face decision-making and synchronous distributed decision-making. These two research studies adopt different approaches in order to support decision-making process, in view to different research objectives. Nevertheless, the conclusions show complementary aspect of these two studies

    La collaboration virtuelle (Proposition d'un modèle, d'une mesure et d'une méthode d'aide au management d'entités virtuelles)

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    Equipes et communautés virtuelles deviennent un mode relationnel collectif largement généralisé. Elles possèdent des caractéristiques spécifiques : distances géographiques, rencontres physiques rares voire inexistantes, aptitude à inclure des grands nombres, facilité d entrée-sortie, communication écrite dominante, ou effacement du statut social. Elles disposent d un important bouquet d outils web 2.0 collaboratifs avec des capacités propres, telles que la mémorisation des échanges, la possibilité du synchrone et de l asynchrone, le dialogue multiple simultané, l anonymat éventuel. La collaboration à distance réclame l acquisition d un nouveau savoir-faire devenu impératif, que nous appelons le management virtuel. Basée sur l Analyse Systémique et l Adaptive Structuration Theory, cette recherche propose un modèle, une mesure et une méthode d aide au management virtuel. Le modèle est une représentation d une entité virtuelle en trois dimensions fonctionnelles : la valeur ajoutée collective, la satisfaction des membres, et la flexibilité des frontières. Il s appuie sur le concept d adjacence, qui ajoute aux deux rôles d un individu l agent, membre agissant pour la collectivité et l acteur, stratège agissant pour lui - celui de personne connectée à d autres individus ou communautés de même domaine d intérêt. Toute entité virtuelle possède des individus adjacents et communautés adjacentes, en dehors d elle, et intéressant le management virtuel. La mesure de la e-collaboration comprend celles de l usage et de l intérêt pour 18 outils collaboratifs. Elle a été réalisée auprès d un échantillon de 199 entreprises pendant trois ans. The traitement de cette base de données a permis la création du modèle. Elle révèle des sous-groupes hostiles ou en faveur de la e-collaboration et indique sous quelles conditions elle est envisageable. Elle donne des tendances. Ainsi, les pratiques de community management commencent à être exploitées en interne dans le management d équipes virtuelles. L échantillon de grandes entreprises a montré aussi que la e-collaboration est en avance dans un pays émergent, le Vietnam, par rapport à la France. La recherche propose enfin une méthode, dénommée VEMS, Virtual Entities Management Support. Elle part d une analyse de l environnement et de la définition d une stratégie en trois dimensions, puis détermine les fonctions de l équipe ou de la communauté, les attitudes et les outils adéquats. Elle offre un choix de 18 fonctions et 79 attitudes déduites des recommandations de la littérature et enrichies des observations de l échantillon. Cette méthode a été appliquée à cinq entités virtuelles de nature très différentes : internes chez un industriel et une banque, externes chez un réseau social, une communauté de fans de web séries, et une autre de fans de cuisine. Ces communautés possèdent de 160.000 à 40 membres. Pour chacune, une stratégie a pu être déployée, avec une série précise d attitudes et d outils, point de départ d un programme opérationnel. Cinq fonctions et 22 attitudes sont communes à toutes les entités étudiées, dont six concernent les adjacences. Elles peuvent être considérées comme le fondement du management virtuel. La méthode a été également déployée auprès de quatre communautés de marques d un même secteur à faible engagement. Quatre scénarios ont été déduits, dont la participation dans une communauté adjacente, préférable à celui de la création d une communauté propre.Virtual teams and communities become a widely spread collective relational mode. They have specific characteristics: geographical distances, physical meetings rare or nonexistent, ability to include large numbers, ease of input-output, dominant written communication, erasure of social status. They can benefit from a large number of web 2.0 collaborative tools with their own capacities, such as the storage of communications, the possibility of synchronous and asynchronous dialogue, multiple simultaneous exchanges, eventual anonymity. The e-collaboration requires the acquisition of a new imperative skill that we call virtual management. Based on the Systemic Analysis and Adaptive Structuration Theory, this research proposes a model, a measurement and a method, the Virtual Entities Management Support. The model is a representation of a virtual entity in three functional dimensions: the collective value, member satisfaction, and flexible frontiers. It is based on the concept of adjacency, which adds to the two roles of the individual - the agent acting for the community, and the actor acting for himself - the person connected to other individuals or communities with the same area of interest. Any virtual entity is connected to adjacent individuals and communities, an area of interest of the virtual management. The proposed measurement of e-collaboration includes the use and the interest for 18 collaborative tools. It was conducted with a sample of 199 companies for three years. This database processing has enabled the creation of the model. It reveals subgroups hostile or for e-collaboration and under what conditions it is interesting. It provides trends. Thus, the practice of community management begins to be used internally in the management of virtual teams. The sample of large firms also showed that e-collaboration is ahead in an emerging country, Vietnam, compared with France. The research also proposes a Virtual Entities Management Support method, called VEMS. It starts with an analysis of the environment, the definition of a strategy in three dimensions, and then determines the functions of the team or community, the attitudes and its appropriate tools. It offers a choice of 18 functions and 79 attitudes derived from the literature recommendations and enriched with the sample observations. This method has been applied to five virtual entities of different kinds: internal to an industrial manufacturer and a large bank, external to a social network, a community of fans of web series, and another community of fans of cookery. This entities include from 40 up to 160,000 members. For each, a strategy has been defined, with a specific set of attitudes and tools, the starting point of an operational program. Five functions and 22 attitudes are common to all the entities studied, six of which relate to adjacencies. They can be considered as the foundation of virtual management. The method has also been deployed to four brand communities of a sector with low consumer engagement. Four scenarios were deducted, including the participation to an adjacent community, preferable to the creation of a brand community.CHATENAY MALABRY-Ecole centrale (920192301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Construire la confiance, une vertu nouvelle pour sortir du désir mimétique et de la violence

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    Pouvons-nous sortir du désir mimétique et de la violence associée ? L’hypothèse consiste à poser l’existence d’un vrai désir, celui de découvrir son « unique », dont le désir mimétique ne serait que la tentation omniprésente. Le vrai désir pousserait à aller vers soi, dans l’ignorance de ce « soi ». L’unique de chaque personne ne se construit que dans l’interaction avec Tunique de l’autre. Les différences qui apparaissent alors peuvent devenir joie de la reconnaissance mutuelle, à condition de ne pas céder à la tentation du désir de l’unique de l’autre et de dépasser la souffrance inhérente aux différences. Ce chemin passe par la vertu d’une confiance bien gérée.Can we escape mimetic desire and the violence associated with it? This hypothesis consists of assuming the existence of a true desire, that of discovering one’s uniqueness, for which the mimetic desire would only be the omnipresent temptation. The true desire pushes us in search of oneself, in the ignorance of this « self ». The uniqueness of each person is only belt in the interaction with the uniqueness of another. The differences which appear can therefore become joys of mutual recognition, if we don’t give in to the temptation of the desiring the uniqueness of the other and if we over-come the suffering caused by the differences. Such progress is only possible due to an acute awareness of the vitrue of carefully managed relationships of trust

    Management de la coopération dans les systèmes complexes

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    Face à la nécessité d’obtenir une coopération fiable dans une équipe interdisciplinaire chargée d’un projet complexe, nous proposons une méthodologie originale s’appuyant sur la modélisation de la complexité, de la communication et de la sûreté des systèmes socio-tehcniques. La méthode PAT-Miroir propose à tous les participants un lieu de paroles restructurant, où ils sont conduits par un animateur à complexifier leur représentation personnelle du projet et à construire une représentation collective des interactions nécessaires à sa réussite. La démarche part des ressentis positifs et négatifs des différents acteurs, passe par une évaluation individuelle de l’importance des facteurs ainsi identifiés et aboutit à la construction d’une série de préconisations concrètes, assurant une coopération plus attractive et plus sûre.To meet the increasing need for reliable and effective cooperation within interdisciplinary groups in charge of complex projects, we propose a new and original method. This method is based on modélisation of complexity, communication and dependability of sociote-chnical systems. This method called « PAT-Mirror », requires grouping all members of the project group and to guide them in a structured talk monitored by a tutor. To be successfull, members must describe (complexify) their personnel representation about the project and build a collective representation about the project and build a collective representation through their interactions. The approach starts by defining feelings and intuitions (either positive or negative) of different actors, followed by each actor’s individual assesment of importance of the identified factors. The last step consists in making series of practical recommendations which allow more effective and reliable cooperation

    Towards a methodology for managing competencies in virtual teams – A systemic approach

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    Abstract. Virtual instruments and tools are future trends in Engineering which are a response to the growing complexity of engineering tasks, the facility of communication and strong collaborations on the international market. Outsourcing, off-shoring, and the globalization of organisations' activities have resulted in the formation of virtual product development teams. Individuals who are working in virtual teams must be equipped with diversified competencies that provide a basis for virtual team building. Thanks to the systemic approach of the functional analysis our paper responds to the need of a methodology of competence management to build virtual teams that are active in virtual design projects in the area of New Product Development (NPD)
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