348 research outputs found

    PIONIER: a status report

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    The visitor instrument PIONIER provides VLTI with improved imaging capabilities and sensitivity. The instrument started routinely delivering scientic data in November 2010, that is less than 12 months after being approved by the ESO Science and Technical Committee. We recall the challenges that had to be tackled to design, built and commission PIONIER. We summarize the typical performances and some astrophysical results obtained so far. We conclude this paper by summarizing lessons learned

    The long period eccentric orbit of the particle accelerator HD167971 revealed by long baseline interferometry

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    Using optical long baseline interferometry, we resolved for the first time the two wide components of HD167971, a candidate hierarchical triple system known to efficiently accelerate particles. Our multi-epoch VLTI observations provide direct evidence for a gravitational link between the O8 supergiant and the close eclipsing O + O binary. The separation varies from 8 to 15 mas over the three-year baseline of our observations, suggesting that the components evolve on a wide and very eccentric orbit (most probably e>0.5). These results provide evidence that the wide orbit revealed by our study is not coplanar with the orbit of the inner eclipsing binary. From our measurements of the near-infrared luminosity ratio, we constrain the spectral classification of the components in the close binary to be O6-O7, and confirm that these stars are likely main-sequence objects. Our results are discussed in the context of the bright non-thermal radio emission already reported for this system, and we provide arguments in favour of a maximum radio emission coincident with periastron passage. HD167971 turns out to be an efficient O-type particle accelerator that constitutes a valuable target for future high angular resolution radio imaging using VLBI facilities.Comment: 8 pages, including 4 figures, accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Post-processing the VLTI fringe-tracking data: First measurements of stars

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    At the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, the purpose of the fringe-tracker FINITO is to stabilize the optical path differences between the beams, allowing longer integration times on the scientific instruments AMBER and MIDI. Our goal is to demonstrate the potential of FINITO for providing H-band interferometric visibilities, simultaneously and in addition to its normal fringe-tracking role. We use data obtained during the commissioning of the Reflective Memory Network Recorder at the Paranal observatory. This device has permitted the first recording of all relevant real-time data needed for a proper data-reduction. We show that post-processing the FINITO data allows valuable scientific visibilities to be measured. Over the several hours of our engineering experiment, the intrinsic transfer function is stable at the level of 2%. Such stability would lead to robust measurements of science stars even without the observation of a calibration star within a short period of time. We briefly discuss the current limitations and the potential improvements

    Roche-lobe filling factor of mass-transferring red giants - the PIONIER view

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    Using the PIONIER visitor instrument that combines the light of the four Auxiliary Telescopes of ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer, we measure precisely the diameters of several symbiotic and related stars: HD 352, HD 190658, V1261 Ori, ER Del, FG Ser, and AG Peg. These diameters - in the range of 0.6 to 2.3 milli-arcseconds - are used to assess the filling factor of the Roche lobe of the mass-losing giants and provide indications on the nature of the ongoing mass transfer. We also provide the first spectroscopic orbit of ER Del, based on CORAVEL and HERMES/Mercator observations. The system is found to have an eccentric orbit with a period of 5.7 years. In the case of the symbiotic star FG Ser, we find that the diameter is changing by 13% over the course of 41 days, while the observations of HD 352 are indicative of an elongation. Both these stars are found to have a Roche filling factor close to 1, as is most likely the case for HD 190658 as well, while the three other stars have factors below 0.5-0.6. Our observations reveal the power of interferometry for the study of interacting binary stars - the main limitation in our conclusions being the poorly known distances of the objects.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Imaging the dust sublimation front of a circumbinary disk

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    We present the first near-IR milli-arcsecond-scale image of a post-AGB binary that is surrounded by hot circumbinary dust. A very rich interferometric data set in six spectral channels was acquired of IRAS08544-4431 with the new RAPID camera on the PIONIER beam combiner at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). A broadband image in the \textit{H} band was reconstructed by combining the data of all spectral channels using the SPARCO method. We spatially separate all the building blocks of the IRAS08544-4431 system in our milliarcsecond-resolution image. Our dissection reveals a dust sublimation front that is strikingly similar to that expected in early-stage protoplanetary disks, as well as an unexpected flux signal of \sim4\% from the secondary star. The energy output from this companion indicates the presence of a compact circum-companion accretion disk, which is likely the origin of the fast outflow detected in Hα\alpha. Our image provides the most detailed view into the heart of a dusty circumstellar disk to date. Our results demonstrate that binary evolution processes and circumstellar disk evolution can be studied in detail in space and over time.Comment: PR @ http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1608

    Multiplicity of Galactic Cepheids from long-baseline interferometry. II. The Companion of AX Circini revealed with VLTI/PIONIER

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    Aims: We aim at detecting and characterizing the main-sequence companion of the Cepheid AX Cir (PorbP_\mathrm{orb} \sim 18 yrs). The long-term objective is to estimate the mass of both components and the distance to the system. Methods: We used the PIONIER combiner at the VLT Interferometer to obtain the first interferometric measurements of the short-period Cepheid AX Cir and its orbiting component. Results: The companion is resolved by PIONIER at a projected separation ρ=29.2±0.2\rho = 29.2 \pm 0.2 mas and projection angle PA=167.6±0.3PA = 167.6 \pm 0.3^{\circ}. We measured HH-band flux ratios between the companion and the Cepheid of 0.90±0.100.90 \pm 0.10 % and 0.75±0.170.75 \pm 0.17 %, respectively at a pulsation phase for the Cepheid ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24 and 0.48. The lower contrast at ϕ=0.48\phi = 0.48 is due to increased brightness of the Cepheid compared to the ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24. This gives an average apparent magnitude mH(comp)=9.06±0.24m\mathrm{_H (comp)} = 9.06 \pm 0.24 mag. The limb-darkened angular diameter of the Cepheid at the two pulsation phases was measured to be θLD=0.839±0.023\theta_\mathrm{LD} = 0.839 \pm 0.023 mas and θLD=0.742±0.020\theta_\mathrm{LD} = 0.742 \pm 0.020 mas, respectively at ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24 and 0.48. A lower limit on the total mass of the system was also derived based on our measured separation, we found MT9.7±0.6MM_\mathrm{T} \geq 9.7 \pm 0.6 M_\odot.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    First result with AMBER+FINITO on the VLTI: The high-precision angular diameter of V3879 Sgr

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    Our goal is to demonstrate the potential of the interferometric AMBER instrument linked with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) fringe-tracking facility FINITO to derive high-precision stellar diameters. We use commissioning data obtained on the bright single star V3879 Sgr. Locking the interferometric fringes with FINITO allows us to record very low contrast fringes on the AMBER camera. By fitting the amplitude of these fringes, we measure the diameter of the target in three directions simultaneously with an accuracy of 25 micro-arcseconds. We showed that V3879 Sgr has a round photosphere down to a sub-percent level. We quickly reached this level of accuracy because the technique used is independent from absolute calibration (at least for baselines that fully span the visibility null). We briefly discuss the potential biases found at this level of precision. The proposed AMBER+FINITO instrumental setup opens several perspectives for the VLTI in the field of stellar astrophysics, like measuring with high accuracy the oblateness of fast rotating stars or detecting atmospheric starspots

    The Three body system delta Circini

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    Delta Cir is known as an O7.5 III eclipsing and spectroscopic binary with an eccentric orbit. Penny et al. discovered the presence of a third component in the IUE spectra. The eclipsing binary and the third body revolve around a common centre of gravity with a period of 1644 days in an eccentric orbit with the semimajor axis of 10 AU. We demonstrate the presence of the apsidal-line rotation with a period of about 141 years, which is considerably longer than its theoretically predicted value, based on the published radii of the binary components derived from the Hipparchos Hp light curve. However, our new solution of the same light curve resulted in smaller radii and a better agreement between the observed and predicted period of the apsidal- line advance. There are indications that the third body is a binary. The object was resolved by VLTI with the PIONIER combiner; in June 2012 the separation was 3.78 mas, magnitude difference in the H region 1.75 mag. This result means that (assuming the distance 770 pc) the inclination of the long orbit is 87.7 degrees.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa