306 research outputs found

    Thermal and Lighting Consumption Savings in Classrooms Retrofitted with Shading Devices in a Hot Climate

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    Most educational buildings in southern Spain do not meet current energy requirements as weak thermal envelopes and the lack of cooling systems lead to severe discomfort in classrooms, especially when temperatures are above 30 °C. Given that global warming is expected to worsen this situation in coming decades, one of the first steps to be taken is to protect window openings from high levels of solar radiation by adding shading devices to reduce indoor temperatures and improve visual comfort. The aim of this research is to evaluate the reduction in thermal and lighting consumption in a classroom where a solar protection system in the form of an egg-crate shading device was installed. Two classrooms—one with an egg-crate device and another with no shading system—were monitored and compared for a whole year. The use of an egg-crate device in these classrooms reduced indoor operative temperatures during warmer periods while also improving indoor natural illuminance levels. Moreover, annual electric air conditioning consumption decreased by approximately 20%, with a 50% reduction in electric lighting consumption. These savings in electricity were largely conditioned by the use patterns observed in these ambient systems.Spanish government BIA2014-53949-RMinistry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spanish GovernmentEuropean Regional Development Fun

    Empirical and numerical analysis of an opaque ventilated facade with windows openings under Mediterranean climate conditions

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    In recent years, there has been growing concern regarding energy efficiency in the building sector with energy requirements increasing worldwide and now responsible for about 40% of final energy consumption in Europe. Previous research has shown that ventilated façades help to reduce energy use when cooling buildings in hot and temperate climates. Of the different ventilated façade configurations reported in the literature, the configuration of ventilated façade with window rarely has been studied, and its 3D thermodynamic behavior is deserving of further analysis and modeling. This paper examines the thermal behavior of an opaque ventilated façade with a window, in experimentally and numerical terms and its impact in energy savings to get indoor comfort. Field measurements were conducted during the winter, spring and summer seasons of 2021 using outdoor full scale test cells located in Seville (southern Spain). The modeling of the ventilated façade was carried out using a three-dimensional approach taking into account the 3D behavior of the air flow in the air cavity due to the presence of the window. The validation and comparison process using experimental data showed that the proposed model provided good results from quantitative and qualitative point of view. The reduction of the heat flux was assessed by comparing the energy performance of a ventilated façade with that of an unventilated façade. Both experimental and numerical results showed that the ventilated façade provided a reduction in annual total energy consumption when compared to the unventilated façade, being compensated the winter energy penalization by the summer energy savings. This reduction is about 21% for the whole typical climatic year showing the ability of the opaque ventilated façade studied to reduce energy consumption to insure indoor comfort, making its suitable for use in retrofitting the energy-obsolete building stock built in Spain in the middle decades of the 20 century

    Indoor environmental assessment: comparing ventilation scenarios in pre- and post-retrofitted dwellings through test cells

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    In the next few years, outdoor temperature is expected to increase significantly as a result of climate change, a noticeable phenomenon, especially in the Mediterranean. In this future scenario, ventilation is a low-cost and useful strategy for tackling indoor overheating, mainly in energy-poor housing buildings. This research assesses the influence of different ventilation systems, air rates and schedules on the thermal comfort and indoor air quality of a residential retrofitted space when compared to an un-retrofitted environment, through test cell measurements. To do so, the methodology combines on-site monitoring with numerical models, simultaneously analysing both spaces under the same climate conditions. Results obtained show barely perceptible differences between the implementation of a mechanical ventilation system and a natural one, when it comes to thermal comfort in spaces with low thermal inertia, highlighting the clear advantage of energy and economic savings of the passive system

    Análise estática dos elementos de suspensão de um monopólio do tipo de formato eletrônico

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    Nowadays, it is essential that the suspension elements of the emulation cars have the capacity to withstand a great amount of effort to which they will be submitted and have an optimal per-formance for competitions, being indispensable that the material used meets physical require-ments and / or resistant mechanical properties.  Method: In the first instance, an electric formula type car was designed, being manufactured with university-level engineering studies such as: finite element analysis, redesign and solutions to problems; to give validation of the elements of suspension that can be used in competition, where the evaluation and optimization of the parts of the car are important for its performance, such as the suspension to which a finite element analysis process was carried out in ANSYS used to perfect the vehicle, hoping to give it a stable control by reducing its weight, validating the resistance of the material and the piece designed. It showed a technological breakthrough that proposes advances in engineering studies to feed the ambition of the automotive sector and design engineering, as seen in the big teams of formula 1 in creating suspension elements for their competition vehicles. This example of a single-seater fulfills the objectives of having a rocker as a solid lightweight structure and scissors as a vital element of connection between the frame and chassis, representing benefits to the automotive sector, with the ability of the material to withstand applied loads.En la actualidad es esencial que los elementos de suspensión de los autos de competencia so-porten una gran cantidad de esfuerzos, también que el material cumpla con los requerimientos físicos y mecánicos para tener un desempeño óptimo. Este documento muestra la aplicación de estudios ingenieriles de nivel universitario, tales como el análisis de elementos finitos, rediseño y soluciones a problemas, para validar los elementos de suspensión de un monoplaza utilizado en competencia. Se analizaron los balancines y las tijeras de la suspensión por elementos finitos usando el software ANSYS, para evaluar y optimizar su desempeño en el monoplaza, esperando darle un control estable, reducción del peso y validar su diseño. Este estudio busca un avance tecnológico desde la academia, aplicando métodos de elementos finitos (FEM) a problemas automotrices que puedan aplicarse posteriormente en la industria, como se ve en las grandes escuderías de la fórmula 1 durante el desarrollo de nuevos elementos para sus vehículos de competencia que posteriormente se usan en los vehículos de calle. Esta metodología para el de-sarrollo de nuevos componentes demostró ser segura y eficiente ya que los diseños generados se pusieron a prueba en el monoplaza generando un excelente desempeño.Atualmente, é essencial que os elementos de suspensão dos carros de emulação tenham a capacidade de suportar uma grande quantidade de esforço ao qual serão submetidos e tenham um ótimo desempenho para competições, sendo indispensável que o material usado atenda aos requisitos físicos e / ou ou propriedades mecânicas resistentes. Método: Na primeira estadia, um carro tipo fórmula elétrica foi projetado, sendo fabricado com estudos de engenharia de nível universitário, tais como: análise de elementos finitos, redesenho e soluções para problemas; para dar a validação dos elementos de suspensão que podem ser usados na competição. Onde a avaliação e otimização das partes do monoposto são importantes para o seu desempenho, como a suspensão para a qual um processo de análise de elementos finitos foi realizado no ANSYS usado para aperfeiçoar o veículo, na esperança de dar a ele um controle estável re-duzindo seu peso, validando a resistência do material e da peça projetada. Mostrou um avanço tecnológico que propõe avanços em estudos de engenharia para alimentar a ambição do setor automotivo e de engenharia em desenho, como visto nas grandes equipes da fórmula 1 na criação de elementos de suspensões para seus veículos de competição.  Este exemplo de um monoposto cumpre os objetivos de ter um balancim como uma estrutura sólida, de fôrma leve e umas tesouras como um elemento vital de conexão entre o chassi e o montante de cubo de roda, representando benefícios para o setor automotivo, tendo a capacidade que o material re-siste antes das cargas aplicadas

    Optimal retrofit solutions considering thermal comfort and intervention costs for the Mediterranean social housing stock

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    There is an impending need to retrofit the existing social housing stock to improve thermal comfort and to reduce energy demand. This research proposes calibrated building stock models to assess thermal comfort of the social housing stock of southern Spain (Mediterranean area). Several retrofit strategies are optimised using a genetic algorithm to obtain the best retrofit solutions, considering three objectives: annual overheating hours (%), annual undercooling hours (%) and investment costs (€/m2). Results are shown for four different climatic areas in southern Spain. This study finds that it is possible to retrofit the aforementioned stock considering investment costs from approximately 20–200 €/m2. The percent- age of improvements for each climatic area are as follows: in Sevilla (B4 climatic area), investments costs up to 50 €/m2 led to 40% and 20% annual overheating and undercooling hours. In Cádiz, (A3 climatic area), 15% and 22% overheating and undercooling hours were achieved with medium-cost solutions (50–100 €/ m2). In Almería (A4 climatic area), also medium-cost strategies reported approximately 15% and 30% overheating and undercooling hours. In Granada (C3 climatic area), 15% and 38% overheating and under- cooling hours were obtained with medium-cost measures. Yet, applying high-cost solutions (100–200 €/ m2) only significantly improved thermal comfort in Almería and Sevill

    Presentación de un paciente con enfermedad de Coats

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    Coats’ disease is the third most common cause of infant leukocoria. It is more common at the end of the first decade of life and in males, usually unilateral and with no family history. The case of a nine-year-old patient with an advanced stage of the disease is reported. A treatment with peripheral cryotherapy was applied in two sectors. Sector 1: temporal from H3 to H11, and sector 2: inferonasal. A second treatment used laser therapy, applied at the level of the telangiectatic vessels. After two year of follow-up, the patient kept the same visual acuity, there was no retinal detachment, retinal exudates were with no progression and no inherent complications of Coats’ disease have appeared.La enfermedad de Coats es la tercera causa más frecuente de leucocoria infantil, es más usual al final del primer decenio de vida y en varones, normalmente es unilateral y habitualmente no hay antecedentes familiares. Se presenta un paciente de nueve años de edad con la enfermedad en un estadio avanzado, se aplicó como tratamiento crioterapia periférica en dos sectores: sector 1: temporal desde H3 a H11 y sector 2: inferonasal; en un segundo tratamiento se aplicó laserterapia a nivel de los vasos telangiectásicos; a los dos años de seguimiento conservaba igual agudeza visual, no hubo desprendimiento de retina, las exudaciones retinianas eran sin progresión y no han aparecido complicaciones inherentes a la enfermedad de Coats

    Maltrato infantil en hijos de padres alcohólicos

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal retrospectivo desde un enfoque o paradigmacuantitativo, para determinar la presencia de maltrato infantil en hijos de padres alcohólicos en 2 consultorios del médico y enfermera de la familia del Policlínico Docente Universitario “Marta Martínez Figuera” del municipio Guines, provincia La Habana, durante el año 2006. Se seleccionó una muestra de 52 niños, previo consentimiento informado por parte de padres o tutores a los cuales se les realizaron pruebas psicológicas y psicométricas. Se demostró de manera significativa la presencia de maltrato infantil en los niños estudiados. Las familias reconocen al maltrato de tipo psicológico, al maltrato por negligencia u omisión, así como al maltrato de tipo físico como las formas o tipos de maltratos más frecuentes. Cuando el progenitor alcohólico ingiere bebidas en exceso le grita al niño, lo ofende de palabra y lo ignora, así como las familias consideran que el niño se pone nervioso, llora o se esconde por temor. El progenitor alcohólico agrede verbal y físicamente a las personas del núcleo familiar por lo cual son rechazados por sus familias. En la casi totalidad de las respuestas las familias consideran que la presencia de un familiar alcohólico entre los miembros del núcleo familiar repercute directamente en el desarrollo armónico de la personalidad del niño en formación

    Maltrato infantil en hijos de padres alcohólicos

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal retrospectivo desde un enfoque o paradigmacuantitativo, para determinar la presencia de maltrato infantil en hijos de padres alcohólicos en 2 consultorios del médico y enfermera de la familia del Policlínico Docente Universitario “Marta Martínez Figuera” del municipio Guines, provincia La Habana, durante el año 2006. Se seleccionó una muestra de 52 niños, previo consentimiento informado por parte de padres o tutores a los cuales se les realizaron pruebas psicológicas y psicométricas. Se demostró de manera significativa la presencia de maltrato infantil en los niños estudiados. Las familias reconocen al maltrato de tipo psicológico, al maltrato por negligencia u omisión, así como al maltrato de tipo físico como las formas o tipos de maltratos más frecuentes. Cuando el progenitor alcohólico ingiere bebidas en exceso le grita al niño, lo ofende de palabra y lo ignora, así como las familias consideran que el niño se pone nervioso, llora o se esconde por temor. El progenitor alcohólico agrede verbal y físicamente a las personas del núcleo familiar por lo cual son rechazados por sus familias. En la casi totalidad de las respuestas las familias consideran que la presencia de un familiar alcohólico entre los miembros del núcleo familiar repercute directamente en el desarrollo armónico de la personalidad del niño en formación

    Association between Knowledge and Attitude Toward Occupational Accidents in the Clinical Practice of Dental Students

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    Introducción: el uso constante de material punzocortante e instrumental rotatorio y la flora bacteriana de la cavidad oral del paciente representan un peligro latente de contagio en los estudiantes de odontología. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la asociación entre los conocimientos y las actitudes sobre accidentes ocupacionales en prácticas clínicas de alumnos de odontología de una clínica universitaria de Lima (Perú). Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional, analítico de asociación y transversal. El universo incluyó 156 alumnos. Los conocimientos y las actitudes se evaluaron mediante una encuesta adaptada de 24 preguntas, previa validación interna por juicio de expertos. Se calcularon proporciones para las variables cualitativas y medidas de tendencia central (mediana) para la variable edad. De la misma manera, se usaron la prueba de chi-cuadrado para comparar las variables cualitativas y la prueba U de Mann-Whitney para comparar las variables cualitativas con la variable cuantitativa edad. Se aceptó una significancia de 0.05. Resultados: el 78.2 % de los participantes tuvo un conocimiento alto frente al manejo de accidentes ocupacionales; de la misma manera, el 72.4 % manifestó una actitud positiva. No se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa (p > 0.05) entre las variables conocimientos y actitud. Por otro lado, el 69.1 % de los estudiantes sufrió al menos un accidente ocupacional durante sus prácticas clínicas, en su mayoría causado por el explorador (65.1 %). Conclusiones: no se encontró asociación significativa entre las variables conocimiento y actitud; sin embargo, una gran cantidad de estudiantes sufrieron al menos un accidente ocupacional.Revisión por pare

    Integration of expert system rules into standarized object description models for telecommunication network management

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    The work described in this paper is focused on the attainment of a product that: a) is able to manage a communication network according to ISO ant ITU-T standards (Telecommunication Management Network, TMN, model); b) automatically locates network faults based on a set of rules embedded in an integrated expert system; and c) represents the expert knowledge using procedures and tools to define object and object classes, following the internationally standardized model. The most outstanding characteristic of the product is the availability of expert functionalities integrated into the very object definition of the management system