7 research outputs found

    Evaluación del desempeño analítico del diagnóstico molecular de leishmaniasis cutánea

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    Resumen Las leishmaniasis comprenden un espectro de enfermedades parasitarias producidas por protozoos del género Leishmania. Colombia es uno de los 3 países con mayor número de especies de Leishmania que afectan a los seres humanos y la leishmaniasis cutánea es la forma clínica más frecuente observada en el país. Colombia no cuenta con un estándar de oro para el diagnóstico de leishmaniasis cutánea, siendo el examen directo la prueba de elección, la cual reporta una baja sensibilidad que varía en función de varios aspectos. Recientemente, métodos moleculares se han utilizado en el diagnóstico permitiendo detectar ADN en cantidades mínimas; en muchos estudios moleculares no se evidencia una adecuada evaluación del desempeño analítico de la técnica y blancos genéticos empleados, parámetros necesarios para hablar de sensibilidad y especificidad analítica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el desempeño analítico de las técnicas de PCR convencional, PCR en tiempo real y LAMP para el diagnóstico molecular de las principales especies causantes de leishmaniasis cutánea determinando la exclusividad e inclusividad, Rango Reportable Anticipado, límite de detección, repetibilidad, precisión y porcentaje de positividad de las tres plataformas moleculares. Se concluyó que el marcador molecular ADNk utilizado en estos ensayos, a pesar de ser el más sensible, no cumple con el criterio de exclusividad de la técnica, el HSP70 presentó un límite de detección bajo en PCR convencional y similar en qPCR y LAMP, también presentó una baja reproducibilidad y en LAMP no cumplió con el criterio de exclusividad, finalmente el marcador 18S presento el mejor desempeño analítico en las tres plataformas.Abstract. The Leishmaniasis include a spectrum of parasitic diseases caused by protozoans of the genus Leishmania. Colombia is one of three countries with the highest number of Leishmania species that affect humans, being cutaneous leishmaniasis the most frequent clinical manifestation observed in the country. Colombia does not count with a gold standard for the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis, the test of choice is direct lesion examination which has a low detection sensibility that varies in function of distinct aspects. Recently, molecular assays have been used in the diagnosis allowing the detection of DNA in low quantities. Nevertheless, in many molecular studies no evidence of an adequate evaluation of the analytic performance of the technique and genetic targets used is demonstrated; preventing the definition of the sensitivity and specificity of the analysis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the analytical performance of PCR, qPCR and LAMP for the molecular diagnosis of the principle species of Leishmania identified as causative agents of the cutaneous form, by determining exclusivity and inclusivity, anticipated reportable range, limit of detection, test-retest reliability, precision and percentage positivity in the three molecular platforms. Results obtained in this study allowed to determine that the molecular marker kDNA used in these tests, despite being the most sensitive, does not comply with the exclusivity criterion of the technique. HSP70 presented a low detection limit in conventional PCR as well as in qPCR and LAMP, yet low test-retest reliability was identified and in LAMP exclusivity criterion was not fulfilled. Finally, the molecular marker 18s presented the best analytic performance in the three platforms analyzed.Maestrí

    Identification of Six New World Leishmania species through the implementation of a High-Resolution Melting (HRM) genotyping assay

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    Background: Leishmaniases are tropical zoonotic diseases, caused by parasites from the genus Leishmania. New World (NW) species are related to sylvatic cycles although urbanization processes have been reported in some South American Countries such as Colombia. This eco-epidemiological complexity imposes a challenge to the detection of circulating parasite species, not only related to human cases but also infecting vectors and reservoirs. Currently, no harmonized methods have been deployed to discriminate the NW Leishmania species. Findings: Herein, we conducted a systematic and mechanistic High-Resolution Melting (HRM) assay targeted to HSP70 and ITS1. Specific primers were designed that coupled with a HRM analyses permitted to discriminate six NW Leishmania species. In order to validate the herein described algorithm, we included 35 natural isolates obtained from human cases, insect vectors and mammals. Our genotyping assay allowed the correct assignment of the six NW Leishmania species (L. mexicana, L. infantum (chagasi), L. amazonensis, L. panamensis, L. guyanensis and L. braziliensis) based on reference strains. When the algorithm was applied to a set of well-characterized strains by means of PCR-RFLP, MLEE and monoclonal antibodies (MA) we observed a tailored concordance between the HRM and PCR-RFLP/MLEE/MA (KI = 1.0). Additionally, we tested the limit of detection for the HRM method showing that this is able to detect at least 10 equivalent-parasites per mL. Conclusions: This is a rapid and reliable method to conduct molecular epidemiology and host-parasite association studies in endemic areas. © 2014 Baleela et al

    Identification of Six New World Leishmania species through the implementation of a High-Resolution Melting (HRM) genotyping assay

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    Background: Leishmaniases are tropical zoonotic diseases, caused by parasites from the genus Leishmania. New World (NW) species are related to sylvatic cycles although urbanization processes have been reported in some South American Countries such as Colombia. This eco-epidemiological complexity imposes a challenge to the detection of circulating parasite species, not only related to human cases but also infecting vectors and reservoirs. Currently, no harmonized methods have been deployed to discriminate the NW Leishmania species. Findings: Herein, we conducted a systematic and mechanistic High-Resolution Melting (HRM) assay targeted to HSP70 and ITS1. Specific primers were designed that coupled with a HRM analyses permitted to discriminate six NW Leishmania species. In order to validate the herein described algorithm, we included 35 natural isolates obtained from human cases, insect vectors and mammals. Our genotyping assay allowed the correct assignment of the six NW Leishmania species (L. mexicana, L. infantum (chagasi), L. amazonensis, L. panamensis, L. guyanensis and L. braziliensis) based on reference strains. When the algorithm was applied to a set of well-characterized strains by means of PCR-RFLP, MLEE and monoclonal antibodies (MA) we observed a tailored concordance between the HRM and PCR-RFLP/MLEE/MA (KI = 1.0). Additionally, we tested the limit of detection for the HRM method showing that this is able to detect at least 10 equivalent-parasites per mL. Conclusions: This is a rapid and reliable method to conduct molecular epidemiology and host-parasite association studies in endemic areas. © 2014 Baleela et al

    Primer consenso colombiano sobre Chagas congénito y orientación clínica a mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de Chagas

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    ResumenLa transmisión congénita de la enfermedad de Chagas ha sido poco estudiada en Colombia y existen pocos procedimientos rutinarios en el sistema de salud para el manejo de esta enfermedad. Por ello se desarrolló un consenso de expertos dirigido a generar recomendaciones de diagnóstico y tratamiento de Chagas congénito y orientación a mujeres en edad fértil. Con ese propósito se realizó una búsqueda extensiva de la literatura, empleando una combinación de términos MeSH (Chagas, Chagas congénito, prevención, control, diagnóstico, tratamiento y embarazo) para reflejar el estado del arte en cada tema de interés. Después de ello, se leyeron los resúmenes y aquellos seleccionados para análisis del texto completo. La literatura relevante se sintetizó, clasificó y organizó en tablas y se presentó al panel de expertos, el cual estaba constituido por 30 profesionales en diferentes áreas. Mediante la metodología Delphi se realizaron 2 rondas de cuestionarios virtuales y una reunión presencial en los cuales se evaluaron los niveles de acuerdo entre los participantes. Los puntos con falta de consenso durante las 2 rondas virtuales se expusieron durante las mesas de discusión en la ronda presencial. La evidencia utilizada se adaptó a las particularidades nacionales según el caso y se aprobó el contenido del documento final. Se propone que estas recomendaciones sean usadas por profesionales de la salud en Colombia.AbstractCongenital transmission of Chagas disease has not been extensively studied in Colombia, and there are no standardized processes in the health system regarding the specific diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of this disease. In order to generate recommendations on congenital Chagas disease and Chagas in women of childbearing age in Colombia, a consensus of experts was developed. An extensive literature search through the Medline database was carried out using the MeSH terms: «Chagas disease/congenital», «prevention and control», «diagnosis», «therapeutics» and «pregnancy». Appropriate abstracts were selected and the full texts were analyzed. The relevant information was synthesized, classified, and organized into tables and figures and was presented to a panel of experts, which was composed of 30 professionals from various fields. Based on the Delphi methodology, three rounds of consultation were conducted. The first and second rounds were based on electronic questionnaires that measured the level of consensus of each question among the participants. The third round was based on a face-to-face discussion focusing on those questions without consensus in the previous consultations. The evidence was adapted to national circumstances on a case-by-case basis, and the content the final document was approved. These recommendations are proposed for use in routine medical practice by health professionals in Colombia

    Primer consenso colombiano sobre Chagas congénito y orientación clínica a mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de Chagas

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    La transmisión congénita de la enfermedad de Chagas ha sido poco estudiada en Colombia y existen pocos procedimientos rutinarios en el sistema de salud para el manejo de esta enfermedad. Por ello se desarrolló un consenso de expertos dirigido a generar recomendaciones de diagnóstico y tratamiento de Chagas congénito y orientación a mujeres en edad fértil. Con ese propósito se realizó una búsqueda extensiva de la literatura, empleando una combinación de términos MeSH (Chagas, Chagas congénito, prevención, control, diagnóstico, tratamiento y embarazo) para reflejar el estado del arte en cada tema de interés. Después de ello, se leyeron los resúmenes y aquellos seleccionados para análisis del texto completo. La literatura relevante se sintetizó, clasificó y organizó en tablas y se presentó al panel de expertos, el cual estaba constituido por 30 profesionales en diferentes áreas. Mediante la metodología Delphi se realizaron 2 rondas de cuestionarios virtuales y una reunión presencial en los cuales se evaluaron los niveles de acuerdo entre los participantes. Los puntos con falta de consenso durante las 2 rondas virtuales se expusieron durante las mesas de discusión en la ronda presencial. La evidencia utilizada se adaptó a las particularidades nacionales según el caso y se aprobó el contenido del documento final. Se propone que estas recomendaciones sean usadas por profesionales de la salud en Colombia

    First Colombian consensus on congenital Chagas and clinical approach for women of child-bearing age diagnosed with Chagas

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    Abstract Congenital transmission of Chagas disease has not been extensively studied in Colombia, and there are no standardized processes in the health system regarding the specific diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of this disease. To generate recommendations on congenital Chagas disease and Chagas in women of childbearing age in Colombia, a consensus of experts was developed. An extensive literature search through the Medline database was carried out using the MeSH terms: «Chagas disease/congenital», «prevention and control», «diagnosis», «therapeutics» and «pregnancy». Appropriate abstracts were selected and the full texts were analyzed. The relevant information was synthesized, classified, and organized into tables and figures and was presented to a panel of experts, which was composed of 30 professionals from various fields. Based on the Delphi methodology, three rounds of consultation were conducted. The first and second rounds were based on electronic questionnaires that measured the level of consensus of each question among the participants. The third round was based on a face-to-face discussion focusing on those questions without consensus in the previous consultations. The evidence was adapted to national circumstances on a case-by-case basis, and the content the final document was approved. These recommendations are proposed for use in routine medical practice by health professionals in Colombia