484 research outputs found


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    General Relativity is usually formulated as a theory with gauge invariance under the diffeomorphism group, but there is a ``dilaton'' formulation where it is in addition invariant under Weyl transformations, and a ``unimodular'' formulation where it is only invariant under the smaller group of special diffeomorphisms. Other formulations with the same number of gauge generators, but a different gauge algebra, also exist. These different formulations provide examples of what we call ``inessential gauge invariance'', ``symmetry trading'' and ``linking theories''; they are locally equivalent, but may differ when global properties of the solutions are considered. We discuss these notions in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism. The discussion is then extended to the quantum level. By making suitable choices of parametrization and gauge we show that the alternative formulations are equivalent to quantum EG, in the sense that the effective actions are the same. In particular, in the dilaton formulation Weyl invariance can be maintained also in the quantum theory

    Friends or strangers? Attempts at reactivating buyer–supplier relationships

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore an important management aspect of business relationship dynamics, namely, the reactivation process of previously ended buyer–supplier relationships. Design/methodology/approach: A processual case study approach focusing on a single in-depth case has been used. The case is based on longitudinal data from a number of sources concerning one reactivation failure. Findings: Grounded in previous research and based on this study’s case findings, the authors have designed a model of analysis for relationship reactivation processes. Using the model on this study’s particular case, the authors show how the structural properties of network embeddedness and resource ties worked in favor of the process, whereas the social bonds and the lack of them led to mistrust that disturbed the negotiation and, hence, worked against the reactivation process. Originality/value: This study makes a contribution to the field of relationship dynamics by exploring relationship reactivation processes. The designed model shows how reactivation can be understood as an interplay between structural properties and (re)building activities and contributes new knowledge on factors that affect this process


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    Con la finalidad de conocer los valores de tensi\uf3n arterial en reci\ue9n nacidos sanos, a t\ue9rmino, de peso adecuado a su edad gestacional y menores de 72 horas de edad, por el m\ue9todo oscilom\ue9trico, se estudiaron 200 reci\ue9n nacidos (110 masculinos y 90 femeninos), nacidos en el Hospital Central Universitario "Antonio Mar\ueda Pineda" de Barquisimeto, durante el mes de mayo de 1997. En el sexo masculino, la presi\uf3n sist\uf3lica y diast\uf3lica fue de 64,22 \ub1 5,89 mmHg y 37,66 \ub1 4;772 mmHg, respectivamente. En el sexo femenino, la presi\uf3n sist\uf3lica y diast\uf3lica fue de 63,57 \ub1 5,94 mmHg y 37,32 \ub1 4,86 mmHg, respectivamente. Los valores promedios de presi\uf3n arterial encontrados son similares a los reportados por otros autores en la mayor\ueda de los estudios. No se encontraron diferencias estad\uedsticamente significativas en relaci\uf3n con las cifras tensionales obtenidas con respecto al sexo, peso, edad gestacional y talla de los reci\ue9n nacidos. SUMMARY With the object of knowing the importance of blood pressure in healthy newborn babies, at state, of appropiate weight at its gestacional age and under seventy-two hours age by the oscillometric method, two hundred newborn babies were studied (one hundred and ten (110) male children and ninety (90) female), borned in Hospital Central Universitario "Antonio Mar\ueda Pineda" of Barquisimeto, during the month of May in 1997. In the male sex, the systolic and diastolic pressure was 64,22 \ub1 5,89 mmHg and 37,66 \ub1 4,772 mmHg, respectively. In the female sex, the systolic and diastolic pressure was 63,57 \ub1 5,94 mmHg and 37,32 \ub1 4,86 mmHg, respectively. Finding that the average importances of blood pressure are similar to those reported by others authors in most of the studies. No statistically significant differences in relation to the tensite quantites obtained with regard to the sex, weight, gestacional age and height of the new born babies


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    Los hesp\ue9ridos son mariposas diurnas con reconocido rol de sus especies como indicadoras del nivel de conservaci\uf3n de los ecosistemas. Con el objetivo de obtener informaci\uf3n sobre nuevos registros de estas mariposas, se realizaron viajes de campo a varios municipios del estado Lara, Venezuela desde 2013 hasta 2016. Los adultos fueron colectados con mallas entomol\uf3gicas, mientras que los estados inmaduros fueron obtenidos manualmente junto a partes de la planta asociada. Los ejemplares fueron estudiados en el Laboratorio de Entomolog\ueda de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. La diversidad de especies fue estimada mediante el uso de los \uedndices Alfa y Beta, y se ilustr\uf3 la composici\uf3n faun\uedstica a trav\ue9s del diagrama de Venn. Con la revisi\uf3n taxon\uf3mica se identificaron 236 ejemplares agrupados en 3 subfamilias, 11 g\ue9neros y 7 especies. Hesperiinae: Hylephila phyleus (Drury, 1773), Perichares (Scudder, 1872), Panoquina Hemming, 1934 y Wallengrenia Berg, 1897. Pyrginae: Antigonus Hubner, 1819, Autochton zarex Hubner, 1818, Autochton Hubner, 1823, Chiodes castillus Cramer, 1779, Heliopetes macaira Reakirt, 1864, Pyrgus Hubner, 1819, Pyrgus orcus Stoll, 1780, Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus, 1758), U. dorantes (Stoll, 1790) y Pyrrhopyginae: Pyrrhopyge Hubner, 1819. La localidad de R\uedo Claro present\uf3 el mayor valor de diversidad Alfa y Beta, seguido de Tarabana y Carorita. La especie con mayor n\ufamero de ejemplares fue U. proteus, la cual ha sido reportada por otros autores como plaga en leguminosas. Palabras clave adicionales: Bosque seco tropical, ecosistemas de monta\uf1a, indicadores biol\uf3gicos, mariposas saltadoras. ABSTRACT The hesperids or skippers are diurnal butterflies whose role of their species as indicators of the conservation level of ecosystems is recognized. With the objective of obtaining information on new records of these butterflies, field trips were made to several localities of Lara State, Venezuela, from 2013 to 2016. Adults were collected using insect nets, while immature stages were obtained manually together with parts of the associated plant. After collection, samples were taken to the Entomology Research Laboratory at Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Species diversity was estimated through the use of alpha and Beta indices. The faunal composition was also illustrated through Venn diagram. From the taxonomic review, it was possible to identify 236 specimens, which were grouped into 3 subfamilies, 11 genera and 7 species as follow. Hesperiinae: Hylephila phyleus (Drury, 1773), Perichares (Scudder, 1872), Panoquina Hemming, 1934 y Wallengrenia Berg, 1897. Pyrginae: Antigonus Hubner, 1819, Autochton zarex Hubner, 1818, Autochton Hubner, 1823, Chiodes castillus Cramer, 1779, Heliopetes macaira Reakirt, 1864, Pyrgus Hubner, 1819, Pyrgus orcus Stoll, 1780, Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus, 1758), U. dorantes (Stoll, 1790) y Pyrrhopyginae: Pyrrhopyge Hubner, 1819. The locality of R\uedo Claro presented the highest alpha and Beta diversity value, followed by Tarabana and Carorita. The species with the highest number of individuals was U. proteus, which has been reported by other authors as a pest in legumes. Additional key words: Biological indicators, dry tropical forest, jumping butterflies, mountain forests. <br


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    La base de los programas de fitomejoramiento son poblaciones variables creadas por el cruce entre progenitores divergentes. Los datos de similitud gen\ue9tica estimados a partir de marcadores moleculares pueden ser usados para seleccionar tales genotipos parentales. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estimar la similitud gen\ue9tica entre cultivares locales y mejorados de caraota usando 20 marcadores microsat\ue9lites (SSR). Se evaluaron 30 genotipos: 12 cultivares locales y 18 mejorados. Se identificaron los alelos por locus, se calcul\uf3 el porcentaje de frecuencias al\ue9licas y se determin\uf3 el contenido de informaci\uf3n polim\uf3rfica (PIC). Con el registro de la presencia (1) y ausencia (0) de bandas, se obtuvo una matriz binaria, utilizada para el an\ue1lisis de similitud por el m\ue9todo UPGMA. Paralelamente, se realiz\uf3 un an\ue1lisis de coordenadas principales. De los 20 SSR utilizados 16 resultaron polim\uf3rficos, lo que permiti\uf3 discriminar la similitud entre los cultivares. El PIC promedio de la poblaci\uf3n global y los diferentes tipos de cultivares evaluados presentaron poco polimorfismo gen\ue9tico entre los 30 cultivares, demostrando que la base gen\ue9tica de la caraota es estrecha. Con el an\ue1lisis de similaridad se conformaron 6 grupos de cultivares, destac\ue1ndose los locales I-2363 e I-2294 que integraron un solo grupo. El resto de los genotipos se organizaron en su mayor\ueda por grupos de cultivares locales, comerciales y l\uedneas avanzadas. La variaci\uf3n entre los cultivares fue similar, aunque existe una variabilidad distinta a los cultivares comerciales de uso actual que puede ser aprovechada en los programas de mejoramiento gen\ue9tico del cultivo. Palabras clave adicionales: Diversidad gen\ue9tica, genotipo, marcadores moleculares. ABSTRACT The base of the breeding programs are variable populations created by the crossing between divergent parents. Genetic similarity data estimated from molecular markers can be used to select such parental genotypes. The objective of the present work was to estimate the genetic similarity between landraces and improved cultivars of common bean using microsatellite markers (SSR). Thirty genotypes were evaluated: 12 landrace and 18 improved. The alleles were identified by locus, the percentage of allelic frequencies was calculated and polymorphic information content (PIC) was determined. With the recording of the presence (1) and absence (0) of bands, a binary matrix was obtained, used for the analysis of similarity by the UPGMA method. In parallel, a principal coordinate analysis was carried out. Of the 20 SSR used, 16 were polymorphic, which allowed to discriminate the similarity between the cultivars. The average PIC of the global population and the different types of cultivars evaluated showed little genetic polymorphism among the 30 cultivars, demonstrating that the genetic base of the common bean is narrow. The analysis of similarity allowed the conformation of 6 groups of cultivars, standing out the premises I-2363 and I-2294 that integrated a single group. The rest of the genotypes were organized mostly by groups of landrace, commercial and advanced lines. The variation between the cultivars was similar, although there is a variability different to the commercial cultivars of current use that can be exploited in the breeding programs of the crop. Additional key words: Genetic diversity, genotype, molecular markers. <br

    La subjetividad en la definici\uf3n lexicogr\ue1fica: los diccionarios de la Real Academia Espa\uf1ola

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    La presentaci\uf3n tiene como objetivo, en esta ocasi\uf3n, abordar como asunto central el fen\uf3meno de la manifestaci\uf3n de la experiencia subjetiva en el espacio de enunciaci\uf3n que constituye el texto de la definici\uf3n lexicogr\ue1fica, en este caso, en particular, a partir de un grupo selecto de definiciones pertenecientes a los diccionarios de la Real Academia Espa\uf1ola (RAE). Hemos tomado en consideraci\uf3n el Diccionario de Autoridades, o Autoridades, (DA) y el Diccionario de la lengua espa\uf1ola (DRAE). Dado este conjunto de obras lexicogr\ue1ficas mencionadas, el af\ue1n de esta investigaci\uf3n es identificar en cada definici\uf3n, o, m\ue1s precisamente, en partes de ella, aquellos espacios en los que podemos entrever la presencia individual de un enunciador en medio de la recuperaci\uf3n del significado socialmente compartido que, idealmente, corresponde traer al diccionario. Estos espacios de manifestaci\uf3n personal, o, al menos, no plenamente compartidos al interior de la comunidad de lengua, ser\ue1n, por tanto, las que consideraremos nuestras marcas de subjetividad, o marcas de enunciaci\uf3n subjetiva


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    En este trabajo de investigaci\uf3n de tipo cualitativo, me centro en las transformaciones socioculturales vividas y reconocidas por los ni\uf1os y j\uf3venes pertenecientes a la organizaci\uf3n de Centros de Creaci\uf3n Literaria en la Ciudad de Carora, estado Lara, Venezuela, la cual se dedica a la ense\uf1anza de la poes\ueda, entendiendo a la misma como generadora de Capital Social. La investigaci\uf3n estuvo guiada por los conceptos de capital social, significado social y desarrollo humano, articulados para los fines propuestos en ella, fundament\ue1ndolos en la teor\ueda del Capital Social, la construcci\uf3n social de los significados y el enfoque de Desarrollo humano. Utilizo el m\ue9todo biogr\ue1fico, en la modalidad de historias de vida y entrevistas abiertas, como t\ue9cnicas de investigaci\uf3n fundamentales para el acercamiento metodol\uf3gico, en una combinaci\uf3n propia. Llevo a cabo un an\ue1lisis combinado, de tipo temporal para el material biogr\ue1fico y un an\ue1lisis dial\uf3gico para las entrevistas abiertas, a partir del cual realizo un contraste e integraci\uf3n donde interpreto, basado en los testimonios de las vivencias de un grupo de ni\uf1os y j\uf3venes pertenecientes a los CCL, las transformaciones socioculturales generadas en la vida personal y familiar de los ni\uf1os y j\uf3venes ocurridas a partir del momento en que se integraron al movimiento socio-educativo de los CCL. Entre las conclusiones del estudio destaco los cambios visibles y reconocidos a nivel personal, acad\ue9mico y familiar, producidos en la vida de los participantes por el tipo de organizaci\uf3n flexible de los CCL y su metodolog\ueda de ense\uf1anza. Palabras claves del Autor: transformaciones socioculturales, significado psicosocial, desarrollo humano, capital social, beneficios sociales. ABSTRACT In this qualitative research paper, I focus on sociocultural transformations lived and recognized by children and young people belonging to the Centers of Literary Creation organization in the City of Carora, Lara State, Venezuela, which devotes to the education of poetry, understanding the latter as social capital generator. The research was guided by the concepts of social capital, social meaning and human development, articulated for their own outcomes, basing them on the social capital theory, social construction of meanings and the human Development approach. I use the biographical method, life histories modality and opened interviews, as fundamental research techniques for a methodological approximation, such techniques have a combination made of my own. I carry out a temporary combined analysis to the biographical material and a dialogical analysis to opened interviews, from which I make a contrast and integration where I interpret, based on the testimonies of the experiences of a group of children and young people belonging to the CCL, the sociocultural transformations generated both in their personal and family life which took place from the very moment they joined the Centers of Literary Creation. Among the conclusions, I emphasize their visible changes, recognized at a personal, academic and familiar level, and produced in the participant\u92s life due to the CCL organization type, which is flexible, and its education methodology. Key words: sociocultural transformations, psychosocial meaning, human development, social capital, social benefits. R\uc9SUM\uc9 \uc9tude du signifi\ue9 des transformations socioculturelles pour des enfants et des jeunes, et sa r\ue9percussion sur la construction du capital social Dans ce travail de recherche de type qualitatif, je me concentre sur les transformations socioculturelles v\ue9cues et reconnues pour les enfants et les jeunes appartenant \ue0 l\u92organisation de Centres de Cr\ue9ation Litt\ue9raire dans la Ville de Carora, \ue9tat de Lara, au Venezuela, qui s\u92occupe de l\u92enseignement de la po\ue9sie, en connaissant \ue0 la m\ueame comme g\ue9n\ue9ratrice du Capital Social. La recherche fut guid\ue9e par les concepts de capital social, de signifi\ue9 social et de d\ue9veloppement humain, articul\ue9s pour les fins propos\ue9es sur elle m\ueame, en les fondant sur la th\ue9orie du Capital Social, la construction sociale des signifi\ue9s et le point de vue de D\ue9veloppement humain. J\u92utilise la m\ue9thode biographique, dans la modalit\ue9 d\u92histoires de vie et d\u92interviews ouvertes, comme techniques fondamentales de recherche pour le rapprochement m\ue9thodologique, j\u92utilise ma propre combinaison. Je r\ue9alise une analyse combin\ue9e, de type temporel pour le mat\ue9riel biographique et une analyse dialogique pour les interviews ouvertes, dont je r\ue9alise un contraste et une int\ue9gration o\uf9 j\u92interpr\ue8te, bas\ue9 sur les t\ue9moignages des exp\ue9riences d\u92un groupe d\u92enfants et de jeunes appartenant aux CCL, les transformations socioculturelles g\ue9n\ue9r\ue9es dans la vie personnelle et familiale des enfants et de jeunes arriv\ue9es \ue0 partir du moment dans lequel ils ont \ue9t\ue9 int\ue9gr\ue9s au mouvement des Centres de Cr\ue9ation Litt\ue9raire. Entre les conclusions de l\u92\ue9tude, je d\ue9tache les changements visibles et reconnus \ue0 un niveau personnel, acad\ue9mique et familial, produits dans la vie des participants par le type d\u92organisation flexible des CCL et sa m\ue9thodologie d\u92enseignement. Mots Cl\ue9s: transformations socioculturelles, signifi\ue9 psycho-social, d\ue9veloppement humain, capital social, b\ue9n\ue9fices sociaux.<br


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    Adolescente de 15 a\uf1os de edad con embarazo de 18 semanas. El eco p\ue9lvico revela tumefacci\uf3n econegativa bilobulada con base en la calota de 96.4 x 58.7 mm. mayor que la cabeza fetal, oligoamnios. El cariotipo del l\uedquido amni\uf3tico revela un complemento cromos\uf3mico de 45,X. Se diagnostica S\uedndrome de Turner. A las 19 semanas de gestaci\uf3n la paciente expulsa feto macerado de 25 cm. de longitud, de 630 gr de peso. A nivel del cuello y hemicara derecha presenta Higroma qu\uedstico de 10x5x5 cm., recubierto de piel, al corte de aspecto qu\uedstico, multilocular. Abdomen globoso, edema en miembros superiores e inferiores, cardiopulmonar normal, ri\uf1ones hipoplasicos, el derecho con doble ur\ue9ter permeable, terminan en una estructura com\ufan de 10x5 cm. conformada por vejiga y cuello uterino. Anexo izquierdo con bandaleta ov\ue1rica, anexo derecho normal. El sigmoide termina en fondo de saco. Ano imperforado. Estudio histopatol\uf3gico: Bandeleta izquierda: estroma ov\ue1rico sin elementos foliculares y abundante tejido conectivo. En ovario derecho se observan abundantes fol\uedculos primordiales. Con este caso demostramos la presencia de un ovario de aspecto y configuraci\uf3n normal en un feto con S\uedndrome de Turner. SUMMARY An ultrasound to 18th week pregnant, in a 15 years old woman, revealed an occipital cystic hygroma, measuring 96,4x58,7 mm larger than the fetal head and oligoamnios. Chromosomes obtained through amniocentesis revealed a 45,X complement, the diagnosis was Turner Syndrome. She went into labour on the 19th week of gestation, and delivered a dead fetus weighting 630 gr and measuring 25 cm with an occipital tumor that extended from the nuchal region to the upper right side of the face, measuring 10x5x5 cm. It looked like cystic higroma. The fetus also showed prominent abdomen, edema of the hands and feet, imperforated anus, hypoplastic kidneys whit duplication of ureter on the right side, the ureteres ended in a sac which included rudimentary uterus and bladder. The left ovary was reduced to streak gonad and the right ovary was normal, with a lot of oocytes. The sygmoid colon ended in a sac; no cardiovascular abnormalities. With this case we are documenting a normal ovary in a fetus with Turner Syndrome

    Plant height and hydraulic vulnerability to drought and cold

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    Understanding how plants survive drought and cold is increasingly important as plants worldwide experience dieback with drought in moist places and grow taller with warming in cold ones. Crucial in plant climate adaptation are the diameters of water-transporting conduits. Sampling 537 species across climate zones dominated by angiosperms, we find that plant size is unambiguously the main driver of conduit diameter variation. And because taller plants have wider conduits, and wider conduits within species are more vulnerable to conduction-blocking embolisms, taller conspecifics should be more vulnerable than shorter ones, a prediction we confirm with a plantation experiment. As a result, maximum plant size should be short under drought and cold, which cause embolism, or increase if these pressures relax. That conduit diameter and embolism vulnerability are inseparably related to plant size helps explain why factors that interact with conduit diameter, such as drought or warming, are altering plant heights worldwide

    Glycan processing in gut microbiomes

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    Microbiomes and their enzymes process many of the nutrients accessible in the gastrointestinal tract of bilaterians and play an essential role in host health and nutrition. In this review, we describe recent insights into nutrient processing in microbiomes across three exemplary yet contrasting gastrointestinal ecosystems (humans, ruminants and insects), with focus on bacterial mechanisms for the utilization of common and atypical dietary glycans as well as host-derived mucus glycans. In parallel, we discuss findings from multi-omic studies that have provided new perspectives on understanding glycan-dependent interactions and the complex food-webs of microbial populations in their natural habitat. Using key examples, we emphasize how increasing understanding of glycan processing by gut microbiomes can provide critical insights to assist ‘microbiome reprogramming’, a growing field that seeks to leverage diet to improve animal growth and host health
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