1,096 research outputs found

    Effect of nanostructuration on compressibility of cubic BN

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    Compressibility of high-purity nanostructured cBN has been studied under quasi-hydrostatic conditions at 300 K up to 35 GPa using diamond anvil cell and angle-dispersive synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. A data fit to the Vinet equation of state yields the values of the bulk modulus B0 of 375(4) GPa with its first pressure derivative B0' of 2.3(3). The nanometer grain size (\sim20 nm) results in decrease of the bulk modulus by ~9%

    Field Theory Approaches to Nonequilibrium Dynamics

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    It is explained how field-theoretic methods and the dynamic renormalisation group (RG) can be applied to study the universal scaling properties of systems that either undergo a continuous phase transition or display generic scale invariance, both near and far from thermal equilibrium. Part 1 introduces the response functional field theory representation of (nonlinear) Langevin equations. The RG is employed to compute the scaling exponents for several universality classes governing the critical dynamics near second-order phase transitions in equilibrium. The effects of reversible mode-coupling terms, quenching from random initial conditions to the critical point, and violating the detailed balance constraints are briefly discussed. It is shown how the same formalism can be applied to nonequilibrium systems such as driven diffusive lattice gases. Part 2 describes how the master equation for stochastic particle reaction processes can be mapped onto a field theory action. The RG is then used to analyse simple diffusion-limited annihilation reactions as well as generic continuous transitions from active to inactive, absorbing states, which are characterised by the power laws of (critical) directed percolation. Certain other important universality classes are mentioned, and some open issues are listed.Comment: 54 pages, 9 figures, Lecture Notes for Luxembourg Summer School "Ageing and the Glass Transition", submitted to Springer Lecture Notes in Physics (www.springeronline/com/series/5304/

    Vortex wandering in a forest of splayed columnar defects

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    We investigate the scaling properties of single flux lines in a random pinning landscape consisting of splayed columnar defects. Such correlated defects can be injected into Type II superconductors by inducing nuclear fission or via direct heavy ion irradiation. The result is often very efficient pinning of the vortices which gives, e.g., a strongly enhanced critical current. The wandering exponent \zeta and the free energy exponent \omega of a single flux line in such a disordered environment are obtained analytically from scaling arguments combined with extreme-value statistics. In contrast to the case of point disorder, where these exponents are universal, we find a dependence of the exponents on details in the probability distribution of the low lying energies of the columnar defects. The analytical results show excellent agreement with numerical transfer matrix calculations in two and three dimensions.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Reaction Diffusion Models in One Dimension with Disorder

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    We study a large class of 1D reaction diffusion models with quenched disorder using a real space renormalization group method (RSRG) which yields exact results at large time. Particles (e.g. of several species) undergo diffusion with random local bias (Sinai model) and react upon meeting. We obtain the large time decay of the density of each specie, their associated universal amplitudes, and the spatial distribution of particles. We also derive the spectrum of exponents which characterize the convergence towards the asymptotic states. For reactions with several asymptotic states, we analyze the dynamical phase diagram and obtain the critical exponents at the transitions. We also study persistence properties for single particles and for patterns. We compute the decay exponents for the probability of no crossing of a given point by, respectively, the single particle trajectories (θ\theta) or the thermally averaged packets (θˉ\bar{\theta}). The generalized persistence exponents associated to n crossings are also obtained. Specifying to the process A+AA+A \to \emptyset or A with probabilities (r,1r)(r,1-r), we compute exactly the exponents δ(r)\delta(r) and ψ(r)\psi(r) characterizing the survival up to time t of a domain without any merging or with mergings respectively, and δA(r)\delta_A(r) and ψA(r)\psi_A(r) characterizing the survival up to time t of a particle A without any coalescence or with coalescences respectively. θˉ,ψ,δ\bar{\theta}, \psi, \delta obey hypergeometric equations and are numerically surprisingly close to pure system exponents (though associated to a completely different diffusion length). Additional disorder in the reaction rates, as well as some open questions, are also discussed.Comment: 54 pages, Late

    Electronic structure in underdoped cuprates due to the emergence of a pseudogap

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    The phenomenological Green's function developed in the works of Yang, Rice and Zhang has been very successful in understanding many of the anomalous superconducting properties of the deeply underdoped cuprates. It is based on considerations of the resonating valence bond spin liquid approximation and is designed to describe the underdoped regime of the cuprates. Here we emphasize the region of doping, xx, just below the quantum critical point at which the pseudogap develops. In addition to Luttinger hole pockets centered around the nodal direction, there are electron pockets near the antinodes which are connected to the hole pockets by gapped bridging contours. We determine the contours of nearest approach as would be measured in angular resolved photoemission experiments and emphasize signatures of the Fermi surface reconstruction from the large Fermi contour of Fermi liquid theory (which contains 1+x1+x hole states) to the Luttinger pocket (which contains xx hole states). We find that the quasiparticle effective mass renormalization increases strongly towards the edge of the Luttinger pockets beyond which it diverges.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    High pressure phases in highly piezoelectric Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3

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    Two novel room-temperature phase transitions are observed, via synchrotron x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, in the Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 alloy under hydrostatic pressures up to 16 GPa. A monoclinic (M)-to-rhombohedral (R1) phase transition takes place around 2-3 GPa, while this R1 phase transforms into another rhombohedral phase, R2, at about 6-7 GPa. First-principles calculations assign the R3m and R3c symmetry to R1 and R2, respectively, and reveal that R2 acts as a pressure-induced structural bridge between the polar R3m and a predicted antiferrodistortive R-3c phase.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages with 3 figures embedded. Figs 1 and 3 in colo

    Exact multilocal renormalization on the effective action : application to the random sine Gordon model statics and non-equilibrium dynamics

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    We extend the exact multilocal renormalization group (RG) method to study the flow of the effective action functional. This important physical quantity satisfies an exact RG equation which is then expanded in multilocal components. Integrating the nonlocal parts yields a closed exact RG equation for the local part, to a given order in the local part. The method is illustrated on the O(N) model by straightforwardly recovering the η\eta exponent and scaling functions. Then it is applied to study the glass phase of the Cardy-Ostlund, random phase sine Gordon model near the glass transition temperature. The static correlations and equilibrium dynamical exponent zz are recovered and several new results are obtained. The equilibrium two-point scaling functions are obtained. The nonequilibrium, finite momentum, two-time t,tt,t' response and correlations are computed. They are shown to exhibit scaling forms, characterized by novel exponents λRλC\lambda_R \neq \lambda_C, as well as universal scaling functions that we compute. The fluctuation dissipation ratio is found to be non trivial and of the form X(qz(tt),t/t)X(q^z (t-t'), t/t'). Analogies and differences with pure critical models are discussed.Comment: 33 pages, RevTe

    Interaction of vortices in viscous planar flows

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    We consider the inviscid limit for the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation in the particular case where the initial flow is a finite collection of point vortices. We suppose that the initial positions and the circulations of the vortices do not depend on the viscosity parameter \nu, and we choose a time T > 0 such that the Helmholtz-Kirchhoff point vortex system is well-posed on the interval [0,T]. Under these assumptions, we prove that the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation converges, as \nu -> 0, to a superposition of Lamb-Oseen vortices whose centers evolve according to a viscous regularization of the point vortex system. Convergence holds uniformly in time, in a strong topology which allows to give an accurate description of the asymptotic profile of each individual vortex. In particular, we compute to leading order the deformations of the vortices due to mutual interactions. This allows to estimate the self-interactions, which play an important role in the convergence proof.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Structure and Dynamics of Liquid Iron under Earth's Core Conditions

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    First-principles molecular dynamics simulations based on density-functional theory and the projector augmented wave (PAW) technique have been used to study the structural and dynamical properties of liquid iron under Earth's core conditions. As evidence for the accuracy of the techniques, we present PAW results for a range of solid-state properties of low- and high-pressure iron, and compare them with experimental values and the results of other first-principles calculations. In the liquid-state simulations, we address particular effort to the study of finite-size effects, Brillouin-zone sampling and other sources of technical error. Results for the radial distribution function, the diffusion coefficient and the shear viscosity are presented for a wide range of thermodynamic states relevant to the Earth's core. Throughout this range, liquid iron is a close-packed simple liquid with a diffusion coefficient and viscosity similar to those of typical simple liquids under ambient conditions.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure