5,500 research outputs found
Unemployment insurance and reservation wages : evidence from administrative data
Although the reservation wage plays a central role in job search models, empirical evidence on the determinants of reservation wages, including key policy variables such as unemployment insurance (UI), is scarce. In France, unemployed people must declare their reservation wage to the Public Employment Service when they register to claim UI benefits. We take advantage of these rich French administrative data and of a reform of UI rules to estimate the effect of the Potential Benefit Duration (PBD) on reservation wages and on other dimensions of job selectivity, using a difference-in-difference strategy. We cannot reject that the elasticity of the reservation wage with respect to PBD is zero. Our results are precise and we can rule out elasticities larger than 0.006. Furthermore, we do not find any significant effects of PBD on the desired number of hours, duration of labor contract and commuting time/distance. The estimated elasticity of actual benefit duration with respect to PBD of 0.3 is in line with the consensus in the literature. Exploiting a Regression Discontinuity Design as an alternative identification strategy, we find similar results
Reprogramming towards Endothelial Cells for Vascular Regeneration
AbstractEndothelial damage and dysfunction are implicated in cardiovascular pathological changes and the development of vascular diseases. In view of the fact that the spontaneous endothelial cell (EC) regeneration is a slow and insufficient process, it is of great significance to explore alternative cell sources capable of generating functional ECs to repair damaged endothelium. Indeed, recent achievements of cell reprogramming to convert somatic cells to other cell types provide new powerful approaches to study endothelial regeneration. Based on progress in the research field, the present review aims to summarize the strategies and mechanisms of generating endothelial cells through reprogramming from somatic cells, and to examine what this means for the potential application of cell therapy in the clinic
Untersuchung des klassischen und des Trans-Signalweges von Interleukin-6 in der intestinalen epithelialen Wundheilung
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle der beiden IL-6 Signalwege Classic und Trans-Signaling im intestinalen Epithel und ihr Einfluss auf die intestinale epithelia-le Wundheilung untersucht.
Beide Wege können parallel in humanen Kolonkarzinomzelllinien induziert werden. Sowohl Classic als auch Trans-Signaling vermitteln dosis- und zeitabhängig eine STAT3-Phosphorylierung, jedoch hat nur Trans-Signaling einen positiven Einfluss auf die epitheliale Wundheilung. Eine IL-6 abhängige STAT3-Aktivierung lässt sich mittels handelsüblicher Antikörper gegen den IL-6R (Tocilizumab) und den IL-6/sIL-6R-Komplex (sgp130Fc) aufheben, wobei Classic Signaling spezifisch durch Tocili-zumab und Trans-Signaling spezifisch durch sgp130Fc gehemmt wird. Auch der regenerative Effekt von Trans-Signaling kann mittels sgp130Fc inhibiert werden.
Trans-Signaling erzeugt im Gegensatz zu Classic Signaling milden ER-Stress in der Kolonkarzinomzelllinie HT-29, aktiviert die Unfolded Protein Response und ver-stärkt chemisch induzierten ER-Stress. Repetitive Induktion von Trans-Signaling führt dazu, dass sein regeneratives Potenzial aufgehoben wird. Bei gleichzeitiger chemischer Induktion von ER-Stress entsteht sogar eine zellschädigende Wirkung. Auch dieser Effekt wird durch sgp130Fc abgeschwächt.
Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Trans-Signaling im intestinalen Epithel sowohl regenerative als auch zellschädigende Effekte vermitteln kann. Der Einfluss auf die epitheliale Wundheilung ist u.a. abhängig von der Dauer des IL-6-Signals, endogenen Konditionen wie der ER-Funktion und der Integrität der Zellhomöostase sowie von zusätzlichen externen Stimuli.
In Versuchen mit konditionalen Knockout-Mäusen, die keinen mIL-6R im intestina-len Epithel exprimieren, zeigt sich eine STAT3-Aktivierung bei murinen intestinalen Epithelzellen und Dünndarm-Organoiden ausschließlich über Trans-Signaling und nicht über Classic Signaling aktivierbar. Es ergibt sich die Schlussfolgerung, dass eine IL-6-Antwort im intestinalen Epithel im Wesentlichen über Trans-Signaling er-folgt, während Classic Signaling und der mIL-6R hier eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen
Stefano della Bella et Le Vase de Médicis : dessin et éducation artistique au XVIIe siècle
L’étude aborde la pratique du graveur-dessinateur florentin Stefano della Bella (1610-1664), plus spécifiquement son activité liée à l'enseignement du dessin et la mise en valeur de cette activité dans son œuvre. Nous nous pencherons principalement sur la gravure intitulée Le Vase de Médicis, datée de 1656, dans laquelle la figure de l’artiste en train de dessiner un vase antique devient le sujet principal. Par le dessin, l'artiste représente le monde qui l'entoure et intègre la figure même de l'observateur au sein de ses travaux. Ainsi, l’artiste démontre une nouvelle tendance. Par cette intégration de la figure du dessinateur, il y a, en quelque sorte, une manifestation d’une conscience de l'image même de l'artiste. Nous étudierons aussi les relations que Stefano della Bella entretenaient avec ses commanditaires. En effet, cette relation permet de mieux comprendre les fondements de sa pratique. D’autre part, le mémoire se concentre aussi sur la question de l’enseignement artistique. Della Bella s’intègre dans l’éducation des princes. Il s’implique dans un programme éducatif auprès de deux grands princes, Louis XIV en France, par le biais de jeux de cartes pédagogiques et Cosimo III de Médicis en Italie, par l’apprentissage du dessin. L’intérêt de se concentrer sur cet aspect présent dans la carrière de Della Bella est d’étudier la façon dont l’artiste met à profit sa pratique artistique auprès de personnages influents. En revanche, cette responsabilité implique de répondre à une demande qui impose des limites et qui démontre selon quelles valeurs et principes cet enseignement se doit de contribuer. Ce mémoire permettra de mieux saisir le nouveau statut de l'artiste qui se développe au XVIIe siècle et donne un exemple concret d’une carrière artistique prolifique s’illustrant à travers des relations stratégiques.This thesis will address the practice of the Florentine draughtsman and printmaker Stefano della Bella (1610-1664), more specifically in regard to his actions related to teaching drawing and his emphasis on this activity in his work. I will primarily focus on his engraving titled The Medici Vase, dated 1656, in which the artist drawing an antique vase becomes the main focus. Through the drawing, the artist is representing the world surrounding him and is integrating the very figure of the observer within his work. As such, the artist is demonstrating a new trend. By this integration of the figure of the draughtsman, there is a manifestation of sorts of the artist’s conscience of his own image. I will also examine the relationships that Stefano della Bella maintained with his sponsors. Indeed, these relationships allow a better understanding of the foundations of his craft. Furthermore, the present thesis will also explore the issue of artistic teaching, Della Bella having integrated himself in the education of princes. He was involved in an educative program aimed at two famous princes: Louis XIV of France via educational decks of cards and Cosimo III de’ Medici via drawing classes. The motivation behind concentrating on this aspect of Della Bella’s career is to study the way in which he used his artistic practice around influential people. Conversely, this responsibility requires answering an offer that can become limitative and can influence the values and principles that the teachings must contribute to. This thesis will allow a better understanding of the new status of an artist evolving in the 17th century and will provide a concrete example of a prolific artistic career that is characterised by strategic relationships
CO J=2-1 line emission in cluster galaxies at z~1: fueling star formation in dense environments
We present observations of CO J=2-1 line emission in infrared-luminous
cluster galaxies at z~1 using the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. Our two
primary targets are optically faint, dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) found to lie
within 2 Mpc of the centers of two massive (>10^14 Msun) galaxy clusters. CO
line emission is not detected in either DOG. We calculate 3-sigma upper limits
to the CO J=2-1 line luminosities, L'_CO < 6.08x10^9 and < 6.63x10^9 K km/s
pc^2. Assuming a CO-to-H_2 conversion factor derived for ultraluminous infrared
galaxies in the local Universe, this translates to limits on the cold molecular
gas mass of M_H_2 < 4.86x10^9 Msun and M_H_2 < 5.30x10^9 Msun. Both DOGs
exhibit mid-infrared continuum emission that follows a power-law, suggesting
that an AGN contributes to the dust heating. As such, estimates of the star
formation efficiencies in these DOGs are uncertain. A third cluster member with
an infrared luminosity, L_IR < 7.4x10^11 Lsun, is serendipitously detected in
CO J=2-1 line emission in the field of one of the DOGs located roughly two
virial radii away from the cluster center. The optical spectrum of this object
suggests that it is likely an obscured AGN, and the measured CO line luminosity
is L'_CO = (1.94 +/- 0.35)x10^10 K km/s pc^2, which leads to an estimated cold
molecular gas mass M_H_2 = (1.55+/-0.28)x10^10 Msun. A significant reservoir of
molecular gas in a z~1 galaxy located away from the cluster center demonstrates
that the fuel can exist to drive an increase in star-formation and AGN activity
at the outskirts of high-redshift clusters.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Ap
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