6 research outputs found

    Etude rétrospective de la lithiase urinaire dans l’Hôpital Hassan II de la province de Settat (Maroc)

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    Objectif: Cette étude épidémiologique de la lithiase urinaire est la première réalisée au Maroc. Elle se propose d’étudier la fréquence et les caractéristiques de cette maladie dans notre population Matériel et méthodes: Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective hospitalière portant sur une période de quatre ans de 1999 à 2002 dans les différents services de l’hôpital Hassan II de Settat et tenant compte de trois facteurs étudiés: sexe, âge et la saison de diagnostic. Résultats: Nous avons montré que cette maladie lithiasique a un caractère dominant chez l’homme. Elle survient le plus souvent chez des patients âgés entre 30 et 50 ans. Le nombre de sujets lithiasiques en consultation augmente en automne. Malgré les difficultés méthodologiques rencontrées dans cette étude, nous avons rapporté que le taux annuel moyen d’incidence hospitalièreest estimé à 30 p 100000 (consultation et chirurgie) et que la fréquence annuelle varie selon les services de 0.01 à 0.5%. Mais ces deux paramètres sont vraisemblablement sous estimés. Conclusion: La proportion des patients lithiasiques doit être connue avec plus de précision. Ceci nécessite une collaboration de la part des médecins, une coopération entre les différents services de chirurgie, de radiologie et de consultation dans les secteurs publics et privés


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    The rationale behind this study is to evaluate the impact of leachate resulting from the public landfill of Meknès city (MOROCCO), on the environment and more specifically on the waters of the aquifer. For this, a spatio-temporal monitoring of Nitrites, Nitrates, total germs, Sulfito reducing bacteria, Salmonella was performed at eight stations during the four seasons of the year 2013, in order to make a comparison between the pollution load of the leachate and, the possibility that juice discharge contamins groundwater. However, other different sampling point, are believed to be at the beginning of their infection. As to test this, we analyzed seven samples (water wells and springs) around the landfill by physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes. We confirm in this study that the marl is a temporary powerful obstacle, in contrast with permanent increasing pollution, generated by the decomposition of waste in landfill of Meknes city


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    The rationale behind this study is to evaluate the impact of leachate resulting from the public landfill of Meknès city (MOROCCO), on the environment and more specifically on the waters of the aquifer. For this, a spatio-temporal monitoring of Nitrites, Nitrates, total germs, Sulfito reducing bacteria, Salmonella was performed at eight stations during the four seasons of the year 2013, in order to make a comparison between the pollution load of the leachate and, the possibility that juice discharge contamins groundwater. However, other different sampling point, are believed to be at the beginning of their infection. As to test this, we analyzed seven samples (water wells and springs) around the landfill by physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes. We confirm in this study that the marl is a temporary powerful obstacle, in contrast with permanent increasing pollution, generated by the decomposition of waste in landfill of Meknes city

    Epidemiological characteristics of childhood urolithiasis in Morocco

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    Objectives: Due to the increase observed in the incidence of pediatric urolithiasis in the world, and the scarcity of studies of this pathology in Morocco, we assessed whether epidemiological characteristics of pediatric urolithiasis have a similar profile like in developed countries further we tried to assess the prevalence of this pathology among children in Hassan II University-Hospital of Fez. Subjects and methods: Between January 2003 to November 2013, 104 pediatric patients with urolithiasis were presented to Hassan II University-Hospital of Fez. Eighty one were boys and 23 girls. Patients were referred from different regions of Moroccan states. Results: Out of 104 children diagnosed with urolithiasis, 5 patients with positive family history of renal stones, and 12 were recurrent (12%). Their age varied between 8 months and 15 years old, with a mean age of 7.86 ± 4. The sex ratio was 3.5:1 boys to girls. Clinical presentations were dominated by micturition disorder (59%), abdominal or flank pain (28%), nephritic colic (22%), hematuria (22%) and urinary tract infection (13%). Stones were located in the upper urinary tract in 62.5% of cases. Stones were treated by surgery in 89 cases (89%), and with ESWL in only 2 cases (2%). Over these years of study, a prevalence of 0.83% of childhood urolithiasis was calculated. Conclusions: This preliminary study represents only a region of the country, so more epidemiological analyses should be done. Stone analysis should be performed more frequently, and patients must be presented at earlier stages, before any development of renal failure