1,722 research outputs found

    Pseudoreplication invalidates the results of many neuroscientific studies

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    Background: Pseudoreplication occurs when observations are not statistically independent, but treated as if they are. This can occur when there are multiple observations on the same subjects, when samples are nested or hierarchically organised, or when measurements are correlated in time or space. Analysis of such data without taking these dependencies into account can lead to meaningless results, and examples can easily be found in the neuroscience literature.\ud \ud Results: A single issue of Nature Neuroscience provided a number of examples and is used as a case study to highlight how pseudoreplication arises in neuroscientific studies, why the analyses in these papers are incorrect, and appropriate analytical methods are provided. 12% of papers had pseudoreplication and a further 36% were suspected of having pseudoreplication, but it was not possible to determine for certain because insufficient information about the analysis was provided.\ud \ud Conclusions: Pseudoreplication undermines the conclusions from statistical analysis of data, and it would be easier to detect if the sample size, degrees of freedom, the test statistic, and precise p-values are reported. This information should be a requirement for all publications

    On model checking data-independent systems with arrays without reset

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    A system is data-independent with respect to a data type X iff the operations it can perform on values of type X are restricted to just equality testing. The system may also store, input and output values of type X. We study model checking of systems which are data-independent with respect to two distinct type variables X and Y, and may in addition use arrays with indices from X and values from Y . Our main interest is the following parameterised model-checking problem: whether a given program satisfies a given temporal-logic formula for all non-empty nite instances of X and Y . Initially, we consider instead the abstraction where X and Y are infinite and where partial functions with finite domains are used to model arrays. Using a translation to data-independent systems without arrays, we show that the u-calculus model-checking problem is decidable for these systems. From this result, we can deduce properties of all systems with finite instances of X and Y . We show that there is a procedure for the above parameterised model-checking problem of the universal fragment of the u-calculus, such that it always terminates but may give false negatives. We also deduce that the parameterised model-checking problem of the universal disjunction-free fragment of the u-calculus is decidable. Practical motivations for model checking data-independent systems with arrays include verification of memory and cache systems, where X is the type of memory addresses, and Y the type of storable values. As an example we verify a fault-tolerant memory interface over a set of unreliable memories.Comment: Appeared in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, vol. 4, no. 5&6, 200

    Surface acoustic wave modulation of single photon emission from GaN/InGaN nanowire quantum dots

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    On-chip quantum information processing requires controllable quantum light sources that can be operated on-demand at high-speeds and with the possibility of in-situ control of the photon emission wavelength and its optical polarization properties. Here, we report on the dynamic control of the optical emission from core-shell GaN/InGaN nanowire (NW) heterostructures using radio frequency surface acoustic waves (SAWs). The SAWs are excited on the surface of a piezoelectric lithium niobate crystal equipped with a SAW delay line onto which the NWs were mechanically transferred. Luminescent quantum dot (QD)-like exciton localization centers induced by compositional fluctuations within the InGaN nanoshell were identified using stroboscopic micro-photoluminescence (micro-PL) spectroscopy. They exhibit narrow and almost fully linearly polarized emission lines in the micro-PL spectra and a pronounced anti-bunching signature of single photon emission in the photon correlation experiments. When the nanowire is perturbed by the propagating SAW, the embedded QD is periodically strained and its excitonic transitions are modulated by the acousto-mechanical coupling, giving rise to a spectral fine-tuning within a ~1.5 meV bandwidth at the acoustic frequency of ~330 MHz. This outcome can be further combined with spectral detection filtering for temporal control of the emitted photons. The effect of the SAW piezoelectric field on the QD charge population and on the optical polarization degree is also observed. The advantage of the acousto-optoelectric over other control schemes is that it allows in-situ manipulation of the optical emission properties over a wide frequency range (up to GHz frequencies).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1902.0791

    Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering probes the electron-phonon coupling in the spin-liquid kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3

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    Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the N K edge reveals clearly resolved harmonics of the anion plane vibrations in the kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 spin-liquid insulator. Tuning the incoming light energy at the K edge of two distinct N sites permits to excite different sets of phonon modes. Cyanide CN stretching mode is selected at the edge of the ordered N sites which are more strongly connected to the BEDT-TTF molecules, while positionally disordered N sites show multi-mode excitation. Combining measurements with calculations on an anion plane cluster permits to estimate the sitedependent electron-phonon coupling of the modes related to nitrogen excitation

    Reparatory and Manufacturing Hard-Facing of Working Parts Made of Stainless Steels in Confectionary Industry

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    In this paper, for the sake of improving the reparatory hard-facing technology is especially analyzed reparatory hard-facing of tools for manufacturing compressed products in confectionary industry. Those products are being made of a mixture consisting of several powdery components, which is compressed under high pressure. In that way the connection between particles is realized, thus achieving certain hardness and strength of the confectionary product. The considered tool is made of high-alloyed stainless steel. The tool contains 30 identical working places. Besides the production process wear, on those tools, from time to time, appear mechanical damage on some of the products' shape punches, as cracks at the edges, where the products' final shapes are formed. Those damages are small, size wise, but they cause strong effect on the products' final shape. The aggravating circumstance is that the shape punch is extremely loaded in pressure, thus after the reparatory hard-facing, the additional heat treatment is necessary. Mechanical properties in the heat affected zone (HAZ) are being leveled by annealing and what also partially reduces the residual internal stresses

    Carbide Type Influence on Tribological Properties of Hard Faced Steel Layer - Part I - Theoretical Considerations

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    This paper gives a theoretical review of influence of the most important alloying elements on steel, and review of the most important carbide-forming elements and states the conditions which elements should fulfill in order to be considered as carbide-forming. It primarily involves alloying elements which in the iron-carbon system can form simple, complex or special carbides, i.e. phases of interstitial and substitutive type. It also gives a review of carbide types that are formed during either production or reparatory hard facing of steel parts with different types of filler materials

    Current concepts for aligning knee implants: patient-specific or systematic?

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