688 research outputs found

    Screening for Thyroid Dysfunction in Pregnancy: Is It Worthwhile?

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    There is a high incidence of thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy resulting in adverse maternal (miscarriages, anaemia in pregnancy, preeclampsia, abruptio placenta and post-partum haemorrhage) and fetal effects (premature birth, low birth weight, increased neonatal respiratory distress) which may justify screening for thyroid function during early pregnancy with interventional levothyroxine therapy for thyroid hypofunction. There is a greater prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in women with delivery before 32 weeks and there is even an association between thyroid autoimmunity and adverse obstetric outcome, which is independent of thyroid function. Higher maternal TSH levels even within the normal reference range are associated with an increased risk of miscarriages, fetal and neonatal distress and preterm delivery. There are few prospective randomised trials to substantiate the benefit of screening and the recently reported CATS study did not show a benefit in child IQ at age 3 years. Nevertheless there seems to be a case for screening to prevent adverse obstetric outcomes. The clinical epidemiological evidence base does not justify universal screening at the present time. However, it is probable that more evidence will be produced which may alter this view in the future

    Hypothyroidism in pregnancy

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    I disordini da carenza nutrizionale di iodio in Europa: aggiornamento 2019

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    Il gozzo endemico in Europa è riconosciuto da diversi secoli e la carenza nutrizionale di iodio (IDD) è nota da più di 150 anni. L’impatto della IDD sullo sviluppo del sistema nervoso e particolarmente sul quoziente intellettivo (QI) e sul rendimento scolastico dei bambini è stato documentato negli ultimi 40 anni ma i Ministeri della Salute hanno dedicato scarsa attenzione al problema e, di conseguenza, il consumo di sale fortificato con iodio in Europa è molto variabile. L’Unione Europea ha finanziato un ulteriore progetto Horizon 2020 per valutare la discrepanza nelle misurazioni dello iodio, determinare il ruolo della tireoglobulina circolante quale marcatore di IDD in gravidanza e studiare lo stato di nutrizione iodica combinando i risultati di tre grandi studi di coorte in Spagna, Regno Unito e Paesi Bassi. In aggiunta è stato sviluppato un modello di coorte aperta “state-transition”, finalizzato a prevedere le conseguenze sanitarie ed economiche di un programma di prevenzione delle IDD. Tale analisi ha concluso per il positivo costo/beneficio dell’uso del sale fortificato con iodio quale misura preventiva contro l’IDD in una popolazione moderatamente iodo-deficiente, quale quella residente in Europa. È auspicabile che la dichiarazione di Cracovia possa sostenere future politiche di implementazione a livello dei Ministeri della Salute

    Thyroid screening in early pregnancy: Pros and cons

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    Universal thyroid screening in pregnancy is a key debate in thyroidology and obstetrics. It is well-established that thyroid hormones are essential for maintaining pregnancy and optimal fetal development. Thyroid dysfunction is common in women of child-bearing age and also results in substantial adverse obstetric and child neurodevelopmental outcomes. Furthermore, thyroid dysfunction is readily diagnosed with reliable blood tests and easily corrected with inexpensive and available treatments. Screening only high-risk patients appears to miss the majority of cases and economic models show that compared to high-risk screening, universal screening is cost effective even if only overt hypothyroidism was assumed to have adverse obstetric effects. As a result, several countries now implement universal screening. Opponents of universal thyroid screening argue that asymptomatic borderline thyroid abnormalities such as subclinical hypothyroidism and isolated hypothyroxinemia form the bulk of cases of thyroid dysfunction seen in pregnancy and that there is a lack of high quality evidence to support their screening and correction. This review critically appraises the literature, examines the pros and cons of universal thyroid screening using criteria laid down by Wilson and Jungner. It also highlights the growing evidence for universal thyroid screening and indicates the key challenges and practicalities of implementation

    Thyroid function in pregnancy: maternal and fetal outcomes with hypothyroidism and subclinical thyroid dysfunction

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    Thyroid hormones are important in the development of the fetus and the placenta as well as in maintaining maternal wellbeing. Thyroid disorders are common in the population as a whole, particularly in women, and therefore are common during pregnancy and the puerperium. Biochemical derangement of thyroid function tests are present in approximately 2.5–5% of pregnant women.</jats:p

    Retrospective outcome analysis of urethroplasties performed for various etiologies in a single South African centre

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication of the article: African Journal of Urology. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in African Journal of Urology, VOL 18, Issue 3, 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.afju.2012.03.001.Objectives: To compare the results of anastomotic versus augmentation urethroplasty (buccal mucosa graft (BMG) onlay), as well as dorsal versus ventral BMG techniques. Methods: A retrospective audit of 69 patients who underwent urethroplasty at Eersteriver Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa between October 2004 and July 2011 was undertaken. Analysis included stricture etiology, location and length, type of surgery performed as well as complication rates over the follow-up period. Results: The predominant stricture etiologies were traumatic and infective causes (55%), with a mean stricture length of 3 cm (0.5–15 cm). Forty two patients had bulbar urethra strictures (61%), with 8 (11%) located in the posterior, and penile & bulbar regions, respectively. The remaining strictures were located in the penile urethra (16%). Surgery performed included bulbar (12) and membranous anastomotic (8) urethroplasty, ventral (13) and dorsal (22) buccal mucosa onlay grafts (BMG), and 2-stage urethroplasty (14). Overall stricture recurrence was seen in 9 patients (13%), including 1 patient (8%) of the anterior end-to-end anastomotic group compared to 2 patients (6%) of the onlay BMG group (p = 0.77). The re-stricture rates were 5% and 8% in the dorsal (1/22) and ventral BMG onlay groups (1/13), respectively (p = 0.72)

    Management of Thyroid Dysfunction during Pregnancy and Postpartum: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline

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    Objective: The aim was to update the guidelines for the management of thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy and postpartum published previously in 2007. A summary of changes between the 2007 and 2012 version is identified in the Supplemental Data (published on The Endocrine Society\u27s Journals Online web site at http://jcem.endojournals.org). Evidence: This evidence-based guideline was developed according to the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force, grading items level A, B, C, D, or I, on the basis of the strength of evidence and magnitude of net benefit (benefits minus harms) as well as the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system to describe both the strength of recommendations and the quality of evidence. Consensus Process: The guideline was developed through a series of e-mails, conference calls, and one face-to-face meeting. An initial draft was prepared by the Task Force, with the help of a medical writer, and reviewed and commented on by members of The Endocrine Society, Asia and Oceania Thyroid Association, and the Latin American Thyroid Society. A second draft was reviewed and approved by The Endocrine Society Council. At each stage of review, the Task Force received written comments and incorporated substantive changes. Conclusions: Practice guidelines are presented for diagnosis and treatment of patients with thyroid-related medical issues just before and during pregnancy and in the postpartum interval. These include evidence-based approaches to assessing the cause of the condition, treating it, and managing hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, gestational hyperthyroidism, thyroid autoimmunity, thyroid tumors, iodine nutrition, postpartum thyroiditis, and screening for thyroid disease. Indications and side effects of therapeutic agents used in treatment are also presented

    Disruption, control and coping: responses of and to the person with dementia in hospital

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    This qualitative study aimed to gain insight into the experience of hospitalisation from the perspectives of the older person with dementia, their family care-giver and other patients sharing the ward (co-patients). Non-participant observation of care on 11 acute hospital wards was supplemented by 39 semi-structured interviews with 35 family care-givers and four co-patients following discharge. Constant comparative analysis produced the core problem facing all those involved: disruption from normal routine meaning that the experience of hospitalisation was disrupted by the presence and behaviour of the person with dementia. Disruption adversely affected the person with dementia, triggering constructive, disengaged, distressed and neutral behaviours. Using Kitwood's model of person-centred care, these behaviours were interpreted as attempts by the person with dementia at gaining a sense of control over the unfamiliar environment and experience. Family care-givers' lives and experiences both inside and outside the hospital were disrupted by the hospitalisation. They too attempted to gain a sense of control over the experience and to give a sense of control to the patient, co-patients and staff. Co-patients experienced disruption from sharing space with the person with dementia and were left feeling vulnerable and sometimes afraid. They too attempted to gain a sense of control over their situation and give some control by helping the person with dementia, the family care-giver and the staff

    The Micro-Elimination Approach to Eliminating Hepatitis C:Strategic and Operational Considerations

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    The introduction of efficacious new hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatments galvanized the World Health Organization to define ambitious targets for eliminating HCV as a public health threat by 2030. Formidable obstacles to reaching this goal can best be overcome through a micro-elimination approach, which entails pursuing elimination goals in discrete populations through multi-stakeholder initiatives that tailor interventions to the needs of these populations. Micro-elimination is less daunting, less complex, and less costly than full-scale, country-level initiatives to eliminate HCV, and it can build momentum by producing small victories that inspire more ambitious efforts. The micro-elimination approach encourages stakeholders who are most knowledgeable about specific populations to engage with each other and also promotes the uptake of new models of care. Examples of micro-elimination target populations include medical patients, people who inject drugs, migrants, and prisoners, although candidate populations can be expected to vary greatly in different countries and subnational areas