6,350 research outputs found

    Solar plasma experiment

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    Solar plasma experiment by Mariner IV space prob

    Stress appraisal, coping, and work engagement among police recruits: an exploratory study.

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    This study investigated the influence of stress appraisal and coping on work engagement levels (Absorption, Vigour, and Dedication) of police recruits. Participants were 387 men, ages 20 to 33 yr. (M = 24.1, SD = 2.4), in their last month of academy training before becoming police officers. Partially in support of predictions, work engagement was associated with Stressor control perceived, but not Stress intensity experienced over a self-selected stressor. Although the three dimensions of work engagement were explained by Stressor control and coping, Absorption was the dimension better explained by these variables. Police recruits reporting higher Absorption, Vigour, and Dedication reported using more Active coping and less Behavioural disengagement. Results showed that stress appraisal and coping are important variables influencing work engagement among police recruits. Findings suggested that future applied interventions fostering work engagement among police recruits should reinforce perceptions of control over a stressor as well as Active coping strategies

    Implementasi Sensor PIR sebagai Pendeteksi Gerakan untuk Sistem Keamanan Rumah Menggunakan Platform IoT

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    Penelitian membahas tentang alat pendeteksi gerakan. Alat ini dirancang untuk membantu pemilik rumah untuk mendeteksi gerakan yang terjadi di rumah, ketika pemilik rumah tidak berada di rumah. Pendeteksi gerakan atau detektor yang dirancang, bertujuan untuk membantu sistem keamanan rumah. Sensor PIR digunakan sebagai pendeteksi gerakan yang mengirimkan notifikasi kepada user melalui aplikasi Blynk yang sudah di instal pada smartphone. User dapat melihat dan mengakses data logging berupa grafik melalui platform IoT yaitu thingspeak.com. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL) serta menggunakan proses model prototipe. Alat dibuat dengan menggunakan empat sensor PIR dan satu WEMOS board mikrokontroler dengan modul Wi-Fi ESP8266 terintegrasi, yang berfungsi untuk mengirimkan hasil input data sensor ke Internet of Things (IoT) platform yaitu Blynk dan Thingspeak.. User perlu terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet untuk mendapatkan notifikasi pada Blynk maupun untuk mengakses thingspeak.com. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengirim dan menerima notifikasi pada Blynk berkisar pada 3 – 6 detik. Sedangkan untuk mengirimkan dan menerima data di Thingspeak berkisar pada 15 – 20 detik. Namun demikian, waktu dapat dipengaruhi oleh konektifits jaringan internet yang tersedia. Hasil penelitian berupa desain dan implementasi sensor PIR sebagai pendeteksi gerakan untuk membantu sistem keamanan di dalam rumah

    Interaction of the solar wind with Venus

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    Two topics related to the interaction of the solar wind with Venus are considered. First, a short review of the experimental evidence with particular attention to plasma measurements carried out on Mariner-5 and Mariner-10 is given. Secondly, the results of some recent theoretical work on the interaction of the solar wind with the ionosphere of Venus are summarized


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    These papers describe the current economic conditions and outline some of the opportunities facing Minnesota farmers as they complete 1998 and develop plans for 1999. The first paper, Prospects For Farm Income in 1998, describes the variation in net farm income farmers in the Southeastern and Southwestern Farm Management Associations have experienced over the past twenty years. The possible effects of 1998's low commodity prices and government program payments on net farm income are discussed in the context of this historical variation. This paper points out that some farmers are experiencing a very good year in 1998, while others may have very low net farm income this year. Those with high incomes in 1998 may be primarily interested in opportunities to enhance their cash flow for 1999, while those experiencing financial stress during 1998 may need to consider a wider range of adjustments as they plan for the coming year. The remaining papers provide information farmers may want to consider as they plan their marketing and financial strategies for the coming year. Financial Management Alternatives outlines a wide range of financial management alternatives that can be used to deal with cash flow problems. Some of these alternatives will be of interest to farmers who have difficulty in projecting a positive net cash flow with the relatively low commodity prices being projected for 1999. Others are of primary interest to farmers who have relatively high debt levels and must find ways to improve both their net cash flow and their debt/asset position. Some observers have suggested that the low commodity prices projected for 1999 may lead to reductions in cash rental rates. The paper, Cropland Rental Market Impacts of Low Crop Prices, discusses a procedure to estimate "fair rental rates", and provides an historical perspective of the impact low commodity prices have had on land rental rates. The remaining two papers, Situation and Outlook For the Livestock Sector, and Considerations in Developing a Corn/Soybean Marketing Plan for 1998/1999, discuss the major factors to evaluate and options to consider in developing a marketing plan for corn, soybeans, hogs and cattle for the coming year.Farm Management,

    MSIDP Newsletter: New highly productive sorghum varieties released

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    The Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS) in partnership with the International Crop research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), has released three improved sorghum varieties; Pilira 3, Pilira 4 and Pilira 5. These new varieties replace Pilira 1 and Pilira 2, released in 1993, and have since been the only improved sorghum varieties available in Malawi