36 research outputs found

    Φαινολικό αποτύπωμα Ελαιολάδων με βάση το γεωγραφικό υψόμετρο με χρήση LC-QTOF-MS

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    Σε αυτή την πτυχιακή εργασία, ασχοληθήκαμε με το φαινολικό αποτύπωμα σε εξαιρετικά παρθένα ελαιόλαδα από διάφορες περιοχές της Ελλάδας. Ο στόχος ήταν η ανίχνευση και η ταυτοποίηση τις φαινολικές ενώσεις, η σύγκριση του φαινολικού προφίλ, και η συσχέτιση του φαινολικού προφίλ με το υψόμετρο στο οποίο καλλιεργήθηκε η ελιά. Η πειραματική μέθοδος που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ήταν RP-UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS με αρνητικό ιοντισμό. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι τεχνικές στοχευμένης και "ύποπτης" σάρωσης, με τη χρήση λίστας που περιείχε φαινολικές ενώσεις που βρέθηκαν σε κάποια όργανα του ελαιοδέντρου. Έτσι, αναλύθηκαν 39 δείγματα από διάφορες περιοχές από το νησί της Λέσβου. Κατηγοριοποιήθηκαν τα δείγματα σε 3 κατηγορίες, ορεινά, ημιορεινά και πεδινά, έτσι να γίνει σύγκριση του φαινολικού προφίλ σε διαφορετικά υψόμετρα.In this paper, we examined the phenolic footprint in extra virgin olive oils from various regions of Greece. The aim was to detect and identify the phenolic compounds in olive oil, to compare the phenolic profiles, and to correlate the phenolic profile with the altitude at which the olive tree was cultivated. The experimental method we used was RP-UHPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS with negative ionization. The techniques were target and non-target screening, using a list with phenolic compounds found in some organs of the olive tree. Using this method, we analyzed 39 samples from various regions from the island of Lesvos. We categorized each sample in 3 different categories, mountainous, semi-mountainous and lowlands to make comparing the phenolic profiles at each altitude possible

    AI and Non AI Assessments for Dementia

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    Current progress in the artificial intelligence domain has led to the development of various types of AI-powered dementia assessments, which can be employed to identify patients at the early stage of dementia. It can revolutionize the dementia care settings. It is essential that the medical community be aware of various AI assessments and choose them considering their degrees of validity, efficiency, practicality, reliability, and accuracy concerning the early identification of patients with dementia (PwD). On the other hand, AI developers should be informed about various non-AI assessments as well as recently developed AI assessments. Thus, this paper, which can be readable by both clinicians and AI engineers, fills the gap in the literature in explaining the existing solutions for the recognition of dementia to clinicians, as well as the techniques used and the most widespread dementia datasets to AI engineers. It follows a review of papers on AI and non-AI assessments for dementia to provide valuable information about various dementia assessments for both the AI and medical communities. The discussion and conclusion highlight the most prominent research directions and the maturity of existing solutions.Comment: 49 page

    A programmable, multi-format photonic transceiver platform enabling flexible optical networks

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    Development of programmable photonic devices for future flexible optical networks is ongoing. To this end, an innovative, multi-format QAM transmitter design is presented. It comprises a segmented-electrode InP IQ-MZM to be fabricated in InP, which can be directly driven by low-power CMOS logic. Arbitrary optical QAM format generation is made possible using only binary electrical signals, without the need for high-performance DACs and high-swing linear drivers. The concept enables a host of Tx-side DSP functionality, including the spectral shaping needed for Nyquist-WDM system concepts. In addition, we report on the development of an optical channel MUX/DEMUX, based on arrays of microresonator filters with reconfigurable bandwidths and center wavelengths. The device is intended for operation with multi-format flexible transceivers, enabling Dense (D)WDM superchannel aggregation and arbitrary spectral slicing in the context of a flexible grid environment

    Is brain connectome research the future frontier for subjective cognitive decline? A systematic review

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    Objective We performed a systematic literature review on Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD) in order to examine whether the resemblance of brain connectome and functional connectivity (FC) alterations in SCD with respect to MCI, AD and HC can help us draw conclusions on the progression of SCD to more advanced stages of dementia. Methods We searched for studies that used any neuroimaging tool to investigate potential differences/similarities of brain connectome in SCD with respect to HC, MCI, and AD. Results Sixteen studies were finally included in the review. Apparent FC connections and disruptions were observed in the white matter, default mode and gray matter networks in SCD with regards to HC, MCI, and AD. Interestingly, more apparent connections in SCD were located over the posterior regions, while an increase of FC over anterior regions was observed as the disease progressed. Conclusions Elders with SCD display a significant disruption of the brain network, which in most of the cases is worse than HC across multiple network parameters. Significance The present review provides comprehensive and balanced coverage of a timely target research activity around SCD with the intention to identify similarities/differences across patient groups on the basis of brain connectome properties

    Restless legs syndrome is contributing to fatigue and low quality of life levels in hemodialysis patients

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    AIM: To examine whether hemodialysis (HD) patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) are subjects of greater fatigue and impaired quality of life (QoL) compared to HD patients without RLS. METHODS: Eighty five stable HD patients participated in this study. According to their RLS status, the patients were divided into the RLS group (n = 23) and the non-RLS group (n = 62). QoL, fatigue, sleep quality, daily sleepiness and depression symptoms were assessed by using various questionnaires. Finally, biochemical parameters including iron, ferritin, hemoglobin, hematocrit and parathormone were assessed. RESULTS: The HD patients with RLS scored worse in all the questionnaires used in the study (P < 0.05). The patients with RLS were more likely to receive the HD therapy on the morning shift, whilst 43.5% of the RLS patients reported to experience the RLS symptoms also during HD. The severity of RLS was correlated with fatigue, depression score and sleep quality (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: HD patients with RLS are subject to lower QoL related parameters and greater fatigue compared to HD patients without RLS. RLS should be successfully managed in order to improve the QoL of the sufferers

    Wearable devices for assessing function in Alzheimer’s disease: a European public involvement activity about the features and preferences of patients and caregivers

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    Background: Alzheimer's Disease (AD) impairs the ability to carry out daily activities, reduces independence and quality of life and increases caregiver burden. Our understanding of functional decline has traditionally relied on reports by family and caregivers, which are subjective and vulnerable to recall bias. The Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable sensor technologies promise to provide objective, affordable, and reliable means for monitoring and understanding function. However, human factors for its acceptance are relatively unexplored. Objective: The Public Involvement (PI) activity presented in this paper aims to capture the preferences, priorities and concerns of people with AD and their caregivers for using monitoring wearables. Their feedback will drive device selection for clinical research, starting with the study of the RADAR-AD project. Method: The PI activity involved the Patient Advisory Board (PAB) of the RADAR-AD project, comprised of people with dementia across Europe and their caregivers (11 and 10, respectively). A set of four devices that optimally represent various combinations of aspects and features from the variety of currently available wearables (e.g., weight, size, comfort, battery life, screen types, water-resistance, and metrics) was presented and experienced hands-on. Afterwards, sets of cards were used to rate and rank devices and features and freely discuss preferences. Results: Overall, the PAB was willing to accept and incorporate devices into their daily lives. For the presented devices, the aspects most important to them included comfort, convenience and affordability. For devices in general, the features they prioritized were appearance/style, battery life and water resistance, followed by price, having an emergency button and a screen with metrics. The metrics valuable to them included activity levels and heart rate, followed by respiration rate, sleep quality and distance. Some concerns were the potential complexity, forgetting to charge the device, the potential stigma and data privacy. Conclusions: The PI activity explored the preferences, priorities and concerns of the PAB, a group of people with dementia and caregivers across Europe, regarding devices for monitoring function and decline, after a hands-on experience and explanation. They highlighted some expected aspects, metrics and features (e.g., comfort and convenience), but also some less expected (e.g., screen with metrics)

    Assessing the cognitive decline of people in the spectrum of AD by monitoring their activities of daily living in an IoT-enabled smart home environment: a cross-sectional pilot study

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    IntroductionAssessing functional decline related to activities of daily living (ADLs) is deemed significant for the early diagnosis of dementia. As current assessment methods for ADLs often lack the ability to capture subtle changes, technology-based approaches are perceived as advantageous. Specifically, digital biomarkers are emerging, offering a promising avenue for research, as they allow unobtrusive and objective monitoring.MethodsA study was conducted with the involvement of 36 participants assigned to three known groups (Healthy Controls, participants with Subjective Cognitive Decline and participants with Mild Cognitive Impairment). Participants visited the CERTH-IT Smart Home, an environment that simulates a fully functional residence, and were asked to follow a protocol describing different ADL Tasks (namely Task 1 – Meal, Task 2 – Beverage and Task 3 – Snack Preparation). By utilizing data from fixed in-home sensors installed in the Smart Home, the identification of the performed Tasks and their derived features was explored through the developed CARL platform. Furthermore, differences between groups were investigated. Finally, overall feasibility and study satisfaction were evaluated.ResultsThe composition of the ADLs was attainable, and differentiation among the HC group compared to the SCD and the MCI groups considering the feature “Activity Duration” in Task 1 – Meal Preparation was possible, while no difference could be noted between the SCD and the MCI groups.DiscussionThis ecologically valid study was determined as feasible, with participants expressing positive feedback. The findings additionally reinforce the interest and need to include people in preclinical stages of dementia in research to further evolve and develop clinically relevant digital biomarkers

    Premature Birth, Management, Complications

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    In recent years an increase in premature births (PB) rate has been noticed, as this pregnancy complication that still remain an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, is multifactorial and prediction is not easy in many cases. There are many bibliographic data supporting the view that PB have also genetic predisposition. The trend of “recurrence” of PB in women as well as its increased frequency in ethnic groups suggests its association with genetic factors, either as such or as an interaction of genes and environment. Immunomodulatory molecules and receptors as well as polymorphisms of various genes and/or single nucleotides (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) now allow with advanced methods of Molecular Biology the identification of genes and proteins involved in the pathophysiology of PB. From the history of a pregnant woman, the main prognostic factor is a previous history of prematurity, while an ultrasound assessment of the cervix between 18 and 24 weeks is suggested, both in the developed and the developing world. According to the latest data, an effective method of successful prevention of premature birth has not been found. The main interventions suggested for the prevention of premature birth are the cervical cerclage, the use of cervical pessary, the use of progesterone orally, subcutaneously or transvaginally, and for treatment administration of tocolytic medication as an attempt to inhibit childbirth for at least 48 hours to make corticosteroids more effective. Despite the positive results in reducing mortality and morbidity of premature infants, the need for more research in the field of prevention, investigation of the genital code and the mechanism of initiation of preterm birth is important

    The Contribution of Uterine Artery Embolization as a Safe Treatment Option for Uterine Fibroids

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    Uterine fibroids have remarkably heterogeneous clinical characteristics with unknown exact etiology. The treatment of fibroids should be individualized based on their size, location, growth rate, the symptoms that they cause, the desire to have children and the age of the woman. Embolization is currently the most advanced non-surgical technique. The majority of women report satisfactory post-treatment results like shorter hospitalization period and recovery time in comparison to hysterectomy and improvement or complete remission of clinical symptoms. Complications include amenorrhea (in the majority of cases: recurrence after three months) and infections that are generally treated with antibiotics. The results from most clinical studies and our published experience indicate that embolization improves pelvic symptoms related to uterine fibroids. Collaborative efforts between gynecologists and interventional radiologists are necessary in order to optimize the safety and efficacy of this procedure. In the future, embolization could be generally recommended as treatment option for women who desire future fertility/pregnancy

    Twin Pregnancies Labour Modus and Timing

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    Twin pregnancies are categorized according to three factors, zygosity, chorionicity and amnionicity. Dizygotic twins are always dichorionic and diamniotic, where each twin has its own chorionic and amniotic sac. Monozygotic twins account for 1/3 of twin pregnancies and show higher morbidity and mortality. In monozygotic twins, chorionicity and amnionicity are determined by the time of zygote division. Chorionicity and amnionicity determine the risks of twin pregnancy. Morbitidies are shown notable decreasing tendency depending on improving of high risk obstetric and neonatal care, however is still discussed the optimum labour management in twin pregnancies Vaginal delivery in twin pregnancies is possible when both have cephalic presentation and in the late weeks of pregnancy during which the risks of prematurity are minimized. The aim of this review was the assessment and evaluation the impact of the labour modus and timing of termination of twin pregnancies due to rise of their occurrence based on scientific aspects of the new published literature on perinatal outcome