1,146 research outputs found

    Pharmacotherapy exacerbations of chronic inflammatory conditions of female genital sphere using to Gepon and Longidaza

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    Research objective was establishment of changes of the metabolic status at an aggravation chronic salpingoophoritis and detection of efficiency of use in "Gepon's" complex pharmacotherapy and "Longidaza's" various medicinal form

    Children's tourism: analysis of motives of children behavior

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    Материалы XIX Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 25–26 апр. 2019 г

    Effects of virtual and augmented reality technologies on the global economy

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    This research is aimed to study relatively new virtual and augmented reality technologies to understand how the global economy can benefits from these disruptive technologies. Paper provides an estimation of the possible economic impact worldwide for the retail e-commerce industry associated with augmented reality technology for 2021-2024

    Semantic features of the phraseological units with the component light within the artistic discourse

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    Conduct lexical and semantic analysis on the concept light in the artistic discourse of postmodern fictio

    Integration of the problem of medical ecology on the level of the highly urbanized region

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    The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to the study of the basic issues of medical ecology: the dynamics of demographic indicators, the correlation of somatic and reproductive public health, depending on the influence of physical factors of the urban environment on public health on the basis of medical and geographic mapping. The article aims at the analysis of the environmentally determined disorder of the urbanized territory. The leading approach to the study of the issue of medical ecology is a medical and geographical mapping, which allows identifying the most affordable and common areas of multi-component medical and environmental maps. While analyzing the impact of various aspects of the environment on human health, the priority is given to risk factors that directly lead to the emergence of diseases. The contents of the article may be useful to justify the choice of the rational approach to public health as a redistribution mechanism to reallocate the space of ecological niches. © 2016 Rozenberg et al

    Преодоление кризиса в сфере образования как фактор обеспечения устойчивого развития общества

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    У статті, на основі аналізу сучасних досліджень, розглянуто феномен освіти як визначальний соціальний, економічний, політичний та культурний чинник у забезпеченні стійкого (сталого) розвитку суспільства; розкрито антикризовий потенціал освіти у вирішенні глобальних суспільних проблем. Автори пропонують тлумачення поняття «гуманістична освітня стратегія» та дають визначення його сутнісних характеристик, а саме: забезпечення формування єдиної цілісної культури людини-людей-людства; створення можливості для становлення суб’єктів історичної творчості, яка розуміється як спосіб здійснення дійсного гуманізму; формування базису розбудови суспільства на основі ідеї сталого розвитку. Акцентується особлива увага на моделі стійкого розвитку суспільства, як одній з можливих альтернатив соціального поступу, яка визнана світовими науковими співтовариствами. Здійснено спробу обґрунтування гуманістичних імперативів концепції стійкого розвитку суспільства та визначення засад становлення освіти як детермінанти досягнення стійкого розвитку суспільства.This article is an analysis of current research to examin the phenomenon of education as the defining social, economic, political and cultural factor in the sustainable development of society. It reveals the potential for crisis management in dealing with global social problems. The authors offer an interpretation of “humanistic educational strategy” with the definition of its essential characteristics, namely: to ensure the formation of a single coherent human culture, people, humanity, creating opportunities for the development of art historical subjects, which is understood as a method of forming the basis of the true humanity of society based on the idea of sustainable development. The attention focuses on a model of sustainable development of society, as one of the possible alternatives to social development, which is recognized by the international scientific community. An attempt is made to justify humanitarian imperatives of sustainable development of society and the establishment of the foundations of the definition of education as a determinant of sustainable development of society.В статье, на основе анализа современных исследований, рассмотрен феномен образования как определяющий социальный, экономический, политический и культурный фактор в обеспечении устойчивого развития общества; раскрыто антикризисный потенциал образования в решении глобальных общественных проблем. Авторы предлагают толкование понятия «гуманистическая образовательная стратегия» и дают определение его сущностных характеристик, а именно: обеспечение формирования единой целостной культуры человека-людей-человечества, создание возможности для становления субъектов исторического творчества, которая понимается как способ осуществления истинного гуманизма формирование базиса развития общества на основе идеи устойчивого развития. Акцентируется особое внимание на модели устойчивого развития общества, как одной из возможных альтернатив социального развития, которая признана мировым научным сообществом. Осуществлена попытка обоснования гуманистических императивов концепции устойчивого развития общества и определение основ становления образования как детерминанты достижения устойчивого развития общества


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    We carried out layer-by-layer scanning (with a step of 1 mm) of the bottom sediments of the thermal lake Fumarolnое with SR-XRF (X-ray fluorescence analysis using synchrotron radiation). The lake is located in the caldera of the Uzon volcano (Kamchatka). The section of the bottom sediments of lake IV Fumarolnое covering the time interval from 260 AD to 2012 is diverse in chemical and mineral composition. Two pyroclastic horizons are observed. The chemical composition of the bottom sediments showed the presence of different layers in which such chemical elements as: Ca, Sr, As, Sb, Mo. Cluster analysis performed for chemical elements revealed the boundaries of layers with different geochemical characteristics. The boundaries of these layers coincide with the horizons identified by mineralogical analysis. At the same time, statistical methods of geochemical data processing allowed unambiguously identifying pyroclastic horizons by elemental composition. We show that the data of SR-XRF analysis in conjunction with cluster analysis can be used to separate the gravity core into layers. The data are in good agreement with the separation data into layers using mineralogical methods

    Problems of single-industry towns: world experience and Russian practice

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    The process of industrialisation in Russia was accompanied by the creation of many cities, the economy of which is associated with a certain industry. At the same time, the city is completely dependent on one or more of the same type of enterprises. Such an enterprise is called a city-forming one, since it employs 30 % of all working people in the city, and their families make up half of the urban population. The dependence of the city on the enterprise that is one of the main problems, since the state of the enterprise directly affects the economy of the entire city. The activity of the enterprise determines the unemployment rate in the city, the size of the city budget and the state of engineering networks. In the case of a crisis and the shutdown of the enterprise, the economy of a single-industry city will face huge problems. The purpose of the study was to identify the problems of the Russian single-industry towns, and review foreign methods of leveling them. The object of the study were the Russian single-industry towns defined by the Russian Government Decree No. 1398-r dated on 29.07.2014 (revised on 21.01.2020) “On Approval of the List of Monoprofile Municipal Entities of the Russian Federation (Mono-Cities)”. The main research method was comparative analysis. The main problems of single-industry towns in Russia have been formulated: infrastructure provision and monoprofile economy. A comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in solving these problems is carried out and the directions of modernisation of Russian single-industry towns are proposed. Issues of legal support for the implementation of the proposed recommendations require further elaboration