22 research outputs found

    Rehabilitation in Huntington's Disease and Those at Risk for Huntington's Disesase

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    Huntington's disease is a devastating genetically transmitted disorder. Until recently little has been done to rehabilitate individuals with Huntington's. This study examined the effects of cognitive and motor rehabilitation of three individuals with chorea, two of whom have a formal diagnosis of Huntington's and one who is undiagnosed, but demonstrating chorea. The treatment design was ABAB and significant improvements appeared to have been realized in each parameter treated over the 4-month video therapy trial.Communication Sciences & Disorder

    The effects of perpetrator sex and weight on punishment for transgressions

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    Overweight and obese individuals are often considered the last acceptable victims of discrimination. The current study assessed potential legal ramifications of weight discrimination by asking participants to evaluate purported criminal offenders of different body weights. In a between-subject design, undergraduate participants considered various crime scenarios accompanied by pictures of the purported perpetrators. Perpetrators varied in terms of weight (normal weight vs. overweight) and sex (males vs. females). Participants rated the severity of the crimes and assigned a jail sentence and/or fine to each perpetrator, to assess the effect of the weight of the perpetrator in a simulated “criminal trial” setting. Controlling for individual differences in disgust sensitivity, a planned contrast test found that females with high BMI were assigned greater sentences than low BMI females, low BMI males, and high BMI males, respectively. The interaction between perpetrator sex and perpetrator BMI was marginally statistically significant. These findings suggest that a perpetrator’s sex and weight may influence the punishment they are thought to observe, with overweight females targeted for particularly harsh punishments

    Exon-skipping antisense oligonucleotides for cystic fibrosis therapy

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    Mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene cause cystic fibrosis (CF), and the CFTR-W1282X nonsense mutation causes a severe form of CF. Although Trikafta and other CFTR-modulation therapies benefit most CF patients, targeted therapy for patients with the W1282X mutation is lacking. The CFTR-W1282X protein has residual activity but is expressed at a very low level due to nonsense-mediated messenger RNA (mRNA) decay (NMD). NMD-suppression therapy and read-through therapy are actively being researched for CFTR nonsense mutants. NMD suppression could increase the mutant CFTR mRNA, and read-through therapies may increase the levels of full-length CFTR protein. However, these approaches have limitations and potential side effects: because the NMD machinery also regulates the expression of many normal mRNAs, broad inhibition of the pathway is not desirable, and read-through drugs are inefficient partly because the mutant mRNA template is subject to NMD. To bypass these issues, we pursued an exon-skipping antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) strategy to achieve gene-specific NMD evasion. A cocktail of two splice-site-targeting ASOs induced the expression of CFTR mRNA without the premature-termination-codon-containing exon 23 (CFTR-Δex23), which is an in-frame exon. Treatment of human bronchial epithelial cells with this cocktail of ASOs that target the splice sites flanking exon 23 results in efficient skipping of exon 23 and an increase in CFTR-Δex23 protein. The splice-switching ASO cocktail increases the CFTR-mediated chloride current in human bronchial epithelial cells. Our results set the stage for developing an allele-specific therapy for CF caused by the W1282X mutation

    Duck and Cover: The Effects of American Federal Civil Defense Materials During the Cold War

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College

    Unique properties of muscularis mucosae smooth muscle in guinea pig urinary bladder

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    The muscularis mucosae, a type of smooth muscle located between the urothelium and the urinary bladder detrusor, has been described, although its properties and role in bladder function have not been characterized. Here, using mucosal tissue strips isolated from guinea pig urinary bladders, we identified spontaneous phasic contractions (SPCs) that appear to originate in the muscularis mucosae. This smooth muscle layer exhibited Ca(2+) waves and flashes, but localized Ca(2+) events (Ca(2+) sparks, purinergic receptor-mediated transients) were not detected. Ca(2+) flashes, often in bursts, occurred with a frequency (∼5.7/min) similar to that of SPCs (∼4/min), suggesting that SPCs are triggered by bursts of Ca(2+) flashes. The force generated by a single mucosal SPC represented the maximal force of the strip, whereas a single detrusor SPC was ∼3% of maximal force of the detrusor strip. Electrical field stimulation (0.5–50 Hz) evoked force transients in isolated detrusor and mucosal strips. Inhibition of cholinergic receptors significantly decreased force in detrusor and mucosal strips (at higher frequencies). Concurrent inhibition of purinergic and cholinergic receptors nearly abolished evoked responses in detrusor and mucosae. Mucosal SPCs were unaffected by blocking small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (SK) channels with apamin and were unchanged by blocking large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK) channels with iberiotoxin (IbTX), indicating that SK and BK channels play a much smaller role in regulating muscularis mucosae SPCs than they do in regulating detrusor SPCs. Consistent with this, BK channel current density in myocytes from muscularis mucosae was ∼20% of that in detrusor myocytes. These findings indicate that the muscularis mucosae in guinea pig represents a second smooth muscle compartment that is physiologically and pharmacologically distinct from the detrusor and may contribute to the overall contractile properties of the urinary bladder

    Exon-Skipping Antisense Oligonucleotides for Cystic Fibrosis Therapy

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    Mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene cause cystic fibrosis (CF), and the CFTR-W1282X nonsense mutation causes a severe form of CF. Although Trikafta and other CFTR-modulation therapies benefit most CF patients, targeted therapy for patients with the W1282X mutation is lacking. The CFTR-W1282X protein has residual activity, but is expressed at a very low level due to nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). NMD-suppression therapy and read-through therapy are actively being researched for CFTR nonsense mutants. NMD suppression could increase the mutant CFTR mRNA, and read-through therapies may increase the levels of full-length CFTR protein. However, these approaches have limitations and potential side effects: because the NMD machinery also regulates the expression of many normal mRNAs, broad inhibition of the pathway is not desirable; and read-through drugs are inefficient, partly because the mutant mRNA template is subject to NMD. To bypass these issues, we pursued an exon-skipping antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) strategy to achieve gene-specific NMD evasion. A cocktail of two splice-site-targeting ASOs induced the expression of CFTR mRNA without the PTC-containing exon 23 (CFTR-Δex23), which is an in-frame exon. Treatment of human bronchial epithelial cells with this cocktail of ASOs that target the splice sites flanking exon 23 results in efficient skipping of exon 23 and an increase in CFTR-Δex23 protein. The splice-switching ASO cocktail increases the CFTR-mediated chloride current in human bronchial epithelial cells. Our results set the stage for developing an allele-specific therapy for CF caused by the W1282X mutation