659 research outputs found

    The Transition Experience of Waldorf Elementary Graduates Attending Non-Waldorf High Schools

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    This study concerned the transition experiences and subsequent adjustment of Waldorf elementary graduates attending non-Waldorf high schools. Utilizing a qualitative and phenomenological approach, this study examined how 13 Waldorf elementary graduates experienced the academic and social challenges inherent in the transition to a non-Waldorf high school. Participants reported their academic adjustment to high school pertained more to new instructional methods than the academic content itself. New learning styles included a de-emphasis on artistic and experiential modes of learning in favor of a more visual approach. Participants explained the most significant challenge socially across the transition involved breaking into what presented as pre-formed social groups or cliques. Motivational and learning theory was used to interpret the results, including Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs and Bloom’s (1956) cognitive stages of learning. The transition experience included three distinct phases: (1) establishing competence, (2) analyzing and assessing experience, and (3) achieving personal transformation and self-actualization. After learning the “nuts and bolts” of high school teaching methods and establishing membership in social groups, students analyzed and assessed their initial academic and social experiences in light of their former Waldorf experience. In the third phase, students developed new academic motivation and established new friendships based on their future college and career aspirations and their emerging senses of self. Strategies to address social and academic challenges during the transition experience included an expanded view of pedagogy and the importance of a classroom community

    Path integral methods for accurate simulation of condensed phase reactions

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    Simulating a realistic condensed phase reaction (e.g., charge transfer in solution) is a notoriously demanding task. These reactions often involve thousands of strongly coupled atoms. This coupling is complex and extremely non-trivial. Additionally, despite the rapid movement of the atoms themselves, these reactions are usually very slow. A vast majority of chemistry and biology takes place in condensed environments. A method that can accurately simulate these reactions would be invaluable. To that end, we focus on improving the efficiency of a pair of preexisting path integral methods. The first method we discuss treats the entire problem quantum mechanically. While extremely accurate, the computational cost of quantum simulations grows exponentially with the size of the system. To help prevent this, we use an efficient spatial grid as the starting point for an iterative Monte Carlo calculation. Although good methods can mitigate exponential cost, they are still limited to simulations containing only a few atoms. The second method uses a quantum-classical approximation. In these approximations, the majority of the system is simulated using (cheep) classical methods; the (expensive) quantum calculations are reserved for the excessively quantum portions of the system, which tend to be small. The quantum-classical path integral (QCPI) approach handles the interaction between the quantum and classical portions of the system rigorously. By only reducing part of the total system, this QCPI approach introduces nonlocal temporal effects into the simulation. This nonlocality can only be treated by standard iterative-QCPI algorithms, if the coupling between the quantum and classical portions is weak or the simulation time is short. We introduce a scheme that can reduce the effective span of the temporal nonlocality. We employ our new accelerated-QCPI approach to perform an exceedingly accurate simulation of the ferrocene-ferrocenium charge transfer reaction in liquid hexane

    A comparison of the effectiveness of TiO2 photocatalysis and UVA photolysis for the destruction of three pathogenic micro-organisms.

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    TiO2 photocatalysis has demonstrated efficacy as a treatment process for water contaminated with chemical pollutants. When exposed to UVA light TiO2 also demonstrates an effective bactericidal activity. The mechanism of this process has been reported to involve attack by valence band generated hydroxyl radicals. In this study when three common bacterial pathogens, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, were exposed to TiO2 and UVA light a substantial decrease in bacterial numbers was observed. Control experiments in which all three pathogens were exposed to UVA light only resulted in a similar reduction in bacterial numbers. Moreover, exposure to UVA light alone resulted in the production of a smaller than average colony phenotype among the surviving bacteria, for all three pathogens examined, a finding which was not observed following treatment with UVA and TiO2. Small slow growing colonies have been described for several pathogenic bacteria and are referred to as small colony variants. Several studies have demonstrated an association between small colony variants and persistent, recurrent and antibiotic resistant infections. We propose that the production of small colony variants of pathogenic bacteria following UVA treatment of drinking water may represent a health hazard. As these small colony variants were not observed with the UVA/TiO2 system this potential hazard is not a risk when using this technology. It would also appear that the bactericidal mechanism is different with the UVA/TiO2 process compared to when UVA light is used alone

    Removal of microcystins from a waste stabilisation lagoon: evaluation of a packed-bed continuous flow TiO2 reactor.

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    Photocatalysis has been shown to successfully remove microcystins (MC) in laboratory experiments. Most research to date has been performed under ideal conditions in pure or ultrapure water. In this investigation the efficiency of photocatalysis using titanium dioxide was examined in a complex matrix (waste stabilisation lagoon water). A flow-through photocatalytic reactor was used for the photocatalytic removal of four commonly-occurring microcystin analogues (MC-YR, MC-RR, MC-LR, and MC-LA). Up to 51% removal for single MC analogues in waste lagoon water was observed. Similar removal rates were observed when a mixture of all four MC analogues was treated. Although treatment of MC-containing cyanobacterial cells of Microcystis aeruginosa resulted in no decline in cell numbers, or viability with the current reactor design and treatment regime, the photocatalytic treatment did improve the overall quality of waste lagoon water. This study demonstrates that, despite the presence of natural organic matter, the microcystins could be successfully degraded in a complex environmental matrix

    Destruction of cyanobacterial toxins by semiconductor photocatalysis.

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    The rapid destruction of microcystin, a cyanobacterial toxin, using a titanium dioxide photocatalyst is observed; the process is extremely efficient with high concentrations of toxin completely undetectable within 10-40 min, depending on the initial concentration

    A study of the kinetic solvent isotope effect on the destruction of microcystin-LR and geosmin using TiO2 photocatalysis.

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    We have previously reported the effectiveness of TiO2 photocatalysis in the destruction of species generated by cyanobacteria, specifically geosmin and microcystin-LR. In this paper we report an investigation of factors which influence the rate of the toxin destruction at the catalyst surface. A primary kinetic solvent isotope effect of approximately 1.5 was observed when the destruction was performed in a heavy water solvent. This is in contrast to previous reports of a solvent isotope effect of approximately 3, however, these studies were undertaken with a different photocatalyst material. The solvent isotope effect therefore appears to be dependent on the photocatalyst material used. The results of the study support the theory that the photocatalytic decomposition occurs on the catalyst surface rather than in the bulk of the solution. Furthermore it appears that the rate determining step is not oxygen reduction as previously reported

    Processes influencing the destruction of microcystin-LR by TiO2 photocatalysis.

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    We have previously reported the effectiveness of TiO2 photocatalysis in the destruction of the cyanotoxin microcystin-LR [P.K.J. Robertson, L.A. Lawton, B. MĂźnch, J. Rouzade, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 4 (1997) 393; P.K.J. Robertson, L.A. Lawton, B. MĂźnch, B.J.P.A. Cornish, J. Adv. Oxid. Technol., in press]. In this paper we report an investigation of factors which influence the rate of the toxin destruction at the catalyst surface. A primary kinetic isotope effect of approximately 3 was observed when the destruction was performed in a heavy water solvent. Hydroxylated compounds were observed as products of the destruction process. No destruction was observed when the process was investigated under a nitrogen atmosphere

    Characterization and gene expression analysis of the cir multi-gene family of plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (AS)

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    Background: The pir genes comprise the largest multi-gene family in Plasmodium, with members found in P. vivax, P. knowlesi and the rodent malaria species. Despite comprising up to 5% of the genome, little is known about the functions of the proteins encoded by pir genes. P. chabaudi causes chronic infection in mice, which may be due to antigenic variation. In this model, pir genes are called cir s and may be involved in this mechanism, allowing evasion of host immune responses. In order to fully understand the role(s) of CIR proteins during P. chabaudi infection, a detailed characterization of the cir gene family was required. Results: The cir repertoire was annotated and a detailed bioinformatic characterization of the encoded CIR proteins was performed. Two major sub-families were identified, which have been named A and B. Members of each sub-family displayed different amino acid motifs, and were thus predicted to have undergone functional divergence. In addition, the expression of the entire cir repertoire was analyzed via RNA sequencing and microarray. Up to 40% of the cir gene repertoire was expressed in the parasite population during infection, and dominant cir transcripts could be identified. In addition, some differences were observed in the pattern of expression between the cir subgroups at the peak of P. chabaudi infection. Finally, specific cir genes were expressed at different time points during asexual blood stages. Conclusions: In conclusion, the large number of cir genes and their expression throughout the intraerythrocytic cycle of development indicates that CIR proteins are likely to be important for parasite survival. In particular, the detection of dominant cir transcripts at the peak of P. chabaudi infection supports the idea that CIR proteins are expressed, and could perform important functions in the biology of this parasite. Further application of the methodologies described here may allow the elucidation of CIR sub-family A and B protein functions, including their contribution to antigenic variation and immune evasion

    Mixing regime simulation and cellulose particle tracing in a stacked frame photocatalytic reactor.

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    To sustainably meet the global energy demand, unconventional methods to produce renewable energy must emerge. Biofuels from cellulose (via fermentable sugar production) mediated via photocatalysis provides an alternative to conventional fossil fuels. In order to effectively drive photocatalytic processes an effective reactor design is required, the design of which is influenced by a number of key factors such as the catalyst to reactant ratio and residence time, catalyst illumination time, light penetration and distribution for the system, mass transfer limitations (mixing) and product recovery. In this study we use COMSOL Multiphysics® to simulate and assess one of the mentioned parameters – mixing regime of cellulose particles in a Stacked Frame Photocatalysis Reactor (SFPR). In the reactor design, we compare two mixers: a ‘plus’ shaped magnetic stirrer bar and an 8 blade Rushton impeller. The simulations reveal that the Rushton impeller offers a radial mixing pattern with a higher fluid velocity of 1.2m/s when compared to the stirrer bar that offers a fluid velocity of 0.9m/s. Cellulose particle tracing simulations confirm that the particle dispersion is superior in the case of the Rushton impeller as the vorticity generated during the mixing push the particles to the reactor's walls. Since the particles are forced towards the walls, there is a probability of more particles being illuminated than in the case of no or improper mixing

    Photocatalytic degradation of eleven microcystin analogues and nodularin by TiO2 coated glass microspheres

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    Microcystins and nodularin are toxic cyanobacterial secondary metabolites produced by cyanobacteria that pose a threat to human health in drinking water. Conventional water treatment methods often fail to remove these toxins. Advanced oxidation processes such as TiO2 photocatalysis have been shown to effectively degrade these compounds. A particular issue that has limited the widespread application of TiO2 photocatalysis for water treatment has been the separation of the nanoparticulate powder from the treated water. A novel catalyst format, TiO2 coated hollow glass spheres (Photospheres™), is far more easily separated from treated water due to its buoyancy. This paper reports the photocatalytic degradation of eleven microcystin variants and nodularin in water using Photospheres™. It was found that the Photospheres™ successfully decomposed all compounds in 5min or less. This was found to be comparable to the rate of degradation observed using a Degussa P25 material, which has been previously reported to be the most efficient TiO2 for photocatalytic degradation of microcystins in water. Furthermore, it was observed that the degree of initial catalyst adsorption of the cyanotoxins depended on the amino acid in the variable positions of the microcystin molecule. The fastest degradation (2min) was observed for the hydrophobic variants (microcystin-LY, -LW, -LF). Suitability of UV-LEDs as an alternative low energy light source was also evaluated
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