33 research outputs found

    Investigating familiarity in older adults to facilitate intuitive interaction

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    This paper discusses how intuitive interaction is a possible way to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of interaction with older adults. It provides insights into existing research on intuitive interaction, and the role of prior experience and familiarity in intuition. An experiment is discussed which investigates differences in familiarity between younger and older adults. A comprehensive coding system has been developed to help analyse the data collected. This research is currently in progress

    Assessment of technological options and economical feasibility for cyanophycin biopolymer and high-value amino acid production

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    Major transitions can be expected within the next few decades aiming at the reduction of pollution and global warming and at energy saving measures. For these purposes, new sustainable biorefinery concepts will be needed that will replace the traditional mineral oil-based synthesis of specialty and bulk chemicals. An important group of these chemicals are those that comprise N-functionalities. Many plant components contained in biomass rest or waste stream fractions contain these N-functionalities in proteins and free amino acids that can be used as starting materials for the synthesis of biopolymers and chemicals. This paper describes the economic and technological feasibility for cyanophycin production by fermentation of the potato waste stream Protamylasse™ or directly in plants and its subsequent conversion to a number of N-containing bulk chemicals

    Diversity in product familiarity across younger and older adults

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    This paper reports on the findings of a completed experiment examining levels of familiarity in younger and older adults. Research has shown that older adults use products less intuitively than younger adults, and that familiarity is an essential element of intuitive interaction. This finding influenced the decision to focus on familiarity and to investigate why older adults use products less intuitively than younger adults. By identifying and understanding the differences in familiarity, it is hypothesised that designers will be able to design more usable products for older adults. An empirical study was conducted, investigating the differences in familiarity between younger and older adults with contemporary products. Younger adults demonstrate significantly higher levels of familiarity compared to older adults, and the three groups of older adults demonstrated no significant differences between them. The implications of this finding is discussed

    Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering Design Theme Conference 2008 Conference Proceedings

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    Proceedings of the Design Theme Postgraduate Student Conference, held 10th September 2008 at Queensland University of Technology

    Identifying familiarity with older and younger adults

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    This paper discusses research into familiarity amongst younger and older adults. It explains the relevance of familiarity in product interactions. An experiment is discussed which investigates differences in familiarity between younger and older adults. A comprehensive coding scheme was developed to help analyse the data collected. This paper discusses the results and findings from the observational data. The results indicate that there is a negative relationship between age and familiarity. Also older adults are less likely to demonstrate familiarity though verbalisation than their younger counterparts

    Identifying familiarity to facilitate intuitive interaction for older adults

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    Almost every nation on the planet is experiencing increases in both the number and proportion of older adults. Research has shown that older adults use technology less intuitively than younger adults, and have more difficulty with using products effectively. With an ever-increasing population of older adults, it is necessary to understand why they often struggle to use technology, which is becoming more and more important in day to day living. Intuitive use of products is grounded in familiarity and prior experience. The aims of this research were twofold: (i) to examine the differences in familiarity between younger and older adults, to see if this could explain the difficulties faced by some older adults; (ii) to develop investigational methods to assist designers in identifying familiarity in prospective users. Two empirical studies were conducted. The first experiment was conducted in the field with 32 participants, divided across four age groups (18 – 44, 45 – 59, 60 – 74, and 75+). This experiment was conducted in the participants’ homes, with a product they were familiar with. Familiarity was measured through the analysis of data collected through interviews, observation and retrospective protocol. The results of this study show that the youngest group demonstrated significantly higher levels of familiarity with products they own than the 60 – 74 and the 75+ age groups. There were no significant differences between the 18 – 44 age group and the 45 – 59 age group and there were also no significant differences between the three oldest age groups. The second experiment was conducted with 32 participants, across the same four age groups. Four everyday products were used in this experiment. The results of Experiment 2 show that, with previously unused products, younger adults demonstrate significantly higher levels of familiarity than the three older age groups. The three oldest age groups had no significant differences between them. The results of these two studies show that younger adults are more familiar with contemporary products than older adults. They also demonstrate that in terms of familiarity, older adults do not differ significantly as they get older. The results also show that the 45 – 59 age group demonstrate higher levels of familiarity with products they have owned, in comparison with those they have not. The two older age groups did not demonstrate such differences. This suggests that interacting with products over time increases familiarity more for middle-aged adults than for older adults. As a result of this research, a method that can be used by designers to identify potential users’ product familiarity has been identified. This method is easy to use, quick, low cost, highly mobile, flexible, and allows for easy data collection and analysis. A tool has been designed that assists designers and researchers to use the method. Designers can use the knowledge gained from this tool, and integrate it into the design process, resulting in more intuitive products. Such products may lead to improvements in the quality of life of older adults, as a result of improved societal integration, better health management, and more widespread use of communications technology

    Researching intuitive interaction

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    Intuitive interaction is based on past experience and is fast and often non conscious. We have conducted ten studies into this issue over the past ten years, involving more than 400 participants. Data collection methods have included questionnaires, interviews, observations, concurrent and retrospective protocols, and cognitive measures. Coding schemes have been developed to suit each study and involve robust, literature based heuristics. Some other researchers have investigated this issue and their methods are also examined. The paper traces the development of the methods and compares the various approaches used over the years

    Intuitive interaction and older people

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    Older people often struggle with using contemporary products and interfaces. They show slower, less intuitive interaction with more errors. This paper reports on a large project designed to investigate why older people have these difficulties and what strategies could be used to mitigate them. The project team found that older people are less familiar with products that they own than younger ones, while both older and middle aged people are less familiar with products that they do not own than younger ones. Age related cognitive decline is also related to slower and less intuitive performance with contemporary products and interfaces. Therefore, the reasons behind the problems that older people demonstrate with contemporary technologies involve a mix of familiarity and capability. Redundancy applied to an interface in the form of symbols and words is helpful for middle aged and younger old people but the oldest age group performed better with a words only interface. Also, older people showed faster and more intuitive use with a flat interface than a nested one, although there was no difference in errors. Further work is ongoing in order to establish ways in which these findings can be usefully applied in the design process

    Age, familiarity, and intuitive use: An empirical investigation

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    Research has shown that older adults interact with products less intuitively than younger adults, and that familiarity is an essential element of intuitive interaction. This paper reports on the findings of two empirical studies that examined familiarity in younger and older adults. Each study comprised 32 participants over four age groups. The first study required participants to use their own contemporary products in their homes in order to investigate older adults’ familiarity with them, and how this familiarity differed from that of younger adults. Older people were less familiar with their own contemporary products that younger people. The second study aimed to investigate differences in familiarity between younger and older adults while using products that they did not own and were likely to be less familiar with. When using products not already familiar to them, both middle aged and older adults showed significantly lower familiarity than younger people. The significance of this research is in its empirical findings about familiarity differences between age groups. It has been recognised that the identification and understanding of differences in familiarity will enable designers to design more intuitive interfaces and systems for both younger and older cohorts. The implications of the findings from the two studies reported here are discussed in light of this recognition.</p

    Facilitating intuitive interaction and complex interfaces for older people

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