2,651 research outputs found

    Unsteady effects during resistance tests on a ship model in a towing tank

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    It is known that there are oscillations in the wave resistance during the constantvelocity phase of a towing-tank resistance test on a ship model. In this work, the unsteady thin-ship resistance theory has been applied to this case. The results have been compared with experiment data obtained using a towing carriage the velocity history of which can be programmed. It is demonstrated here that generally excellent correlation exists between the theory and the experiments. In particular, one can predict the influence of Froude number, rate of acceleration, and type of smoothing of the acceleration on the characteristics of the oscillations. These characteristics include the amplitude, rate of decay, frequency, and phasing of the oscillations in the curve of wave resistance versus time

    Bogoliubov space of a Bose--Einstein condensate and quantum spacetime fluctuations

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    In the present work we consider the role that metric fluctuations could have upon the properties of a Bose--Einstein condensate. In particular we consider the Bogoliubov space associated to it and show that there are, at least, two independent ways in which the average size of these metric fluctuations could be, experimentally, determined. Indeed, we prove that the pressure and the speed of sound of the ground state define an expression allowing us to determine the average size of these fluctuations. Afterwards, an interferometric experiment involving Bogoliubov excitations of the condensate and the pressure (or the speed of sound of the ground state) provides a second and independent way in which this average size could be determined, experimentally

    Handling qualities of a wide-body transport airplane utilizing Pitch Active Control Systems (PACS) for relaxed static stability application

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    Piloted simulation studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of two pitch active control systems (PACS) on the flying qualities of a wide-body transport airplane when operating at negative static margins. These two pitch active control systems consisted of a simple 'near-term' PACS and a more complex 'advanced' PACS. Eight different flight conditions, representing the entire flight envelope, were evaluated with emphasis on the cruise flight conditions. These studies were made utilizing the Langley Visual/Motion Simulator (VMS) which has six degrees of freedom. The simulation tests indicated that (1) the flying qualities of the baseline aircraft (PACS off) for the cruise and other high-speed flight conditions were unacceptable at center-of-gravity positions aft of the neutral static stability point; (2) within the linear static stability flight envelope, the near-term PACS provided acceptable flying qualities for static stabilty margins to -3 percent; and (3) with the advanced PACS operative, the flying qualities were demonstrated to be good (satisfactory to very acceptable) for static stabilty margins to -20 percent

    Probing Lepton Flavor Violation at Future Colliders

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    Supersymmetric theories with significant lepton flavor violation have e~\tilde{e} and μ~\tilde{\mu} nearly degenerate. In this case, pair production of e~+e~\tilde{e}^+ \tilde{e}^- and μ~+μ~\tilde{\mu}^+ \tilde{\mu}^- at LEPII and at the Next Linear Collider leads to the phenomenon of slepton oscillations, which is analogous to neutrino oscillations. The reach in Δm2\Delta m^2 and sin22θ\sin^2 2 \theta gives a probe of lepton flavor violation which is significantly more powerful than the current bounds from rare processes, such as μeγ\mu \to e\gamma. Polarizable ee^- beams and the eee^-e^- mode at the NLC are found to be promising options.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX, minor corrections, published versio

    Landing Gear Components Noise Study - PIV and Hot-Wire Measurements

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    PIV and hot-wire measurements of the wake flow from rods and bars are presented. The test models include rods of different diameters and cross sections and a rod juxtaposed to a plate. The latter is representative of the latch door that is attached to an aircraft landing gear when the gear is deployed, while the single and multiple rod configurations tested are representative of some of the various struts and cables configuration present on an aircraft landing gear. The test set up is described and the flow measurements are presented. The effect of model surface treatment and freestream turbulence on the spanwise coherence of the vortex shedding is studied for several rod and bar configurations

    How neutral is the intergalactic medium surrounding the redshift z=7.085 quasar ULAS J1120+0641?

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    The quasar ULAS J1120+0641 at redshift z=7.085 has a highly ionised near zone which is smaller than those around quasars of similar luminosity at z~6. The spectrum also exhibits evidence for a damping wing extending redward of the systemic Lya redshift. We use radiative transfer simulations in a cosmological context to investigate the implications for the ionisation state of the inhomogeneous IGM surrounding this quasar. Our simulations show that the transmission profile is consistent with an IGM in the vicinity of the quasar with a volume averaged HI fraction of f_HI>0.1 and that ULAS J1120+0641 has been bright for 10^6--10^7 yr. The observed spectrum is also consistent with smaller IGM neutral fractions, f_HI ~ 10^-3--10-4, if a damped Lya system in an otherwise highly ionised IGM lies within 5 proper Mpc of the quasar. This is, however, predicted to occur in only ~5 per cent of our simulated sight-lines for a bright phase of 10^6--10^7 yr. Unless ULAS J1120+0641 grows during a previous optically obscured phase, the low age inferred for the quasar adds to the theoretical challenge of forming a 2x10^9 M_sol black hole at this high redshift.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRAS letter

    Towards Minkowski Vacua in Type II String Compactifications

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    We study the vacuum structure of compactifications of type II string theories on orientifolds with SU(3)xSU(3) structure. We argue that generalised geometry enables us to treat these non-geometric compactifications using a supergravity analysis in a way very similar to geometric compactifications. We find supersymmetric Minkowski vacua with all the moduli stabilised at weak string coupling and all the tadpole conditions satisfied. Generically the value of the moduli fields in the vacuum is parametrically controlled and can be taken to arbitrarily large values.Comment: 33 pages; v2 minor corrections, references added, version to appear in JHE

    D-branes in Nongeometric Backgrounds

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    "T-fold" backgrounds are generically-nongeometric compactifications of string theory, described by T^n fibrations over a base N with transition functions in the perturbative T-duality group. We review Hull's doubled torus formalism, which geometrizes these backgrounds, and use the formalism to constrain the D-brane spectrum (to leading order in g_s and alpha') on T^n fibrations over S^1 with O(n,n;Z) monodromy. We also discuss the (approximate) moduli space of such branes and argue that it is always geometric. For a D-brane located at a point on the base N, the classical ``D-geometry'' is a T^n fibration over a multiple cover of N.Comment: 29 pages; uses harvmac.tex; v2: substantial revision throughou

    Open string instantons and superpotentials

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    We study the F-terms in N=1 supersymmetric, d=4 gauge theories arising from D(p+3)-branes wrapping supersymmetric p-cycles in a Calabi-Yau threefold. If p is even the spectrum and superpotential for a single brane are determined by purely classical (α0\alpha^\prime \to 0) considerations. If p=3, superpotentials for massless modes are forbidden to all orders in α\alpha^\prime and may only be generated by open string instantons. For this latter case we find that such instanton effects are generically present. Mirror symmetry relates even and odd p and thus perturbative and nonperturbative superpotentials; we provide a preliminary discussion of a class of examples of such mirror pairs.Comment: 22 pages, harvmac big; v2, corrected some typo

    The effective action of N=1 Calabi-Yau orientifolds

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    We determine the N=1 low energy effective action for compactifications of type IIB string theory on compact Calabi-Yau orientifolds in the presence of background fluxes from a Kaluza-Klein reduction. The analysis is performed for Calabi-Yau threefolds which admit an isometric and holomorphic involution. We explicitly compute the Kahler potential, the superpotential and the gauge kinetic functions and check the consistency with N=1 supergravity. We find a new class of no-scale Kahler potentials and show that their structure can be best understood in terms of a dual formulation where some of the chiral multiplets are replaced by linear multiplets. For O3- and O7-planes the scalar potential is expressed in terms of a superpotential while for O5- and O9-planes also a D-term and a massive linear multiplet can be present. The relation with the associated F-theory compactifications is briefly discussed.Comment: 40 pages, typos corrected, discussion of no-scale property improve