6,900 research outputs found

    An autoregressive approach to house price modeling

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    A statistical model for predicting individual house prices and constructing a house price index is proposed utilizing information regarding sale price, time of sale and location (ZIP code). This model is composed of a fixed time effect and a random ZIP (postal) code effect combined with an autoregressive component. The former two components are applied to all home sales, while the latter is applied only to homes sold repeatedly. The time effect can be converted into a house price index. To evaluate the proposed model and the resulting index, single-family home sales for twenty US metropolitan areas from July 1985 through September 2004 are analyzed. The model is shown to have better predictive abilities than the benchmark S&P/Case--Shiller model, which is a repeat sales model, and a conventional mixed effects model. Finally, Los Angeles, CA, is used to illustrate a historical housing market downturn.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS380 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Nonparametric regression in exponential families

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    Most results in nonparametric regression theory are developed only for the case of additive noise. In such a setting many smoothing techniques including wavelet thresholding methods have been developed and shown to be highly adaptive. In this paper we consider nonparametric regression in exponential families with the main focus on the natural exponential families with a quadratic variance function, which include, for example, Poisson regression, binomial regression and gamma regression. We propose a unified approach of using a mean-matching variance stabilizing transformation to turn the relatively complicated problem of nonparametric regression in exponential families into a standard homoscedastic Gaussian regression problem. Then in principle any good nonparametric Gaussian regression procedure can be applied to the transformed data. To illustrate our general methodology, in this paper we use wavelet block thresholding to construct the final estimators of the regression function. The procedures are easily implementable. Both theoretical and numerical properties of the estimators are investigated. The estimators are shown to enjoy a high degree of adaptivity and spatial adaptivity with near-optimal asymptotic performance over a wide range of Besov spaces. The estimators also perform well numerically.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS762 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Robust nonparametric estimation via wavelet median regression

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    In this paper we develop a nonparametric regression method that is simultaneously adaptive over a wide range of function classes for the regression function and robust over a large collection of error distributions, including those that are heavy-tailed, and may not even possess variances or means. Our approach is to first use local medians to turn the problem of nonparametric regression with unknown noise distribution into a standard Gaussian regression problem and then apply a wavelet block thresholding procedure to construct an estimator of the regression function. It is shown that the estimator simultaneously attains the optimal rate of convergence over a wide range of the Besov classes, without prior knowledge of the smoothness of the underlying functions or prior knowledge of the error distribution. The estimator also automatically adapts to the local smoothness of the underlying function, and attains the local adaptive minimax rate for estimating functions at a point. A key technical result in our development is a quantile coupling theorem which gives a tight bound for the quantile coupling between the sample medians and a normal variable. This median coupling inequality may be of independent interest.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOS513 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Gamma ray pulsar analysis from photon probability maps

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    A new method is presented of analyzing skymap-type gamma ray data. Each photon event is replaced by a probability distribution on the sky corresponding to the observing instrument's point spread function. The skymap produced by this process may be used for source detection or identification. Most important, the use of these photon weights for pulsar analysis promises significant improvement over traditional techniques

    Gamma ray pulsar analysis from photon pobability maps

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    We present a new method of analyzing skymap-type gamma ray data. Each photon event is replaced by a probability distribution on the sky corresponding to the observing instrument's point spread function. The skymap produced by this process may be used for source detection or identification. Most important, the use of these photon weights for pulsar analysis promises significant improvement over traditional techniques

    A Geometrical Explanation of Stein Shrinkage

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    Shrinkage estimation has become a basic tool in the analysis of high-dimensional data. Historically and conceptually a key development toward this was the discovery of the inadmissibility of the usual estimator of a multivariate normal mean. This article develops a geometrical explanation for this inadmissibility. By exploiting the spherical symmetry of the problem it is possible to effectively conceptualize the multidimensional setting in a two-dimensional framework that can be easily plotted and geometrically analyzed. We begin with the heuristic explanation for inadmissibility that was given by Stein [In Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1954–1955, Vol. I (1956) 197–206, Univ. California Press]. Some geometric figures are included to make this reasoning more tangible. It is also explained why Stein’s argument falls short of yielding a proof of inadmissibility, even when the dimension, p, is much larger than p = 3. We then extend the geometric idea to yield increasingly persuasive arguments for inadmissibility when p ≥ 3, albeit at the cost of increased geometric and computational detail

    All Admissible Linear Estimators of a Multivariate Poisson Mean

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    Admissible linear estimators Mx+γ must be pointwise limits of Bayes estimators. Using properties of Bayes estimators preserved by taking limits, the structure of M and γ can be determined. Among M,γ with this structure, a necessary and sufficient condition for admissibility is obtained. This condition is applied to the case of linear (mixture) models. It is shown that only the most trivial such models admit linear estimators of full rank which are admissible or are even limits of Bayes estimators

    Sequential Bahadur Efficiency

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    The notion of Bahadur efficiency for test statistics is extended to the sequential case and illustrated in the specific context of testing one-sided hypotheses about a normal mean. An analog of Bahadur\u27s theorem on the asymptotic optimality of the likelihood ratio statistic is seen to hold in the normal case. Some possible definitions of attained level for a sequential experiment are considered

    Complete Class Theorems for Estimation of Multivariate Poisson Means and Related Problems

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    Basic decision theory for discrete random variables of the multivariate geometric (power series) type is developed. Some properties of Bayes estimators that carry over in the limit to admissible estimators are obtained. A stepwise generalized Bayes representation of admissible estimators is developed with estimation of the mean of a multivariate Poisson random variable in mind. The development carries over to estimation of the mean of a multivariate negative Binomial random variable. Due to the natural boundary of the parameter space there is an interesting pathology illustrated to some extent by the examples given. Examples include one to show that admissible estimators with somewhere infinite risk do exist in two or more dimensions
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