50 research outputs found

    The fecal microbiotas of women of Pacific and New Zealand European ethnicities are characterized by distinctive enterotypes that reflect dietary intakes and fecal water content

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    Obesity is a complex, multifactorial condition that is an important risk factor for noncommunicable diseases including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. While prevention and management require a healthy and energy balanced diet and adequate physical activity, the taxonomic composition and functional attributes of the colonic microbiota may have a supplementary role in the development of obesity. The taxonomic composition and metabolic capacity of the fecal microbiota of 286 women, resident in Auckland New Zealand, was determined by metagenomic analysis. Associations with BMI (obese, nonobese), body fat composition, and ethnicity (Pacific, n = 125; NZ European women [NZE], n = 161) were assessed using regression analyses. The fecal microbiotas were characterized by the presence of three distinctive enterotypes, with enterotype 1 represented in both Pacific and NZE women (39 and 61%, respectively), enterotype 2 mainly in Pacific women (84 and 16%) and enterotype 3 mainly in NZE women (13 and 87%). Enterotype 1 was characterized mainly by the relative abundances of butyrate producing species, Eubacterium rectale and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, enterotype 2 by the relative abundances of lactic acid producing species, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Lactobacillus ruminis, and enterotype 3 by the relative abundances of Subdoligranulum sp., Akkermansia muciniphila, Ruminococcus bromii, and Methanobrevibacter smithii. Enterotypes were also associated with BMI, visceral fat %, and blood cholesterol. Habitual food group intake was estimated using a 5 day nonconsecutive estimated food record and a 30 day, 220 item semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire. Higher intake of 'egg' and 'dairy' products was associated with enterotype 3, whereas 'non-starchy vegetables', 'nuts and seeds' and 'plant-based fats' were positively associated with enterotype 1. In contrast, these same food groups were inversely associated with enterotype 2. Fecal water content, as a proxy for stool consistency/colonic transit time, was associated with microbiota taxonomic composition and gene pools reflective of particular bacterial biochemical pathways. The fecal microbiotas of women of Pacific and New Zealand European ethnicities are characterized by distinctive enterotypes, most likely due to differential dietary intake and fecal consistency/colonic transit time. These parameters need to be considered in future analyses of human fecal microbiotas.Peer reviewe

    Ultraviolet-C Irradiation, Heat, and Storage as Potential Methods of Inactivating SARS-CoV-2 and Bacterial Pathogens on Filtering Facepiece Respirators

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    The arrival of SARS-CoV-2 to Aotearoa/New Zealand in February 2020 triggered a massive response at multiple levels. Procurement and sustainability of medical supplies to hospitals and clinics during the then upcoming COVID-19 pandemic was one of the top priorities. Continuing access to new personal protective equipment (PPE) was not guaranteed; thus, disinfecting and reusing PPE was considered as a potential alternative. Here, we describe part of a local program intended to test and implement a system to disinfect PPE for potential reuse in New Zealand. We used filtering facepiece respirator (FFR) coupons inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 or clinically relevant multidrug-resistant pathogens (Acinetobacter baumannii Ab5075, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 LAC and cystic-fibrosis isolate Pseudomonas aeruginosa LESB58), to evaluate the potential use of ultraviolet-C germicidal irradiation (UV-C) or dry heat treatment to disinfect PPE. An applied UV-C dose of 1000 mJ/cm2 was sufficient to completely inactivate high doses of SARS-CoV-2; however, irregularities in the FFR coupons hindered the efficacy of UV-C to fully inactivate the virus, even at higher UV-C doses (2000 mJ/cm2). Conversely, incubating contaminated FFR coupons at 65 °C for 30 min or 70 °C for 15 min, was sufficient to block SARS-CoV-2 replication, even in the presence of mucin or a soil load (mimicking salivary or respiratory secretions, respectively). Dry heat (90 min at 75 °C to 80 °C) effectively killed 106 planktonic bacteria; however, even extending the incubation time up to two hours at 80 °C did not completely kill bacteria when grown in colony biofilms. Importantly, we also showed that FFR material can harbor replication-competent SARS-CoV-2 for up to 35 days at room temperature in the presence of a soil load. We are currently using these findings to optimize and establish a robust process for decontaminating, reusing, and reducing wastage of PPE in New Zealand.UV Solutionz|| iDer

    Selection of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Genes Involved during Interaction with Human Macrophages by Screening of a Transposon Mutant Library

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    The human-adapted Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) causes a systemic infection known as typhoid fever. This disease relies on the ability of the bacterium to survive within macrophages. In order to identify genes involved during interaction with macrophages, a pool of approximately 105 transposon mutants of S. Typhi was subjected to three serial passages of 24 hours through human macrophages. Mutants recovered from infected macrophages (output) were compared to the initial pool (input) and those significantly underrepresented resulted in the identification of 130 genes encoding for cell membrane components, fimbriae, flagella, regulatory processes, pathogenesis, and many genes of unknown function. Defined deletions in 28 genes or gene clusters were created and mutants were evaluated in competitive and individual infection assays for uptake and intracellular survival during interaction with human macrophages. Overall, 26 mutants had defects in the competitive assay and 14 mutants had defects in the individual assay. Twelve mutants had defects in both assays, including acrA, exbDB, flhCD, fliC, gppA, mlc, pgtE, typA, waaQGP, SPI-4, STY1867-68, and STY2346. The complementation of several mutants by expression of plasmid-borne wild-type genes or gene clusters reversed defects, confirming that the phenotypic impairments within macrophages were gene-specific. In this study, 35 novel phenotypes of either uptake or intracellular survival in macrophages were associated with Salmonella genes. Moreover, these results reveal several genes encoding molecular mechanisms not previously known to be involved in systemic infection by human-adapted typhoidal Salmonella that will need to be elucidated

    Solar UV-B radiation inhibits the growth of Antarctic terrestrial fungi

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    We tested the effects of solar radiation, and UV-B in particular, on the growth of Antarctic terrestrial fungi. The growth responses to solar radiation of five fungi, Geomyces pannorum, Phoma herbarum, Pythium sp., Verticillium sp., and Mortierella parvispora, each isolated from Antarctic terrestrial habitats, were examined on an agar medium in the natural Antarctic environment. A 3-h exposure to solar radiation of >287 nm reduced the hyphal extension rates of all species relative to controls kept in the dark. Pythium sp. cultures exposed to solar radiation for 1.5 h on five consecutive days were most sensitive to radiation of >287 nm, but radiation of >313 nm also inhibited growth to a lesser extent. Radiation of >400 nm had no effect on hyphal growth relative to controls kept in the dark. Short-wave solar UV-B radiation of between 287 and 305 nm inhibited the growth of Pythium sp. hyphae on and below the surface of the agar medium after 24 h, but radiation of >=345 nm only reduced the growth of surface hyphae. Similar detrimental effects of UV-B on surface and, to a lesser extent, submerged hyphae of all five fungi were shown in the laboratory by using artificial UV-B from fluorescent lamps. A comparison of growth responses to solar radiation and temperature showed that the species that were most resistant to UV radiation grew fastest at higher temperatures. These data suggest that solar UV-B reduces the growth of fungi on the soil surface in the Antarctic terrestrial environment

    Molecular analysis of geographic patterns of eukaryotic diversity in Antarctic soils

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    We describe the application of molecular biological techniques to estimate eukaryotic diversity (primarily fungi, algae, and protists) in Antarctic soils across a latitudinal and environmental gradient between approximately 60 and 87degreesS. The data were used to (i) test the hypothesis that diversity would decrease with increasing southerly latitude and environmental severity, as is generally claimed for "higher" faunal and plant groups, and (ii) investigate the level of endemicity displayed in different taxonomic groups. Only limited support was obtained for a systematic decrease in diversity with latitude, and then only at the level of a gross comparison between maritime (Antarctic Peninsula/Scotia Arc) and continental Antarctic sites. While the most southerly continental Antarctic site was three to four times less diverse than all maritime sites, there was no evidence for a trend of decreasing diversity across the entire range of the maritime Antarctic (60 to 72degreesS). Rather, we found the reverse pattern, with highest diversity at sites on Alexander Island (ca. 72degreesS), at the southern limit of the maritime Antarctic. The very limited overlap found between the eukaryotic biota of the different study sites, combined with their generally low relatedness to existing sequence databases, indicates a high level of Antarctic site isolation and possibly endemicity, a pattern not consistent with similar studies on other continents

    Directed Evolution of Seneca Valley Virus in Tumorsphere and Monolayer Cell Cultures of a Small-Cell Lung Cancer Model

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    The Seneca Valley virus (SVV) is an oncolytic virus from the picornavirus family, characterized by a 7.3-kilobase RNA genome encoding for all the structural and functional viral proteins. Directed evolution by serial passaging has been employed for oncolytic virus adaptation to increase the killing efficacy towards certain types of tumors. We propagated the SVV in a small-cell lung cancer model under two culture conditions: conventional cell monolayer and tumorspheres, with the latter resembling more closely the cellular structure of the tumor of origin. We observed an increase of the virus-killing efficacy after ten passages in the tumorspheres. Deep sequencing analyses showed genomic changes in two SVV populations comprising 150 single nucleotides variants and 72 amino acid substitutions. Major differences observed in the tumorsphere-passaged virus population, compared to the cell monolayer, were identified in the conserved structural protein VP2 and in the highly variable P2 region, suggesting that the increase in the ability of the SVV to kill cells over time in the tumorspheres is acquired by capsid conservation and positively selecting mutations to counter the host innate immune responses