60 research outputs found

    Beer and its Non-Alcoholic Compounds: Role in Pancreatic Exocrine Secretion, Alcoholic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Carcinoma

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    In this article we provide an overview of the newest data concerning the effect of non-alcoholic constituents of alcoholic beverages, especially of beer, on pancreatic secretion, and their possible role in alcoholic pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma. The data indicate that non-alcoholic constituents of beer stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion in humans and rats, at least in part, by direct action on pancreatic acinar cells. Some non-alcoholic compounds of beer, such as quercetin, resveratrol, ellagic acid or catechins, have been shown to be protective against experimentally induced pancreatitis by inhibiting pancreatic secretion, stellate cell activation or by reducing oxidative stress. Quercetin, ellagic acid and resveratrol also show anti-carcinogenic potential in vitro and in vivo. However, beer contains many more non-alcoholic ingredients. Their relevance in beer-induced functional alterations of pancreatic cells leading to pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer in humans needs to be further evaluated

    Gipodermoz glaza u 3-letnego mal'chika

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    In May 1958 an unkmown parasite was received for investigation by the Eye-Department of the Hospital at Bydgoszcz. The paraisite had been found in the front eyeball ventricle of 3-year old boy. Closer, investigations revealed that it was Hypoderma lineatum (de Villers) larva Tesponsible for the ophthalmomyasis the boy was suffering from. This is the first written report of an ophthalmomyasis caused by the larva of H. lineatum in this country

    Interactions professionnalisantes entre les directeurs et les nouveaux formateurs de centres de formation d’apprentis du secteur BTP (CFA-BTP)

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    En nous appuyant sur le concept de professionnalisation et sur des interactions qui ont lieu en situations de travail, nous souhaitons dĂ©montrer comment un dispositif de formation destinĂ© aux nouveaux formateurs de CFA-BTP constitue une opportunitĂ© de dĂ©veloppement des capacitĂ©s professionnelles des directeurs de ces CFA. Pour exploiter notre corpus de recherche (composĂ© principalement d’entretiens espacĂ©s sur trois ans et de plusieurs types d’écrits rĂ©flĂ©xifs), nous nous sommes inspirĂ© des travaux de Le Plat (2008) sur la rĂ©gulation et les automatismes dans les activitĂ©s complexes et de ClĂ©net et Poisson (2005) sur le repĂ©rage et la comprĂ©hension des zones d’interactions et de tensions. Nous considĂ©rons les apports du dispositif de formation en question en tant que rĂ©sultats d’une expĂ©rience vĂ©cue qui engendre la professionnalisation et nous nous posons Ă©galement la question de la formalisation de cette expĂ©rience en tant que moyen facilitant les interactions entre les directeurs et les nouveaux formateurs des CFA-BTP

    Between institutional prescriptions and experiences of the players; what are the productions-constructions in terms of professionalization? : Qualitative study of training-professionalization interactions : the case of directors of training centres of apprentices of building and public works (CFA-BTP)

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    La problĂ©matique de cette recherche est la professionnalisation, construite et vĂ©cue par les directeurs des centres de formation d’apprentis du bĂątiment et des travaux publics (CFA-BTP) qui font partie d’un systĂšme paritaire national de formation professionnelle coordonnĂ© par le ComitĂ© de concertation et de coordination de l’apprentissage du BTP (CCCA-BTP). L’objectif principal est de comprendre et d’interprĂ©ter les diffĂ©rentes situations d’interaction et d’interdĂ©pendance qui permettent Ă  ces sujets-acteurs de dĂ©velopper leurs capacitĂ©s et de faire Ă©voluer leurs postures professionnelles. C’est une recherche qualitative, basĂ©e sur des critĂšres de crĂ©dibilitĂ©, de transfĂ©rabilitĂ©, de fiabilitĂ© et de confirmation des rĂ©sultats d’analyse pour laquelle un corpus empirique composĂ© d’entretiens avec des directeurs de CFA-BTP et de documents dĂ©crivant la prescription institutionnelle en relation avec les processus de professionnalisation a Ă©tĂ© constituĂ©, croisĂ© et interprĂ©tĂ©. Ce travail a permis de comprendre les intentions institutionnelles, les comprĂ©hensions et les interprĂ©tations de ces intentions par les sujets-acteurs concernĂ©s et, enfin, les rĂ©alisations et les usages qui en sont faits. En termes de rĂ©sultats, l’auteur soutient que la professionnalisation des directeurs de CFA-BTP est construite principalement sur l’imprĂ©visibilitĂ© des situations-expĂ©riences au travail auxquelles ces sujets-acteurs sont confrontĂ©s, ce qui leur permet, simultanĂ©ment, de construire de nouvelles visions de leur fonction, ainsi que d’apprĂ©hender des missions et objectifs professionnels en transformation.La problematic of this research is the professionalization, built up and experienced by directors of training centres of apprentices of building and public works (CFA-BTP), which is part of a national paritary system of vocational training coordinated by the French National Committee of Cooperation and Coordination of Apprenticeship in the Construction Sector, called CCCA-BTP. Principally, it is a matter of comprehension and interpretation of different situations of interaction and of interdependence which enable these subjects and actors to develop their capacities and to advance their professional attitudes. This is a qualitative research, based on the criteria like credibility, transferability, liability and confirmation of results of the analysis where the empirical corpus, composed of the outcomes of interviews with the CFA-BTP directors and of the documents describing the institutional prescription related to the professionalization process were put together, criss-crossed and interpreted. This work permitted to understand institutional intentions and their interpretations by the subjects and actors concerned and, finally, the achievements and use done with them. In terms of results, the author supports that the professionalization of the CFA-BTP directors is principally constructed on the unforeseen aspects of the situations and experiences, which these subjects and actors have to face at work. This enables them, simultaneously, to acquire new visions of their function and to achieve new missions and professional objectives, which are in a permanent transformation

    Assessment of a sentinal x-ray attenuation panel

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    Assessment of a Siemens basic radiological installation

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    Assessment of a Shimadzu/medical x-ray supplies basic radiographic installation

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