184 research outputs found

    Comparison Of Properties Of Polypropylene Fiber Glass In Injection Moulding Process Using Different Gate Locations

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    This project investigates the mechanical properties of polypropylene filled with fiber glass in injection molding process using single and twin gate locations. The objective of this study is to compare the mechanical properties of polypropylene filled with fiberglass having the difference gate location injected by injection molding machine using Taguchi method. The investigated mechanical properties were tensile strength, modulus strength and percentage of elongation. The effect melt temperature, holding pressure, injection time and cooling time on the mechanical properties of the material were studied. L9 orthogonal arrays with 3 replications were done with 27 totals of specimens for each gate location. The result collected was optimized using Taguchi method and P-value and R-square were calculated using analysis of variance (ANOVA). According to the result analysis, it is found that single gate location shows good in tensile strength and percentage of elongation. The significant factors that affected the tensile strength are cooling time, injection time, holding pressure and melt temperature .The significant factors that affected the percentage of elongation is melt temperature followed by cooling time, holding pressure and injection time. Meanwhile, twin gate location shows the highest modulus of strength. The significant factors that affected the modulus strength are cooling time, melt temperature, holding pressure and injection time . Thus, this result shows that in twin gate location, fiberglass in polypropylene melt penetrate in between gate location, as result modulus strength in twin gate greater then single gate. Meanwhile, in single gate location, one-way flow of fiber glass in dumbbell test specimen which resulted the tensile strength and percentage of elongation higher than twin gate location

    Adverba Dalam Ayat Transitif Bahasa Melayu: Satu Analisis Prinsip Dan Parameter

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    Tesis ini bennatlamat untuk meneliti perlakuan adverba lagi, kembali, semula, semalam dan dengan bersungguh-sungguh dalam pelbagai posisi ayat transitif bahasa Melayu. Secara khusus, kajian ini cuba mengemukakan penjelasan teoritis terhadap kehadiran adverbaadverba tersebut, terutamanya bagi, kembali dan semula yang hadir pada posisi di antara kata kerja dan komplemen. The objective of this thesis is to examine the behaviour of adverbials lagi, kembali, semula, semalam and dengan bersungguh-sungguh in various positions in Malay transitive sentence • Mainly, the study tries to put forth a theoretical explanation towards the presence of these adverbials especially adverbials /agi, kembali and semu/a which exist in between transitive verbs and their complements

    The Structural Dynamics of Nitrided Ferritic 439 Grade Stainless Steel Plates

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    439 Stainless steel is widely known around the world for its anti-corrosive characteristics. Because of its abundance and cost effectiveness, it is widely used in the industry. However, because of the stiffness and the natural frequency of this material, it limits the usage of the 439 stainless steel. This paper is basically a study on how nitriding process can improve the stiffness and natural frequency of the stainless steel. The nitriding process consists of two parts: which are the low temperature nitriding and high temperature nitriding. It contains the step-by-step process on how the both nitriding process will be done to the 439 stainless steel and the improvement in stiffness and natural frequency will be observed and studied after both low temperature nitriding and high temperature nitriding. From the results of this study, it is hoped that 439 stainless steel can be used more on the field that it has never used before because of its limitation and hence, some cost will be saved

    Indonesia Network Infrastructures and Workforce Adequacy to Implement Machine Learning for Large-Scale Manufacturing

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    Technological development prior to industrial revolution 4.0 incentivized manufacturing industries to invest into digital industry with the aim of increasing the capability and efficiency in manufacturing activity. Major manufacturing industry has begun implementing cyber-physical system in industrial monitoring and control. The system itself will generate large volumes of data. The ability to process those big data requires algorithm called machine learning because of its ability to read patterns of big data for producing useful information. This study conducted on premises of Indonesia’s current network infrastructure and workforce capability on supporting the implementation of machine learning especially in large-scale manufacture. That will be compared with countries that have a positive stance in implementing machine learning in manufacturing. The conclusions that can be drawn from this research are Indonesia current infrastructure and workforce is still unable to fully support the implementation of machine learning technology in manufacturing industry and improvements are needed

    Penerapan Metode Six Sigma dalam Menganalisis dan Menanggulangi Defect Rate pada Pengelasan Tubular

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    PT XYZ merupakan perusahaan general contractor untuk manufacturing, refinery, industrial, marine, oil and gas, yang menjalankan proyek welding tubular. Target untuk mencapai sasaran mutu perusahaan menjadikan PT XYZ selalu berusaha untuk mencapai dan menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas, aman, dan dapat memenuhi persyaratan pelanggan dengan harga yang kompetitif. Diketahui PT XYZ memiliki tingkat repair rate yang sangat tinggi berdasarkan record data per welder yang dilakukan pada pengujian ultrasonic test (UT). Hal ini sangat merugikan perusahan karena tingginya biaya dan waktu yang diperlukan untuk repair. Usaha untuk menurunkan defect rate hingga mencapai zero defect, dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode Six Sigma dalam sistem welding produksi. Tingkat proporsi defect yang terjadi dalam pengelasan tubular ini adalah sebesar 21% pada periode pengelasan selama 6 (enam) minggu.  Pada penelitian ini dilakukan 5 (lima) tahapan analisis six sigma yaitu DMAIC atau define, measure, analyze, improve dan control. Hasilnya diketahui penyebab terjadinya tingginya defect, hasil analisis, dan tindakan-tindakan yang perlu dilakukan dalam menanggulangi defect serta mengetahui nilai rata-rata sigma sebesar 3.30 setelah dilakukannya analisis

    Assessing the Effects of M-Shwari on Financial Inclusion among Muhoroni Factory Sugarcane out - Growers’ Households in Muhoroni Sub-County, Kenya

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    In Kenya today the decline in cane production per given unit area has led to a domestic sugar consumption deficit that averages 200,000 tonnes of sugar annually. An aggressive financial inclusion strategy in the sugar sub-sector can sealing this deficit and create employment for up to 6 million Kenyans, whilst saving foreign exchange annually. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to assess the effect of access to M-Shwari transactions on financial inclusion among cane out-growers’ households in Muhoroni sub-county, Kenya. to assess the effect of suitability of M-Shwari on financial inclusion amongst cane out-growers’ households in Muhoroni Sub-County, Kenya. to assess the effects of procedural formality of M-Shwari on financial inclusion amongst cane out-growers’ households in Muhoroni sub-county, Kenya, to assess the effects of moderating variable; poverty level, cane income, fiscal and monetary mix on financial inclusion among cane out-growers’ households in Muhoroni Sub-County, Kenya. Based on comprehensive literature review on same area of study, a suitable conceptual framework which dramatically depicts the key areas of study was developed. This conceptual framework outlines the independent variables (access to transactions, suitability of m-shwari, procedural formalities and moderating variables) and dependent variables (financial inclusion among Muhoroni sugar factory out-growers’; households). The study population was all the 5,000 Muhoroni Sugar factory Out-Growers’ Households within Muhoroni sub-county, Kisumu county. The study adopted Stratified proportionate random sampling technique that allowed construction of error estimates. A total of 366 questionnaires were completed successfully. This is a 98.9% response rate. The study collected data from the respondent using open-ended and closed questionnaires. Data was collected, cleaned, coded and analysed with the aid of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) package. The gathered data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Keywords: Financial Inclusion, sugar cane out-growers’ households, M-Shwari effects

    Model Prediksi Harga Saham Apple Inc Pada Beberapa Bursa Efek Menggunakan Metode Multivariate Gated Recurrent Unit

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    Saham menjadi salah satu instrumen pasar keuangan dan investasi yang banyak diminati oleh investor. Pergerakan harga saham yang nonlinear dan nonstasioner yang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, sehingga sangat sulit untuk meramalkan harga saham. Salah satu metode yang cocok untuk digunakan dalam memprediksi harga saham yang bersifat nonlinear adalah Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu arsitektur RNN yaitu Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) untuk memprediksi harga saham dengan menggunakan model multivariate GRU sebagai masukannya menggunakan harga low, open, close, high dan volume dalam memprediksi harga low, open, close dan high. Evaluasi kinerja yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kesalahan prediksi adalah MAE, RMSE, MAPE dan RMSPE. Berdasarkan hasil MAE dan RMSE dari AAPL(Nasdaq), APC.F(Frankfurt) dan AAPL.MX(Mexico) memberikan hasil tingkat kesalahan yang bernilai kecil. Adapun berdasarkan hasil evaluasi MAPE dan RMSPE memberikan hasil yang sangat baik dengan masing – masing persentase kesalahan yang dihasilkan < 10%. Kemudian didapatkan hasil yang baik pada hasil evaluasi RMSPE prediksi data train pada AAPL.MX(Mexico) dengan masing – masing persentase kesalahan yang dihasilkan berada pada 10% ≤ RMSPE < 20%.