17 research outputs found

    High mobility, low access thwarts interventions among seasonal workers in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: lessons from the malaria containment project

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    Background: During the process of malaria elimination in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, mobile and migrant populations (MMPs) have been identified as the most at-risk demographic. An important sub-group of MMPs are seasonal workers, and this paper presents an evaluation of the reach and effectiveness of interventions tailored towards this group and was carried out as part of the Containment Project from 2009-11. Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted in Pailin Province in Western Cambodia. Three-hundred-and-four seasonal workers were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. Qualitative data were gathered through a total of eight focus group discussions and 14 in-depth interviews. Data triangulation of the qualitative and quantitative data was used during analysis. Results: High mobility and low access of the target population to the interventions, as well as lack of social and anthropological research that led to implementation oversights, resulted in under-exposure of seasonal workers to interventions. Consequently, their reach and impact were severely limited. Some services, particularly Mobile Malaria Workers, had the ability to significantly impact key factors, such as risky behaviours among those they did reach. Others, like Listening and Viewing Clubs and mass media campaigns, showed little impact. Conclusions: There is potential in two of the interventions assessed, but high mobility and inadequate exposure of seasonal workers to these interventions must be considered in the development and planning of future interventions to avoid investing in low-impact activities and ensure that all interventions perform according to their maximum potential. This will be critical in order for Cambodia to achieve its aim of malaria elimination. The lessons learned from this study can be extrapolated to other areas of health care in Cambodia and other countries in order to reduce the gap between healthcare provided to MMPs, especially seasonal workers, and to the general population

    Adherence to prescribed artemisinin-based combination therapy in Garissa and Bunyala districts, Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: Following the development of resistance to anti-malarial mono-therapies, malaria endemic countries in Africa now use artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) as recommended first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria. Patients' adherence to ACT is an important factor to ensure treatment efficacy, as well as to reduce the likelihood of parasite resistance to these drugs. This study reports adherence to a specific ACT, artemether-lumefantrine (AL), under conditions of routine clinical practice in Kenya. METHOD: The study was undertaken in Garissa and Bunyala districts among outpatients of five government health facilities. Patients treated with AL were visited at home four days after having been prescribed the drug. Respondents (patients ≥ 15 years and caregivers of patients < 15 years) were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire, AL blister packs were physically inspected and the adherence status of patients was then recorded. Multivariate logistic regression modelling was used to determine predictors of adherence. RESULTS: Of the 918 patients included in the study, 588 (64.1%) were 'probably adherent', 291 (31.7%) were 'definitely non-adherent' and 39 (4.2%) were 'probably non-adherent'. Six factors were found to be significant predictors of adherence: patient knowledge of the ACT dosing regimen (odds ratio (OR) = 1.76; 95% CI = 1.32-2.35), patient age (OR = 1.65; 95% CI = 1.02-1.85), respondent age (OR = 1.37; 95% CI = 1.10-2.48), whether a respondent had seen AL before (OR = 1.46; 95% CI = 1.08-1.98), whether a patient had reported dislikes to AL (OR = 0.62 95% CI = 0.47-0.82) and whether a respondent had waited more than 24 hours to seek treatment (OR = 0.73; 95% CI = 0.54-0.99). CONCLUSION: Overall, adherence to AL was found to be low in both Garissa and Bunyala districts, with patient knowledge of the AL dosing regimen found to be the strongest predictor of adherence. Interventions aimed at increasing community awareness of the AL dosing regimen, use of child friendly formulations and improving health workers' prescribing practices are likely to ensure higher adherence to AL and eventual treatment success

    Quality of antimalarials at the epicenter of antimalarial drug resistance: results from an overt and mystery client survey in Cambodia.

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    Widespread availability of monotherapies and falsified antimalarials is thought to have contributed to the historical development of multidrug-resistant malaria in Cambodia. This study aimed to document the quality of artemisinin-containing antimalarials (ACAs) and to compare two methods of collecting antimalarials from drug outlets: through open surveyors and mystery clients (MCs). Few oral artemisinin-based monotherapies and no suspected falsified medicines were found. All 291 samples contained the stated active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) of which 69% were considered good quality by chemical analysis. Overall, medicine quality did not differ by collection method, although open surveyors were less likely to obtain oral artemisinin-based monotherapies than MCs. The results are an encouraging indication of the positive impact of the country's efforts to tackle falsified antimalarials and artemisinin-based monotherapies. However, poor-quality medicines remain an ongoing challenge that demands sustained political will and investment of human and financial resources

    Arupsgate, Gamlebyen, Oslo. Arkeologisk undersøkelse og overvüking i forbindelse med utskifting av vannledning.

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    Arkeologisk utgravning og overvüking i forbindelse med utskiftning av vannledning. Bebyggelsesspor fra middelalder. Middelalderske kulturlag fra tidlig- og høymiddelalder ca 70 cm under overflaten. Alle i umettet sone men med bra bevaringsforhold. Veldig store mengder dyrebein og relativt store mengder gjenstander. Bosetningsspor fra tidlig middelalder til høymiddelalder ca 1070-1250; inndeling av tomt, gjerder, tre faser husrester. Nyere materiale avgravet før ca 1870. Rester av 1870-talls bebyggelse i noen felter (1a, 4)

    Establishing a conceptual framework of the impact of placental malaria on infant neurodevelopment

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    We propose a novel conceptual framework to describe the relationship between placental malaria and adverse infant neurodevelopmental outcomes. This conceptual framework includes three distinct stages: 1) maternal and environmental risk factors for the development of placental malaria; 2) placental pathology and inflammation associated with placental malarial infection; and 3) postnatal impacts of placental malaria. The direct, indirect, and bidirectional effects of these risk factors on infant neurodevelopment across the three stages have been critically examined. These factors ultimately culminate in an infant phenotype that not only leads to adverse birth outcomes, but also to increased risks of neurological, cognitive, and behavioural deficits that may impact the quality of life in this high-risk population. Multiple risk factors have been identified in this conceptual framework, nonetheless, based on the current evidence, a key knowledge gap is the uncertainty as to which are the most important and how exactly they interact

    Neonatal neurological examination in a resource-limited setting: what defines normal?

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    Objective: To describe the results of the Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Examination (HNNE) in a low-risk, term-born, contemporary sample in Ghana. Of particular interest was to compare these findings with the original British study that validated the HNNE, and published data from other low- and middle-income countries. Study design: In a nested substudy of a larger prospective study (IMPRINT: Impact of Malaria in Pregnancy on Infant Neurodevelopment), 140 low-risk, term-born neonates (39.3 ± 1.4 weeks gestation) at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana were administered the 34-item HNNE from birth to 48 h of age by trained physicians. Neonates’ performance was compared with previously published normative data from the United Kingdom (1998), and published data from Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Uganda. Results: Ghanaian neonates demonstrated lower scores on 30/34 HNNE items relative to normative data from the United Kingdom (