10 research outputs found

    Penegakan Hukum terhadap Pencemaran dan Perusakan Lingkungan Objek Wisata Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2009

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengawasan terhadap ancaman pencemaran dan Perusakan lingkungan objek wisata bahari dan bagaimana pemberlakuan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku pencemaran dan Perusakan lingkungan objek wisata bahari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif sehingga dapat disimpulkan: 1. Pengawasan terhadap ancaman Perusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan objek wisata bahari merupakan aspek penting dalam menjaga dan melestarikan objek wisata bahari sebagai aset nasional dalam memberikan kontribusi terhadap pembangunan nasional berupa penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan dan aktivitas ekonomi lainnya (multiplier effect) serta pemasukan devisa bagi Negara. Terjadinya Perusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan objek wisata bahari di Indonesia menunjukkan mekanisme pengawasan dan monitoring oleh pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah belum berjalan dengan efektif. 2. Pemberlakuan sanksi pidana terhadap pelalu Perusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan objek wisata bahari diatur dalam UU No. 10 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepariwisataan dalam Pasal 64 menyatakan: (1) Setiap orang yang dengan sengaja dan melawan hukum merusak fisik daya tarik wisata sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 27 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp.,00 (sepuluh miliar rupiah). (2) Setiap orang yang karena kelalaiannya dan melawan hukum, merusak fisik, atau mengurangi nilai daya tarik wisata sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 27 dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp.,00 (lima miliar rupiah)

    Expanded Dengue Syndrome with Status Epilepticus in a nine months old boy: A Case Report

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    Dengue fever is a major global public health challenge in tropical and subtropical countries. The clinical spectrum of dengue infection ranges from mild illness to the life-threatening severe forms of the disease with plasma leakage, severe bleeding, or multi-organ failure, which may be fatal. The term expanded dengue syndrome is used for atypical manifestations of dengue fever. This study presented a case of expanded dengue syndrome with status epilepticus in a 9-month-old boy hospitalized with the chief complaint decreased of consciousness with fever and seizures. From the physical examination, there was a decrease in consciousness with GCS 9 accompanied by fever, ascites, and gastrointestinal bleeding. On laboratory examination, hyponatremia, increased transaminase enzymes, and hypoalbuminemia with positive dengue IgM were found. The patient had specific clinical features of expanded dengue syndrome with status epilepticus the appropriate anti-convulsion, vasopressor, and fluid management was given to the patient. In cases of dengue virus infection, it is important to prevent other potential complications such as expanded dengue syndrome with status epilepticus.  Early diagnosis of expanded dengue syndrome simultaneously with adequate treatment will prevent the complications of the disease

    Sanksi Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual: Studi Komparatif Fiqh, Qanun Aceh dan KUHP

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    Kekerasan seksual seperti pemerkosaan merupak salah satu bentuk kejaharan seksual yang harus dilakukan upaya pencegahannya dengan memberlakukan sanksi yang dapat memberikan efek jera terhadap pelaku dan mencegah terjadinya hal serupa pada orang yang lain. KUHP Pasal 285 merupakan salah satu peraturan yang mengatur secara khusus berkaitan dengan kekerasan seksual, namun hal tersebut belum bisa memberikan dampak yang siknifikan terhadap pencegahan kejahatan pemerkosaan. Berdasarkan realitas tersebut harus dilakukan upaya perancangan perubahan terhadap KUHP dengan mengakomodir hukum Islam (fiqh) dan Qanun Jinayat Aceh. Secara fiqh kejahatan pemerkosaan dalam satu sisi dikategorikan ke dalam zina sehingga dikenakan hukuman hudud, namun disisi lain bisa dikategorikan ke dalam hirabah sehingga bisa dikenakan hukuman yang lebih berat lagi dari hudud. Sementara Qanun Jinayat Aceh menerapkan hukuman ta’zir berupa cambuk atau denda dalam bentuk emas murni. Secara fiqh atau qanun sangat memberikan efek jera terhadap pelaku dan dapat mencegah untuk terulang kembali kejahatan serupa tersebut

    Dekonstruksi Struktur Politik Pusat dan Penguatan Sumberdaya Mobilisasi di Wilayah Pinggiran sebagai Basis Munculnya Gerakan Petani di Lampung

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    Contemporary peasant movements are still important to be studied, especially under the reformation era (or the democracy transition). The objective of this study were to analyze the relationship of the determinant factors on peasant movement. Qualitative approach was applied in this case. Data was employed in triangulation using dept interviews, documentations, and secundary data. Result showed that the combination of political opportuniiq structure and structure of resource mobilization affords groups a certain structural potential for action, they remain, in the absence of two other factors, insuffisient to account for peasant movement. The two factor were the sub-culture of peasant opposition as the antecedent factor and collective framing as the mediating factor

    Stroke in critically ill patients with respiratory failure due to COVID-19: Disparities between low-middle and high-income countries

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    Purpose: We aimed to compare the incidence of stroke in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) versus high-income countries (HICs) in critically ill patients with COVID-19 and its impact on in-hospital mortality. Methods: International observational study conducted in 43 countries. Stroke and mortality incidence rates and rate ratios (IRR) were calculated per admitted days using Poisson regression. Inverse probability weighting (IPW) was used to address the HICs vs. LMICs imbalance for confounders. Results: 23,738 patients [20,511(86.4 %) HICs vs. 3,227(13.6 %) LMICs] were included. The incidence stroke/1000 admitted-days was 35.7 (95 %CI = 28.4–44.9) LMICs and 17.6 (95 %CI = 15.8–19.7) HICs; ischemic 9.47 (95 %CI = 6.57–13.7) LMICs, 1.97 (95 %CI = 1.53, 2.55) HICs; hemorrhagic, 7.18 (95 %CI = 4.73–10.9) LMICs, and 2.52 (95 %CI = 2.00–3.16) HICs; unspecified stroke type 11.6 (95 %CI = 7.75–17.3) LMICs, 8.99 (95 %CI = 7.70–10.5) HICs. In regression with IPW, LMICs vs. HICs had IRR = 1.78 (95 %CI = 1.31–2.42, p < 0.001). Patients from LMICs were more likely to die than those from HICs [43.6% vs 29.2 %; Relative Risk (RR) = 2.59 (95 %CI = 2.29–2.93), p < 0.001)]. Patients with stroke were more likely to die than those without stroke [RR = 1.43 (95 %CI = 1.19–1.72), p < 0.001)]. Conclusions: Stroke incidence was low in HICs and LMICs although the stroke risk was higher in LMICs. Both LMIC status and stroke increased the risk of death. Improving early diagnosis of stroke and redistribution of healthcare resources should be a priority. Trial registration: ACTRN12620000421932 registered on 30/03/2020

    Correction: Epidemiology and outcomes of early-onset AKI in COVID-19-related ARDS in comparison with non-COVID-19-related ARDS: insights from two prospective global cohort studies (Critical Care, (2023), 27, 1, (3), 10.1186/s13054-022-04294-5)

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    Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified that the collaborating authors part of the collaborating author group CCCC Consortium was missing. The collaborating author group is available and included as Additional file 1 in this article

    Early short course of neuromuscular blocking agents in patients with COVID-19 ARDS: a propensity score analysis

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    Background: The role of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is not fully elucidated. Therefore, we aimed to investigate in COVID-19 patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS the impact of early use of NMBAs on 90-day mortality, through propensity score (PS) matching analysis. Methods: We analyzed a convenience sample of patients with COVID-19 and moderate-to-severe ARDS, admitted to 244 intensive care units within the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium, from February 1, 2020, through October 31, 2021. Patients undergoing at least 2 days and up to 3 consecutive days of NMBAs (NMBA treatment), within 48 h from commencement of IMV were compared with subjects who did not receive NMBAs or only upon commencement of IMV (control). The primary objective in the PS-matched cohort was comparison between groups in 90-day in-hospital mortality, assessed through Cox proportional hazard modeling. Secondary objectives were comparisons in the numbers of ventilator-free days (VFD) between day 1 and day 28 and between day 1 and 90 through competing risk regression. Results: Data from 1953 patients were included. After propensity score matching, 210 cases from each group were well matched. In the PS-matched cohort, mean (± SD) age was 60.3 ± 13.2 years and 296 (70.5%) were male and the most common comorbidities were hypertension (56.9%), obesity (41.1%), and diabetes (30.0%). The unadjusted hazard ratio (HR) for death at 90 days in the NMBA treatment vs control group was 1.12 (95% CI 0.79, 1.59, p = 0.534). After adjustment for smoking habit and critical therapeutic covariates, the HR was 1.07 (95% CI 0.72, 1.61, p = 0.729). At 28 days, VFD were 16 (IQR 0–25) and 25 (IQR 7–26) in the NMBA treatment and control groups, respectively (sub-hazard ratio 0.82, 95% CI 0.67, 1.00, p = 0.055). At 90 days, VFD were 77 (IQR 0–87) and 87 (IQR 0–88) (sub-hazard ratio 0.86 (95% CI 0.69, 1.07; p = 0.177). Conclusions: In patients with COVID-19 and moderate-to-severe ARDS, short course of NMBA treatment, applied early, did not significantly improve 90-day mortality and VFD. In the absence of definitive data from clinical trials, NMBAs should be indicated cautiously in this setting