8 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Perempuan Pedagang Kakilima Dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Sebelum Dan Setelah Adanya Covid-19

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    This study pretend to explore the question on who we mean with female vendors? They are females whose model of trade is using small stand in the traditional market. In facts, large contributions they contributed to household economy in terms of income, expendeture, and saving haven’t been denied. Whilst supporting and inhibiting factors are always in common and come together. There are two goals of the study. To capture the income, saving and expendeture of the females vendors and the sircumstance of household economy before and during the Covid-19. In addition, the study is to detect supporting and inhibiting factors during they are undertaking the roles belong to them. By using 50 informan of female vendors in traditional market of Oeba as research subject, the study are developed with descriptive-qualitative analisis method. The results showed that Covid-19 has brought effects to the female vendors. Unfortunately, their contributions to household economy in terms of income, expenditure, and saving during Covid-19 aren’t comensurate with that of before. Supporting factors are emerging through several factors such as self-motivation, economical and environmental need and inhibiting factors such as income decreased, much more competition, and poor in trade experience. Much more hope to government in order to give more concern on trade facilities for female vendors in traditional market, security and control to the market facilities which are not deserve to use in order to be repaired. Vendors and buyers are hoped to obey to government’s health protocol of Covid-19. &nbsp

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin Kota

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    The objectives of this study are 1) To determine the implementation of the program, family hope (PKH) in empowerment in Naimata village, Kupang City. 2. To find out the impact of the family hope program for the urban poor in Naimata village, Kupang City. The method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data with the research subjects, namely the recipients of PKH in Naimata village, Kupang City, which amounted to 50 informants. The results showed that 1. the implementation of PKH in Naimata in terms of Planning, Organizing and implementation has been running quite optimally, this can be seen by the increasing number of PKH recipients in 2020 Making the community experience changes,  especially in mindset and behavior as well as continuity towards improving the lives of Beneficiary Families. 2. This program has proven that the large number of recipients of the Family Hope Program in 2020 can improve education and health aspects, such as increasing access to health services at the puskesmas, increasing the education level of school children, providing adequate assistance and establishing coordination between relevant agencies in the success of the program. Hope Family Program

    Model Pengembangan Usaha Wisata Kuliner Oepoi Dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kota Kupang

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    Covid 19 caused economic instability of society. In this case is small and middle business sector. It was dealing with the decline of people’s purchasing power because of social distancing and large-scale social restriction policy. The results are happened the termination of employment, the decrease in sale turnover and even close the business. For small and middle business pertaining culinary tour, naturally it encountered the problem because of being empty buyers for their culinary products. The goal of this study is to explore business delineation of culinary tour in Oepoi Kupang and such business strategy in responding Covid 19. While the method used for gaining the goal are qualitative one, such as interview, participant observation, and literature review. The results of study denoted that culinary business are dominated by settler or Javanese entrepreneur, and take charge of the stall at fee IDR 1.500.000 per mounth. Business delineation was dealing with income declining because of government large-scale restriction policy. Even so, the entrepreneurs steady to survive in running the business. The strategi they make to maintain the busniss is selling by E-commerse and digital marketing. It is importan strategic choice to the income improvement and give the easiness to consumer in shoping. Moreover as entrepreneurs they need to improve for the good service through products quality, hygiene guarantee, products safety, and service quality improvement

    Pendapatan Pengrajin Tenun Ikat “Ina Ndao” Di Kelurahan Naikoten I Kecamatan Kota Raja Kupang

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    Rumah Tenun Ikat “INA NDAO” telah menghasilkan produk kerajinan berupa kain tenun dengan bentuk yang beragam. Bentuk-bentuk yang dimaksud misalnya, motif Buna, Sotis dan Motif ikat. Harga jual dari masing-masing motif bervariasi. Selain dalam bentuk kain  ikat juga dimodifikasi menjadi baju, topi, rompi dan tas yang dapat langsung di pasarkan. Terdapat 20 orang tenaga kerja yang menghasilkan kerajinan tenun ikat. Untuk 14 orang tenaga kerja memiliki penghasilan di atas Upah Minimum Provinsi karena mereka telah mampu menghasilkan produk kerajinan dalam jumlah banyak dan motif yang bervariasi dalam sebulan sedangkan untuk empat orang tenaga kerja memiliki pendapatan di bawah dari UMP. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kerajinan yang dihasilkan dalam jumlah yang terbatas. Pemerintah dan swasta diharapkan memberikan perhatian dan dukungan terhadap pengembangan usaha yang bersifat promosi hasil kerajinan yang bernuansa budaya

    Pengelolaan Unit Usaha Pengkreditan Pada Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Hidup Bersama Di Desa Sangadeto Kabupaten Ngada

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat program 5 program yang direncanakan yakni Usaha penyewaan, usaha wisata, usaha jasa, usaha perdagangan dan usaha keuangan (perkreditaan). Dari 5  program usaha yang ada baru dua program usaha yang dijalankan yakni: Usaha Perdagangan (unit usaha perkebunan pisang) dan Unit Usaha Keuangan (pengkreditan). Sedangkan untuk program usaha penyewaan, program usaha wisata dan program usaha jasa belum dapat dilaksanakan. Khusus untuk program keuangan pengkreditan telah  dilaksanakan berjalan baik dan tidak terjadi penyimpangan dalam penyaluran pinjaman (kredit) kepada masyarakat. Pada tahap Pengorganisasian, Pengarahan dan Pengawasan  pada Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Hidup Bersama sudah berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan ketentuan. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Diharapkan kepada pengelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Hidup Bersama agar terus mengembangkan unit usaha pengkreditan dan membuat program-program lainnya dengan memaksimalkan potensi desa yang tersedia saat ini. 2) Perlu melakukan sosialisasi secara kontinyu kepada masyarakat mengenai program yang dilakukan BUMDes Hidup Bersama yang berkaitan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat. 3) Pengelolaan sudah berjalan dengan baik dan tetap dipertahankan demi kesejahteraan masyarakat. 4) Perlu adanya peningkatan kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) bagi Pengurus BUMDes Hidup Bersama

    Analisis Sektor Ekonomi Unggulan dan Pergeseran Struktur Ekonomi di Kabupaten Ende Tahun 2017-2021

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi sektor basis ekonomi, perubahan struktur ekonomi, dan perkembangan sektor unggulan sebagai kontribusi sektor tersebut terhadap PDRB. Penelitian ini menganalisis 17 sektor ekonomi berdasarkan lapangan usaha dari tahun 2017 sampai dengan tahun 2023. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Location Quotient (LQ), analisis Shift-share, Model Rasio Pertumbuhan, dan Analisis Tipologi Klassen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, struktur ekonomi sektor sekunder mengalami pergeseran ke arah sektor tersier. Sebaliknya, kontribusi sektor primer terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi masih sangat signifikan. Industri pengadaan air, pengelolaan limbah, sampah dan daur ulang, serta sektor jasa pendidikan merupakan industri unggulan yang memiliki keunggulan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kompetitif

    Upaya Pemerintah Daerah dalam Mewujudkan Prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan Daerah yang Baik

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    The role of government investment through regional state-owned companies is an effort to strengthen regional revenue originating from separated regional assets. The purpose of establishing a regional limited liability company is as one of the drivers of regional economic growth and development. The purpose of this paper is to explain the role of local governments in realizing the management of regional companies based on the principles of good corporate governance. The research method used is normative legal research method. The regional government in its position as the majority shareholder has the authority to manage, regulate and intervene in the management of regional state-owned companies. As the majority shareholder, the local government has authority that is not delegated to the board of directors and commissioners. Likewise with the application of the principles of good corporate governance. The role of local government is to supervise, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the principles of good corporate governance developed within the company, especially for directors, commissioners and employees


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    Masyarakat desa pada  umumnya  menganggap  bahwa  investasi emas butuh modal yang banyak dan tidak terjangkau. Masyarakat dalam hal ini diwakili oleh para pemuda desa Oeltua masih belum mengerti  penggunaan aplikasi investasi emas digital karena kerangnya pemahaman mengenai investasi digital. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk memberikan pengenalan kepada pemuda Desa Oeltua akan jenis investasi emas digital  yang praktis dengan modal yang kecil. Dalam  pelaksanaan  kegiatan  pengabdian ini  dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada 11 Februari 2023, bertempat di balai desa. Hasil program ini dapat menambah pemahaman dan pengetahuan mengenai investasi  untuk para pemuda di desa oeltua sehingga dapat menyiapakan diri untuk mengatur keuangan dimasa depan.  Para pemuda Desa Oeltuah mengharapkan  adanya  kunjungan  lain  dengan  bentuk  yang  sama  ke  desa  mereka  untuk  memberikan  pengenalan lebih  mengenai investasi