76 research outputs found

    Mother\u27s income and child mortality in southern Nigeria

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    Material resources affect the levels of mortality. In cross-sectional relationships income has been found to be positively associated with survival, both within and between countries. Preston (1975, 1976), in particular, using cross-national data for three separate decades of the 20th century, showed that at any point in time there was a positive relationship between national income per capita and life expectancy. Other studies (e.g., those reviewed in Cochrane et al., 1980) have arrived at the same conclusion. Within countries, just as at the cross-national level, child mortality has been found to be inversely related to the economic status of the family, but the measure of economic status used has not always been the same. In the minority are studies of socioeconomic determinants of child mortality which have examined the association between economic status, measured by income, and child survival (Anker and Knowles, 1980; Carvajal and Burgess, 1978; Farah and Preston, 1982; Schultz, 1980; Tekce and Shorter, 1983)

    A proximate, mineral composition and anti-nutritional factors of the aerial parts of Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet

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    This study evaluates the nutritional and anti-nutritional potentials of the aerial part of Lablab purpureus as it relates to its use in Animal nutrition. The preliminary phytochemical test of the plant revealed the presence of bioactive secondary metabolites; glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, steroids, alkaloids, coumarins, phenols, carbohydrates and terpenoids in the crude extract. Results from the study revealed significant mineral composition in Lablab purpureus. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic (AAS) technique was employed in the elemental analysis. Substantial amounts of Ca, Na, K and Mg were found, while Cu, Fe, P, Mn and Zn were present in trace amounts. Proximate analysis revealed the ash and fat contents to be 5.6 % and 4.2 % respectively. The protein level, total Carbohydrate and Fibre contents were determined to be 25.4 %, 46.93 % and 7.5 % respectively. The presence of anti-nutritional secondary metabolites; tannins, saponins, oxalates, phytates, cyanogenic glycosides and free phenolics were quantitatively determined to be 0.50 %, 3.8 %, 0.70 %, 2.2 %, 1.2 % and 2.1 % respectively. The results of the phytochemical constituents, proximate composition, anti-nutritional factors and mineral composition of the aerial part of Lablab purpureus in this study demonstrates high nutrients content with potentials to meet the nutritional requirements in monogastric diets.Keywords: Anti-nutritional composition, Lablab Purpureus, Mineral composition, Proximate analysi

    Combining Remote Sensing and Space-Time Analysis for Desertification Monitoring in the Semiarid Dryland of Nigeria

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    Desertification has been identified as the resultant effect of dryland loss. Desertification is catalysed by anthropogenic modifications and variations in environmental/climatic conditions. The situation in Nigeria is further exacerbated by the growing demand for land by the population. To this effect, this study performed a space-time analysis of vegetative cover between 2001 and 2020 to unravel patterns and trends across the semiarid region of the dryland system in Nigeria. The dynamics during the rainy season (May and September) were examined using the Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) dataset subjected to space-time analysis. Generalised Difference Vegetation Index (GDVI) was computed to the power of 2 to quantify vegetative cover across the study area. The results showed that the average of the GDVI ranges between -0.40 and 0.94, with a standard deviation of 0.11. Time series cluster analysis revealed that there are two temporal clusters: (1) no statistically significant trend (Statistics= 1.33, p-value = 0.18) and (2) statistically significant downtrend (Statistics = -2.37, p=0.02), with cluster 1 covering 95% of the areas examined. The most dominant (97% of the area) emerging space-time pattern was cold-spots (persistent, diminishing, sporadic, oscillating, and historical types). In conclusion, most of the areas showed no definite temporal pattern of vegetation pattern during the period, while more than 90% of the areas have witnessed a decline in vegetative cover. There is a need for a more coordinated approach to desertification control, constant monitoring is pertinent while new approaches to restoring degraded land are recommended

    Fault tolerant control system design for distillation processes

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    PhD ThesisThe complexity and sophistication of modern control systems deployed in the re nery operation, particularly the crude distillation unit as a result of increasing demand for higher performance and improved safety, are on the increase. This growing complexity comes with some level of vulnerabilities, part of which is the potential failure in some of the components that make up the control system, such as actuators and sensors. The interplay between these components and the control system needs to have some built-in robustness in the face of actuator and sensor faults, to guarantee higher reliability and improved safety of the control system and the plant respectively, which is fundamental to the economy and operation of the system. This thesis focuses on the application of frugally designed fault tolerant control systems (FTCS) with automatic actuator and sensor faults containment capabilities on distillation processes, particularly atmospheric crude distillation unit. A simple active actuator FTCS that used backup feedback signal, switchable references and restructurable PID controllers was designed and implemented on three distillation processes with varying complexities { methanol-water separation column, the benchmark Shell heavy oil fractionator, and an interactive dynamic crude distillation unit (CDU) to accommodate actuator faults. The fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) component of the actuator FTCS used dynamic principal component analysis (DPCA), a data-based fault diagnostic technique, because of its simplicity and ability to handle large amount of correlated process measurements. The recon gurable structure of the PID controllers was achieved using relative gain array (RGA) and dynamic RGA system interaction analysis tools for possible inputs { outputs pairing with and without the occurrence of actuator faults. The interactive dynamic simulation of CDU was developed in HYSYS and integrated with MATLAB application through which the FDD and the actuator FTCS were implemented. The proposed actuator FTCS is proved being very e ective in accommodating actuator faults in cases where there are suitable inputs { outputs pairing after occurrence of an actuator fault. Fault tolerant inferential controller (FTIC) was also designed and implemented on a binary distillation column and an interactive atmospheric CDU to accommodate sensor faults related to the controlled variables. The FTIC used dynamic partial least squared (DPLS) and dynamic principal component regression (DPCR) based soft sensor techniques to provide redundant controlled variable estimates, which are then used in place of faulty sensor outputs in the feedback loops to accommodate sensor faults and maintain the integrity of the entire control system. Implementation issues arising from the e ects of a sensor fault on the secondary variables used for soft sensor estimation were addressed and the approach was shown to be very e ective in accommodating all the sensor faults investigated in the distillation units. The actuator FTCS and the FTIC were then integrated with the DPCA FDD scheme to form a complete FTCS capable of accommodating successive actuator and sensor faults in the distillation processes investigated. The simulation results demonstrated the e ectiveness of the proposed approach. Lastly, fault tolerant model predictive control (FTMPC) with restructurable inputs { outputs pairing in the presence of actuator faults based on preassessed recon gurable control structures was proposed, and implemented on an interactive dynamic CDU. The FTMPC system used a rst order plus dead time (FOPDT) model of the plant for output prediction and RGA and DRGA tools to analyse possible control structure recon guration. The strategy helped improve the availability and performance of control systems in the presence of actuator faults, and can ultimately help prevent avoidable potential disasters in the re nery operation with improved bottom line { Pro t. Overall, the proposed approaches are shown to be e ective in handling actuator and sensor faults, when there are suitable manipulated variables and redundant analytical signals that could be used to contain the e ects of the faults on the system.University of Lagos, Nigeria & Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) for the Scholarship award at the later stage of my research programme

    Khidāā€™ al-Mutaį¹­arrifÄ«n fÄ« Istikhdām al-Lugah al-ā€˜Arabiyyah WasÄ«ilah li al-Taį¹­arruf

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    This research attempts to explain and clarify the relationship between Boko Haram and the Arabic language and its use of Arabic, especially under a religious slogan, and that this relationship is arbitrary, neither a religious nor an Arabic linguistic relationship. It also addresses the discovery of Boko Haram as a terrorist sect financed by a terrorist group in a hidden guise to achieve an aim they seek. The research includes three axes after the introduction. The first axis is limited to introducing Boko Haram, the second axis talks about Boko Haram and its use of the Arabic language under a religious slogan, the third axis is the negative effects left by the Boko Haram group, and then the conclusion, which mentions the findings and results of the research

    The Correlation of Library Personnel Motivation Work Attitude and Work Motivation to Job Performance in Nigeria

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    The purpose of this study was to reconnoiter the effects of library personnel work attitude and motivation as correlates of job performance in a survey of public libraries in Kwara state, Nigeria. This study employed a descriptive survey method of correlational type. This study applied an enumeration survey technique or total census to all library personnel in a nominated public library in Kwara State of Nigeria. This study employs three objectives to guide the study. Findings showed that library personnel had a good attitude about their jobs, and library personnel work motivation showed that employees in the library are provided with good working materials, and their workplace's management provides library personnel with opportunities for training and development. Also, the study on the job performance of library personnel found that library personnel set reasonable priorities for task completion, and personnel is always on time for deadlines and completion of tasks. Conclusively, years of experience at a job correlate significantly with job performance, whereas work attitudes and motivation do not correlate significantly. Based on the results, this study suggests a good relationship between library management and personnel to ensure a positive working attitude. Also, the library personnel should be able to establish a good working relationship to reduce the possibility of turnover

    Comparative Analysis of Monetary Policy Shocks and Exchange Rate Fluctuations in Nigeria and South Africa

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    The study examined a comparative analysis of monetary policy shocks and exchange rate fluctuations based on evidence from the two largest economies in Africa (Nigeria and South Africa) Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ from 1985 to 2015. Data were derived from various sources which include the National Bureau of Statistics, the Central Banks reports and the World Bank database. Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Analysis was used as the estimation technique. The results indicated that the foreign interest rate in South Africa had higher variations in the short-run. While in the long-run, foreign interest rate has higher percentage variations to exchange rate. In Nigeria the world oil price has the higher influence on exchange rate both in the short-run and longrun periods. Based on these results, the study then recommended that the monetary authorities and policymakers in both countries encourage external currency inflows into the economy. &nbsp

    Determinants of Risk and Uncertainty in Oil Palm Nursery

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    Nigeria is the fourth largest producer of palm oil in the world after Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in the order of annual production volume. The industry provides direct and indirect employment to about four million people in twenty-four oil palm growing states in Nigeria and beyond. However, oil palm production commences with planting and nurturing of oil palm seedlings in nursery, which is associated with risk and uncertainty. This study investigates the major determinants of risk and uncertainty in oil palm nursery using Tobit regression model.Ā  Findings show that the major determinants of risk and uncertainty in oil palm nursery were incidence of pests, cost of sprouted seeds, lack of financial capital and seed adulteration. Therefore, it is recommended that management of risk and uncertainty in oil palm nursery should involve purchasing sprouted seed from the right source, pest and disease control and ample provision of financial capital. Keywords: Seed-adulteration, Tenera-hybrid-seed, Financial-capital, Risk-management, Tobit-model

    Effects of Telfairia occidentalis leaf extract on plasma lactate and liver glycogen in rats

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    Summary: Telfairia occidentalis is a green vegetable popularly consumed among the native of Africa and it is generally believed to be of medicinal and nutritional value. Studies have reported its hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic effects in rats. In addition to these conflicting reports, the mechanisms for its effects on blood glucose remain inconclusive. The objective of this study was to investigate the mechanism involved in the increased blood glucose following treatment with T. occidentalis. Twenty five (25) male albino rats (200-250g) were randomly divided into 5 groups (n=5/group). Rats in the control group received normal saline while rats in other groups were orally treated with 100 or 200 mg/kg body weight of the extract for either 1 or 2 weeks. At the end of the treatment, the rats were anaesthetized and blood samples were collected for the estimation of some biochemical parameters. The results showed significant decreases in plasma glucose after 1 week of treatment with 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg. However, after 2 weeks of treatment with both doses, plasma glucose levels increased significantly and were higher than those of the control and the rats treated for 1 week with both doses. There were also dose- and duration-dependent decreases in glycogen concentration in the treated rats, especially those treated for two weeks. Glucose-6-phosphatase activity and liver glycogen concentration were lower in rats treated for 2 weeks when compared with those treated for 1 week with both doses. Moreover, plasma lactate concentration was lower in the treated groups when compared with control. The results suggest that Telfairia occidentalis-induced lowering of plasma glucose after one week of treatment probably favoured lactate oxidation/gluconeogenesis and elicited breakdown of liver glycogen which resulted in increased plasma glucose after two weeks of treatment.Keywords: Blood glucose, Lactate, Liver glycogen, Glucose-6-phosphatase, Telfairia occidentalisNiger. J. Physiol. Sci. 33(December 2018) 169-17
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