232 research outputs found

    Convergence insufficiency and its current treatment.

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Considerable uncertainty and controversy has existed concerning the management of convergence insufficiency. Only recently there have been significant scientific studies published that compare the effectiveness of the commonly prescribed treatments. This paper reviews the most recent research and literature on convergence insufficiency and its treatment. RECENT FINDINGS: The first large-scale placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials to study the various treatments of convergence insufficiency have recently been published. Current research compares the effectiveness of base-in prism glasses, pencil push-ups, and vision therapy in reducing the signs and symptoms of convergence insufficiency and suggests that orthoptic therapy is the most efficacious treatment for convergence insufficiency. SUMMARY: Intensive orthoptic therapy is the treatment of choice for convergence insufficiency. Pencil push-ups and use of accommodative targets have a role in the treatment of convergence insufficiency when used as part of a more intensive orthoptic program. Base-in prism glasses should be reserved for reduction of symptoms in the presbyopic population

    Initiating Oxidative Events Induced by Particulate Matter Component 1,2-Naphthoquinone in Human Airway Cells

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    Over three million premature deaths are caused by ambient Particulate Matter (PM) worldwide each year, rendering it one of the deadliest environmental public health problems. Oxidative stress has been frequently cited as an initiating mechanism of PM-induced health effects, but has not been well-characterized. There is a growing awareness that oxidative events, particularly those resulting in perturbation of mitochondrial function and hydrogen peroxide levels, play a vital role in cellular health and function. Here, we sought to investigate the effect of the ubiquitous PM component, 1,2-naphthoquinone (1,2-NQ), on specific oxidative events in human airway cells. First, I show that 1,2-NQ increases hydrogen peroxide production through both non-mitochondrial redox cycling and inhibition of mitochondrial processes in human bronchial epithelial cells. This was the first time PM-associated quinones have been shown to disrupt mitochondrial substrate oxidation processes. I next expanded our model to characterize bioenergetics in primary human lung macrophages. 1,2-NQ caused similar mitochondrial dysfunction in human lung macrophages. This is the first report utilizing extracellular flux analysis in primary human lung macrophages, allowing us to identify distinct subpopulations of macrophages based on anatomical location in the lung. We also observed novel mechanisms of inflammatory activation that did not require metabolic reprogramming. Lastly, I showed that 1,2-NQ induced glycolytic inhibition through peroxide-mediated mechanisms, the first time that an environmentally relevant exposure has been shown to modify protein function through sulfenylation. I adapted novel technology developed originally in the redox biology field, bridging the gap to make these technologies accessible to toxicologists. Ultimately, the work here highlights the central role of bioenergetic function both as an initiator and target of oxidative stress mechanisms and provides a basis to utilize bioenergetic measurements in a translational setting as a biomarker of PM-induced adverse cellular responses. In summary, this work identifies novel molecular mechanisms of PM-induced health effects to better our understanding and ideally improve public health through effective policy.Doctor of Philosoph

    Impact of smartphone usage on children’s horizontal fusional amplitudes

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    Introduction: Cell phone usage has increased in pediatric patients and little research has been done on its effects on patients’ fusional vergence amplitudes. We aim to study the impact of smartphone usage on healthy pediatric patients’ fusional vergence amplitudes and report findings that may lead to future eye problems. Methods: This is a prospective randomized study. We are currently recruiting healthy patients between the ages of 8-17 years old with no ocular problems. Data collected include refractive error, ocular alignment in the distance and at near, divergence amplitudes at near and in distance, convergence amplitudes at near and in distance, near point of convergence, and near point of accommodation. Patients’ measurements are taken before and after 30 minutes of cell phone usage and 30 minutes of TV monitor usage, which is used as a control. Once all patient data has been collected, the differences will be compared using t test, or Rank test if normality assumption does not hold. Results: One experimental trail run has been conducted, which yielded complications in regard to patient cooperation. Recruitment and scheduling have been difficult, which has prevented us to having significant results as of now. We anticipate data collection to span over the next year due to the nature of design and predict increases in fusional amplitudes after cell phone usage for our results. Conclusion: We believe that the anticipated results will help curtail cell phone usage in pediatric patients. More research should be expanded on the long-term effects of cell phone usage since our study only focuses on short term fusional amplitude effects. Patient cooperation has been a main limitation in our project, and we plan on solving it by conducting future runs in the morning in order to reduce fatigue

    Filtering of MS/MS data for peptide identification

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    Background: The identification of proteins based on analysis of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data is a valuable tool that is not fully realized because of the difficulty in carrying out automated analysis of large numbers of spectra. MS/MS spectra consist of peaks that represent each peptide fragment, usually b and y ions, with experimentally determined mass to charge ratios. Whether the strategy employed is database matching or De Novo sequencing, a major obstacle is distinguishing signal from noise. Improved ability to distinguish signal peaks of low intensity from background noise increases the likelihood of correctly identifying the peptide, as valuable information is preserved while extraneous information is not left to mislead. Results: This paper introduces an automated noise filtering method based on the construction of orthogonal polynomials. By subdividing the spectrum into a variable number (3 to 11) of bins, peaks that are considered noise are identified at a local level. Using a De Novo sequencing algorithm that we are developing, this filtering method was applied to a published dataset of more than 3000 mass spectra and an original dataset of more than 300 spectra. The samples were peptides from purified known proteins; therefore, the solutions could be compared to the correct sequences and the peaks corresponding to b, y and other fragments of significance could be identified. The same procedure was applied using two other published filtering methods. The ratios of the number of significant peaks that were preserved relative to the total number of peaks in each spectrum were determined. In the event that filtering out too many or too few signal peaks can lead to inaccuracy in sequence determination, the percentage of amino acid residues in the correct positions relative to the total number of amino acid residues in the correct sequence was also calculated for each sequence determined. Conclusions: The results show that an orthogonal polynomial-based method of distinguishing signal peaks from background in mass spectra preserves a greater portion of signal peaks than compared methods, improving accuracy in sequence determination

    Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease revisited: accumulation of covalently-linked multimers of internal prion protein fragments

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    Despite their phenotypic heterogeneity, most human prion diseases belong to two broadly defined groups: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease (GSS). While the structural characteristics of the disease-related proteinase K-resistant prion protein (resPrPD) associated with the CJD group are fairly well established, many features of GSS-associated resPrPD are unclear. Electrophoretic profiles of resPrPD associated with GSS variants typically show 6-8 kDa bands corresponding to the internal PrP fragments as well as a variable number of higher molecular weight bands, the molecular nature of which has not been investigated. Here we have performed systematic studies of purified resPrPD species extracted from GSS cases with the A117V (GSSA117V) and F198S (GSSF198S) PrP gene mutations. The combined analysis based on epitope mapping, deglycosylation treatment and direct amino acid sequencing by mass spectrometry provided a conclusive evidence that high molecular weight resPrPD species seen in electrophoretic profiles represent covalently-linked multimers of the internal ~ 7 and ~ 8 kDa fragments. This finding reveals a mechanism of resPrPD aggregate formation that has not been previously established in prion diseases

    Coffee Collaborators Creating Care- IPTI Reflection

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    Poster documenting collaborative case reflection among students in the Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant, Osteopathic Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dental Hygiene, and Social Work fields.https://dune.une.edu/cecespring2020/1007/thumbnail.jp


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    Purpose. The research of methodological approach to construction of reliable and effective emergency lighting system, which works without the use of stationary electric networks from electricity, producible in result of photovoltaic conversion of artificial radiation from lamp of working (general) lighting in visible range of spectrum.Methodology. The experimental researches concerned the construction of the energy-efficient emergency lighting system which works without the use of stationary power source are conducted.Research results. As result of research the experimental model of lamp was constructed showing the possibility of emergency illumination realization on the base of the most widespread common illumination luminescent lamps of ceiling type due to electric power produced at conversion of luminescent lamps artificial light stream by the sun panels placed on their surfaces.Originality. Within the bounds of developed methodological approach the first time it was shown the possibility of multifunction energy-efficient lamp construction combining the working and emergency illumination functions without the use of the stationary power systems.Practical value. With use of the developed methodological approach on the base of standard constructions of the luminescent lighting systems it is possible to design the multifunction energy-efficient lamp, that will help to resolve the problem of energy-saving that gains in importance last years in connection with the all increasing electric power use including lighting needs.Цель работы. Разработка методологического подхода к построению надежной и эффективной системы аварийного освещения, которая работает от электричества, производимого в результате фотоэлектрического преобразования света искусственного излучения видимого диапазона спектра лампы рабочего (общего) освещения без использования стационарных электрических сетей.Методы исследований. Проведены экспериментальные исследования, касающиеся построения энергосберегающей осветительной системы, работающей без использования стационарных источников питания.Полученные результаты. В ходе исследования была построена экспериментальная модель светильника, продемонстрировавшая возможность реализации аварийного освещения на базе наиболее распространенных конструкций люминесцентных светильников потолочного типа общего освещения за счет электроэнергии, вырабатываемой в результате преобразования искусственного светового потока люминесцентных ламп размещенными на их поверхностях солнечными панелями.Научная новизна. В рамках разработанного методологического подхода впервые была показана возможность построения многофункционального энергосберегающего светильника, объединяющего функции рабочего и аварийного освещения, без использования стационарных систем питания.Практическая значимость. На основе разработанного методологического подхода возможно создание на базе стандартных конструкций люминесцентных осветительных систем многофункционального энергосберегающего светильника, что поможет решить проблему энергосбережения, приобретшую за последние годы особенную важность в связи с все возрастающим использованием электроэнергии, в том числе на осветительные нужды.Мета роботи. Розробка методологічного підходу до побудови надійної і ефективної системи аварійного освітлення, що працює від електрики, вироблюваної в результаті фотоелектричного перетворення світла штучного випромінювання видимого діапазону спектру лампи робочого (загального) освітлення без використовування стаціонарних електричних мереж.Методи досліджень. Проведені експериментальні дослідження щодо побудови енергоощадної освітлювальної системи, яка працює без використанні стаціонарних джерел живлення.Отримані результати. В ході дослідження була побудована експериментальна модель світильника, яка продемонструвала можливість реалізації аварійного освітлення на базі найбільш розповсюджених конструкцій люмінесцентних світильників стельового типу загального освітлення за рахунок електроенергії, що виробляється в наслідок перетворення штучного світлового потоку люмінесцентних ламп розміщеними на їх поверхнях сонячними панелями.Наукова новизна. В рамках розробленого методологічного підходу вперш була показана можливість побудови багатофункціонального енергозберігаючого світильника, що поєднує функції робочого і аварійного освітлення, без використання стаціонарних систем живлення.Практична значимість. На основі розробленого методологічного підходу можливо створення на базі стандартних конструкцій люмінесцентних освітлювальних систем багатофункціонального енергозберігаючого світильника, що допоможе  вирішити проблему енергозбереження, яка придбала за останні роки особливу важливість в зв'язку, у тому числі, зі все зростаючим споживанням електроенергії на освітлювальні потреби

    Filtering of MS/MS data for peptide identification

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    BACKGROUND: The identification of proteins based on analysis of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data is a valuable tool that is not fully realized because of the difficulty in carrying out automated analysis of large numbers of spectra. MS/MS spectra consist of peaks that represent each peptide fragment, usually b and y ions, with experimentally determined mass to charge ratios. Whether the strategy employed is database matching or De Novo sequencing, a major obstacle is distinguishing signal from noise. Improved ability to distinguish signal peaks of low intensity from background noise increases the likelihood of correctly identifying the peptide, as valuable information is preserved while extraneous information is not left to mislead. RESULTS: This paper introduces an automated noise filtering method based on the construction of orthogonal polynomials. By subdividing the spectrum into a variable number (3 to 11) of bins, peaks that are considered "noise" are identified at a local level. Using a De Novo sequencing algorithm that we are developing, this filtering method was applied to a published dataset of more than 3000 mass spectra and an original dataset of more than 300 spectra. The samples were peptides from purified known proteins; therefore, the solutions could be compared to the correct sequences and the peaks corresponding to b, y and other fragments of significance could be identified. The same procedure was applied using two other published filtering methods. The ratios of the number of significant peaks that were preserved relative to the total number of peaks in each spectrum were determined. In the event that filtering out too many or too few signal peaks can lead to inaccuracy in sequence determination, the percentage of amino acid residues in the correct positions relative to the total number of amino acid residues in the correct sequence was also calculated for each sequence determined. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that an orthogonal polynomial-based method of distinguishing signal peaks from background in mass spectra preserves a greater portion of signal peaks than compared methods, improving accuracy in sequence determination

    Comparative lung toxicity of engineered nanomaterials utilizing in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo approaches

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    BackgroundAlthough engineered nanomaterials (ENM) are currently regulated either in the context of a new chemical, or as a new use of an existing chemical, hazard assessment is still to a large extent reliant on information from historical toxicity studies of the parent compound, and may not take into account special properties related to the small size and high surface area of ENM. While it is important to properly screen and predict the potential toxicity of ENM, there is also concern that current toxicity tests will require even heavier use of experimental animals, and reliable alternatives should be developed and validated. Here we assessed the comparative respiratory toxicity of ENM in three different methods which employed in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo toxicity testing approaches.MethodsToxicity of five ENM (SiO2 (10), CeO2 (23), CeO2 (88), TiO2 (10), and TiO2 (200); parentheses indicate average ENM diameter in nm) were tested in this study. CD-1 mice were exposed to the ENM by oropharyngeal aspiration at a dose of 100μg. Mouse lung tissue slices and alveolar macrophages were also exposed to the ENM at concentrations of 22–132 and 3.1-100μg/mL, respectively. Biomarkers of lung injury and inflammation were assessed at 4 and/or 24hr post-exposure.ResultsSmall-sized ENM (SiO2 (10), CeO2 (23), but not TiO2 (10)) significantly elicited pro-inflammatory responses in mice (in vivo), suggesting that the observed toxicity in the lungs was dependent on size and chemical composition. Similarly, SiO2 (10) and/or CeO2 (23) were also more toxic in the lung tissue slices (ex vivo) and alveolar macrophages (in vitro) compared to other ENM. A similar pattern of inflammatory response (e.g., interleukin-6) was observed in both ex vivo and in vitro when a dose metric based on cell surface area (μg/cm2), but not culture medium volume (μg/mL) was employed.ConclusionExposure to ENM induced acute lung inflammatory effects in a size- and chemical composition-dependent manner. The cell culture and lung slice techniques provided similar profiles of effect and help bridge the gap in our understanding of in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro toxicity outcomes.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12951-014-0047-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Cinnamaldehyde in flavored e-cigarette liquids temporarily suppresses bronchial epithelial cell ciliary motility by dysregulation of mitochondrial function

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    Aldehydes in cigarette smoke (CS) impair mitochondrial function and reduce ciliary beat frequency (CBF), leading to diminished mucociliary clearance (MCC). However, the effects of aldehyde e-cigarette flavorings on CBF are unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cinnamaldehyde, a flavoring agent commonly used in e-cigarettes, disrupts mitochondrial function and impairs CBF on well-differentiated human bronchial epithelial (hBE) cells. To this end, hBE cells were exposed to diluted cinnamon-flavored e-liquids and vaped aerosol and assessed for changes in CBF. hBE cells were subsequently exposed to various concentrations of cinnamaldehyde to establish a dose-response relationship for effects on CBF. Changes in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis were evaluated by Seahorse Extracellular Flux Analyzer, and adenine nucleotide levels were quantified by HPLC. Both cinnamaldehyde-containing e-liquid and vaped aerosol rapidly yet transiently suppressed CBF, and exposure to cinnamaldehyde alone recapitulated this effect. Cinnamaldehyde impaired mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis in a dosedependent manner, and intracellular ATP levels were significantly but temporarily reduced following exposure. Addition of nicotine had no effect on the cinnamaldehyde-induced suppression of CBF or mitochondrial function. These data indicate that cinnamaldehyde rapidly disrupts mitochondrial function, inhibits bioenergetic processes, and reduces ATP levels, which correlates with impaired CBF. Because normal ciliary motility and MCC are essential respiratory defenses, inhalation of cinnamaldehyde may increase the risk of respiratory infections in e-cigarette users