195 research outputs found

    H216O line list for the study of atmospheres of Venus and Mars

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    IR spectroscopy is an important method of remote measurement of H216O content in planetary atmospheres with initial spectroscopic information from the HITRAN, GEISA, etc., databases adapted for studies in the Earth’s atmosphere. Unlike the Earth, the atmospheres of Mars and Venus mainly consist of carbon dioxide with a CO2 content of about 95%. In this paper, the line list of H216O is obtained on the basis of the BT2 line list (R.J. Barber, J. Tennyson, G.J. Harris, et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 368, 1087 (2006)). The BT2 line list containing information on the centers, intensities, and quantum identification of lines is supplemented with the line contour parameters: the self-broadening and carbon dioxide broadening coefficients and the temperature dependence coefficient at 296 K in the range of 0.001–30000 cm−1. Transitions with intensity values 10−30, 10−32, and 10−35 cm/molecule, the total number of which is 323310, 753529, and 2011072, respectively, were chosen from the BT2 line list

    Verification of the H2O Linelists with Theoretically Developed Tools

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    Two basic rules (i.e., the pair identity and the smooth variation rules) resulting from the properties of the energy levels and wave functions of H2O states govern how the spectroscopic parameters vary with the H2O lines within the individually defined groups of lines. With these rules, for those lines involving high j states in the same groups, variations of all their spectroscopic parameters (i.e., the transition frequency, intensity, pressure broadened half-width, pressure-induced shift, and temperature exponent) can be well monitored. Thus, the rules can serve as simple and effective tools to screen the H2O spectroscopic data listed in the HITRAN database and verify the latter's accuracies. By checking violations of the rules occurring among the data within the individual groups, possible errors can be picked up and also possible missing lines in the linelist whose intensities are above the threshold can be identified. We have used these rules to check the accuracies of the spectroscopic parameters and the completeness of the linelists for several important H2O vibrational bands. Based on our results, the accuracy of the line frequencies in HITRAN 2008 is consistent. For the line intensity, we have found that there are a substantial number of lines whose intensity values are questionable. With respect to other parameters, many mistakes have been found. The above claims are consistent with a well known fact that values of these parameters in HITRAN contain larger uncertainties. Furthermore, supplements of the missing line list consisting of line assignments and positions can be developed from the screening results

    Методологические подходы к сущности отраслевых налоговых льгот

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The article considers significance and systematizes development of sectoral tax benefits in market conditions, studies common scientific approaches there-to, justifies interrelationship of key principles of taxation and sectoral tax benefits. The importance of the topic for transport sector is highlighted. The author’s interpretation of the essence of the concept «sectoral tax benefits» is offered through assessment of regulatory function of taxes and their role as of a form of budget expenditures. A tiered approach to legal regulation of sectoral tax benefits is substantiated. The author puts forward theoretical basis of classification of proposed concept, as well as criteria for selecting sectors and types of business activities for which it is advisable to set benefits in taxation. A general algorithm for calculating financial and economic impact of sectoral tax benefits is proposed. Keywords: transport, benefit, tax, theory, methodology, concepts, essence of sectoral benefit, classification, efficiency, consequences calculation algorithm.Рассмотрены сложившиеся научные подходы, обоснована взаимосвязь ключевых принципов налогообложения и отраслевых налоговых льгот. Обоснована важность данной проблемы для транспортной отрасли. Предложено авторское толкование сущности понятия «отраслевые налоговые льготы», дана оценка регулирующей функции налогов и их роли как одной из форм бюджетных расходов. Обоснован уровневый подход к правовому регулированию отраслевых налоговых льгот, показаны теоретические основы классификации исследуемого понятия, критерии при выборе отраслей и видов предпринимательской деятельности, для которых целесообразно установить льготы в налогообложении. Представлен общий алгоритм расчёта финансово- экономических последствий применения отраслевых налоговых льгот

    Роль транспортного налога в социально-экономическом развитии регионов

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    An analysis of road vehicles fleet in the country was conducted, rates of availability of cars for citizens in Russia and abroad were compared, the dynamics of structural formation of consolidated and regional budget due to tax revenues by types of transport was studied. Tax preferences for transport taxwere systematized for categories of transport and taxpayers, attention was also focused on tax requirements for rented vehicles, which do not contribute to reduction of applied tariffs and stimulation of entrepreneurial activity. Foreign taxation experience was generalized at the example of Germany, Ukraine, the USA, Denmark, Japan. Arbitration practice of tax disputes on transport tax was assessed. Proposals for improving regional taxation of vehicles in the interests of the state and taxpayers were formulated.Выполнен анализ состава транспортных средств в стране, приведено сравнение обеспеченности автомобилями граждан в России и за рубежом, рассмотрена динамика структурного формирования консолидированного и регионального бюджетов за счет налоговых поступлений по видам транспорта. Систематизированы налоговые преференции по транспортному налогу для категорий транспорта и налогоплательщиков, акцентировано внимание на налоговые требования при аренде транспортных средств, которые не способствуют снижению применяемых тарифов и стимулированию предпринимательской активности. Обобщен зарубежный опыт налогообложения на примере Германии, Украины, США, Дании, Израиля, Японии. Дана оценка арбитражной практики налоговых споров по транспортному налогу. Сформулированы предложения по совершенствованию регионального налогообложения транспортных средств в интересах государства и налогоплательщиков

    Electronic educational methodical complex "Construction of car" in vocational training of future teachers of professional education

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    The paper presents the content, structure and approaches to using the author's electronic educational methodical complex (EEMC) "Construction of car" in vocational training of future professional education teachers in the transport field. The EEMC combines electronic educational resources - electronic textbooks, laboratories, tests, guidelines, reference books, etc. This allows students to organise various learning activities - studying theoretical material, performing lab experiments, knowledge assessment, and independent work. The quality of the EEMC was evaluated by 12 experts in the field using a competent estimation method. The high concordance index confirmed the good quality of the EEMC. Using the EEMC in vocational training increased students' learning motivation, developed representational thinking, shaped informational culture, and prepared them to apply ICT in future professional work. Prospects for further improvement of the EEMC are outlined

    “Russian Bear” - the Dynamics of Changes in the Image of Russia in the World

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    The process of forming and changing the image of Russia-bear is analyzed. English, French, Polish, American and Georgian caricatures, engravings and lithographs, which appeared in the period from the second half of the 18th century to the present day, are used as sources. The problem of forming the image of Russia abroad is considered from the point of view of imagology and information warfare. The process of changing the image of Russia-bear is described depending on the political situation, on the direction and propagandistic goals of the printed publications. The study revealed that the associations of Russia with the image of the bear are extremely strong and acquired the status of a stereotype long ago. It is noted that this image has been successfully used as a weapon of political propaganda since the XVIII century. It is shown that the image of the "Russian bear" in the Western media constantly changes on the basis of the current political situation on the international arena. The authors assert that this image is practically not developed in the Western media in the context of constructive alignment of international relations, the destructive component of the image is usually emphasized. It is reported that, since 1977, attempts have been made in Russia to positivize the image of the bear in foreign media, but they have not been successful to the present day

    Verification of H2O lines from the HITRAN database for remote sensing of the water vapour isotopic composition

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    The quality of the spectroscopic line parameters from the HITRAN Database for remote sensing of the water vapour isotopic composition of the atmosphere is widely discussed. In this research we show that the HITRAN-2008 data for H2O isotopologues in the near infrared spectral range (4000-6400 cm-1) is reasonably good. The HITRAN data was tested with independent calculation (ab initio et al.). For the evaluation we've used two following criteria: a quality of the fitting of atmospheric spectra measured at the Ural Atmospheric Station (UAS, Kourovka) with the high-resolution Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer and an agreement between the retrieved HDO/H2O relative concentration ratios in the atmospheric column and the results of the simulation of the isotopic general circulation model ECHAM5-wiso (validated for Kourovka region). © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Photosensitive poly-l-lysine/heparin interpolyelectrolyte complexes for delivery of genetic drugs

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    Photo-triggered release of biopharmaceutical drugs inside the cells is a challenging direction of modern science, which requires obtaining new polymeric systems. The interpolyelectrolyte complexes (IPECs) of poly-l-lysine with heparin capable of encapsulation of genetic constructions-such as model oligonucleotide, siRNA, and pDNA-were obtained. Poly-l-lysine to heparin ratios were optimized to provide the appropriate release kinetics of genetic material from the polyplex. In order to impart the obtained IPEC with photosensitive properties, the linker was synthesized as based on 4-brommethyl-3-nitrobenzoic acid. The conditions and kinetics of photosensitive linker destruction were carefully studied. The colloid particles of IPEC were modified with Cy3 probe and their cellular internalization was investigated by flow cytometry method. The efficacy of photosensitive IPECs as siRNA and pDNA delivery system was evaluated. © 2020 by the authors