16 research outputs found
DĂ©terminants psychosociaux de l'ajustement psychologique chez les militaires souffrant d'un Ă©tat de stress post-traumatique
Le stress opérationnel militaire accru auquel les membres des forces canadiennes (FC) sont exposés depuis les deux dernières décennies engendre des conséquences importantes. Ainsi, l'État de stress post-traumatique (ÉSPT) s'avère une des pathologies les plus fréquemment observées dans cette population. Bien que des différences aient été relevées chez ceux qui présentent un ÉSPT en ce qui a trait à leur niveau d'adaptation psychologique, peu de données sont disponibles quant aux corrélats de cette variation. L'objectif général de cette thèse vise à combler des lacunes dans le domaine en s'intéressant aux déterminants psychosociaux de l'ajustement psychologique auprès d'une population de militaires canadiens souffrant d'un ÉSPT. À cette fin, deux études ont été mises sur pied. L'étude présentée dans le premier article évalue les relations entre diverses dimensions du soutien social et le niveau de satisfaction face à la vie et de détresse psychologique de militaires ayant répondu aux critères d'un ÉSPT dans la dernière année. Cette étude est réalisée à l'aide des données provenant d'une enquête populationnelle menée par Statistique Canada auprès de 8441 membres des FC. La deuxième étude, présentée dans le second article, vise à préciser les relations entre les divers types de comportements de soutien (positifs et négatifs) que les militaires perçoivent recevoir de leur entourage, les stratégies d'adaptation utilisées et les symptômes concomitants à l'ÉSPT (dépression, inquiétudes) chez une population clinique de militaires souffrant d'un ÉSPT. L'ensemble de ce travail permet de mettre en évidence les diverses dimensions du soutien social (positives et négatives) et des stratégies d'adaptation qui sont associées à l'ajustement psychologique des militaires qui présentent un ÉSPT, tout en dégageant des pistes d'intervention pour mieux aider cette population
Four decades of military posttraumatic stress:Protocol for a meta-analysis and systematic review of treatment approaches and efficacy
Background: Over 85% of active members of the Canadian Armed Forces have been exposed to potentially traumatic events linked to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At the time of transition to civilian life, as high as 1 in 8 veterans may be diagnosed with PTSD. Given the high prevalence of PTSD in military and veteran populations, the provision of effective treatment considering their unique challenges and experiences is critical for mental health support and the well-being of these populations. Objective: This paper presents the protocol for a meta-analysis and systematic review that will examine the effectiveness of treatment approaches for military-related PTSD. Methods: This PROSPERO-preregistered meta-analysis is being conducted in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) and Cochrane guidelines. A comprehensive search of the literature wasconducted using the databases PsycInfo, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and ProQuest Dissertation & Theses. Effect sizes will be computed based on changes in PTSD symptom scores over time across studies using validated PTSD scales. A multilevel meta-analysis will examine the overall effects, between-study effects, and within-study effects of available evidence for PTSD treatments in military populations. Effect sizes will be compared between pharmacotherapeutic, psychotherapeutic, and alternative/emerging treatment interventions. Finally, meta-regression and subgroup analyses will explore the moderating roles of clinical characteristics (eg, PTSD symptom clusters), treatment approaches (eg, therapeutic orientations in psychotherapy and alternative therapies and classifications of drugs in pharmacotherapy), as well as treatment characteristics (eg, length of intervention) on treatment outcomes. Results: The literature search was completed on April 14, 2021. After the removal of duplicates, a total of 12, 002 studies were screened for inclusion. As of July 2021, title and abstract screening has been completed, with 1469 out of 12, 002 (12.23%) studies included for full-text review. Full review is expected to be completed in the summer of 2021, with initial results expected for publication by early winter of 2021. Conclusions: This meta-analysis will provide information on the current state of evidence on the efficacy and effectiveness of various treatment approaches for military-related PTSD and identify factors that may influence treatment outcomes. The results will inform clinical decision-making for service providers and service users. Finally, the findings will provide insights into future treatment development and practice recommendations to better support the well-being of military and veteran populations.</p
Four decades of military posttraumatic stress:Protocol for a meta-analysis and systematic review of treatment approaches and efficacy
Background: Over 85% of active members of the Canadian Armed Forces have been exposed to potentially traumatic events linked to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At the time of transition to civilian life, as high as 1 in 8 veterans may be diagnosed with PTSD. Given the high prevalence of PTSD in military and veteran populations, the provision of effective treatment considering their unique challenges and experiences is critical for mental health support and the well-being of these populations. Objective: This paper presents the protocol for a meta-analysis and systematic review that will examine the effectiveness of treatment approaches for military-related PTSD. Methods: This PROSPERO-preregistered meta-analysis is being conducted in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) and Cochrane guidelines. A comprehensive search of the literature wasconducted using the databases PsycInfo, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and ProQuest Dissertation & Theses. Effect sizes will be computed based on changes in PTSD symptom scores over time across studies using validated PTSD scales. A multilevel meta-analysis will examine the overall effects, between-study effects, and within-study effects of available evidence for PTSD treatments in military populations. Effect sizes will be compared between pharmacotherapeutic, psychotherapeutic, and alternative/emerging treatment interventions. Finally, meta-regression and subgroup analyses will explore the moderating roles of clinical characteristics (eg, PTSD symptom clusters), treatment approaches (eg, therapeutic orientations in psychotherapy and alternative therapies and classifications of drugs in pharmacotherapy), as well as treatment characteristics (eg, length of intervention) on treatment outcomes. Results: The literature search was completed on April 14, 2021. After the removal of duplicates, a total of 12, 002 studies were screened for inclusion. As of July 2021, title and abstract screening has been completed, with 1469 out of 12, 002 (12.23%) studies included for full-text review. Full review is expected to be completed in the summer of 2021, with initial results expected for publication by early winter of 2021. Conclusions: This meta-analysis will provide information on the current state of evidence on the efficacy and effectiveness of various treatment approaches for military-related PTSD and identify factors that may influence treatment outcomes. The results will inform clinical decision-making for service providers and service users. Finally, the findings will provide insights into future treatment development and practice recommendations to better support the well-being of military and veteran populations.</p
Design and validation of a 63K genome-wide SNP-genotyping platform for caribou/reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
Development of large single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays can make genomic data promptly available for conservation problematic. Medium and high-density panels can be designed with sufficient coverage to offer a genome-wide perspective and the generated genotypes can be used to assess different genetic metrics related to population structure, relatedness, or inbreeding. SNP genotyping could also permit sexing samples with unknown associated metadata as it is often the case when using non-invasive sampling methods favored for endangered species. Genome sequencing of wild species provides the necessary information to design such SNP arrays. We report here the development of a SNP-array for endangered Rangifer tarandus using a multi-platform sequencing approach from animals found in diverse populations representing the entire circumpolar distribution of the species.
From a very large comprehensive catalog of SNPs detected over the entire sample set (N = 894), a total of 63,336 SNPs were selected. SNP selection accounted for SNPs evenly distributed across the entire genome (~ every 50Kb) with known minor alleles across populations world-wide. In addition, a subset of SNPs was selected to represent rare and local alleles found in Eastern Canada which could be used for ecotype and population assignments - information urgently needed for conservation planning. In addition, heterozygosity from SNPs located in the X-chromosome and genotyping call-rate of SNPs located into the SRY gene of the Y-chromosome yielded an accurate and robust sexing assessment. All SNPs were validated using a high-throughput SNP-genotyping chip.
This design is now integrated into the first genome-wide commercially available genotyping platform for Rangifer tarandus. This platform would pave the way to future genomic investigation of populations for this endangered species, including estimation of genetic diversity parameters, population assignments, as well as animal sexing from genetic SNP data for non-invasive samples
Étude longitudinale de la relation entre les habitudes de consommation d'alcool et le recours aux conduites violentes chez les jeunes couples
La présente étude a pour but d'examiner, dans une perspective longitudinale, la valeur prédictive de l'alcool comme facteur déterminant de la fréquence du recours aux conduites violentes chez les jeunes couples. Le genre de l'agresseur (homme versus femme) de même que le type de conduites violentes perpétrées (psychologique versus physique) sont évalués distinctement à l'intérieur de cette recherche. L'échantillon se compose de 88 couples âgés de 18 à 30 ans. Ces derniers répondent à deux reprises à un ensemble de questionnaires portant sur les habitudes de consommation d'alcool, la perception de désaccord entre les partenaires concernant les habitudes de consommation et la fréquence du recours aux conduites violentes. Les résultats suggèrent que les habitudes de consommation d'alcool de l'homme permettent de prédire la fréquence à laquelle il émet des conduites psychologiquement violentes envers sa partenaire aux temps 1 et 2, mais ce uniquement lorsque les habitudes de consommation représentent un sujet de désaccord à l'intérieur du couple. L'importance du différend à ce sujet agit comme variable modératrice dans la relation entre l'alcool et la violence. Ces résultats prévalent uniquement dans un contexte où l'homme inflige des conduites abusives à sa partenaire, aucune relation n'ayant été relevée entre la consommation d'alcool des femmes et la fréquence à laquelle elles recourent aux conduites violentes
Fen restoration: defining a reference ecosystem using paleoecological stratigraphy and present-day inventories
Choosing past and present-day indicators could strengthen the reference ecosystem used for ecological restoration projects. Based on the paleoecological analysis of four peat cores and the characterization of 13 contemporary natural sites, the reference ecosystem for minerotrophic peatlands in southeastern Canada is composed of two types of plant assemblages described as tall-sedge and Sphagnum-Thuja/brown moss broad categories. In paleoecological peat profiles, tall-sedge communities were found at the transition between aquatic and terrestrial and were associated with high graminoid production, riverine peatlands and elevated water table in the present-day analyses. Sphagnum-Thuja communities resemble present-day vegetation found in natural basin type peatlands. Except for Sphagnum warnstorfii, these communities, with high taxonomical diversity, contain more generalist species like Rhododendron groenlandicum, Thuja occidentalis, Linnaea borealis and Maianthemum trifolium from boreal peatland vegetation. They grow in dryer or shady habitats like hummocks or forest understory. The importance of brown mosses was revealed by paleoecological analysis. Overall, findings from both approaches are complementary: paleoecological stratigraphy informs us about past ecosystem dynamics, while present-day inventories allow us to define current plant communities and their major environmental characteristics. The range of variability of vegetation and environmental variables found in these studies are essential tools for fen restoration projects.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author
Évaluer une politique judiciaire hybride : trajectoire des dossiers d’accusés admis à un programme de justice réparatrice implanté à la Cour du Québec
En matière criminelle et pĂ©nale au QuĂ©bec, les activitĂ©s des tribunaux sont le plus souvent mesurĂ©es en termes de nombre de causes ou de dĂ©cisions rendues. Mais c’est un tout autre dĂ©fi de tenter de les mesurer en termes d’efficacitĂ©. CoĂ»ts de la justice, taux de confiance des usagers ou taux de rĂ©cidive restent, encore et toujours, les indices les plus recherchĂ©s, mais aussi les plus inaccessibles ou contestĂ©s, pour Ă©valuer le bon fonctionnement de notre système de justice. Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente les taux de rĂ©cidive (qualifiĂ©s plutĂ´t de « rĂ©entrĂ©e » dans le système de justice) d’accusĂ©s admis au programme de mesures de rechange gĂ©nĂ©ral pour adultes Ă la Cour du QuĂ©bec. Se trouvant ĂŞtre Ă la fois un programme de justice rĂ©paratrice et un programme alternatif aux procĂ©dures judiciaires, ce programme a Ă©tĂ© mis en oeuvre pour la première fois Ă l’automne 2017. La trajectoire des 1 000 premiers dossiers admis au programme a pu ĂŞtre observĂ©e de 2017 Ă 2022. Les dossiers ont Ă©tĂ© suivis en temps rĂ©el pendant une pĂ©riode de deux ans après la fin de la date de rĂ©alisation de la mesure de justice rĂ©paratrice par l’accusĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que plus d’un tiers des accusĂ©s avaient des antĂ©cĂ©dents judiciaires avant d’être admis au programme, et que seulement 93 sur 1 000 semblent de nouveau avoir Ă©tĂ© inscrits pour une nouvelle infraction dans le registre des dossiers judiciaires du QuĂ©bec, dans les deux ans après la fin de leur mesure. Les rĂ©sultats, tout en tentant d’apporter une contribution Ă la mesure de l’efficacitĂ© des programmes judiciaires au QuĂ©bec, mettent en Ă©vidence les enjeux liĂ©s Ă l’utilisation de telles mesures, dès lors qu’il s’agit d’observer des programmes fondĂ©s sur des initiatives hybrides, Ă la fois pĂ©nales et sociales.In criminal and penal matters in Quebec, the courts’ activities are most often measured in terms of the number of cases or decisions handed down. However, trying to measure them in terms of effectiveness is a whole other challenge. The costs of justice, the confidence of the users of the judicial system as well as recidivism rates remain the most sought-after yet most inaccessible and contested indicators of how well our justice system is working. This study presents the recidivism rates (more accurately described as re-entry into the justice system) of accused persons admitted to the Court of Quebec’s Adult General Alternative Measures Program. This program, which is both a restorative justice program and an alternative to court proceedings, was implemented for the first time in the fall of 2017. The trajectory taken by the first 1,000 cases admitted to the program was observed between 2017 and 2022. The cases were monitored in real time for a period of two years after the end of the date on which the accused completed the restorative justice measure. The results show that more than one third of the accused had a criminal record before being admitted to the program and that only 93 out of 1,000 appear to have been entered again for a new offence in Quebec’s criminal records register within two years following the end of their measure. While attempting to make a contribution to measure the effectiveness of Quebec’s judicial program, the results highlight the issues associated with the use of such measures when it comes to observing programs based on hybrid penal and social initiatives.Las actividades de los tribunales en materia criminal y penal en Quebec suelen calcularse en tĂ©rminos de nĂşmeros de causas o de decisiones dictadas. Sin embargo, tratar de medirlas en tĂ©rminos de eficacia constituye un desafĂo totalmente diferente. Para evaluar el buen funcionamiento de nuestro sistema de justicia, los indicadores más examinados siguen siendo todavĂa los costos de justicia, el porcentaje de confianza de los usuarios o la tasa de reincidencia, aunque tambiĂ©n estos son los más inaccesibles y cuestionados. Este estudio presenta las tasas de reincidencia (calificadas más bien como reingresos en el sistema judicial) de procesados que han sido admitidos en el programme de mesures de rechange gĂ©nĂ©ral pour adultes (programa general de medidas alternativas para adultos) de la Corte de Quebec. Este programa, que al mismo tiempo es de justicia reparadora, constituye una alternativa a los procesos judiciales que se aplicĂł por primera vez en el otoño del año 2017. Se pudo observar la trayectoria de los mil primeros casos admitidos a dicho programa entre 2017 y 2022, y se ha hecho un seguimiento de los casos en tiempo real durante un periodo de dos años, despuĂ©s de que el procesado completara la medida de justicia reparadora. Los resultados demostraron que más de un tercio de los procesados tenĂan antecedentes judiciales antes de haber sido admitidos al programa y que solamente 93 de 1000 casos parecen haber sido registrados nuevamente por un nuevo delito en el registre des dossiers judiciaires du QuĂ©bec en el lapso de dos años tras el fin de la medida. Los resultados, que a la vez intentan contribuir a estimar la eficacia de los programas judiciales en Quebec, ponen de manifiesto los problemas conexos al uso de tales medidas, cuando se trata de observar programas basados en iniciativas hĂbridas que a la vez son penales y sociales
Comparing a Fitbit Wearable to an Electrocardiogram Gold Standard as a Measure of Heart Rate Under Psychological Stress: A Validation Study
BackgroundWearable devices collect physiological and behavioral data that have the potential to identify individuals at risk of declining mental health and well-being. Past research has mainly focused on assessing the accuracy and the agreement of heart rate (HR) measurement of wearables under different physical exercise conditions. However, the capacity of wearables to sense physiological changes, assessed by increasing HR, caused by a stressful event has not been thoroughly studied.
ObjectiveThis study followed 3 objectives: (1) to test the ability of a wearable device (Fitbit Versa 2) to sense an increase in HR upon induction of psychological stress in the laboratory; (2) to assess the accuracy of the wearable device to capture short-term HR variations caused by psychological stress compared to a gold-standard electrocardiogram (ECG) measure (Biopac); and (3) to quantify the degree of agreement between the wearable device and the gold-standard ECG measure across different experimental conditions.
MethodsParticipants underwent the Trier Social Stress Test protocol, which consists of an oral phase, an arithmetic stress phase, an anticipation phase, and 2 relaxation phases (at the beginning and the end). During the stress protocol, the participants wore a Fitbit Versa 2 and were also connected to a Biopac. A mixed-effect modeling approach was used (1) to assess the effect of experimental conditions on HR, (2) to estimate several metrics of accuracy, and (3) to assess the agreement: the Bland-Altman limits of agreement (LoA), the concordance correlation coefficient, the coverage probability, the total deviation index, and the coefficient of an individual agreement. Mean absolute error and mean absolute percent error were calculated as accuracy indices.
ResultsA total of 34 university students were recruited for this study (64% of participants were female with a mean age of 26.8 years, SD 8.3). Overall, the results showed significant HR variations across experimental phases. Post hoc tests revealed significant pairwise differences for all phases. Accuracy analyses revealed acceptable accuracy according to the analyzed metrics of accuracy for the Fitbit Versa 2 to capture the short-term variations in psychological stress levels. However, poor indices of agreement between the Fitbit Versa 2 and the Biopac were found.
ConclusionsOverall, the results support the use of the Fitbit Versa 2 to capture short-term stress variations. The Fitbit device showed acceptable levels of accuracy but poor agreement with an ECG gold standard. Greater inaccuracy and smaller agreement were found for stressful experimental conditions that induced a higher HR. Fitbit devices can be used in research to measure HR variations caused by stress, although they cannot replace an ECG instrument when precision is of utmost importance