47 research outputs found
Estructura del alma en el fedro
El presente artÃculo trata de recoger la caracterización del alma humana que Platón ofreceen el diálogo Fedro. Para ello, hemos centrado nuestra atención en el sÃmil del carro aladode la palinodia, atendiendo a su contexto dramático y extrayendo los aspectos más relevantes.El resultado no es desdeñable: el Académico, conocido por su ascetismo y su esfuerzoconstante por privilegiar la razón y el intelecto, ofrece una novedosa imagen delalma humana, fijando el éros como su núcleo y principio vital. En esencia, el alma humanaes deseo, y, análogamente, su parte más excelsa, a saber, el intelecto, es deseo de conocimiento.This paper aims to summarize the characterization of the human soul given by Plato’sPhaedrus. To this end we have focused on the allegory of the winged chariot depicted inthe palinode, considering its dramatic context and analyzing it in detail. The result isdefinitely significant: the founder of the Academy, well-known for his asceticism and hiscontinuous effort to favor reason and the intellect, offers an original image of the humansoul, which sets éros as its core and as its vital principle. Substantially, the human soul isdesire and, similarly, its most preeminent part, i.e. the intellect, is desire for knowledge
Epistemological struggle, power struggle: from tetelesménon to dókos
El artÃculo se remonta a la grecia arcaica para analizar algunos de los cambios sociales y epistemológicos más significativos que se produjeron y que resultaron decisivos para el posterior desarrollo de la cultura. Para ello, hemos seleccionado cuatro momThe article, which dates back to archaic greece, gives an account of how the social and epistemological changes that took place at around that time were vital for the development of culture. Four significant stages of that process will be described to il
The Prayer to Pan of Plato’s Phaedrus (279b8–c3): An Exhortation to Exercise the Philosophical Virtue
The current article offers a new reading of Socrates’ prayer to Pan in Plato’s Phaedrus. By means of a comprehensive approach, the paper shows that the prayer not only gathers together the most relevant topics dealt with during the conversation, but it also exhorts us to engage in the way of life depicted by Socrates’ character, namely that of philosophy, which can be clearly distinguished from that of traditional rhetoric. To this extent, eros and logos, two elements closely related to Pan, show themselves to be of primary relevance. Besides these issues, we discuss the puzzling nature of the prayer, defending the idea that it was authored with the same writing method as the full dialogue. Socrates’ psychagogic attempt with Phaedrus is analogous to Plato’s didactic effort to engage the reader in philosophy: instead of supplying a straight message which must be learnt by heart by Phaedrus or the reader, both Socrates and Plato offer friendly logoi intended to promote active research in the receivers.Fundació Università ria Agustà Pedro i Pon
Antilogy, dialectic and dialectic’s objects in Plato’s Phaedrus
Plato’s Phaedrus is a dialogue in which rhetoric is not only discussed, but also displayed. The first half of the plot depicts a rhetorical contest in which Socrates himself offers two opposite speeches on love, a kind of dissoi logoi. The current paper tries to explain that the second half of the dialogue offers the necessary keys to understand that for Plato true rhetoric is nothing but dialectic and that beyond the apparent antilogic exercise carried out by Socrates there can be found philosopher’s dialectical practice itself. Last but not least, the article defends that dialectic does not necessarily deal with Forms
A complementary observation to determine Phaedrus’ age in Plato’s Phaedrus
This paper deals with the problem of determining Phaedrus’ age in the
eponymous dialogue. The vocatives ὦ νεανία and ὦ παῖ, in Pl. Phdr. 257c8 and 267c6,
could suggest that Plato depicts him as a teenager. However, most scholars believe that
Phaedrus is an adult and that the vocatives point at his passive and childish character. I
will first summarize the evidence given for supporting the latter thesis. Then, I offer
complementary evidence, showing that those vocatives mockingly compare his
passiveness with that of a young beloved in a homoerotic context
Fight for Nothing: Fight Club and Nihilism in Capitalist Society
This paper analyses the movie Fight Club (1999) from the philosophical point of view. We reflect on the split personality of the protagonist, showing how the former represents the subject of the modern society, who, unable to find completion in ceaseless consumerism, embarks upon a personal journey towards the annihilation of every value of his world. This process of annihilation, which at first takes the form of a closed group of people, evolves into an expansive way of annihilation. The latter symbolizes modern society’s evolved subject’s will to destroy the foundations of capitalist society
Dialektika Platonen Fedro dialogoan
The aim of the present article is to focus on a crucial theme in Platonic philosophy, namely dialectics. To do so, we will base our analysis on a dialogue called Phaedrus. The dialectic method, which was essential in posterior dialogues as the Sophist, the Statesman and the Philebus, was first mentioned in the Republic; however, it is not until Phaedrus (Plato, Phaedrus 265d3-266c5) that we can find both a formal and general explanation of it. If our hypothesis is correct, Phaedrus not only provides a theoretical definition of it but also puts it into practice. Thus our analysis will delve into it at two levels, the theoretical and the dramatic one, in an attempt to draw conclusions both from its definition and its practical application. Furthermore, this approach will oblige us to look into several of the key issues of the dialogue. Phaedrus' problem with unity has been the core of debate since time immemorial, giving rise to comments and discussions even today. Our examination will try to highlight how important it is to understand that apparent lack of unity to be able to grasp the message within the dialogue. In other words, we will be unable to comprehend the dialogue accurately without discovering its deep unity. Hence, it will be required to mention other problems dealt with in the dialogue and which are recurrent themes in Corpus Platonicum. Amongst other issues, we shall discuss what philosophy, love and rhetoric meant to Plato.In short, the article, which should initially limit itself to the theory of knowledge afforded by one of its dialogues, will be of a much more general nature and target a number of key issues in Plato's philosophy
Aristotelesen Nikomakorentzako Etikaren VII. liburuaren garrantziaz
The aim of this paper is to highlight the nature and the main goals of Book VII within the general project and structure of the Nicomachean Ethics. To do so, the paper is divided into the following parts: first, I identify the main target of this Aristotelian opus; second, I summarize the problems the author raises in the first six books; third, I shed light on the nature of both virtues and vices, the two primary objects of study of the first six books;fourth, I try to underline the link between Book VII and the previous six books; fifth, I explain two key concepts of Book VII, namely akrasia and enkrateia; sixth, I explain how pleasure (the second main theme of Book VII) is linked to akrasia and enkrateia in Book VII. Summarizing, I defend the idea that Book VII plays a crucial role in Nicomachean Ethics, offering a comprehensive and realistic representation of human praxis and psychology.; Artikulu honen xede nagusia zera da, Aristotelesen Nikomakorentzako Etikaren VII.liburuaren natura eta helburu nagusia zeintzuk diren nabarmentzea, liburu horrek obraren egitura orokorrean betetzen duen funtzioa agerian utziz. Hori egite aldera, lehenik, Nikomakorentzako Etikaren helburu nagusia zein den nabarmendu dut; bigarrenik, obraren lehenengo sei liburuetan zehar autoreak planteatutako arazo nagusiak zeintzuk diren erakutsi dut; hirugarrenik, bertute eta bizioen (hots, lehenengo sei liburuen ikerketa-objektu nagusien) natura zein den zehaztu dut; laugarrenik, zazpigarren liburua aurreko sei liburuekin nola lotzen den agerian uzten saiatu naiz; bosgarrenik, zazpigarren liburuaren lehen gai nagusia aztertu dut, hots, meneratzerik ezaren eta meneratzearen gaia;seigarrenik, zazpigarren liburuaren bigarren gai nagusiari erreparatu diot, plazeraren gaiari, alegia, meneratzerik ezaren gaiarekin nola lotzen den azpimarratuz. Ondorio gisa, zazpigarren liburuak Nikomakorentzako Etika obran berebiziko garrantzia duen funtzio bat betetzen duela aldarrikatu dut, hots, giza ekintzaren eta giza psikologiaren koadro orohartzaile eta errealista eskaintzea
La dicotomÃa interior/exterior en el «Fedro» de Platón
In Plato's Phaedrus, not only the inside/outside dichotomy is explicitly used by Socrates three times, but it is implicitly suggested in many other passages. The current paper analyses in their context the different texts in which the dichotomy is employed, trying to show that, by means of it, Plato aims to distinctly define the philosophic way of life, clearly distinguishing it from the rest of modi vivendi.En el Fedro de Platón, la dicotomÃa interior/exterior no sólo es empleada
explÃcitamente por Sócrates en tres ocasiones, sino que es evocada tácitamente en numerosos pasajes. El presente artÃculo analiza en su contexto los diversos textos en los que se juega con dicho par conceptual, mostrando que, mediante su uso, Platón trata, entre otras cuestiones, de delimitar netamente la forma de vida filosófica, distinguiéndola de las restantes