43 research outputs found

    IMAGINE: A Cold Neutron Imaging Station at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

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    AbstractA second cold neutron imaging station has been open to users at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin. The station is designed for high resolution neutron imaging and tomography. The typical field of view is 100x100 mm2 with a spatial resolution of 100μm. Betterspatial resolutions (∼50μm) can be achieved when reducing the field of view down to 30x30mm2. The L/D ratio can be varied from 200 to1000with pinhole sizes ranging from 20 to7mm. Future upgrades will provide capabilities for energy resolved measurements using either a velocity selector or a double crystal monochromator. The possibility to perform polarized neutron experiments will also be provided next year

    B cell-activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor family (BAFF) is expressed under stimulation by interferon in salivary gland epithelial cells in primary Sjögren's syndrome

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    B cell-activating factor (BAFF) has a key role in promoting B-lymphocyte activation and survival in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). The cellular origin of BAFF overexpression in salivary glands of patients with pSS is not fully known. We investigated whether salivary gland epithelial cells (SGECs), the main targets of autoimmunity in pSS, could produce and express BAFF. We used quantitative RT-PCR, ELISA and immunocytochemistry in cultured SGECs from eight patients with pSS and eight controls on treatment with IL-10, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), IFN-α and IFN-γ. At baseline, BAFF expression in SGECs was low in pSS patients and in controls. Treatment with IFN-α, IFN-γ and TNF-α + IFN-γ increased the level of BAFF mRNA in pSS patients (the mean increases were 27-fold, 25-fold and 62-fold, respectively) and in controls (mean increases 19.1-fold, 26.7-fold and 17.7-fold, respectively), with no significant difference between patients and controls. However, in comparison with that at baseline, stimulation with IFN-α significantly increased the level of BAFF mRNA in SGECs of pSS patients (p = 0.03) but not in controls (p = 0.2), which suggests that SGECs of patients with pSS are particularly susceptible to expressing BAFF under IFN-α stimulation. Secretion of BAFF protein, undetectable at baseline, was significantly increased after IFN-α and IFN-γ stimulation both in pSS patients (40.8 ± 12.5 (± SEM) and 47.4 ± 18.7 pg/ml, respectively) and controls (24.9 ± 8.0 and 9.0 ± 3.9 pg/ml, respectively), with no significant difference between pSS and controls. Immunocytochemistry confirmed the induction of cytoplasmic BAFF expression after stimulation with IFN-α and IFN-γ. This study confirms the importance of resident cells of target organs in inducing or perpetuating autoimmunity. Demonstrating the capacity of SGECs to express and secrete BAFF after IFN stimulation adds further information to the pivotal role of these epithelial cells in the pathogenesis of pSS, possibly after stimulation by innate immunity. Our results suggest that an anti-BAFF therapeutic approach could be particularly interesting in pSS

    Evaluation of Belgian clays for manufacturing compressed earth blocks

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    This study aims to characterize Belgian clays in order to evaluate their use for manufacture of compressed earth blocks (CEBs)

    No evidence for an association between the -871 T/C promoter polymorphism in the B-cell-activating factor gene and primary Sjögren's syndrome

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    Polyclonal B cell activation might be related to pathogenic over-expression of B-cell-activating factor (BAFF) in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) and other autoimmune diseases. We therefore investigated whether BAFF over-expression in pSS could be a primary, genetically determined event that leads to the disease. The complete BAFF gene was sequenced in Caucasian pSS patients and control individuals. The only single nucleotide polymorphism frequently observed, namely -871 T/C in the promoter region, was then genotyped in 162 French patients with pSS and 90 French control individuals. No significant differences in allele (T allele frequency: 49.7% in patients with pSS versus 50% in controls; P = 0.94) and genotype frequencies of BAFF polymorphism were detected between pSS patients and control individuals. BAFF gene polymorphism was not associated with a specific pattern of antibody secretion either. T allele carriers had significantly increased BAFF protein serum levels (mean values of 8.6 and 5.7 ng/ml in patients with TT and TC genotypes, respectively, versus 3.3 ng/ml in patients with CC genotype; P = 0.01), although no correlation was observed between BAFF polymorphism and mRNA level. In conclusion, BAFF gene polymorphism is neither involved in genetic predisposition to pSS nor associated with a specific pattern of antibody production

    Complications sévères au décours d'infiltrations rachidiennes de corticoïdes (une enquête nationale)

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    PARIS5-BU Méd.Cochin (751142101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocCentre Technique Livre Ens. Sup. (774682301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude de l'implication de la cytokine BAFF dans le développement des maladies auto-immunes (application au syndrome de Sjögren)

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    Le Syndrome de Sjögren (SS) est une maladie auto-immune (MAI) caractérisée par la présence d'auto-anticorps (anti-SSA, anti-SSB, et facteur rhumatoïde) sécrétés par des lymphocytes B autoréactifs et l'apparition d'un syndrome sec par atteinte des glandes salivaires exocrines. BAFF est une cytokine responsable de la survie des lymphocytes B autoréactifs impliquée dans la physiopathologie de nombreuses MAI. Objectif: Etude de l'implication de BAFF dans le développement du SS à l'échelon à la fois du sang circulant et des glandes salivaires accessoire; Résultats: Nous avons observé : 1. Une augmentation du taux sérique de BAFF chez les patients atteints du SS corrélée au titre du facteur rhumatoïde. 2. Une expression importante de BAFF au sein des glandes salivaires des patients atteints de SS. 3. La production de BAFF par les cellules épithéliales salivaires sous l'effet de l'interferon alpha (IFNa) et gamma avec une réponse plus importante à l'interferon alpha chez les patients que chez les témoins. 4.U ne augmentation similaire de la production de BAFF par les monocytes circulants sous l'effet de l'IFNa. 5. U ne expression plus importante de BAFF par les lymphocytes T circulants de patients atteints de SS que chez les témoins. 6. Une augmentation du taux sérique de BAFF ainsi que de l'ARN messager de BAFF au sein de cellules mononuclées circulantes de patients après traitement par rituximab. Conclusion BAFF joue un rôle majeur dans la physiopathologie du SS à la fois à l'échelon systémique et local. L'augmentation de BAFF dans le SS semble être liée à l'IFNa. BAFF est donc une cible thérapeutique de choix dans le SS, en particulier après rituximab.PARIS7-Bibliothèque centrale (751132105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Revalorization Of The Use Of Raw Earth In Construction Practices In Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)

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    peer reviewedDevelopment is impossible without the realization of basic infrastructure and the construction of a quality habitat. Therefore, this project aims to contribute to the valuation of the clay resources of the Kinshasa region in order to develop the production of local, sustainable and energy efficient construction materials. The chosen region is justified by the abundance of clay raw materials and by important needs. The Kinshasa region is facing strong spatial and demographic expansion with, as consequence, the development of a suburban area in which the habitat quality is a critical problem. Since the early 1990 and the bankruptcy of the Kinshasa Brickyard, the abandonment of building in clay materials was systematic in Kinshasa. Nearly the whole population turned to a local material: the concrete brick. It is a brick made by manual or mechanical compression by mixing grinding fines of a sandstone rock (the Inkisi sandstone) locally called “dust”, alluvial sands (alluvial deposits of the Congo River or the Mbinza, Kalamu and Ndjili rivers) and cement. These concrete bricks of 10, 15 or 20 kilograms cost on average 1, 1.5 and 2 $ the brick. Despite this high cost for most households, the concrete brick architecture is almost the only present in Kinshasa. Earth bricks (even in terra-cotta) are considered poor materials and low resistance materials. People prefer big concrete bricks, which they consider to be more aesthetic and stronger. In addition, the lack of masons trained to build with other types of materials complicates the implementation of another construction method in the region. This is a challenge that seeks to overcome a brickyard which has just been created in the nearby province of the Central Congo. I have participated in providing solutions to that challenge. The brickyard tries to diversify its products by offering a compressed earth block (CEB) made on earth-sand and earth-sand-cement to suburban and disadvantaged populations. The idea is to put forward the ecological, economic and comfort benefits of earthen habitat. To achieve this, compressed earth blocks (CEB) were produced locally in Kinshasa by a manual press. The dimensions of the manufactured CEB have been adapted to be closer to those of concrete bricks. After a period of drying, the bricks were brought to a laboratory in Belgium to undergo durability tests (accelerated erosion test and accelerated aging test) and uniaxial compression test on CEB submitted to different rates of relative humidity. This work will show how we manage to generate interest among the local population about the use of earth brick based on scientific researches aiming to produce a quality building material.Valorisation des gisements argileux pour la fabrication des produits en terre cru

    Characterisation of clays from the Kinshasa region (D.R.Congo) used for manufacture of raw earth products

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    This work aims at valorising these natural clay resources in another sector of construction which is the raw earth, and by this, defining them as a sustainable and energy-saving alternative.Valorisation des gisements argileux pour la fabrication des produits en terre cru

    Les eaux en bouteille sont-elles de bonne qualité ?

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    In the current context when one speaks more and more about the reduction of tap water quality, the consumers buys more bottled waters. These waters, mineral ones, from source or reconstituted ones , sparkling or still waters, can see their consumption market growing as fast as the number of distributed labels on the hexagonal market (150 labels}. Certain sources are exploited for several quite distinct marks, from the discount labels to the best known , making the market difficult to understand for the consumer. However, is this water free from pollution traces ? The marks are not forced to indicate how much polluted water is with pollutants from agricultural origin like nitrates and phosphates ; by law, ; the «characteristical mineralization» allows to value on the label the elements which present and interest for the health, rather those in connection with pollution (magnesium, sodium .. .). In order to draw up a diagnosis of the quality of the bottled water distributed on the French market, we realised a series of analysis of almost 120 bottles, and drew up the cartography of the bottled water in France according to their mineralization .Dans le contexte actuel où l'on parle fréquemment de la baisse de qualité des eaux du robinet, les consommateurs se tournent de plus en plus vers les eaux en bouteilles. Ces eaux, minérales, de source ou reconstituées, gazeuses ou plates, voient leur marché de consommation grandir à une vitesse telle que le nombre de marque distribuées sur le marché hexagonal avoisine 150. Certaines sources sont d'ailleurs exploitées pour plusieurs appellations bien distinctes, allant des marques discount aux enseignes les plus connues, rendant le marché difficile à cerner pour le consommateur. Or, ces eaux sont elles exemptes de traces de pollution ? Les marques ne sont pas dans l'obligation d'indiquer la teneur des eaux en polluants comme les nitrates et les phosphates ; la mention de minéralisation caractéristique permet de valoriser sur l'étiquette les éléments qui présentent un intérêt pour la santé, plutôt que ceux en relation avec les pollutions. Afin de dresser un diagnostic de la qualité des eaux en bouteilles distribuées sur le marché français, nous avons réalisé une série d'analyse de près de 120 bouteilles, et dressé la cartographie des eaux mises en bouteille en France, en fonction de leur minéralisation.Barthe Gaëlle, Hoffmann Frédéric, Lavie Emilie. Les eaux en bouteille sont-elles de bonne qualité ?. In: Travaux du Laboratoire de Géographie Physique Appliquée, n°26, Avril 2008 2008. Les eaux : problèmes de gestion et de qualité. pp. 11-29

    Qualité des eaux dans le Saint Emilionnais

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    The area of Saint Emilion (classified with UNESCO) universally known for its medieval history and its prestigious vineyards is a geographical area characterized by its ancient agricultural development. For centuries, the natural environment was transformed by man in order to organize space for the wine production. With more than 80 % of its agricultural surface used, this intensive monoculture of vines presents traces of pollution. These are the results of vine treatments as well as residues produced during the production of wine. The environmental assessment in the sector of Saint-Emilion results from the study of the water quality ; natural vector restoring the impacts of the anthropic activity. The results obtained make it possible to confront an image based on the quality of the productions, with that of the space where the natural environment is loosing its original potentialities.La région de Saint-Emilion (classée à l' UNESCO), mondialement connue pour son patrimoine médiéval et ses prestigieux vignobles, est une zone géographique caractérisée par une mise en valeur agricole très ancienne. Pendant des siècles, le milieu naturel a été transformé, arti-ficialisé par l'Homme afin d'organiser l'espace en vue de la production viticole. Avec plus de 80 % de la Surface Agrícoie Utilisée plantée en vigne, cette monoculture intensive présente aujourd'hui des traces de pollution, issues des traitements phytosanitaires (effluents viticoles) et des eaux de lavages produites lors de la vinification du raisin (effluents vinicoles). Le bilan environnemental dans le secteur de Saint-Emilion résulte de l'étude de la qualité des eaux, vecteur significatif des impacts de l'activité anthropique. Les résultats obtenus permettent de confronter une image fondée sur la qualité des productions, à celle d'un espace où le milieu naturel est en perte de ses potentialités originelles.Cattaneo Marion, Hoffmann Frédéric, Lavie Emilie. Qualité des eaux dans le Saint-Emilionnais.. In: Travaux du Laboratoire de Géographie Physique Appliquée, n°26, Avril 2008 2008. Les eaux : problèmes de gestion et de qualité. pp. 41-59