1,333 research outputs found

    Douglas-FIR Bark. II. Isolation and Characterization of A Glucomannan

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    A glucomannan has been isolated from the holocellulose fraction of the inner bark of Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco], and its structure and physical constants have been determined. The molar ratio of o-mannose, d-glucose, and d-galactose was 2:1:0.3. The glucomannan was completely methylated and hydrolyzed. Gas-liquid chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses showed the presence of 2,3,4,6-tetra-, 2,3,6-tri-, and 2,3-di-O-methyl-d-glucopyranose, 2,3,6-tri- and 2,3-di-O-methyl-d-mannopyranose, and 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-d-galactopyranose. The proposed glucomannan structure consists of a linear chain of β-d-(1 → 4)-linked mannose and glucose units with α-d-(1 → 6)-linked galactose as intermittent, single-unit branches. The structural and physical properties of this glucomannan place it within the alkali-soluble family of polysaccharides known to be contained in the wood of all gymnosperms

    An Enzyme Extract from Douglas-Fir Sapwood and Its Relationship To Brown Staining

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    A chemical or enzymatic brown stain in sapwood of Douglas-fir has caused financial losses to lumber producers, particularly those producing valuable clear grades of export lumber. This work shows that the brown stain may be caused, at least in part, by an enzyme system in the sapwood. Buffered extracts of Douglas-fir sapwood showed enzyme activity when added to solutions containing o-diphenol and polyphenol compounds. No activity for monophenol substrates was detected. The enzymatic extract showed two pH optima for activity, one at pH 5.5 and one at pH 8.0, with the activity at pH 8.0 being somewhat greater. The activity was also temperature-dependent, with the highest activity at 35°. The extract showed highest activities with the compounds (—)-epicatechin, dihydroquercetin, and 4-methylcatechol

    Douglas-FIR Bark. III. Sterol and Wax Esters of The n-Hexane WAX

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    Sterol and wax esters were isolated as chemically intact compounds from the n-hexane-soluble fraction of Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] bark in a continuing effort to elucidate the properties of this wax. The sterol esters were composed of sitosterol and campesterol esterified to any or all of the fatty acids, n-tridecanoic acid, n-hexadecanoic acid, n-heptadecanoic acid, cis-9-octadecenoic acid, n-nonadecanoic acid, n-eicosanoic acid, n-docosanoic acid, and n-tetracosanoic acid. The wax esters were composed of 1-docosanol and 1-tetracosanol, also esterified to the above-named acids. The fact that any or all of the fatty acids can be esterified to each of the sterols and alcohols, producing a great mixture of different sterol and wax esters, may partly account for the softness and low melting point of Douglas-fir n-hexane wax

    Origin of Electric Field Induced Magnetization in Multiferroic HoMnO3

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    We have performed polarized and unpolarized small angle neutron scattering experiments on single crystals of HoMnO3 and have found that an increase in magnetic scattering at low momentum transfers begins upon cooling through temperatures close to the spin reorientation transition at TSR ~ 40 K. We attribute the increase to an uncompensated magnetization arising within antiferromagnetic domain walls. Polarized neutron scattering experiments performed while applying an electric field show that the field suppresses magnetic scattering below T ~ 50 K, indicating that the electric field affects the magnetization via the antiferromagnetic domain walls rather than through a change to the bulk magnetic order

    Unconventional magnetic phase separation in γ\gamma-CoV2_2O6_6

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    We have explored the magnetism in the non-geometrically frustrated spin-chain system γ\gamma-CoV2_{2}O6_{6} which possesses a complex magnetic exchange network. Our neutron diffraction patterns at low temperatures (TT \leqslant TNT_{\mathrm{N}} = 6.6 K) are best described by a model in which two magnetic phases coexist in a volume ratio 65(1) : 35(1), with each phase consisting of a single spin modulation. This model fits previous studies and our observations better than the model proposed by Lenertz etet alal in J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 13981 (2014), which consisted of one phase with two spin modulations. By decreasing the temperature from TNT_{\mathrm{N}}, the minority phase of our model undergoes an incommensurate-commensurate lock-in transition at TT^{*} = 5.6 K. Based on these results, we propose that phase separation is an alternative approach for degeneracy-lifting in frustrated magnets

    Parent training for preschool ADHD: a randomized controlled trial of specialized and generic programs

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    BackgroundThe New Forest Parenting Package' (NFPP), an 8-week home-based intervention for parents of preschoolers with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), fosters constructive parenting to target ADHD-related dysfunctions in attention and impulse control. Although NFPP has improved parent and laboratory measures of ADHD in community samples of children with ADHD-like problems, its efficacy in a clinical sample, and relative to an active treatment comparator, is unknown. The aims are to evaluate the short- and long-term efficacy and generalization effects of NFPP compared to an established clinic-based parenting intervention for treating noncompliant behavior [Helping the Noncompliant Child' (HNC)] in young children with ADHD. MethodsA randomized controlled trial with three parallel arms was the design for this study. A total of 164 3-4-year-olds, 73.8% male, meeting DSM-IV ADHD diagnostic criteria were randomized to NFPP (N=67), HNC (N=63), or wait-list control (WL, N=34). All participants were assessed at post-treatment. NFPP and HNC participants were assessed at follow-up in the next school year. Primary outcomes were ADHD ratings by teachers blind to and uninvolved in treatment, and by parents. Secondary ADHD outcomes included clinician assessments, and laboratory measures of on-task behavior and delay of gratification. Other outcomes included parent and teacher ratings of oppositional behavior, and parenting measures. (Trial name: Home-Based Parent Training in ADHD Preschoolers; Registry: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01320098; URL: ). ResultsIn both treatment groups, children's ADHD and ODD behaviors, as well as aspects of parenting, were rated improved by parents at the end of treatment compared to controls. Most of these gains in the children's behavior and in some parenting practices were sustained at follow-up. However, these parent-reported improvements were not corroborated by teacher ratings or objective observations. NFPP was not significantly better, and on a few outcomes significantly less effective, than HNC. ConclusionsThe results do not support the claim that NFPP addresses putative dysfunctions underlying ADHD, bringing about generalized change in ADHD, and its underpinning self-regulatory processes. The findings support documented difficulties in achieving generalization across nontargeted settings, and the importance of using blinded measures to provide meaningful assessments of treatment effects

    Using referral rates for genetic testing to determine the incidence of a rare disease: The minimal incidence of congenital hyperinsulinism in the UK is 1 in 28,389

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    ongenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a significant cause of hypoglycaemia in neonates and infants with the potential for permanent neurologic injury. Accurate calculations of the incidence of rare diseases such as CHI are important as they inform health care planning and can aid interpretation of genetic testing results when assessing the frequency of variants in large-scale, unselected sequencing databases. Whilst minimal incidence rates have been calculated for four European countries, the incidence of CHI in the UK is not known. In this study we have used referral rates to a central laboratory for genetic testing and annual birth rates from census data to calculate the minimal incidence of CHI within the UK from 2007 to 2016. CHI was diagnosed in 278 individuals based on inappropriately detectable insulin and/or C-peptide measurements at the time of hypoglycaemia which persisted beyond 6 months of age. From these data, we have calculated a minimum incidence of 1 in 28,389 live births for CHI in the UK. This is comparable to estimates from other outbred populations and provides an accurate estimate that will aid both health care provision and interpretation of genetic results, which will help advance our understanding of CHI.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the publisher URL to access it via the publisher's site.SEF has a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust (https://wellcome.ac.uk/funding) and the Royal Society (https://royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/grants/) (Grant Number: 105636/Z/14/Z). The funders did not play any role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.published version, accepted versio

    Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Magnetization Study of HoNi2B2C

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    The superconducting and magnetic properties of HoNi2B2C single crystals are investigated through transport, magnetometry and small-angle neutron scattering measurements. In the magnetic phases that enter below the superconducting critical temperature, the small-angle neutron scattering data uncover networks of magnetic surfaces. These likely originate from uncompensated moments e.g. at domain walls pinned to crystallographic grain boundaries. The field and temperature dependent behaviour appears consistent with the metamagnetic transitions reported in earlier works.Comment: 11 pages , 4 figures, submitted to Low Temperature Physic

    Moving up and down in the generic multiverse

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    We give a brief account of the modal logic of the generic multiverse, which is a bimodal logic with operators corresponding to the relations "is a forcing extension of" and "is a ground model of". The fragment of the first relation is called the modal logic of forcing and was studied by us in earlier work. The fragment of the second relation is called the modal logic of grounds and will be studied here for the first time. In addition, we discuss which combinations of modal logics are possible for the two fragments.Comment: 10 pages. Extended abstract. Questions and commentary concerning this article can be made at http://jdh.hamkins.org/up-and-down-in-the-generic-multiverse