182 research outputs found

    Personality dimensions of people who suffer from visual stress

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    Personality dimensions of participants who suffer from visual stress were compared with those of normal participants using the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Extraversion-Introversion scores showed no significant differences between the participants who suffered visual stress and those who were classified as normal. By contrast, significant differences were found between the normal participants and those with visual stress in respect of Neuroticism-Stability. These differences accord with Eysenck's personality theory which states that those who score highly on the neuroticism scale do so because they have a neurological system with a low threshold such that their neurological system is easily activated by external stimuli. The findings also relate directly to the theory of visual stress proposed by Wilkins which postulates that visual stress results from an excess of neural activity. The data may indicate that the excess activity is likely to be localised at particular neurological regions or neural processes

    Computed tomography of renal oncocytomas

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    A retrospective analysis of 5 renal oncocytomas studied with CT was performed. Oncocytomas appeared as rounded hypodense solid masses with sharp margination from the normal renal parenchyma. They showed uniform homogeneous enhancement on CT scans performed after drip infusion of urographic contrast. One oncocytoma studied with dynamic CT scanning demonstrated a stellate (spoke-wheel) pattern of enhancement. No evidence of involvement of adjacent renal parenchyma, perinephric fat, renal veins or regional lymph nodes was present at CT and the findings were confirmed at surgery. Although the differential diagnosis between renal oncocytoma and hypernephroma may not be possible, preoperative awareness of a potentially benign lesion may guide the surgeon to attempt renal preserving surgery instead of the customary nephrectomy.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/25589/1/0000133.pd

    Does one write en or does one write man? : A survey of the use of gender-neutral generic pronouns in online texts

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    AnvÀndningen av en istÀllet för man som nominativform för det svenska generiska pronomenet har varit en av den feministiska sprÄkpolitikens stora frÄgor under det senaste decenniet. Den hÀr studien har undersökt hur anvÀndningen faktiskt ser ut pÄ nÀtet, bÄde genom en diakron delstudie pÄ bloggar under perioden 1998-2017 och genom en synkron jÀmförelse mellan olika texttyper. DÀrtill har studien undersökt ifall andelen nominativt en ökar i relation till dess motsvarighet man. Resultatet av dessa undersökningar Àr att anvÀndningen ökar, bÄde över tid och i andelar, men att det gÄr lÄngsamt och att anvÀndningen av man fortfarande uppgÄr till omkring 99% av alla förekomster av det generiska pronomenet i subjektsposition. Olika argument har föreslagits av olika forksare angÄende hur nominativt en faktiskt kan anvÀndas, med begrÀnsningar till vissa kontexter eller till vissa referenter. Resultaten frÄn den sista delstudien i den hÀr uppsatsen visar att en kan anvÀndas i samma kontexter och med samma referenter som man. Sedan diskuteras resultaten i relation till tidigare studier vad det gÀller hur en och man kan anvÀndas

    Grammatiskt genus i Hindukush-sprÄk : En areal-typologisk studie

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    In the mountainous area of the Greater Hindukush in northern Pakistan, north-western Afghanistan and Kashmir, some fifty languages from six different genera are spoken. The languages are at the same time innovative and archaic, and are of great interest for areal-typological research. This study investigates grammatical gender in a 12-language sample in the area from an areal-typological perspective. The results show some intriguing features, including unexpected loss of gender, languages that have developed a gender system based on the semantic category of animacy, and languages where this animacy distinction is present parallel to the inherited gender system based on a masculine/feminine distinction found in many Indo-Aryan languages. I den hÀr studien undersöks grammatiskt genus i ett antal sprÄk som talas i ett bergsomrÄde belÀget i norra Pakistan, nordvÀstra Afghanistan och Kashmir. I omrÄdet, hÀr kallat Greater Hindukush, talas omkring 50 olika sprÄk frÄn sex olika sprÄkfamiljer. Det stora antalet sprÄk tillsammans med den otillgÀngliga terrÀngen har gjort att sprÄken Àr arkaiska i vissa hÀnseenden och innovativa i andra, vilket gör det till ett intressant omrÄde för arealtypologisk forskning. Resultaten av den hÀr undersökningen visar att en del sprÄk i urvalet helt har tappat sitt grammatiska genus trots att det anses vara ett relativt stabilt sprÄkdrag. NÄgra sprÄk har utvecklat ett nytt grammatiskt genus baserat pÄ en animacitetsdistinktion, antingen som det enda kvarvarande systemet, eller parallellt med ett nedÀrvt indoariskt genussystem baserat pÄ biologiskt kön.Language contact and relatedness in the Hindukush region (421-2014-631

    Grammatiskt genus i Hindukush-sprÄk : En areal-typologisk studie

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    In the mountainous area of the Greater Hindukush in northern Pakistan, north-western Afghanistan and Kashmir, some fifty languages from six different genera are spoken. The languages are at the same time innovative and archaic, and are of great interest for areal-typological research. This study investigates grammatical gender in a 12-language sample in the area from an areal-typological perspective. The results show some intriguing features, including unexpected loss of gender, languages that have developed a gender system based on the semantic category of animacy, and languages where this animacy distinction is present parallel to the inherited gender system based on a masculine/feminine distinction found in many Indo-Aryan languages. I den hÀr studien undersöks grammatiskt genus i ett antal sprÄk som talas i ett bergsomrÄde belÀget i norra Pakistan, nordvÀstra Afghanistan och Kashmir. I omrÄdet, hÀr kallat Greater Hindukush, talas omkring 50 olika sprÄk frÄn sex olika sprÄkfamiljer. Det stora antalet sprÄk tillsammans med den otillgÀngliga terrÀngen har gjort att sprÄken Àr arkaiska i vissa hÀnseenden och innovativa i andra, vilket gör det till ett intressant omrÄde för arealtypologisk forskning. Resultaten av den hÀr undersökningen visar att en del sprÄk i urvalet helt har tappat sitt grammatiska genus trots att det anses vara ett relativt stabilt sprÄkdrag. NÄgra sprÄk har utvecklat ett nytt grammatiskt genus baserat pÄ en animacitetsdistinktion, antingen som det enda kvarvarande systemet, eller parallellt med ett nedÀrvt indoariskt genussystem baserat pÄ biologiskt kön.Language contact and relatedness in the Hindukush region (421-2014-631

    The elite and the street: Black class and culture in post-World War Two Philadelphia

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    With Philadelphia as my focus, I argue that after World War II, in those northern cities where black southern migrants crowded into “second ghettoes,” cultural institutions created as much fracture as they did black unity, modernity or nationalism. Even before the 1960s, when divisions along generational, political and religious lines began to manifest more clearly, newspapers and radio revealed that there were multiple black communities as opposed to just one. Editors and general managers, and later music producers, directors of community art centers and museum founders wrestled with how to appeal to non-elite blacks. Most often, their methods were driven by ideologies—both real and perceived—of interracial liberalism, uplift, and respectability. For the most part, they built on a legacy of black elite institutions in Philadelphia, rather than create a new cultural infrastructure that incorporated a wider scope of tastes, practices and politics. Using sources that range from polls and planning documents to music and dance performances, my dissertation examines black cultural institutions in post-WWII Philadelphia with attention to their politics, cultural products, institutional forms, and place in the racial geography of the city. It thus answers the recent call by social historians to examine the role of the arts in urban places, and enlarges the story of African Americans in the post-industrial city through an emphasis on cultural production and the class politics that shaped it

    PL 19 § : Kroppsvisitation i förebyggande syfte mot skadegörelse av egendom vid klotter.

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    Klotter och annan skadegörelse ökar i vÄrt samhÀlle. Detta innebÀr dels stora kostnader för frÀmst staten, kommuner och företag i landet. Ett annat problem detta medför en ökad kÀnsla av otrygghet bland befolkningen och att det kan leda till en sÀmre boende miljö i vissa omrÄden. FrÄn 2004-01-01 finns det ett nytt stycke i polislagen 19 § som innebÀr att en polisman i vissa situationer har möjlighet att i förebyggande syfte kroppsvisitera en person. Vi har i vÄran rapport fokuserat pÄ att försöka ta reda pÄ hur tillÀmpningen av detta nya stycke skall ske. Vi har försökt ta reda pÄ detta genom att lÀsa regeringens proposition och olika yttrande frÄn exempelvis justitieombudsmannen och brottsförebyggande rÄdet. En annan frÄga vi har funderat pÄ Àr om en sÄdan kroppsvisitation strider mot gÀllande grundlag .DÄ med inriktning pÄ regeringsformen 2kap 6 §
