175 research outputs found

    Wellness Wednesday: Community Nutrition Education

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    Wellness Wednesday is a interdisciplinary health education program for residents of the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA) funded by the Area Health Education Center. The program aims to provide knowledge and resources to support healthy lifestyles within an underserved population. An original nutrition education curriculum has been developed as part of this program. Group activities, cooking demonstrations, and education materials have been integrated into the curriculum. The topics for discussion were determined by the residents; therefor presentations were catered to specific concerns of the population. The materials have been presented at three different AMHA buildings each month for six total months. At the end of each presentation, residents evaluated their experience using a questionnaire survey. The final product of this project is a nutrition education curriculum that can be utilized for future dietetics students working within the community. In all, the Wellness Wednesday education program has shown the potential to impact the health and lifestyles of Akron community members and guide them towards healthier lives

    Determination of heavy metals in corn (Zea Mays L.) using silver nanoparticles/graphene/nafion modified glassy carbon electrode

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNP)/graphene/Nafion modified glassy carbon electrodes were fabricated for the determination of trace amounts of cadmium (Cd2+) and lead (Pb2+) via anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). The electrode modifiers and the ASV parameters were optimized. The fabricated electrode was characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. A linear relationship between anodic peak current and heavy metal concentration was obtained in the range of 25 parts per billion (ppb) to 250 ppb. The limit of detection of the modified electrode is 25 ppb for both Cd2+ and Pb2+, while the limits of quantitation are 155.7 ppb for Cd2+ and 159.5 ppb for Pb2+. Real sample analysis using corn plant and soil samples was performed to show the utility of the fabricated electrode in sensing applications. Trace amounts of Cd2+ and Pb2+ were found in the said samples

    Effects of Housing Aid on Psychosocial Health after a Disaster

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    Little is known about whether the provision of aid in the aftermath of a large-scale natural disaster affects psychological well-being. We investigate the effects of housing assistance, a key element of the reconstruction program implemented after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Population-representative individual-level longitudinal data collected in Aceh, Indonesia, during the decade after the tsunami as part of the Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR) are used. Housing aid was targeted to people whose homes were destroyed and, to a lesser extent, damaged by the tsunami and to those who lived, at the time of the tsunami, in communities that sustained the greatest damage. The effects of receipt of aid on post-traumatic stress reactivity (PTSR) are examined using panel data models that take into account observed and unobserved individual-specific fixed characteristics that affect both PTSR and aid receipt, drawing comparisons in each survey wave between individuals who had been living in the same kecamatan when the tsunami hit. Those who received aid have better psychological health; the effects increase with time since aid receipt and are the greatest at two years or longer after the receipt. The effects are concentrated among those whose homes were destroyed in the tsunami

    Penetrating Ureteral Trauma.

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    The purpose of this series is to report our experience in managing ureteral trauma, focusing on the importance of early diagnosis, correct treatment, and the impact of associated injuries on the management and morbid-mortality. From January 1994 to December 2002, 1487 laparotomies for abdominal trauma were performed and 20 patients with ureteral lesions were identified, all of them secondary to penetrating injury. Medical charts were analyzed as well as information about trauma mechanisms, diagnostic routine, treatment and outcome. All patients were men. Mean age was 27 years. The mechanisms of injury were gunshot wounds in 18 cases (90%) and stab wounds in two (10%). All penetrating abdominal injuries had primary indication of laparotomy, and neither excretory urography nor computed tomography were used in any case before surgery. The diagnosis of ureteric injury was made intra-operatively in 17 cases (85%). Two ureteral injuries (10%) were initially missed. All patients had associated injuries. The treatment was dictated by the location, extension and time necessary to identify the injury. The overall incidence of complications was 55%. The presence of shock on admission, delayed diagnosis, Abdominal Trauma Index > 25, Injury Severity Score > 25 and colon injuries were associated to a high complication rate, however, there was no statistically significant difference. There were no mortalities in this group. A high index of suspicion is required for diagnosis of ureteral injuries. A thorough exploration of all retroperitoneal hematoma after penetrating trauma should be an accurate method of diagnosis; even though it failed in 10% of our cases.33142-8, discussion 149-5

    New mosquito records (Diptera: Culicidae) from northwestern Argentina

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    The geographic distributions of Aedes casali, Ae. meprai, Culex acharistus, Cx. bidens, Cx. coronator, Cx. dolosus, Cx. saltanensis, Cx. imitator, Haemagogus janthinomys and Psorophora cyanescens are extended. This contribution updates the mosquito fauna listed for Argentina, increasing the number of species for the provinces of Jujuy, La Rioja and Santiago del Estero from 55 to 62, 22 to 25 and 25 to 26, respectively. Data on collection localities, habitat of immature stages, and health importance are also presented.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Sistema para la detección precoz de problemas en el aprendizaje

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    La edad preescolar es fundamental en el desarrollo del niño por los procesos relacionados con el desarrollo de la inteligencia, la personalidad y las habilidades de comportamiento social. En términos generales, el desarrollo puede concebirse como un conjunto de fenómenos en un proceso dinámico de organización sucesiva de funciones biológicas, psicológicas y sociales en compleja interacción, cuyas estructuras se modifican de acuerdo a las experiencias vitales. Según Michelini, las experiencias vitales negativas, así como las alteraciones en la organización de funciones biológicas, psicológicas y sociales, debidas a diversos factores, podrían ejercer una influencia determinante en el fracaso escolar en etapas posteriores. Resulta importante la detección precoz de dichas alteraciones por dos razones: para compensar las deficiencias biológicas y las ligadas a los contextos sociales y familiares desfavorables; y en segundo lugar, para habilitar a los contextos educativos a llevar al niño más allá de su nivel desarrollo actual. Cuanto más temprana sea la detección, se traducirá en mayores posibilidades de acción. La propuesta de este proyecto, se basa en el estudio de algunos factores que inciden en este proceso. Si bien son múltiples los agentes intervinientes, el presente constituye un primer paso para la formalización a través de un sistema informático de su tratamiento en edades entre los 3 y los 6 años, y por lo tanto es de esperar el progresivo refinamiento del mismo. El resto de este trabajo se organiza como sigue: secc. II, describe los factores intervinientes en el aprendizaje; secc. III los factores contemplados en el proyecto; secc. IV describe el estado del software en la materia, la secc. V el objetivo y la propuesta, la secc VI. el resultado de los estudios preliminares y la última sección las conclusiones y trabajo a futuro.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Sistema para la detección precoz de problemas en el aprendizaje

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    La edad preescolar es fundamental en el desarrollo del niño por los procesos relacionados con el desarrollo de la inteligencia, la personalidad y las habilidades de comportamiento social. En términos generales, el desarrollo puede concebirse como un conjunto de fenómenos en un proceso dinámico de organización sucesiva de funciones biológicas, psicológicas y sociales en compleja interacción, cuyas estructuras se modifican de acuerdo a las experiencias vitales. Según Michelini, las experiencias vitales negativas, así como las alteraciones en la organización de funciones biológicas, psicológicas y sociales, debidas a diversos factores, podrían ejercer una influencia determinante en el fracaso escolar en etapas posteriores. Resulta importante la detección precoz de dichas alteraciones por dos razones: para compensar las deficiencias biológicas y las ligadas a los contextos sociales y familiares desfavorables; y en segundo lugar, para habilitar a los contextos educativos a llevar al niño más allá de su nivel desarrollo actual. Cuanto más temprana sea la detección, se traducirá en mayores posibilidades de acción. La propuesta de este proyecto, se basa en el estudio de algunos factores que inciden en este proceso. Si bien son múltiples los agentes intervinientes, el presente constituye un primer paso para la formalización a través de un sistema informático de su tratamiento en edades entre los 3 y los 6 años, y por lo tanto es de esperar el progresivo refinamiento del mismo. El resto de este trabajo se organiza como sigue: secc. II, describe los factores intervinientes en el aprendizaje; secc. III los factores contemplados en el proyecto; secc. IV describe el estado del software en la materia, la secc. V el objetivo y la propuesta, la secc VI. el resultado de los estudios preliminares y la última sección las conclusiones y trabajo a futuro.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI