2 research outputs found

    Viviendas de emergencia en Uruguay

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    Emergency Housing in Uruguay

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    El acceso a la vivienda, permanente o transitoria, es uno de los principales factores de inclusi贸n social; garantizar condiciones b谩sicas de habitabilidad durante el lapso de construcci贸n de una vivienda de realojo o de restauraci贸n de viviendas afectadas por cat谩strofes, es un paso necesario para erradicar la exclusi贸n. Se pretende dise帽ar un sistema de m贸dulos habitacionales reutilizables, desarmables, f谩cilmente transportables y acoplables, capaces de generar un h谩bitat plurifamiliar adecuado para periodos de crisis, adaptado a las necesidades y a los recursos econ贸micos p煤blicos. Se desarroll贸 el proyecto ejecutivo de dichos m贸dulos y se estim贸 el costo de sus componentes. A trav茅s de entrevistas con diversos responsables de pol铆ticas estatales en materia de atenci贸n a situaciones de emergencia, se estableci贸 la pertinencia de la creaci贸n de una tipolog铆a de viviendas transitorias que permita la atenci贸n inmediata de damnificados por desastres naturales y de poblaci贸n incluida en programas de realojoAccess to housing, permanent or transitory, is one of the main factors of social inclusion. Warranty of the basic habitability conditions during the construction period of a relocation housing or home restoration affected by a catastrophe, is a necessary step towards exclusion erradication. The main aim is to design a system of modular housing that is good to re-use, dismount, attach, and easy to transport. It is able to generate an adequate multi-occupancy accomodation for periods of crisis and it adapts to the public needs and economic resources. The executive project of the modules has been developed and the cost of its components has been estimated. Through some interviews to a number of people responsible for the State鈥檚 policies on the attention of emergency situations, it was established the relevance for the creation of a provisional housing typology that enables the immediate attention to natural disaster victims and the community included in relocation program