42 research outputs found

    Suomi Yhdysvaltojen tiedustelussa 1941-1944

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee Yhdysvaltojen Suomen-tiedustelun sisältöä ja luonnetta jatkosodan aikana. Tiedustelua on tutkittu omana tiedon tuottamisen menetelmänään yhdistämällä historian- sekä tiedustelututkimusta yhtenäiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Tutkimus liittyy Suomen jatkosotaa käsittelevään sotahistorialliseen keskusteluun, jossa ei ole aiemmin käsitelty Yhdysvaltojen Suomen-tiedustelua kokonaisuutena. Jatkosodan aikana amerikkalaistiedustelu todisti harvinaista tilaisuutta kun Suomen hallitus antoi Yhdysvaltojen diplomaattisen koneiston toimia avoimesti maansa sisällä. Kentällä tapahtuvaa havainnointia täydennettiin tutkimus- ja analyysitoiminnalla, joka toi tieteellisen ulottuvuuden tiedusteluun. Myös käytännön toimia varten tehtiin suunnitelmia. Sodan edetessä Suomi ja Yhdysvallat ajautuivat lopulta törmäyskurssille toisiaan vastaan, tiedustelun toimiessa kuitenkin koko ajan. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty historiantutkimuksen ja tiedusteluteorian metodeja. Työ sijoittuu laajemmin Yhdysvaltojen jatkosodanaikaisen Suomen-politiikan tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen näkökulma on tiedusteluhistoriantutkimusta menneisyydessä tapahtuneesta tiedustelusta. Tutkimuksessa ei selitetä amerikkalaistiedustelun merkitystä tai vaikutusta Yhdysvaltojen politiikkaan Suomea kohtaan. Lähtökohtana toisen maailmansodanaikaisen amerikkalaistiedustelun tutkimiseen on ollut lisäksi tarkastella, mitä annettavaa tiedusteluhistoriantutkimuksella on sotahistorialle sekä pohtia tiedustelua mahdollisen historiana. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty toisen maailmansodanaikaista amerikkalaista tiedustelumateriaalia, joka on kopioitu Yhdysvaltojen kansallisarkistosta Sota-arkistoon. Aiempaa tutkimuskirjallisuutta edustavat R. Michael Berryn, Tuomo Polvisen, Jukka Seppisen, Ohto Mannisen, Markku Jokisipilän sekä Erkki Maasalon tutkimukset. Tiedustelun teoriaa on käsitelty Abraham N. Shulskyn tutkimuksen avulla. Tiedustelun tehtävä oli ylläpitää suomalaisamerikkalaisia siteitä tilanteessa, jossa maiden edustamat leirit olivat sodassa keskenään, mutta Yhdysvallat ja Suomi eivät. Yhdysvaltojen jatkosodanaikainen Suomen-tiedustelu voidaan tulkita kahden valtion väliseksi monitasoiseksi kanssakäymiseksi, jota voidaan kuvata kommunikaatioksi. Yhdysvallat ymmärsi tiedustelun kautta Suomen tilannetta paremmin. Tiedustelun luonne kommunikaationa ei ollut kuitenkaan yksisuuntaista toimintaa. Myös suomalaiset viranomaiset käyttivät tiedustelukanavia yhteyksissään Yhdysvaltoihin. Tiedustelun merkitys oli tukea yhteyksiä maiden välillä aikana, jolloin niin ulkoiset kuin sisäisetkin olosuhteet Suomessa sekä Yhdysvalloissa estivät normaalien valtiosuhteiden toiminnan. Toinen tutkimuksen päätuloksista on kolmen eri näkökulman hahmottaminen Yhdysvaltojen Suomen-tiedustelussa. Sotilasnäkökulma, talousnäkökulma ja poliittinen näkökulma olivat jokainen eri aikoina pääosassa Suomeen liittyneessä amerikkalaistiedustelussa. Sota-ajan muuttuvista olosuhteista kumpuavat näkökulmat ohjasivat Yhdysvaltojen tiedustelun intressejä. Tiedustelun roolina oli täyttää aukkoja sekä tuoda lisätietoja kuvaan reaaliajassa etenevän, useista lähteistä peräisin olevan aikalaiskommentoinnin muodossa sekä hahmottaa asioiden suurempia yhteyksiä analyysi- ja tutkimustoiminnan kautta, jota suoritti Yhdysvaltojen ensimmäinen keskustiedustelupalvelu Office of Strategic Services. Amerikkalaistiedustelun suurin mahdollistava tekijä oli Yhdysvaltojen ja Suomen toimivat diplomaattisuhteet, jotka kestivät lähes jatkosodan loppuun asti

    Intelligent Products: Shifting the Production Control Logic in Construction (With Lean and BIM)

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    Production management and control in construction has not been addressed/updated ever since the introduction of Critical Path Method and the Last Planner® system. The predominant outside-in control logic and a fragmented and deep supply chain in construction significantly affect the efficiency over a lifecycle. In a construction project, a large number of organisations interact with the product throughout the process, requiring a significant amount of information handling and synchronisation between these organisations. However, due to the deep supply chains and problems with lack of information integration, the information flow down across the lifecycle poses a significant challenge. This research proposes a product centric system, where the control logic of the production process is embedded within the individual components from the design phase. The solution is enabled by a number of technologies and tools such as Building Information Modelling, Internet of Things, Messaging Systems and within the conceptual process framework of Lean Construction. The vision encompasses the lifecycle of projects from design to construction and maintenance, where the products can interact with the environment and its actors through various stages supporting a variety of actions. The vision and the tools and technologies required to support it are described in this pape

    Myocardial tissue characterization in patients with hereditary gelsolin (AGel) amyloidosis using novel cardiovascular magnetic resonance techniques

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    Gelsolin (AGel) amyloidosis is a hereditary condition with common neurological effects. Myocardial involvement, especially strain, T1, or extracellular volume (ECV), in this disease has not been investigated before. Local myocardial effects and possible amyloid accumulation were the targets of interest in this study. Fifty patients with AGel amyloidosis were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, including cine imaging, T1 mapping, tagging, and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging at 1.5 T. Results for volumetry, myocardial feature-tracking strain, rotation, torsion, native T1, ECV, and LGE were investigated. The population mean native T1 values in different segments of the left ventricle (LV) varied between 1003 and 1080 ms. Myocardial mean T1 was 1031 ± 37 ms. T1 was highest in the basal plane of the LV (1055 ± 40 ms), similarly to ECV (30.0% ± 4.4%). ECV correlated with native T1 in all LV segments (p Peer reviewe

    Reducing cardiac implantable electronic device-induced artefacts in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging

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    Objectives Cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED)-induced metal artefacts possibly significantly diminish the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly cardiac MR (CMR). Right-sided generator implantation, wideband late-gadolinium enhancement (LGE) technique and raising the ipsilateral arm to the generator during CMR scanning may reduce the CIED-induced image artefacts. We assessed the impact of generator location and the arm-raised imaging position on the CIED-induced artefacts in CMR. Methods We included all clinically indicated CMRs performed on patients with normal cardiac anatomy and a permanent CIED with endocardial pacing leads between November 2011 and October 2019 in our institution (n = 171). We analysed cine and LGE sequences using the American Heart Association 17-segment model for the presence of artefacts. Results Right-sided generator implantation and arm-raised imaging associated with a significantly increased number of artefact-free segments. In patients with a right-sided pacemaker, the median percentage of artefact-free segments in short-axis balanced steady-state free precession LGE was 93.8% (IQR 9.4%, n = 53) compared with 78.1% (IQR 20.3%, n = 58) for left-sided pacemaker (p < 0.001). In patients with a left-sided implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, the median percentage of artefact-free segments reached 87.5% (IQR 6.3%, n = 9) using arm-raised imaging, which fell to 62.5% (IQR 34.4%, n = 9) using arm-down imaging in spoiled gradient echo short-axis cine (p = 0.02). Conclusions Arm-raised imaging represents a straightforward method to reduce CMR artefacts in patients with left-sided generators and can be used alongside other image quality improvement methods. Right-sided generator implantation could be considered in CIED patients requiring subsequent CMR imaging to ensure sufficient image quality.Peer reviewe

    Peak CK-MB has a strong association with chronic scar size and wall motion abnormalities after revascularized non-transmural myocardial infarction - a prospective CMR study

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    Background: Large myocardial infarction (MI) is associated with adverse left ventricular (LV) remodeling (LVR). We studied the nature of LVR, with specific attention to non-transmural MIs, and the association of peak CK-MB with recovery and chronic phase scar size and LVR. Methods: Altogether 41 patients underwent prospectively repeated cardiovascular magnetic resonance at a median of 22 (interquartile range 9-29) days and 10 (8-16) months after the first revascularized MI. Transmural MI was defined as >= 75% enhancement in at least one myocardial segment. Results: Peak CK-MB was 86 (40-216) mu g/L in median, while recovery and chronic phase scar size were 13 (3-23) % and 8 (2-19) %. Altogether 33 patients (81%) had a non-transmural MI. Peak CK-MB had a strong correlation with recovery and chronic scar size (r >= 0.80 for all, r >= 0.74 for non-transmural MIs; p = 0.75 for all, r >= 0.73 for non-transmural MIs; p <0.001). There was proportional scar size and LV mass resorption of 26% (0-50%) and 6% (-2-14%) in median. Young age (<60 years, median) was associated with greater LV mass resorption (median 9% vs. 1%, p = 0.007). Conclusions: Peak CK-MB has a strong association with chronic scar size and wall motion abnormalities after revascularized non-transmural MI. Considerable infarct resorption happens after the first-month recovery phase. LV mass resorption is related to age, being more common in younger patients.Peer reviewe

    Cardiac manifestations in Finnish gelsolin amyloidosis patients

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    Introduction Finnish gelsolin amyloidosis (AGel amyloidosis) is an inherited systemic amyloidosis with well-known ophthalmological, neurological and cutaneous symptoms. Additionally, cardiomyopathies, conduction disorders and need of cardiac pacemakers occur in some patients. This study focuses on electrocardiographic (ECG) findings in AGel amyloidosis and their relation to cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) changes. We also assessed whether ECG abnormalities were associated with pacemaker implantation and mortality. Materials and methods In this cohort study, 51 genetically verified AGel amyloidosis patients (mean age 66 years) without cardiac pacemakers underwent 12-lead ECG and CMR imaging with contrast agent in 2017. Patients were followed-up for 3 years. Results Conduction disturbances were found in 22 patients (43%). Nine (18%) presented with first-degree atrioventricular block, six (12%) with left anterior hemiblock, seven (14%) with left or right bundle branch block and two (4%) with non-specific intraventricular conduction delay. Low QRS voltage was present in two (4%) patients. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) concentrating on the interventricular septum and inferior parts of the heart was present in 19 (86%) patients with conduction abnormalities. During the follow-up, only one patient received a pacemaker, and one patient died. Discussion Conduction disorders and septal LGE are common in AGel amyloidosis, whereas other ECG and CMR findings typically observed in most common cardiac amyloidosis types were rare. Septal pathology seen in CMR may interfere with the cardiac conduction system in AGel amyloidosis, explaining conduction disorders, although pacemaker therapy is rarely required.Peer reviewe

    Monitoramento da toxicidade genética associada aos dejetos industriais e urbanos em amostras de água do rio Caí através do Teste SMART

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    O rio Caí é utilizado como corpo hídrico recipiente de efluentes industriais e urbanos. Em função disto,foi utilizado o teste SMART para traçar um diagnóstico da genotoxicidade associada a este rio. As coletasforam realizadas nos meses de março, junho e setembro de 1999 em pontos sob influência industrial(km18,6 e km13,6) e urbana (km52, km78 e km80). Os pontos km 18,6 e km 13,6 foram caracterizadoscomo destituídos de ação genotóxica. Por outro lado, as amostras urbanas referentes aos meses de março(km 52, 78 e 80) e setembro (km 52) foram diagnosticadas como indutoras de toxicidade genética.Considerando estes resultados, conclui-se que os prejuízos causados pelos dejetos urbanos podem ser tãoou mais nocivos que os impostos pelos de origem industrial.Palavras-chaves: SMART, Genotoxicidade, Água, D. melanogaster

    Artificial Intelligence in Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Death

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    Sudden cardiac arrest due to lethal ventricular arrhythmias is a major cause of mortality worldwide and results in more years of potential life lost than any individual cancer. Most of these sudden cardiac arrest events occur unexpectedly in individuals who have not been identified as high-risk due to the inadequacy of current risk stratification tools. Artificial intelligence tools are increasingly being used to solve complex problems and are poised to help with this major unmet need in the field of clinical electrophysiology. By leveraging large and detailed datasets, artificial intelligence-based prediction models have the potential to enhance the risk stratification of lethal ventricular arrhythmias. This review presents a synthesis of the published literature and a discussion of future directions in this field

    Gender differences in prevalence and prognostic value of fragmented QRS complex

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    Background: Fragmented QRS (fQRS) on 12-lead electrocardiogram(ECG) is associated with scarred myocardium and adverse outcome. However, the data on gender differences in terms of its prevalence and prognostic value is sparse. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether gender differences in fQRS exist among subjects drawn from populations with different risk profiles. Methods: We analyzed fQRS from 12-lead ECG in 953 autopsy-confirmed victims of sudden cardiac death (SCD) (78% men; 67.0 +/- 11.4 yrs), 1900 coronary artery disease (CAD) patients with angiographically confirmed stenosis of >= 50% (70% men; 66.6 +/- 9.0 yrs, 43% with previous myocardial infarction [MI]), and in 10,904 adults drawn from the Finnish adult general population (52% men; 44.0 +/- 8.5 yrs). Results: Prevalence of fQRS was associated with older age, male sex and the history and severity of prior cardiac disease of subjects. Among the general population fQRS was more commonly found among men in comparison to women (20.5% vs. 14.8%, p <0.001). The prevalence of fQRS rose gradually along with the severity of prior cardiac disease in both genders, yet remained significantly higher in the male population: subjects with suspected or known cardiac disease (25.4% vs. 15.8% p <0.001), CAD patients without prior MI (39.9% vs. 26.4%, p <0.001), CAD patients with prior MI (42.9% vs. 31.2%, p <0.001), and victims of SCD (56.4% vs. 44.4%, p <0.001). Conclusions: The prevalence of QRS fragmentation varies in different populations. The fragmentation is clearly related to the underlying cardiac disease in both genders, however women seem to have significantly lower prevalence of fQRS in each patient population in comparison to men. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe