5 research outputs found

    Survey of euthanasia methods used in neotropical chiropterans in São Paulo State, Brazil: critical analyses and proposal for standardization of bat euthanasia methods

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    As Divisões de Vigilância de Zoonoses (DVZs) coletam e eutanasiam morcegos que tiveram contato com humanos. O procedimento de eutanásia precisa ocorrer de modo seguro para o animal e para o manipulador, sendo importante garantir o mínimo de estresse ao animal. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: i. avaliar os métodos de eutanásia praticados nas DVZ do estado de São Paulo; ii. comparar esses métodos com os guias nacionais e internacionais de práticas de eutanásia animal; iii. avaliar as metodologias aplicadas considerando a taxonomia e os hábitos alimentares das principais espécies de ocorrência de morcegos; e iv. propor a padronização dos procedimentos de eutanásia. Sessenta e cinco DVZs receberam o questionário online ou foram contatadas por telefone, dessas, trinta e três DVZs (50,8%) que responderam ao questionário foram incluídas no estudo e distribuídas em 11 mesorregiões para garantir anonimato. Os métodos de eutanásia reportados foram divididos em métodos químicos (injetáveis; inalatórios), físicos ou mistos. Os espécimes de morcegos (n = 550) foram identificados e classificados para avaliar os principais gêneros encontrados no estado. A localização da DVZ, as espécies, os hábitos alimentares e o método de eutanásia utilizado foram analisados. Os espécimes por família de espécies de morcegos foram Molossidae (n = 340), Phyllostomidae (n = 171) e Vespertilionidae (n = 39). Métodos químicos foram utilizados em 25 DVZs (75,75%), físicos em 5 (15,15%) e mistos em 3 (9,09%). Não há uniformidade ou padronização nos métodos de eutanásia de morcegos, embora a maioria seja baseada em métodos químicos aceitáveis. É proposto um algoritmo para auxiliar o veterinário na escolha do método de eutanásia, que permite a padronização desses procedimentos para os morcegos, considerando as diferenças fisiológicas e respeitando as diretrizes técnicas, bioéticas e de bem-estar animal.Zoonotic Surveillance Divisions (ZSDs) rescue and euthanize bats in contact with humans. The euthanasia procedure should be conducted safely for the animal and caretaker and minimal stress for the animal is important. The objectives of this study were: i. evaluate the methods of euthanasia used by ZSDs in the State of São Paulo; ii. compare the methods with national and international guidelines for animal euthanasia practices; iii. assess the methodologies considering taxonomy and eating habits of the main bat species, and iv. propose standardization of euthanasia procedures. Sixty-five ZSDs locations received an online questionnaire or were contacted by telephone and 33 ZSDs (50.8%) responded and are distributed in 11 mesoregions in the state to remain anonymous. The euthanasia methods were divided into chemical (injectable or inhalation), physical, or mixed methods. Bat specimens (n = 550) were identified and classified to evaluate the main genera found in the state. The location of the ZSD, species, eating habits, and the method of euthanasia used were analyzed. The specimens by bat families were Molossidae (n = 340), Phyllostomidae (n = 171), and Vespertilionidae (n = 39). Chemical methods were used in 25 ZSDs (75.75%), physical in 5 (15.15%), and mixed in 3 (9.09%). There is no uniformity or standardization in bat euthanasia methods used by ZSDs, although most are based on acceptable chemical methods. It was proposed an algorithm to assist the veterinarian in choosing the method of euthanasia for bats that will allow standardizing euthanasia procedures for this species, considering physiological differences, and respecting technical, bioethical, and animal welfare guidelines

    Survey of euthanasia methods used in neotropical chiropterans in São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Zoonotic Surveillance Divisions (ZSDs) rescue and euthanize bats in contact with humans. The euthanasia procedure should be conducted safely for the animal and caretaker and minimal stress for the animal is important. The objectives of this study were: i. evaluate the methods of euthanasia used by ZSDs in the State of São Paulo; ii. compare the methods with national and international guidelines for animal euthanasia practices; iii. assess the methodologies considering taxonomy and eating habits of the main bat species, and iv. propose standardization of euthanasia procedures. Sixty-five ZSDs locations received an online questionnaire or were contacted by telephone and 33 ZSDs (50.8%) responded and are distributed in 11 mesoregions in the state to remain anonymous. The euthanasia methods were divided into chemical (injectable or inhalation), physical, or mixed methods. Bat specimens (n = 550) were identified and classified to evaluate the main genera found in the state. The location of the ZSD, species, eating habits, and the method of euthanasia used were analyzed. The specimens by bat families were Molossidae (n = 340), Phyllostomidae (n = 171), and Vespertilionidae (n = 39). Chemical methods were used in 25 ZSDs (75.75%), physical in 5 (15.15%), and mixed in 3 (9.09%). There is no uniformity or standardization in bat euthanasia methods used by ZSDs, although most are based on acceptable chemical methods. It was proposed an algorithm to assist the veterinarian in choosing the method of euthanasia for bats that will allow standardizing euthanasia procedures for this species, considering physiological differences, and respecting technical, bioethical, and animal welfare guidelines

    Call to Brazilian Ichthiopathologists: The Brazilian Ornamental Fishes Needs You!

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    Since fish have potential to grow as pets in this market in Brazil it is interesting to seek another approach of investigation about the diseases that affect these animals. The Ichthiopathologist is the veterinary pathologist who is more interested or specialized at fishes. This professional can bring another look to the ornamental fish chain, since they can focus at microcosms and then make the clinical correlation. Here we list the literature you need to have to follow this profession safely and enhance the entire productive range of Brazilian ornamental fish

    Orthohepadnavirus infection in a neotropical bat (Platyrrhinus lineatus)

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    Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia para Febres Hemorrágicas Virais/Instituto Evandro Chagas/Secretaria de Vigilância em Saude/Ministerio da Saude (ICAAF 240/2008/FAPESPA/INCT); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPQ) (155809/2014-8; 141398/2015-9; 573.739/2008-0)University of São Paulo. School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Department of Pathology. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.University of São Paulo. School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Department of Pathology. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.University of São Paulo. School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Department of Pathology. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Pasteur Institute. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Pasteur Institute. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.University of São Paulo. School of Medicine. Department of Gastroenterology. São Paulo, SP, Brazil / University of São Paulo. School of Medicine. Institute of Tropical Medicine. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.University of São Paulo. School of Medicine. Department of Gastroenterology. São Paulo, SP, Brazil / University of São Paulo. School of Medicine. Institute of Tropical Medicine. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.University of São Paulo. School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Department of Pathology. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the prototype of the Orthohepadnavirus genus and represents an important cause of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatic cancer in humans worldwide. To verify the occurrence and genetic variability of orthohepadnavirus among neotropical bats, we tested 81 liver samples of New World bats from Sa similar to o Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, collected during 2012. PCR, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis of Surface/ Polymerase and Core viral genes confirmed the occurrence of the first isolate of bat orthohepadnavirus detected in South America. These results may contribute to subsequent studies of the origin, variability, host species, and evolution of bat orthohepadnaviruses in South America

    Acute exposure to hyperosmotic conditions reduces sperm activation by urine in the yellowtail tetra Astyanax altiparanae, a freshwater teleost fish

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    In freshwater fish with external fertilization, sperm sampling can be contaminated with urine, which triggers motility and gives rise to decreased fertilization success. The maintenance of freshwater fish in hyperosmotic conditions may reduce urine production and improve sperm quality. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify if acute exposure to various NaCl concentrations improves sperm quality in the yellowtail tetra Astyanax altiparanae. Spermiation was induced using a single dose of carp pituitary gland (5 mg kg-1) and the males were maintained at various NaCl concentrations: NaCl 0.00% (control), NaCl 0.45% (hypoosmotic), NaCl 0.9% (isosmotic) and NaCl 1.0% (hyperosmotic) for 6 h at 26 °C. Sperm was collected and verified for activation by urine and motility traits. At 0.00%, 0.45%, and 0.90%, the sperm was motile just after sampling, indicating activation by urine. Surprisingly, at hyperosmotic conditions, no activation was observed. Other sperm and motility parameters did not show any statistical differences, including sperm viability (P = 0.7083), concentration (P = 0.9030), total motility (P = 0.6149), VCL (curvilinear velocity; P = 0.1216), VAP (average path velocity; P = 0.1231) and VSL (straight-line velocity; P = 0.1340). Our results indicate that acute maintenance at hyperosmotic conditions eliminates sperm activation by urine and maintains sperm quality. Such a new procedure is interesting for both basic and applied sciences, including reproductive practice in fish.Em peixes de água doce com fertilização externa, a amostragem de espermatozoides pode ser contaminada pela urina, o que desencadeia motilidade e gera menor sucesso na fertilização. A manutenção de peixes de água doce em condições hiperosmóticas pode reduzir a produção de urina e melhorar a qualidade do esperma. Assim, o presente trabalho foi delineado para verificar se a exposição aguda a várias concentrações de NaCl melhora a qualidade do esperma no tetra-amarelo Astyanax altiparanae. A espermiação foi induzida usando uma dose única de hipófise da carpa (5 mg kg-1) e os machos foram mantidos em várias concentrações de NaCl: NaCl 0,00% (controle), NaCl 0,45%  (hipoosmótico), NaCl 0,9% (isosmótico) e NaCl 1,0% (hiperosmótico) por seis horas a 26 °C. O esperma foi colhido e verificado quanto à ativação por urina e traços de motilidade. Em 0,00%, 0,45%, 0,90% os espermatozóides eram móveis logo após a amostragem, indicando ativação pela urina. Surpreendentemente, em condições hiperosmóticas, nenhuma ativação foi observada. Outros parâmetros espermáticos e de motilidade não mostraram diferenças estatísticas, incluindo viabilidade espermática (P = 0,7083), concentração (P = 0,9030), motilidade total (P = 0,6149), VCL (Velocidade Curvilinear; P = 0,1216), VMD (Velocidade Média de Deslocamento; P = 0,1230) e VLR (Velocidade em linha Reta; P = 0,1340). Nossos resultados indicam que a manutenção aguda em condições hiperosmóticas elimina a ativação do esperma pela urina e mantém a qualidade do esperma. Esse novo procedimento é interessante para as ciências básicas e aplicadas, incluindo a prática reprodutiva em peixes