2,062 research outputs found

    Colovesicular Fistula

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    A fistula is an atypical connection between two epithelial surfaces, in the case of an enterovesical fistula between the urinary and gastrointestinal systems. These may be the result of a number of causes including: 1. Congenital abnormalities 2. Inflammatory diseases of the bowel (such as diverticulitis and Crohn’s Disease) 3. Cancer 4. Infection 5. Trauma 6. Iatrogenic (such as a post-operative complication) [3] A colovesical fistula (colovesicular fistula), an abnormal connection between the bladder and colon, is a known complication of diverticular disease, occurring in around 2%-22% of patients suffering from diverticulosis. These fistulae tend to occur three times more often in males than in females. The difference in occurrence is thought to be related to the fact that in females there is the uterus which may prevent the colon and bladder from coming into contact with each other. In fact in females other types of fistulae, such as vesicovaginal and enterovaginal, occur more frequently than colovesical fistulae. [2] Aim: This article highlights the importance of the early identification and management of colovesical fistulae, which although uncommon complications of diverticulitis, can be very uncomfortable for the patient and if not treated early, can lead to high morbidity.peer-reviewe

    Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia

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    Draws on detailed information to analyze current threats to coral reefs across Southeast Asia and provides an economic valuation of what will be lost if destructive fishing, over-fishing, and marine based and inland pollution coastal development continue


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    quality, sectoral specialisation, international trade, price differentials

    Coastal Capital -- Economic Valuation of Coral Reefs in Tobago and St. Lucia

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    Presents findings on the economic benefits of coral reefs to the local economies of Tobago and St. Lucia, using a new, broadly applicable methodology that focuses on benefits to tourism, fisheries, and shoreline protection. Includes policy applications

    Coastal Capital: Dominican Republic: Case Studies on the Economic Value of Coastal Ecosystems in the Dominican Republic

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    Illustrates the benefits coralline beaches, reefs, and mangroves in various parts of the country offer, including providing protection against beach erosion, habitats for fisheries, potential tourism growth in protected marine areas, and local tourism

    Aristotele omonimia e sinonimia

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    Effetto doppler ed applicazioni astrofisiche

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    L’effetto doppler fu scoperto dall'austriaco Christian Johann Doppler che nel 1842 fece una pubblicazione, affermando che un oggetto luminoso deve cambiare colore se posto in moto rispetto ad un osservatore. Infatti notò, sfruttando un vagone con alcuni musicisti sopra, come il suono variasse in base al moto relativo tra vagone ed osservatore. Un'analisi più dettagliata mostrò che un ascoltatore in moto verso una sorgente sonora ferma rispetto al mezzo di trasmissione, riceve un suono di frequenza maggiore rispetto a quello che ascolterebbe se anche lui fosse a riposo. Viceversa la frequenza è minore se l'ascoltatore si allontana dalla sorgente. Fenomeni analoghi si manifestano se la sorgente si muove rispetto al mezzo di trasmissione mentre l’ascoltatore resta fermo. Oggi sappiamo che questo fenomeno è verificato per qualsiasi tipo di onda meccanica

    Structural features of the intracellular domains of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common human genetic disease, occurring prevalently in the Caucasian population at a rate of 1 to 2500 newborns. It is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis trans-membrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which encodes a chloride channel expressed mainly in epithelial cells, but which is also involved in the bicarbonate–chloride exchange. The most common CF symptoms include progressive lung disease and chronic problems of the digestive apparatus (Riordan et al., 1989), whose degree of severity depends on other genetic and/or environmental factors. CF pathogenesis is characterised by the build-up of thick, sticky mucus in multiple mucin-producing organs, such as lungs, sinuses, intestine, pancreas and reproductive organs. For this reason, CF is also denominated mucoviscidosis, implying that mucins - polymeric, gel-forming O-linked glycoproteins responsible for the viscoelastic properties of the mucus - play a critical role in the disease (Kreda et al., 2012). The aim of the present Ph. D. work was to investigate the structural features of two CFTR domains: the nucleotide binding domains (NBDs) - responsible for the gating mechanisms of the channel, and which have been proposed to serve as drug targets - and the regulatory domain (RD), directly involved in the activation of the channel. Knowledge of these aspects could likely improve understanding of the aberrant functionality of defective CFTR, and also help designing therapeutic strategies to either correct the defective protein in situ, and/or to potentiate its physiologic channel activity. The present thesis refers essentially to the four published papers containing most of the results obtained during the 3 year-doctorate course. The first one reports on some biochemical and structural features of NBDs, which were investigated using biochemical assays and measures of small angle x ray scattering (SAXS), while the second paper dealt with the interaction of NBDs with a potentiator (2-pyrimidin-7,8-benzoflavone, PBF) of CFTR activity. Instead, the third and the fourth papers considered RD under non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated conditions, and the influence of phosphorylation on the conformation of the domain as followed by circular dichroism (CD) and SAXS experiments. Briefly, the obtained results allowed us to draw the following principal conclusions. NBDs When in an equimolar mixture and in the presence of ATP, NBDs form a dimer, whose conformation can be significantly changed by PBF. In addition, data could be exploited to reconstruct the ab-initio model of NBDs both as dimer (with or without PBF) and as isolated monomers. RD In this case, obtained results on biochemical, structural and thermodynamic RD aspects allowed us to reconstructing a low-resolution, 3-D model of the native and phosphorylated protein, and to underline how phosphorylation induces the conformational change of the domain and the decreasing of RD stability

    Ugo Foscolo: il classicismo come lirismo

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    The purpose of my study is to propose a selective reading of Ugo Foscolo poetry in the light of the classical tradition. My analysis is directed to the exegesis of his best-known sonnets, Dei sepolcri, and the incomplete work, Le Grazie, while I have only marginally evaluated the ode All’amica risanata. I do not in any way claim to draw up a comprehensive compilation of all classic loans that cropped up, both linguistically and thematically, since the very first reading. I have tried, however, to build a path that realize the cultural significance of the classicistic option of the poet, pointing with punctuality the incidence of the Latin (especially Virgil, Catullus, Lucretius) and the Greek world (mostly Homer) in Foscolo poetry highlighting as in no case it is a mechanic, rhetoric and ornamental retake. I have finally promoted a hermeneutical proposal that tries to read the classicism of Foscolo as the result of his lyrical intent.Ugo Foscolo: il classicismo come lirismoIl presente studio propone una lettura selettiva della produzione poetica di Ugo Foscolo alla luce della tradizione classica. L’analisi si è rivolta all’esegesi dei più noti sonetti, del carme Dei Sepolcri, dell’incompiuto lavoro intitolato alle Grazie mentre, solo cursoriamente, si è presa in considerazione l’ode All’amica risanata. Non si è in alcun modo preteso di redigere una compilazione esaustiva di tutti i prestiti classici che affioravano, sia a livello linguistico che tematico, già ad una prima lettura. Si è cercato, invece, di costruire un percorso che, indicando con puntualità l’incidenza del mondo latino (soprattutto Virgilio, Catullo, Lucrezio) e greco (in massima parte Omero) nella poesia foscoliana ed evidenziando come non si tratti in nessun caso di una ripresa meccanica, retorica ed ornamentale, rendesse conto del significato culturale dell’opzione classicista del poeta. Si è, infine, avanzata una proposta ermeneutica che prova a leggere il classicismo di Foscolo come eresia lirica

    Postcard: Wesson Memorial Hospital 50th Anniversary, Springfield, Massachusetts

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    This black and white photographic postcard features five photos. The top left image is the patient room with two beds. The right image is an operating room. The right bottom image is a giftshop and a café or cafeteria. The bottom right is the waiting room or reception area. The middle of the card shows the exterior of Wesson Memorial Hospital. A 50th Anniversary emblem is on the left side of the card. There is handwriting on the back of the card.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/tj_postcards/1153/thumbnail.jp
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