16 research outputs found

    Bat Conservation Management in Exploited European Temperate Forests

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    Forests offer important refuge to bats by providing attractive roosting and foraging habitats. Their conservation is a major responsibility of forest managers. The use of tree cavities by bats in forests depends on the specific demands of each species, with a large range of different types of microhabitats utilised, from degraded cavities such as peeling bark to healthy hollows in live trees ensuring the temporal stability of the habitat. The conservation of tree-dwelling bats should not be dissociated from their fission-fusion behaviour which involves the use of many different roosts. Conservation measures must therefore take into account forest habitats suitable for feeding and in particular, forest parameters such as structure, composition, vegetation and foliage, among other elements such as deadwood, all upon which the forest manager can intervene. Acting in favour of bats requires close consideration of their complex individual responses concerning roost selection and foraging habitat selection, which is largely dictated by the reproductive status of individuals. Thereafter it is possible to evaluate the impact of wood harvesting on bats and to infer silvicultural conservation measures. The implementation of recommendations must then subsequently be based on a strong involvement on the part of the forest manager

    Identifying key research objectives to make European forests greener for bats

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    Bats are a biodiverse mammal order providing key ecosystem services such as pest suppression, pollination and seed dispersal. Bats are also very sensitive to human actions, and significant declines in many bat populations have been recorded consequently. Many bat species find crucial roosting and foraging opportunities in European forests. Such forests have historically been exploited by humans and are still influenced by harvesting. One of the consequences of this pressure is the loss of key habitat resources, often making forests inhospitable to bats. Despite the legal protection granted to bats across Europe, the impacts of forestry on bats are still often neglected. Because forest exploitation influences forest structure at several spatial scales, economically viable forestry could become more sustainable and even favour bats. We highlight that a positive future for bat conservation that simultaneously benefits forestry is foreseeable, although more applied research is needed to develop sound management. Key future research topics include the detection of factors influencing the carrying capacity of forests, and determining the impacts of forest management and the economic importance of bats in forests. Predictive tools to inform forest managers are much needed, together with greater synergies between forest managers and bat conservationists

    Use of roots and foraging habitats by forest bats, conservation management proposals

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    Production de bois et autres ressources (gibier, champignons,...), conservation de la biodiversité et gestion des paysages, la forêt a suscité de riches débats depuis quelques années, le Grenelle de l'Environnement ayant révélé des intérêts parfois contradictoires. Si le gestionnaire forestier tente de développer autant que possible une gestion multifonctionnelle de ses forêts, il reste dépendant des connaissances fragmentaires sur les interactions dans les écosystèmes forestiers. La politique actuelle, qui vise à concilier la production de bois et la préservation des espèces, repose plus sur des expériences de terrain que sur des études étayées scientifiquement. Les Chiroptères comptent des espèces candidates pour étudier l'influence de la gestion forestière sur la biodiversité : le jour, elles occupent des gîtes arboricoles et, la nuit, elles exploitent des habitats forestiers pour chasser leurs proies, qui dépendent elles-mêmes de micro-habitats forestiers. Pour aider le gestionnaire à mettre en œuvre une stratégie de gestion conservatoire, nous avons étudié l'utilisation des ressources de la forêt par trois espèces : Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis nattereri et Plecotus auritus. La radio-localisation a permis d'identifier des réseaux d'arbres-gîte dont l'occupation varie selon les espèces, leur statut reproducteur et l'implication dans le comportement de fission-fusion des colonies de parturition. Les différentes utilisations des gîtes impliquent une stratégie de gestion propre à chaque espèce, voire à chaque colonie de reproduction. Procurant a priori de potentiels gîtes et proies, le bois mort debout favorise la richesse spécifique des Chiroptères forestiers à partir de 25 m3 à l'hectare, mais une stratification de la végétation pourrait être un objectif de gestion, la réponse des espèces était essentiellement liée à la structure forestière des trouées induites par le bois mort. Ce travail a ensuite nécessité de s'intéresser aux méthodes permettant de comprendre l'utilisation de l'espace par chaque individu (domaine vital) et la façon dont chacun d'eux fréquente ses terrains de chasse (sélection de l'habitat). Compte tenu des limites technologiques, le Kernel semble actuellement la meilleure méthode de représentation et de calcul de surface du domaine vital alors que la K-select a livré des résultats significatifs pour mettre en évidence des facteurs de sélection d'habitat. Les surfaces des domaines vitaux et des centres d'activité varient selon les espèces, Myotis bechsteinii associe de petites surfaces à un comportement territorial, surtout en période d'allaitement. M. nattereri et Plecotus auritus peuvent exploiter de grands espaces sur lesquels ils se limitent à de petits centres d'activité. Les colonies de ces dernières pourront plus facilement se déplacer dans leur domaine vital au gré des itinéraires de gestion mis en œuvre. Les caractéristiques des habitats forestiers utilisés comme terrains de chasse varient selon les espèces, voire le sexe, l'âge et le statut reproducteur des individus, mais toutes trois montrent une forte sélectivité pour les peuplements forestiers présentant un fort encombrement végétal, des gros arbres et une forte structuration du peuplement. Cinq principes de gestion dans un contexte fort de production de bois sont développés en conclusion des résultats avec deux exemples de stratégies de gestion destinée au maintien des Chiroptères.The forest is the center of many interests that fuel the debates of our society. These debates are particularly exacerbated since the french " Grenelle de l'Environnement " in 2008. Among the various expectations, forest produce wood that is the subject of attentions, both by an increased demand for certain types of trees and by the naturalist world which sees in it one of last refuges for biodiversity in our modified landscapes. Thus, if the forest manager is trying to develop a management that is as much multifunctional as possible, it remains dependent on fragmented knowledge on the link between biodiversity and the forest ecosystem. Despite the establishment of a conservation policy that seeks to balance timber production and species preservation, the way to conduct such a policy is based on concrete field experiences yet scientifically unsubstantiated. Bats are good candidate species to study the response of biodiversity to forest management: they select networks of tree-roosts in which they form breeding colonies composed of several dozen individuals and they exploit forest habitats to hunt their prey, prey which themselves depend on forest microhabitats. However, their study is recent in forest and provides very vague management guidelines. To help managers implement a conservation management strategy, we thus studied the behavior of forest usage by three species of gleaning bats, Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis nattereri and Plecotus auritus. This work required to focus on the methods available to understand the use of space by each individual (home range) and how each individual selects its hunting habitats. We showed that each species had a unique response to available habitats and that the status of individuals (sex, age and reproductive status) intervenes in explaining the selection of tree roosts and hunting grounds. Both compartments are constrained by the availability of suitable habitat, helping to explain the structuring of habitat selection factors and the shape and surface of individual home ranges. Furthermore, the way networks of tree-roost are used partly explains the types of roosts selected. These different results means that it is necessary to lay down specific management strategies for each species, even each breeding colony. Finally, we studied the role of deadwood to explain the presence of bats in forests. We have shown that species richness increased from standing deadwood of 25m3 per hectare, while the response of species to deadwood was mainly restricted to forest habitat structure produced by the gaps resulting from the deadwood patch, favoring particularly edge-foraging species. Some species do however clearly benefit from insects emerging from deadwood. Five recommendations are proposed for the conservation of these species in a context of strong wood production

    Impact of the december 26, 1999 storm on the Rambouillet state forest: The example of Chiroptera

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    La tempête du 26 décembre 1999 a détruit en partie le site d'une étude pilote d'une population de chiroptères en forêt. La comparaison de l'activité des animaux entre 1999 et 2000 montre des différences importantes, sur des territoires de chasse bouleversés. Si la chute des arbres peut expliquer en partie la perte de colonies, la météorologie défavorable pendant la saison 2000 contribue aussi à réduire leur activité. Les couloirs de chablis restent cependant très attractifs

    Utilisation des gîtes et des terrains de chasse par les chiroptères forestiers, propositions de gestion conservatoire

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    The forest is the center of many interests that fuel the debates of our society. These debates are particularly exacerbated since the french " Grenelle de l'Environnement " in 2008. Among the various expectations, forest produce wood that is the subject of attentions, both by an increased demand for certain types of trees and by the naturalist world which sees in it one of last refuges for biodiversity in our modified landscapes. Thus, if the forest manager is trying to develop a management that is as much multifunctional as possible, it remains dependent on fragmented knowledge on the link between biodiversity and the forest ecosystem. Despite the establishment of a conservation policy that seeks to balance timber production and species preservation, the way to conduct such a policy is based on concrete field experiences yet scientifically unsubstantiated. Bats are good candidate species to study the response of biodiversity to forest management: they select networks of tree-roosts in which they form breeding colonies composed of several dozen individuals and they exploit forest habitats to hunt their prey, prey which themselves depend on forest microhabitats. However, their study is recent in forest and provides very vague management guidelines. To help managers implement a conservation management strategy, we thus studied the behavior of forest usage by three species of gleaning bats, Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis nattereri and Plecotus auritus. This work required to focus on the methods available to understand the use of space by each individual (home range) and how each individual selects its hunting habitats. We showed that each species had a unique response to available habitats and that the status of individuals (sex, age and reproductive status) intervenes in explaining the selection of tree roosts and hunting grounds. Both compartments are constrained by the availability of suitable habitat, helping to explain the structuring of habitat selection factors and the shape and surface of individual home ranges. Furthermore, the way networks of tree-roost are used partly explains the types of roosts selected. These different results means that it is necessary to lay down specific management strategies for each species, even each breeding colony. Finally, we studied the role of deadwood to explain the presence of bats in forests. We have shown that species richness increased from standing deadwood of 25m3 per hectare, while the response of species to deadwood was mainly restricted to forest habitat structure produced by the gaps resulting from the deadwood patch, favoring particularly edge-foraging species. Some species do however clearly benefit from insects emerging from deadwood. Five recommendations are proposed for the conservation of these species in a context of strong wood production.Production de bois et autres ressources (gibier, champignons,...), conservation de la biodiversité et gestion des paysages, la forêt a suscité de riches débats depuis quelques années, le Grenelle de l'Environnement ayant révélé des intérêts parfois contradictoires. Si le gestionnaire forestier tente de développer autant que possible une gestion multifonctionnelle de ses forêts, il reste dépendant des connaissances fragmentaires sur les interactions dans les écosystèmes forestiers. La politique actuelle, qui vise à concilier la production de bois et la préservation des espèces, repose plus sur des expériences de terrain que sur des études étayées scientifiquement. Les Chiroptères comptent des espèces candidates pour étudier l'influence de la gestion forestière sur la biodiversité : le jour, elles occupent des gîtes arboricoles et, la nuit, elles exploitent des habitats forestiers pour chasser leurs proies, qui dépendent elles-mêmes de micro-habitats forestiers. Pour aider le gestionnaire à mettre en œuvre une stratégie de gestion conservatoire, nous avons étudié l'utilisation des ressources de la forêt par trois espèces : Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis nattereri et Plecotus auritus. La radio-localisation a permis d'identifier des réseaux d'arbres-gîte dont l'occupation varie selon les espèces, leur statut reproducteur et l'implication dans le comportement de fission-fusion des colonies de parturition. Les différentes utilisations des gîtes impliquent une stratégie de gestion propre à chaque espèce, voire à chaque colonie de reproduction. Procurant a priori de potentiels gîtes et proies, le bois mort debout favorise la richesse spécifique des Chiroptères forestiers à partir de 25 m3 à l'hectare, mais une stratification de la végétation pourrait être un objectif de gestion, la réponse des espèces était essentiellement liée à la structure forestière des trouées induites par le bois mort. Ce travail a ensuite nécessité de s'intéresser aux méthodes permettant de comprendre l'utilisation de l'espace par chaque individu (domaine vital) et la façon dont chacun d'eux fréquente ses terrains de chasse (sélection de l'habitat). Compte tenu des limites technologiques, le Kernel semble actuellement la meilleure méthode de représentation et de calcul de surface du domaine vital alors que la K-select a livré des résultats significatifs pour mettre en évidence des facteurs de sélection d'habitat. Les surfaces des domaines vitaux et des centres d'activité varient selon les espèces, Myotis bechsteinii associe de petites surfaces à un comportement territorial, surtout en période d'allaitement. M. nattereri et Plecotus auritus peuvent exploiter de grands espaces sur lesquels ils se limitent à de petits centres d'activité. Les colonies de ces dernières pourront plus facilement se déplacer dans leur domaine vital au gré des itinéraires de gestion mis en œuvre. Les caractéristiques des habitats forestiers utilisés comme terrains de chasse varient selon les espèces, voire le sexe, l'âge et le statut reproducteur des individus, mais toutes trois montrent une forte sélectivité pour les peuplements forestiers présentant un fort encombrement végétal, des gros arbres et une forte structuration du peuplement. Cinq principes de gestion dans un contexte fort de production de bois sont développés en conclusion des résultats avec deux exemples de stratégies de gestion destinée au maintien des Chiroptères

    Tree selection by roosting bats in a European temperate lowland sub-Atlantic forest

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    International audienceTrees are the main roosts for several European bat species but forestry practices are most often detrimental for them. After checking for the presence or absence of bats in trees, we collected a number of variables to describe trees within a lowland sub-Atlantic oak-dominated forest. We modelled the usage of the trees by bats according to the main characteristics of trees (11 quantitative and 13 qualitative variables) with a logistical regression analysis. Our results show that the number of cavities in the tree is the main variable that induces the occupancy by bats. There is a "typical" lowland tree preferred by bats which is a healthy oak tree of large diameter. We finally provide some guidance for woodland managers to maintain bat roosts, including maintaining some trees of large diameter, protecting small areas of old trees with cavities)

    Evaluer le potentiel des variables de peuplements courantes comme indicateurs d'habitat à partir de données multi-taxonomiques dans les forêts tempérées européennes

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    International audienceTo encourage forest managers to use biodiversity indicators in their work, providing environmental variables that depict species habitats, have well-calibrated and strong relationships with biodiversity and are easy to routinely record would be a step forward. The Index of Biodiversity Potential (IBP) is a rapid habitat assessment method widely used in France. It uses ten variables that indicate potential habitat for forest-dwelling species and is easy for forest managers to implement during their day-to-day activities. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the indicator power of these IBP variables at the stand scale, i.e. their capacity to co-vary with empirical species richness and composition data for nine taxa. The data were obtained from 487 plots set up in 19 forested areas in France. Taxonomic data focused on corticolous lichens, corticolous and saproxylic bryophytes, polypores, saproxylic beetles, ground beetles, hoverflies, birds, bats and vascular plants. For the latter five taxa, we built subgroups of forest-specialist species. The IBP variables were recorded on 1-ha circular plots centered on the sampling point used to record taxonomic data. We explored the relationships between the IBP variables and species composition/richness of nine taxa at the stand scale. Furthermore, we searched for threshold values for all the significant relationships found between species richness and the IBP variables. Variations in the species composition of vascular plants and saproxylic beetles, and to a lesser extent, polypores, bats and lichens, were significantly related to habitat variations (ranked according to the Procrustes significance level). The contribution of the IBP variables to the total inertia of species composition was about 18.7% on average. The IBP variables had a lower number of significant relationships with species richness than with species composition. Unexpectedly, the forest subgroups mainly showed fewer significant relationships with habitat variables than did the full-groups, both for species richness and composition. We highlighted seven significant thresholds in the habitat variables above which species richness was significantly higher. Finally, we recommend that forest managers (i) routinely use a rapid habitat assessment such as the IBP, (ii) orient silvicultural practices to ensure conservation of autochtonous tree species, large logs and different types of aquatic habitats above the thresholds highlighted in this study, and (iii) periodically complete a biodiversity assessment at the forest scale by recording taxonomic data